python数据分析案例作业有偿找人代写 初学者难度要求不高

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提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
在线时间 小时
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
在线时间 小时
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
<form method="post" autocomplete="off" id="fastpostform" action="forum.php?mod=post&action=reply&fid=41&tid=213840&extra=&replysubmit=yes&infloat=yes&handlekey=fastpost"
// TODO Howard 11/3/2015
var sbtn = $('fastpostsubmit');
sbtn.disabled =
sbtn.innerHTML = ' 回复发表中... ';
sbtn.setAttribute('bordercolor',; = '#C7C7C7'; = '#8B8B8B';
var form =
// --product--
var isValid = fastpostvalidate(form, null, 0);
if(!isValid) reoverBtn();
return isV
// --product--
// --testing--
//setTimeout(function() {
// var isValid = fastpostvalidate(form, null, 0);
// if(!isValid) reoverBtn();
//}, 2000);
// --testing--
■匿名发帖的板块和方法: 回帖并转播
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This project consists of simulating the movements of office workers in an office building. Each worker implements Runnable and will be managed by a single thread. Throughout the day, the worker must attend several meetings that occur on different floors of the building. To travel to different floors, the worker must take an elevator. Every time a worker boards, or exits an elevator, a message must be generated and sent to the Logger class. A message must also be generated whenever an Elevator changes direction. This Logger is what we will be using to check the output of your program so it is important that it is correct. Due to the nature of concurrency, the exact order that output is added to the logger is not important. What is important is that output is added in a possible order. How efficient your elevators is not really that important, but you should make sure that each worker is able to visit all of their meetings that day.
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The purposes of this assignment are to become familiar with the use of pointers to access data in an array.
The general idea of this program is
to use various commands to analyze the content of HTML files. All of the commands are related to HTML tags that have a src attribute.
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Create a React application that inputs student data, lists entered student data, renders information about entered student data, and graphs a count of the grades in each grade bucket. Your grade is based on the number of implemented features.
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This assignment gives you an opportunity to work on graph problems by implementing
an iterative depth- rst search (DFS) algorithm for checking if a given directed graph
is acyclic and by implementing an algorithm for
nding a longest path (maxPath)
in an acyclic graph. If the graph is acyclic, then the DFS algorithm returns a list
of all vertices in a topological order. Otherwise, it returns null. The iterative DFS
algorithm can process a large graph without stack memory over ow, because it is more
ecient in space than a recursive DFS algorithm. The maxPath algorithm produces
a stack of all vertices in a longest path (in an acyclic graph) along the distance of the
path, with the stack top being the
rst vertex in the path.
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Implement a Table-Driven Scanner for calculator language in Scala.
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这个project简单来说是要实现一个命令行的RPG Game,用户可以在游戏开始的时候选择角色种族,不同的种族拥有不用的功血防、技能,同时在地图探索中会遇到不同属性的怪物和boss,以及不同属性的药水,击杀怪物和boss会获得金币。怪物也会自动攻击玩家,玩家死亡之后可以选择重新开始或退出游戏。
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Exercise 1
The following set of short questions will focus on getting you familiar with how to write PHP functions as well as how to make use of the pre-existing PHP functions. All functions and testing should appear in a single .php page.
All your PHP functions must be declared in the document body section and each functions name must be as specified below. To demonstrate the functionality of each method, you must make function calls in the document body. Include a heading (h1 … h6) that indicates which function is being tested before each function demonstration. The use of Global Variables is forbidden!
A. Function: factorial
Parameter(s): Number
Given the number, find its factorial and return it. If the parameter is not a number, return false.
B. Function: mostFrequent
Parameter(s): String Array
Outputs the string (element) that appears the most frequently within the array. Strings should be case insensitive.
C. Function: uppercaseFirst
Parameter(s): String
For each word in the string, capitalize (uppercase) the first letter and return the modified string.
D. Function: splitSort
Parameter(s): String
Given the string, place each word into an array index and sort it alphabetically before returning the filled array. Duplicated words, if any, are kept.
E. Function: dayAfterTomorrow
Parameter(s): None
Return the date after tomorrow in the following format: DD/MM/YYYY
F. Function: findUnique
Parameter(s): Array
Scan the entire array and print out the array excluding any duplicate elements. Example: Array a = 1,3,2,1 would output 1,3,2.
G. Function: formatHash
Parameter(s): Associative Array
Given an associative array using full-names as keys and annua in a table format, print out the name and corresponding salary of each individual in increasing order (from lowest salary to the highest).
Exercise 2
Given the following URI (Uniform Resource Identifier):
Answer the following short questions:
1- What is a query string and what purpose does it serve in server-side programming?
2- Is a query string characteristic of a GET or POST request method?
3- Which part of the URL is considered the query string?
4- How many different data parameters are being passed?
Create a single .php page (name it index.php) that, when passed the above query string as part of
the URL processes the data using PHP and outputs it onto the screen in a nicely formatted table
that resembles (CSS should be used in order to add some style):
Display Name data from query String
Display Age data from query String
Phone Number
Display E-Mail data from query String
The text in italics must be replaced with the appropriate values retrieved from the URI query
string. If the query string is omitted from the URI, the above table should be replaced with the
message: “No query string data found”.
Exercise 3
Create a new .php page (name it track.php) that uses cookies to track the number of times the
page has been viewed. If the visitor is looking at the page for the first time, it should display the
following message: Welcome! You are new here. If the page has been visited more than once,
display: Hello, this is your ## time here (where ## is the number of visits count). Furthermore, if
a page has been visited more than once, also display the date and time that the page was last
visited on.
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A 统计计算器
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要求就是基于NodeJS+Express, MongoDB, Angular JS 做一个web app 部署到Heroku 上.
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