
调查:父母迷恋手机破坏家庭生活_双语时讯 - 爱思英语
发布于: 18:05:33
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An overuse of mobile phones by parents disrupts family life, according to a survey of secondary pupils.
More than a third of 2,000 11 to 18-year-olds who responded to a poll said they had asked their parents to stop checking their devices.
And 14% said their parents were online at meal times, although 95% of 3,000 parents, polled separately, denied it.
The research was carried out by Digital Awareness UK and the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.
82% felt meal times should be device-free
22% said the use of mobiles stopped their families enjoying each other's company
36% had asked their parents to put down their phones
Of pupils who had asked their parents to put down their phones, 46% said their parents took no notice while 44% felt upset and ignored.
Despite this, only a minority of parents (10%) believed their mobile use was a concern for their children - although almost half (43%) felt they spent too much of their own time online.
37% said they were online between three and five hours a day at weekends.
5% said it could be up to 15 hours a day over a weekend.
Research last year by DAUK and HMC showed almost half of secondary pupils were checking their mobile phones after they had gone to bed, amid warnings that they were arriving at school tired and unable to concentrate.
According to the new research, almost three-quarters of pupils (72%) said they were online between three and 10 hours a day - but for 11% this could rise to 15 hours at weekends and holidays and 3% said it could reach 20 hours.
And children's greatest worry about their own online use was lack of sleep, with 47% highlighting it as a major concern.
But among parents, only 10% worried about children's time online leading to sleep deprivation.
Emma Robertson, co-founder of DAUK, said too few parents knew how long their children were online, particularly at night, &or what they are actually doing online&.
&We hope these findings will be a wake-up call for families and motivate them to have serious conversations about the safe and healthy use of technology,& she said.
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英语学习推荐双语学习:如何让别人在4秒内喜欢上你双语学习:如何让别人在4秒内喜欢上你轻敲互动翻译平台百家号The first impression is to decide whether to continue the premise of & contacts, so how to let others like you in a few seconds is particularly & important.第一印象是决定是否能够继续交往的前提,所以如何让别人在几秒内就喜欢上你变得尤为重要。we&checked&out&&How&to&Make&People&Like&You&in&90&Seconds&orLess&&by&speaker&and&author&Nicholas&Boothman,for ingratiating&yourself&with&your&conversation&partner&while&greeting&them.我们查阅了演讲家和作家尼古拉斯·布斯曼的《90秒内赢得好感》。总结出可以令你在和交谈对象打招呼时,赢得对方的好感Step&1:&Be&open第1步:开放Boothman&says&you'll&want&to&open&both&your&body&and&your&attitude.布斯曼说,你需要放开自己的身体和态度。In&terms&of&your&body&language,&Boothman&says&you&should&aim&your&heart&directly&at&theperson&you're&meeting.&Don't&cover&your&heart&with&your&hands&or&your&arms.&And&if&you'rewearing&a&jacket,&unbutton&it&beforehand.在肢体语言方面,你的身体需要正对着你在交谈的人。不要用手或胳膊捂着胸口。如果你穿了夹克,可以提前解开扣子。It's&equally&important&to&cultivate&a&positive&attitude.&While&you're&greeting&the&person,Boothman&says&you&should&feel&and&be&aware&of&that&positivity.培养一种积极的态度也同样重要。当你在和对方打招呼的时候,布斯曼表示,你需要感受并意识到那种积极性。Step&2:&Make&eye&contact第2步:眼神交流Boothman&says&you&should&be&the&one&to&initiate&eye&contact,&and&let&your&eyes&reflect&yourpositive&attitude.布斯曼表示,你应该主动与对方进行眼神交流,并用眼神体现你的积极态度。If&you&feel&uncomfortable&making&eye&contact,&he&suggests&a&strategy&for&getting&used&to&it:When&you're&watching&TV,&note&the&eye&color&of&the&people&on&camera&and&say&the&name&of&thecolor&in&your&head.&The&next&day,&do&the&same&thing&with&every&person&you&meet.如果你在和他人进行眼神交流时感觉不自在,他建议你采用一种策略来习惯眼神交流:当你在看电视的时候,注意镜头中人的瞳孔颜色,并在心中默念这一颜色。第二天遇到所有人时都这么做。Just&make&sure&to&look&away&at&some&point&—&as&Carol&Kinsey&Goman&writes&on&Forbes,&toomuch&eye&contact&can&feel&rude&or&intimidating&for&the&other&person.不过眼神交流的持续时间不宜过长--正如卡罗尔·金赛·高曼在《福布斯》杂志上所写的那样,过多的眼神交流会令对方觉得粗鲁或不安。Step&3:&Smile第3步:微笑Boothman&advises&being&the&first&one&to&smile.&You'll&send&the&message&that&you're&sincere.布斯曼建议我们要做先微笑的那一个。这样可以让对方感受到你的真诚。Research&also&suggests&that&smiling&when&you&meet&someone&in&a&happy&context&is&a&usefulway&to&get&them&to&remember&you.研究同样表明,在愉快的氛围中,向你的交谈对象微笑,也是让他们记住你的有效方法。Step&4:&Say&'hello'第4步:说“你好”Whether&you&say&&hi,& &hey,&&or&&hello,&&or&use&another&salutation,&you&should&sound&delightedto&be&making&this&person's&acquaintance.无论你是说“嗨”,“嘿”或者是“你好”,还是使用另外一种问候语,你都应该让人听起来你很开心认识他。Next,&you'll&want&to&extend&your&hand.&Make&sure&to&give&a&firm&handshake,&which&generallycreates&a&more&positive&impression.“而后,你要伸出手来。确保握手坚定而有力,这通常会留下一个更为积极的印象。”Step&5:&Lean&in第5步:身体前倾There's&no&need&to&fall&over&into&the&person&you're&meeting.不过,没有必要拜倒在对方面前。Boothman&suggests&an&&almost&imperceptible&forward&tilt&&to&show&that&you're&open&to&andinterested&in&what&the&person&has&to&say.布斯曼建议,身体“稍微向前倾”,以表示你敞开心扉,并且对对方要说的话感兴趣。&本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。轻敲互动翻译平台百家号最近更新:简介:轻敲一下
想你所得作者最新文章相关文章如何摆脱对手机屏幕的狂热迷恋?We Have Reached Peak Screen.Now Revolution Is in the Air.
Smartphones were once the best thing to happen to the tech industry — and for a while, it seemed, to all of us, too. In the 11 years since the iPhone made its debut, smartphones have subsumedjust about every other gadget and altered every business, from news to retail to taxis to television, ultimately reordering everything about how we understand media, politics and reality itself.
But now that smartphones have achieved dominance, revolution is again in the air.
Global smartphone sales are plateauing for a very obvious reason: Pretty much anyone who can afford one already has one, and increasingly there are questions about whether we are using our phones too much and too mindlessly. At Google’s and Apple’s recent developer conferences, executives took the stage to show how much more irresistible they were making our phones. Then each company unveiled something else: Software to help you use your phone a lot less.
There’s a reason tech companies are feeling this tension between making phones better and worrying they are already too addictive. We’ve hit what I call Peak Screen.
For much of the last decade, a technology industry ruled by smartphones has pursued a singular goal of completely conquering our eyes. It has given us phones with ever-bigger screens and phones with unbelievable cameras, not to mention virtual reality goggles and several attempts at camera-glasses.
Tech has now captured pretty much all visual capacity. Americans spend three to four hours a day looking at their phones, and about 11 hours a day looking at screens of any kind.
So tech giants are building the beginning of something new: a less insistently visual tech world, a digital landscape that relies on voice assistants, headphones, watches and other wearables to take some pressure off our eyes.
we may simply add these new devices to our screen-addled lives. But depending on how these technologies develop, a digital ecosystem that demands less of our eyes could be better for everyone — less immersive, less addictive, more conducive to multitasking, less socially awkward, and perhaps evena salve for our politics and social relations.
Who will bring us this future? Amazon and Google are clearly big players, but don’t discount the company that got us to Peak Screen in the first place. With advances to the Apple Watch and AirPods headphones, Apple is slowly and almost quietly creating an alternative to its phones.
If it works, it could change everything again. As I argue below, there are many ways that screens have become too dominant in our lives. The sooner we find something else, the better.
Screens are insatiable. At a cognitive level, they are voracious vampires for your attention, and as soon as you look at one, you are basically toast.
There are studies that bear this out. One, by a team led by Adrian Ward, a marketing professor at the University of Texas’ business school, found that the mere presence of a smartphone within glancing distance can significantly reduce your cognitive capacity. Your phone is so irresistible that when you can see it, you cannot help but spend a lot of otherwise valuable mental energy trying to not look at it.
有些研究证明了这一点。德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)商学院的营销学教授阿德里安·沃德(Adrian Ward)领导的一个团队发现,哪怕只是视野范围内有一部智能手机,就会显著降低你的认知能力。你的手机具有难以抵抗的魅力,你一看到它,就要花费大量宝贵的精力努力不去看它。
When you do give in, you lose your mind.
There are two ways we may break our fevered addiction to screens.
First, we will need to try to use our phones more mindfully, which requires a combination of willpower and technology.
Help is on the way. For the last week, I’ve been using Screen Time, one of the new features in Apple’s next version of its mobile operating system. The software gives you valuable information about how much you are using your phone, and it can even block you from using apps that you deem unhealthy. I found Screen Time very well designed, and I suspect it will profoundly change how we use our phones.
援兵马上就到了。上周,我一直在使用屏幕时间(Screen Time),它是苹果的下一代移动操作系统的一个新功能。这个软件可以提供有关手机使用情况的宝贵信息,甚至可以阻止你使用那些你认为不健康的应用程序。我发现屏幕时间设计得很好,我觉得它会深刻改变我们使用手机的方式。
But in addition to helping us resist phones, the tech industry will need to come up with other, less immersive ways to interact with digital world. Three technologies may help with this: voice assistants, of which Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant are the best, and Apple’s two innovations, AirPods and the Apple Watch.
但是,除了帮助我们抵制手机之外,科技行业还需要想出其他不那么容易让我们沉迷其中的与数字世界互动的方式。有三种技术也许可以帮助实现这个目标:语音助手——亚马逊的Alexa和谷歌助手是其中最好的——以及苹果的两个创新产品:AirPods和Apple Watch。
All of these technologies share a common idea. Without big screens, they are far less immersive than a phone, allowing for quick digital hits: You can buy a movie ticket, add a task to a to-do list, glance at a text message or ask about the weather without going anywhere near your Irresistible Screen of Splendors.
These are all works in progress. Voice assistants still cannot do everything for you, though Google and Amazon have thousands of engineers working to improve them. AirPods are fantastic — they have fewer connection issues than any other wireless headphones — and after years of refinement, the Apple Watch shows you just enough stuff from your phone to make it useful without becoming overbearing.
这些技术都还在完善中。语音助手还不能为你做所有的事,尽管谷歌和亚马逊安排了成千上万名工程师努力改进它们。AirPods很棒——它的连接问题比其他任何无线耳机都少——经过多年改进,Apple Watch能向你展示足够多来自手机的内容,它变得有用却又不会主导你的生活。
If Apple could only improve Siri, its own voice assistant, the Watch and AirPods could combine to make something new: a mobile computer that is not tied to a huge screen, that lets you get stuff done on the go without the danger of being sucked in. Imagine if, instead of tapping endlessly on apps, you could just tell your AirPods, “Make me dinner reservations at 7” or “Check with my wife’s calendar to see when we can have a date night this week.”
Apple declined to comment on its plans. There are enough reports, though, that suggest Apple is not blind to such a future. It has plans for improving AirPods, according to Bloomberg, and I’ve been impressed by how steadily the company keeps adding features to the Watch — including the ability, in its latest model, to use it away from your phone.
Apple has never been scared of disrupting its own best inventions. By rethinking screens, it may have a chance to do that once more.
I'm beginning to like being taken care of.
So I started to enjoy consciously putting those two influences together, I realized it's something that mirrors my life.
I began to like English.
Slowly, the place began to grow on me.
I have been loving this kind of life!
I began making better food for my family, I started to exercise again – walking, swimming, running. I even started taking the time to enjoy quiet in the mornings again.
It’s who I am, and when I’m not feeling apologetic about it, I like it.
I came to like sushi. I've started to like sushi.
I’m becoming rather fond of this blogging thing. I’ve met some cool people online and some of these people actually said my cartoons are nice!
Thanks to him I began to love my career.
Fifth grade that year, I began to like a computer.
I began to like it.
I began to like this lesson and also made a good score in the final exam.
With the help of my teachers and classmates, I begin to like study English, and have made a little progress now. I believe I can learn English well in the near future.
I began to like New York, the racy , adventurous feel of it at night, and the satisfaction that the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye.
I thought I started to like him.
I've started to like noodle.
I've started to like sushi.
Then I began to like doing it.
That's where I started to get interested in blues and harmonica music in general.
After letting go of my prejudices , I began to like my job.
Now, I have make some transforms, I begin to do something that I like to do .
I first got into rock 'n' roll when I was at college.
Having talked to him for a while I started to like him.
I've come to like noodle.
Oh, I begin to love him now.
But when I see other students put on it, they look so cool, so I start to like to wear my uniform.
But when I see other students put on it, they look so cool, so I start to like to wear my uniform.
- 来自原声例句


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