
---&|&-----------------------------------------------sorted by: newThank you. That makes me happy. Be blessed
I don't get your question? Why couldn't he take billions of years and put a cell in a swamp to kick it off? Really? Is that what you mean? &And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostril and man became a living being.& And also Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.& So God's likeness and image are a fish,
then a reptile that miraculously grows legs and lungs and goes land bound, then somehow turns into a mammal or ape and on and on the story goes? Really? You believe this? No thank you. God creates from nothing with words.
I agree. Does your place have the RAPID system? It just came on board about 6 months ago for is. All post processing is automatic. The neurorad gets maps by email and they go straight to PACS once the scan is complete. Great system. No further processing for us.
Great name by the way
Yes. Outside of holy matrimony/lifelong commitment before God it is called fornication and it is sin. If you are deceived into believing God won't punish that sin it will be your doom. Don't listen to the world. Go to His Word and study fornication. Go to conservative commentaries like Matthew Henry or Gill. Learn the truth. God bless
Ok. But the theory we came from a swamp billions of years ago. No thank you. My God speaks and it is. End of story. It's called super natural. Science can't test it. It requires faith. I believe.
The only sad thing is we are all so broken and the world is so full of sin and we are so full of self,
its so hard to make a godly marriage last the way God intends. It's very sad indeed. God bless you
Ok. God speaks and it is. Final. He will never need billions of years. He speaks. Man comes out of the dirt. That's it. He speaks.
Anything and Everything is there. At least that's how my God does things
When you go before a pastor that is full of the Holy Spirit and in the presence of believers and vow publicly before God who is holy. We don't do this ourselves. God has appointed holy men for these reasons. We all know pastors marry us. In this way also the pastor brings two people vowing before God, in a holy manner,
and a holy place, to sacrifice their selves to the other till death. This world has completely forsook this reality for, as I said in other post, their way. Now a days it is me, my and mine that is god. What I say God always approves. The sad thing is almost EVERYONE these days believe that lie
You must be married. Read Corinthians and many other places.
God demands life long commitment and faithfulness. Sex is not for your play. It's for love of your wife or husband and commitment to death. You don't get to decide how to do it. You are the created. He is the Creator. Just being monogomous means nothing. You must find one person you will commit to till death in HOLY matrimony. Your relationship is not holy it's sinful and you are so blind you don't even see you are living in sin.
You just have the same sickness as the entire world. Your self is your god. Please repent
You're a Christian and believe we were apes? So your god isn't capable of speaking things into existence I guess. He (or if you believe in evolution I better be pc) she, needs a long process of billions of years? My God speaks and it is. I'll take mine thank you
I just realized he said 8! That's brutal. Must have to do a lot of incident reports at that place. Extravasation capital. Poor patients getting those 14G IVs. Probably need general sedation just to get those water hoses in.
It's Truth brother. The flesh is the enemy. It must die. God bless
So repent brother as Corinthians teaches. It is better to marry than to burn in passion.
We are either allowing Christ to be Lord our we are lord. Let Christ rule. If you can't be married, you must be celebate. God does not allow us to ACCEPT sin. Fight the good fight. If you are weak, He will strengthen you. If you fall, get up.
Never ACCEPT sin. We are to surrender to Christ daily and die to our flesh. As we continue we will see sin die more and more. It really works. We will never be perfect, but sin won't be habitual or accepted. It will be our mortal enemy and by obedience Christ will destroy it's power in our lives. It's amazing and beautiful and blessed as we see it happening to us. 37 years for me on this journey and so thankful for how sin has been crushed in so many ways right before my eyes. When you see people crying happy tears at church it's because they know like me how far Christ has removed the sin that was destroying us before in our lives. You can do it. Repent brother. The flesh is the enemy of God. Let Christ kill it. No marriage, no sex. That's Truth
Do you understand what God requires for ALL sexual relationships. By physical do you mean you have sex? If so you are living in fornication. Read 1 Corinthians 7. You are far away from Truth. I just prayed for God to have mercy on you because you are confused and don't even see you are living in sin. You need to seek a Bible believing pastor to teach you your error on this
No. It is the same every time. He does not always want the perfusion. That he does determine at the time. Our perfusion studies go to an online processing called RAPID. This does the maps, sends them directly to neurorad immediately post perfusion. We are done then. On to the next
18g iv, 40ml isovue 370 @ 5ml sec. Scan delay 3 seconds. Scan area preset to cover from sella turcica to top of ventricles. 23 passes. Post perfusion data sets automatically send to nuerorad. Sequence of stroke protocol is brain w/o, cta brain/carotid, perfusion.
I would hope 25 is minimum especially in a big hospital. The volume of work is horrendous and 19 is very low for that amount of work. Radiology is a very busy modality. Make sure you only work in full DR department. No CR. Definitely no film. Good luck
Wow! California 40 to 50hr in many hospitals. Smaller ones 25 to 35hr. Cost of living I guess. You are talking ARRT certified correct?
No those feminists don't know what they want. They're all insane
Those two white dudes next to them in the wrong place.
That's stupid disgusting
She's next
My friend just the fact that you are feeling this way and hating the wrong you see in yourself is 100% proof the Holy Spirit is within you. Now, don't get depressed about this. Thank God for it and just know this process is amazing as it continues because as you keep going you will one day see how far you are from sin.
Never condemn yourself. You are in Christ. You are never going to be guilty again. This is the miracle of grace. Christ has removed your sin forever. Don't ever sin habitually though. The ones in danger of eternal damnation are those who live habitually in sin without any guilt or conviction. Especially those who are proud of sin such as gay pride. We must never be proud of anything God has declared sin. I have walked with God 38 years. Those same feelings were in me for a long time. I had to choose to either go backwards or surrender to the Spirit. I chose the Spirit. He has led me to the most blessed life I could ever have asked for. Don't give up. You won't regret where He leads especially in the very end - to the presence of God in heaven
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