
What are the differences between ‘take part in, join, participate, attend’? Thanks, Peter.
Take part in、join in、participate 和 attend 都有“参与,参加”的意思。Take part in 和 participate 带有主动积极参与活动的意思,只是 participate 略为正式一些。Join in 的应用常涉及游戏,娱乐活动,attend 除了有“参加、参与”的含义外,还有“出席”的意思,它也是一个正式用语。这几个近义词的区别究竟在哪里?它们是否能够相互替换。我们在节目中通过例句为大家详细讲解。
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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学节目《你问我答》,我是 Helen。这是一档帮助大家解答在英语学习中碰到的问题的节目。今天我们的问题来自网友 Peter。
What are the differences between ‘take part in, join in, participate, attend’? Thanks
谢谢 Peter 的提问。他所提到的 take part in、join in、participate 和 attend,它们都有“参与,参加”的意思,对于学习英语的人们来说如果仅从中文翻译的字面上去区分它们的确是一件很不容易的事情。所以我们要还原回到英文语境中。
首先,让我们来看一下 take part in,它的意思是“参与,参加某个活动或者某件事情”,多数情况下是 take part in something,这是一个比较常用的表达,可以在口语中也可以在稍微正式一点的场合中使用。比如,参加比赛是 take part in the competition,参加会议 take part in the conference 等等。注意:take part in 一般指当事人主动参与,有积极性 actively involved in the event,并不仅仅是客观存在。请听例句。
We are taking part in a 10k charity run this Sunday to raise money for the school.
The teacher encourages all children to take part in the school dance competition.
我们再来看看 participate。可以说 participate 和 take part 的意思是一样的,只是更正式、更礼貌一些。许多广告和活动宣传单上都会用到 participate 来鼓励人们参加活动赢得奖励。请注意 participate 后面也需要跟介词 in。请听以下例句。
Participate in the competition to win a dream holiday to Hawaii.
We asked all of our clients to participate in the survey.
All students are expected to participate in the annual sports day.
正如我们上面提到的“participate in”,是一个比较正式和书面的表达方式,所以在以上几个例句中我们都可以用 take part in 来替代 participate in,意思是一样,只是更口语化一些。
现在我们再来看一下 join in。和 take part in 一样,一般我们都会说 join in something,意思是参加什么活动,或者是加入到什么活动中。多数情况下是指参加游戏、娱乐、竞赛等等。 这里要注意的是当我们说 join in something 时,这些活动都已经开始了,正在进行中。所以,时间点是区分 join in 和 take part in 的重要因素。请听以下例句。
They are playing football, do you want to join in?
他们在踢球呢, 你想去和他们一起踢吗?
At the end of the song, we would like everyone to join in.
我们经常还会听到人们在鼓励他人参与、尝试一项活动时用到 join in。
This is so much fun, you should join in.
This is an all-day event, join in whenever you like.
最后我们来看看 attend 这个动词,它有好几个意思,其中最常用的是“参加,出席,到场”。Attend 也是一个正式用语,常出现在形容参加正式活动。比如,参加婚礼,参加葬礼,参加签约仪式,等等。请注意 attend 多数情况下是指出席了活动,但并不意味着参加者在活动中表现积极或者主观投入到了活动中。
All students are expected to participate in the annual sports day.
如果我们在这里把 participate 换成 attend。
All students are expected to attend the annual sports day.
让我们再来听几个含有 attend 的例句。
Four hundred guests attended the graduation ceremony.
The opening show was attended by over a thousand people.
Jake attended the court hearing last week.
Jake 上周出席了法院听审。
Attend 的另一个常用含义是指“经常去,或定期去某一个活动或地方”。而其它几个词汇都没有这个意思。请听例句。
Which school do your children attend?
I regularly attend the gardening workshop at my local college.
However, 为了帮助大家加深对这几个词的理解,现在让我们一起来做一个情景设计:&John 参加了一个马拉松赛,这个马拉松有200名运动员参加。John 的妻子 Sarah 到场支持,他们的邻居也都来了。体育大臣和很多嘉宾都出席了傍晚的酒会。
John took part (or John participated) in a marathon. John 参加了一个马拉松赛。
Two hundred athletes took part in the challenge. 有200名运动员参与了这个挑战。
John’s wife Sarah was there to lend her support, their neighbours decided to join in as well.&John 的妻子 Sarah 到场以示支持,他们的邻居也一起加入了支持的队伍。
The Sports Minister and many VIPs attended the evening reception. 体育大臣和许多贵宾都出席了傍晚的酒会。
好了,现在是总结时间:take part in、join in、participate 和 attend 都有“参与,参加”的意思。Take part in 和 participate 一般带有主动参与活动的意思,participate 属于正式的表达;join in 的应用常涉及游戏、娱乐活动,而且活动已经在进行中,尤其是用于鼓励他人加入到已经进行的活动中;attend 是指“出席,到场”,即“客观在这里”,同时它也是一个正式用语。
感谢 Peter 的提问!如果你在英语学习中有任何问题,请联系我们,我们的邮箱是 。 我是 Helen,下次节目再见!
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阅读排行榜Many VIPs, including the president himself, will attend the next week.——精英家教网——
Many VIPs, including the president himself, will attend the next week. 【】
阅读理解。&&&& Today is Sunday, so Peter doesn't go out. He asks his parents about the traditional Chinese clothes. Mother tells him that Qipao is the traditional dress for women in China. It is usually made of colourful silk and sometimes made of cotton. Many women in the West like it very much too. Father can rememberthat all the VIPs wore Tang suit (唐装) at APEC in Shanghai. They all looked smart in the traditional Chinese clothes. Many young people find it cool to wear the clothes in their own styles. Peter's cousin says the modern clothes are better. Finally, they think the fashion should be comfortable first. 1. Where does Peter talk with his parents?
[&&&& ]A. At home. B. At school. C. At APEC in Shanghai. D. At a fashion show. 2. Qipao is usually made of ______.
[&&&& ]A. cotton B. leather C. silk D. paper 3. The VIPs at APEC in Shanghai wore clothes in ______.
[&&&& ]A. modern style B. Tang style C. the style from the 1980s D. their own styles 4. Peter's ______ is at his home too.
[&&&& ]A. sister B. brother C. grandfather D. cousin 5. They think the clothes should be ______ first.
[&&&& ]A. beautifulB. cheapC. comfortable D. expensive
Mom bought ____ oranges for me, but I’d like to drink some ________. A. oranges&&&&&&&&&& B. orange&&&&&&&&&& C. orange
There are ________ animals in the zoo.A.two kindsB.two kindC.two kind ofD.many kinds of
Dear Mom and Dad,I will go to Alice’s home with her after school, and I will have supper and sleep there. Don’t &&&21&&&about me. You know that Alice is one of my &&&22&&friends. If you want to talk with me, you can &&&23&&& after 6:00 pm.Please forgive me for not telling you first. I don’t think you will &&&24&me to do so if I tell you first. &&25&&I think teenagers should be allowed to stay at their friends’ houses sometimes. I am sixteen years old and I’m not a little kid &&&26&. I hope I can make decisions for &&&27&&.At home, there are too many &&28&&for me to obey: Don’t stay out so &&&29&&; don’t have meals before &&&30&&& don’t watch TV without finishing homework, etc. Parents should be &&&31&&&teenagers, but we need freedom, too.I don’t like doing my homework &&&32&&&at home. I’d love to study &&&33&&&Alice. We can learn a lot from each other. &&&34&&&please allow me to stay at Alice’s house once a week. If you &&&35&&, Alice can stay at our house with me, too. Yours,Lillian【小题1】A.careB.hearC.talkD.worry【小题2】A.badB.bestC.wellD.worst【小题3】A.lookB.callC.write【小题4】A.letB.takeC.allow D.teach【小题5】A.UnlessB.OrC.ButD.Even though【小题6】 longer【小题7】A.himselfB.herselfC.yourselfD.myself【小题8】A.ideaB.opinionC.thingsD.rules【小题9】A.lateB.earlyC.hardlyD.exactly【小题10】A.givingB.washingC.puttingD.holding【小题11】A.afraid ofB.interested inC.strict withD.angry with【小题12】A.alongB.aloneC.lonelyD.own【小题13】A.withB.onC.forD.from【小题14】A.OrB.AlthoughC.SoD.Because【小题15】A.worryB.thinkC.agreeD.make
根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。【小题1】When the doctor came, the victim has already stopped _______ (呼吸).【小题2】_______& (立即), the enemy disappeared on the early foggy morning.【小题3】It’s not surprising to see so many _______ (推销员) in such a big electrical shop in China.【小题4】As we know, air _______ (污染) might cause many serious diseases.


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