when the going gets toughgoing, the toughgoing get going的两层意思?

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(April 2017) ()
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going" is a popular .
The phrase is a play on words involving idiomatic (Proverb) and distinct meanings of "go" and "tough." In context, "the " means "the situation," "gets tough" means "becomes difficult," "the tough" means "people who are strong or enduring," and "get going" means "become fully engaged." Taken together, the meaning of the phrase is "When the situation becomes difficult, the strong will become engaged."
The phrase is an example of .
Another interpretation could mean, "Those who act tough and proud will vacate a situation when it becomes difficult lest they be proven not as tough as they appear to be."
The origin of the phrase has been attributed both to
(),[] father of U.S. President , and sometimes to Norwegian-born American football player and coach
(). Currently it is used as a management motivational talk and is popular in many self-help books.
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When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Get Going
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when the goings gets tough,the tough get going后面那半句为什么不是 the tough gets going
那么很显然,the tough指的是能吃苦耐劳的人,the tough后面省略了主语people
因为the tough是不可数
扫描下载二维码When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going. ~ Billy Ocean
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When I was growing up in the 1980's I remember one particular song that captured my attention. It was a big top forty hit by Billy Ocean called, When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going. It wasn't the beat of the song that attracted me. It was the song title and the sentiment it championed deep inside of me.
Sooner or later the going gets tough for each and every one of us. It could be troubles at work, a financial crisis or a relationship issue. Some obstacles are quite manageable while others prove to be incredibly challenging. Sometimes these situations are within our control and other times they are not. Regardless, the people who understand how to manage their responses when the going gets tough are the ones who ultimately adapt and thrive.
It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change. ~ Charles Darwin
Let me share a few ways the tough get themselves going that could make a difference as you navigate through the inevitable ups and downs along the way:
Failure is an integral part of the learning process. It is a part of life. If you welcome change in a positive manner, any setback you experience has the potential to become a moment of growth and learning.
All things shall pass. Your tough moment is only temporary and will come to an end. Remain strong, believe in yourself and the crisis will pass.
Surround yourself in positive energy. Avoid people and things that destabilize you with negative thoughts. Feed your mind, body and soul constructively and not destructively. For me personally that means spending quality time with family and friends, practicing yoga and working with my favorite educational non-profit.
Focus on your long term goals. Lear don't allow yourself to be discouraged. Move beyond the setbacks and thrust forward. Fine tune your strategies and employ them diligently.
Celebrate small victories along the way. Take pleasure in the journey as much as the destination. In the words of another famous songwriter:
It's got to be the going not the getting there that's good. ~ Harry Chapin
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