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【图片】【资源帖】[加菲猫和他的朋友们][TV SE1-SE7][480P][AVI][26.9G]_加菲猫吧_百度贴吧
【资源帖】[加菲猫和他的朋友们][TV SE1-SE7][480P][AVI][26.9G]
加菲猫于1982年首次以电视动画出现在美国的电视台。直至1990年代初,共有至少12出加菲猫电视特别版。在1988年至1994年间,更曾推出一套加菲猫电视系列 《Garfield And Friends》,作品中还安排了原创动画“U.S.Acres”。  2008年间于法国上映加菲猫3D版系列动画片(The Garfield Show),后期在2009年5月于美国Cartoon Network频道播出  隔年亦于Cartoon Network台湾区频道播出,以混搭台湾地理文化、台语配音为卖点(如节目内包括加菲猫等角色会说台语、乔恩发现屋内脏乱不堪时曾以从前新北市的福德坑垃圾山拟比情况) 香港无线电视亦曾以《大食懒加菲猫》为标题播出该节目。  现时各地均有此系列的DVD发行。
系列目录  1.Here Comes Garfield · October 25, 1982  2.Garfield on the Town · October 28, 1983  3.Garfield in the Rough · October 26, 1984  4. Garfield's Halloween Adventure · October 30, 1985  5.Garfield in Paradise · May 27, 1986  6.Garfield Goes Hollywood· May 8, 1987  7.A Garfield Christmas · December 21, 1987  8.Happy Birthday, Garfield · May 17, 1988  9.Garfield: His 9 Lives ·  10.Garfield and Friends (Episodes) · 。121集  11.Garfield's Babes and Bullets · May 23, 1989  12.Garfield's Thanksgiving · November 22, 1989  13.Garfield's Feline Fantasies ·  14.Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue · April 21, 1990  15.Garfield Gets a Life ·  16.The Garfield Show 22th December 2008  注:The Garfield Show (日)是电视动画系列,日起在法国播出,英文版本于日在英国播出,是基于加菲猫漫画改编的3D动画。美国定了11集。]《加菲猫和他的朋友们》全7季 总121集b]目录 Season 1(13)——  Season 2(26)——  Season 3(18)——  Season 4(16)——  Season 5(16)——  Season 6(16) ——  Season 7(16)——  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x01 - Peace & Quiet - Wanted Wade - Garfield Goes Hawaiian [ReApEr]  和平和安宁/通辑韦德/夏威夷病  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x02 - Box O Fun - Unidentified Flying Orson - School Daze [ReApEr]  欢乐盒/不明飞行物-UFO/学校恶梦  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x03 - Nighty Nightmare - Banana Nose - Ode To Odie [ReApEr]  九十个恶梦/香蕉鼻子/欧迪的故事  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x04 - Fraidy Cat - Shell Shocked Sheldon - Nothing To Sneeze At [ReApEr]  恐惧的猫/破了壳的谢尔顿/打喷嚏的猫  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x05 - Garfield s Moving Experience - Wade You re Afraid - Good Mousekeeping [ReApEr]  搬家记/胆小的韦德/捕鼠记  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x06 - Identity Crisis - The Bad Sport - Up A Tree [ReApEr]  辨认身份危机/可恶的运动/在树上  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x07 - Weighty Problem - The Worm Turns - Good Cat Bad Cat [ReApEr]  体重问题/小虫子/ 好猫、坏猫  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x08 - Cabin Fever - Return Of Power Pig - fair Exchange [ReApEr]  雪山小屋/旋风小猪——奥森/公平交易  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x09 - The Binky Show - Keeping Cool - Don t Move [ReApEr]  小丑宾其/多酷的奥森/不许动  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x10 - Magic Mutt - Short Story - Monday Misery [ReApEr]  魔术棒/小不点布克/倒霉的星期一  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x11 - Best Of Breed - National Tapioca Pudding Day - All About Odie [ReApEr]  选美大赛/木薯淀粉布丁节/欧迪分析学  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x12 - Caped Avenger - Shy Fly Guy - Green Thumbs Down [ReApEr]  披斗蓬的复仇者/韦德飞上了天/加菲当农民  Garfield and Friends S1 Garfield and Friends - 1x13 - Forget Me Not - I Like Having You Around - Sales Resistance [ReApEr]
 勿忘我/愿意有你在身边/抵抗推销  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x01 - Pest Of A Guest - The Impractical Joker - Fat & Furry [ReApEr]  讨厌的客人/不切实际的搞笑者/胖子和长毛的人  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x02 - Rip Van Kitty - Grabbity - The Big Catnap [ReApEr]  奇怪的梦/引力/猫的午觉  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x03 - The Great Giveaway - Scrambled Eggs - Hansel And Garfield [ReApEr]  快乐的旅行/被抢走的蛋/汉塞和加菲  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x04 - The Sludge Monster - Fortune Kooky - Heatwave Holiday  烂泥怪兽/命运饼干/炎热的圣诞  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x05 - One Good Fern Deserves Another - Goody-Go-Round - The Black Book [ReApEr]  可怕的蕨草/借物大循环/黑皮本  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x06 - The Legend Of The Lake - Double Oh Orson - Health Feud [ReApEr]  湖的传说/双奥森/健美训练  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x07 - Binky Get Cancelled - Show Stoppers - Cutie And The Beast [ReApEr]  宾基被开除了/演出捣乱/可爱的猫与野兽  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x08 - The Lasagna Zone - Sleepytime Pig - Yojumbo [ReApEr]  肉饼地带/睡不着觉的猪/武士道  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x09 - Pros And Cons - Rooster Revenge - Lights Camera Garfield [ReApEr]  赞成与反对/公鸡的报复/灯光!摄影机!加菲猫!  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x10 - Polecat Flats - Hogcules - Brain Boy [ReApEr]  鸡貂平原/猪格力斯/聪明男孩  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x11 - Maine Course - No Laughing Matter - Attack Of The Mutant Guppies [ReApEr]  主菜/外星人入侵/攻击怪鱼  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x12 - Robodie - First Aid Wade - Video Victim [t87]  机器人欧迪/手术/电视大战  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x13 - The Curse of the Klopman - Mud Sweet Mud - Rainy Day Dreams [t87]  钻石咒语/甜蜜的烂泥/雨天的白日梦  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x14 - Basket Brawl - Origin of Power Pig - Cactus Jack Rides Again [t87]  球场,战!/旋风猪的来历/老牛仔  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x15 - Binky Goes Bad - Barn of Fear - Mini-Mall Matters [t87]  罪犯小丑/谷仓的幽灵/迷你商场  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x16 - Attention Getting Garfield - Swine Trek - It Must Be True [t87]  没人理睬的加菲猫/星际旅行/这一定是真的  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x17 - Arrivederci, Odie - Gort Goes Good - Feeling Feline [t87]  欧迪的归来/郭特的转变/感觉象猫  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x18 - The Bear Facts - Nothing To Be Afraid Of - The Big Talker [t87]  狗熊事件/没什么可怕的/大演说家  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x19 - Cactus Makes Perfect - Hogcules II - Crime and Nourishment [t87]  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x20 - T.V. of Tomorrow - Little Red Riding Egg - Well-Fed Feline [t87]  未来电视机/大灰狼与小红帽/被“虐待”的猫  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x21 - Invasion of the Big Robots - Shelf Esteem - Housebreak Hotel [t87]  机器巨人的入侵/奥森的书/宠物饭店  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x22 - First Class Feline - Hamelot - How to Be Funny [t87]  高头等邮件/奥森的水桶/怎样才能幽默
Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x23 - Mystic Manor - Flop Goes the Weasel - The Legend of Long Jon [t87]  神秘古堡/韦德变成了英雄/老乔恩的传说  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x24 - China Cat - Cock-a-Doodle Dandy - Beach Blanket Bonzo [t87]  中国猫/不会打鸣的罗伊/海滩遇险记  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x25 - Lemon-Aid - Hog Noon - Video Airlines [t87]  聪明的交易正午租盘录像带  Garfield and Friends S2 Garfield and Friends - 2x26 - The Mail Animal - Peanut-Brained Rooster - Mummy Dearest [t87]  动物邮件/花生脑袋公鸡/埃及之旅  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x01 - Skyway Robbery - The Bunny Rabbits Is Coming - Close Encounters of the Garfield Kind [t87]  加菲猫开飞机/邦尼的兔子来了/加菲猫拯救地球  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x02 - Astro-Cat - Cock-A-Doodle Duel - Cinderella Cat [t87]  太空飞行员/外地来的公鸡/灰姑娘加菲猫  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x03 - Ship Shape - Barn of Fear II - Break a Leg [t87]  船上旅行/恐怖的谷仓/摔断腿  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x04 - Twice Told Tale - Orson Goes on Vacation - Wedding Bell Blues [t87]  讲两遍的故事/ 奥森去度假了/婚礼的钟声  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x05 - Clean Sweep - Secrets of the Animated Cartoon - How the West Was Lost [t87]  洗澡/动画片的秘密/西部是怎样消失的  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x06 - Binky Gets Cancelled Again - Orson s Diner - Flat Tired [t87]  宾其的遭遇/奥森餐厅/这集我不是主角  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x07 - Return of the Buddy Bears - Much Ado About Lanolin - Reigning Cats and Dogs [t87]  巴迪熊归来/ 农场里的莎士比亚 猫和狗的区别  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x08 - Fit for a King - Ben Hog - Dessert in the Desert [t87]  加菲猫变成国王/宾虚/海市蜃楼  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x09 - Hound of the Arbuckles - Red Alert - Urban Arbuckle [t87]  阿巴克尔猎犬/ 幻想成真/都市牛仔  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x10 - Odielocks and the Three Cats - Quack to the Future - Beddy Buy [t87]  欧迪和三只猫的故事/飞向未来/加菲心爱的床  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x11 - Count Lasagna - Mystery Guest - Rodent Rampage [t87]  拉萨格纳伯爵/ 神秘的客人/不捉老鼠的猫  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x12 - Feline Felon - The Legal Eagle - The Cactus Saga [t87]  猫罪犯/ 法律之鹰/ 仙人掌的传说  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x13 - D.J. Jon - Cornfinger - Five Minute Warning [t87]  DJ师乔恩/粮食盗贼/ 五分钟  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x14 - Wonderful World - The Orson Awards - The Garfield Workout [t87]  世界真奇妙/ 奥森奖/加菲锻炼法  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x15 - All Things Fat and Small - Robin Hog - Hare Replacement [t87]  又肥又小的东西/罗宾猪/ 替补兔子  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x16 - Stick to It - Orson in Wonderland - For Cats Only [t87]  捡棍子/ 奥森奇遇记/只给猫看  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x17 - Mistakes Will Happen - The Well Dweller - The Wise Man [t87]  可能犯错误/钻井机/ 贤人  Garfield and Friends S3 Garfield and Friends - 3x18 - Star Struck - Election Daze - Dirty Business [t87]  明星罢演/ 迷乱的选举/ 肮脏的生意  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x01 - The Legend of Cactus Jupiter - Birthday Boy Roy - Jukebox Jon [t87]
  木星仙人掌传奇/罗伊的生日/ 别出心裁的乔恩  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x02 - Squeak Previews - Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Wade - A Tall Tale [t87]  危险迫在眉睫/吉基尔博士和韦德先生/夸张的故事  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x03 - Moo Cow Mutt - Big Bad Buddy Bird - Angel Puss [t87]  哞哞叫的小狗/大坏鸟/ 天使猫  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x04 - Trial and Error - An Egg-Citing Story - Supermarket Mania [t87]  哞哞叫的小狗/大坏鸟/ 天使猫Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x05 - Frankenstein Feline - Weatherman Wade - Fill-in Feline [t87]  人形怪猫/ 气象员韦德/ 替补猫  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x06 - Polar Pussycat - Over the Rainbow - Remote Possibilities [t87]  南极猫/ 彩虹那边/ 遥控的可能性  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x07 - Night of the Living Laundromat - Fast Food - Cash and Carry [t87]  洗衣房的夜晚/快餐/现金携带者  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x08 - Speed Trap - Flights of Fantasy - Castaway Cat [t87]  速度陷阱/ 幻想的飞翔/被抛弃的猫  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x09 - Mind Over Matter - Orson at the Bat - The Multiple Choice Cartoon [t87]  读心术/奥尔森上场击球/自选动画片  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x10 - Galactic Gamesman Garfield - Sly Spy Guy - The Thing That Stayed [t87]  游戏大王加菲/精明的侦探/ 永远不走的亲戚  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x11 - Bouncing Baby Blues - The Ugly Duckling - Learning Lessons [t87]  好动的婴儿/丑小鸭/知识课  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x12 - Robodie II - For Butter or Worse - Annoying Things [t87]  机器人Ⅱ/黄油事件/烦人的事情  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x13 - Guaranteed Trouble - Fan Clubbing - A Jarring Experience [t87]  保修麻烦/崇拜者俱乐部/罐子里的经历  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x14 - The Idol of Id - Bedtime Story Blues - Mamma Manicotti [t87]  04 The Idol of Id/Bedtime Story Blues/Mama Manicotti  身份之神/睡觉前讲的故事/妈妈的番茄沙司烙  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x15 - The Pizza Patrol - The Son Also Rises - Rolling Romance [t87]  披萨饼大队/老子英雄儿好汉/车轮上的爱情  Garfield and Friends S4 Garfield and Friends - 4x16 - The Animated, Automated Cartoon - It s a Wonderful Wade - Truckin Odie [t87]  动画片历险记/好样的韦德/卡车上的欧迪  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x01 - Home Away from Home - Rainy Day Robot - Odie the Amazing [t87]  离开家/造雨机器人/会变魔术的欧迪  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x02 - Home Sweet Swindler - Forget-Me-Not Newton - The Great Inventor [t87]  甜蜜的骗子/勿忘我牛顿/伟大的发明家  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x03 - Taste Makes Waist - The Wolf Who Cried Boy - Day of Doom [t87]  减肥风波/狼来了的故事/倒霉的日子  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x04 - Country Cousin - The Name Game - The Carnival Curse [t87]  乡下来的表哥/名字游戏/游乐园里的诅咒  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x05 - Renewed Terror - Badtime Story - Tooth or Dare [t87]  恐怖推销/催眠故事/剑齿虎  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x06 - The First Annual Garfield Watchers Test - Stark Raven Mad - The Record Breaker [t87]  加菲,一周年观众问答/疯狂的掠夺/留声机破坏者  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x07 - The Kitty Council - The Bo Show - Bad Neighbor Policy [t87]  合格的猫/波的表演/邻居
Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x08 - Canvas Back Cat - Make Believe Moon - The Creature That Lived in the Refrigerator [t87]  可爱的猫/巧克力矿/梦中情人  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x09 - Cute for Loot - The Caverns of Cocoa - Dream Date [t87]  可爱的猫/巧克力矿/梦中情人  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x10 - Airborne Odie - Once Upon A Time Warp - Bride and Broom [t87]  会飞的欧迪/罗伊还钱/新郎和新娘  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x11 - Dummy for Danger - Sooner or Later - Jumping Jon [t87]  危险的木偶/以后再干/乔恩跳伞  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x12 - The Worst Pizza in the History of Mankind - Jack II, The Rest of the Story - The Garfield Opera [t87]  最难吃的比萨饼/故事的结尾/加菲歌剧  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x13 - Cartoon Cat Conspiracy - Who Done It - The Picnic Panic [t87]  加菲猫的卡通片/他们的名字/倒霉的野餐  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x14 - Sound Judgment - Gross Encounters - The Perils of Penelope [t87]  音响效果/遭遇外星人/见义勇为的加菲猫  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x15 - Ghost of a Chance - Roy Gets Sacked - Revenge of the Living Lunch [t87]  给鬼个机会/开除罗伊/奇妙的  Garfield and Friends S5 Garfield and Friends - 5x16 - Supersonic Seymour - A Mildly Mental Mix-Up - The Garfield Rap [t87]  超音速西摩/韦德怕什么/加菲猫吟唱  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x01 - A Vacation from his Senses - The Incredibly Stupid Swamp Monster - Dread Giveaway [t87]  如此休假/超极沼泽蠢物 /疯狂甩卖  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x02 - The Wright Stuff - Orson Express - Safe at Home [t87]  飞机与猫咪/ /奥森快递/防盗系统  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x03 - Jon the Barbarian - Uncle Roy to the Rescue - The Kitten and the Council [t87]  从前的乔恩/大侠罗伊叔叔/拉尔曼受?蠹?  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x04 - Next-Door Nuisance - What s It All About, Wade - Bigfeetz [t87]  邻居的烦恼/ 恐惧综合症/ 大脚丫  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x05 - Canine Conspiracy - Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs I - The Genuine Article [t87]  小狗历险/韦德公主和七十七个小矮人/真假加菲  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x06 - The Best Policy - Snow Wade and the 77 Dwarfs II - Fishy Feline [t87]  最好的保险单/韦德公主和七十七个小矮人(续)/一只猫鱼  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x07 - The Pie-Eyed Piper - Fine-Feathered Funny Man - Sweet Tweet Treat [t87]  花衣魔笛手/ 搞恶作剧的小丑/逮小鸟的烦恼  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x08 - The Floyd Story - How Now, Stolen Cow - The Second Penelope Episode [t87]  小老鼠费洛伊德/奶牛失窃案/ 约会  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x09 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse - Payday Mayday - How to Drive Humans Crazy [t87]  吉基尔博士和老鼠/发薪的日子/怎样把人气疯  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x10 - Date of Disaster - A Little Time-Off - The Longest Doze [t87]  乔恩恋爱史/蓝罗林休假/ 世界记录  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x11 - Stairway to Stardom - The Return of the Incredibly Stupid Swamp Monster - The Life and Times of the Lasagna Kid [t87]  通往明星之路/最愚蠢的怪物归来/意大利面男孩  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x12 - Magic, Monsters and Manicotto - The Midnight Ride o fPaul Revere s Duck - Unreal Estate [t87]  魔鬼城堡/民族英雄/房地产公司  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x13 - Lost and Foundling - Winter Wonderland - Films and Felines [t87]  失物招领/严冬仙境/电影和猫
Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x14 - The Garfield Musical - Mind Over Mevlin - Madman Meets His Match [t87]  加菲音乐会/智力竞赛/狂人与对手  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x15 - Knights and Daze - Holiday Happening - Jailbird Jon [t87]  大侠风度/节日事件/犯人乔恩  Garfield and Friends S6 Garfield and Friends - 6x16 - The Third Penelope Episode - Hare Force - Garfield s Garbage Can and Tin Pin Alley Revue [t87]  美满姻缘/龟兔赛跑/胡同艺术团  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x01 - The Legend of Johnny Ragweedseed - Grape Expectations I - Catch As Cats Can t [t87]  豚草约翰尼的传说/葡萄大丰收/猫与小鸟  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x02 - A Matter of Conscience - Grape Expectations II - Top Ten [t87]  讲道德/葡萄大丰收/十项准则  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x03 - Change of Mind - Temp Trouble - The Perfect Match [t87]  改变主意/麻烦事/ 电脑红娘  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x04 - My Fair Feline - Double Trouble Talk - Half-Baked Alaska [t87]  礼仪学校/莫名其妙/阿拉斯加之旅  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x05 - Puss in High-Tops - Egg Over Easy I - The Beast from Beyond [t87]  遗产风波/韦德变鸭蛋/史前动物恐龙  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x06 - Model Behavior - Egg Over Easy II - Another Ant Episode [t87]  超级名模/韦德出世/蚂蚁大军  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x07 - Guy of Her Dreams - The Discount of Monty Cristo - The Fairy Dogmother [t87]  意中人/新版基督山恩仇记/神话故事  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x08 - The Stand-Up Mouse - Daydream Doctor - Happy Garfield Day [t87]  站立的老鼠/催眠术/加菲的生日  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x09 - Sit on It - Kiddy Korner - Brainware Broadcast [t87]  坐在上面/儿童之角/ 脑电波广播  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x10 - The Suburban Jungle - The Thing In The Box - The Feline Philosopher (dvd) [t87]  郊区丛林/盒子里是什么/猫哲学家  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x11 - Thoroughly Mixed-Up Mouse - The Old Man of the Mountain - Food Fighter [t87]  疯狂的老鼠/智慧老人/饭桶拳击手  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x12 - The Jelly Roger - The Farmyard Feline Philosopher - Dogmother II [t87]  海盗杰里/哲学猫在农场/加菲的神话故事  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x13 - Alley Katta and the 40 Thieves - If It s Tuesday, This Must be Alpha Centauri - Clash of Titans [t87]  阿里猫和四十大盗/太空旅行/遭遇太阳神  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x14 - Canned Laughter - Deja Vu - The Man Who Hated Cats [t87]  喜剧机器人/似曾经历的错觉/讨厌猫的人  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x15 - The Horror Hostess I - Newsworthy Wade - The Horror Hostess II [t87]  恐怖片女明星/有新闻价值的韦德/恐怖片女明星(续)  Garfield and Friends S7 Garfield and Friends - 7x16 - Arbuckle the Invincible - The Monster Who Couldn t Scare Anybody - The Ocean Blue [t87]  刀枪不入的乔恩/吓唬不了人的妖怪/蓝色的大海
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