
Patreon Reward #18: Rin Matsuoka by catnappe143 on DeviantArt
Patreon Reward #18 ft. Rin Matsuoka is now FINISHED!~ I'll upload this and the rest of the rewards for the month of January on Sunday (Feb 07).Please subscribe to my Patreon if you want this and other cool art. -----Visit me at the following sites!y!Gallery: Tumblr: Support me at Patreon:
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So big I could "choked on dick"
Can I request anything?
Awesome! U
The only thing that's coming to my head is YUM.
Start the morning with a beautiful guy...Even it's in a swimming pool,the scene give a great holydays's ambiance!(the same pose but with Marlon in a big water lily,same effect!XD)
Were you ever part of that Black Monkey Pro group that deviantART purged a few years ago? You have a similar (awesome and sexy) art style to VerdeLeon, mazjojo, MikkouKun, JustSyl, and so on.
Yes I used to be a member.
Nice. Then I did finally get a commission from one of 'em. Do you know what happened to MikkouKun after that?
No idea. I haven't talked to any of them ever since I left.
UMF. Rin as always. &3
Just in time for his birthday too hahah!
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