



教 务 处 制
二〇一一 年 五 月

要 2
Abstract 2
关键词 2
Key words 2

言 3
一、主人公矛盾性格折射出的新与旧 4
(一)传统的古典美 4
(二)现代的反抗意识 5
二、家族生活透视出的新旧特色 6
(一)传统观念的根深蒂固 7
(二)新思想的不断渗透 8
三、艺术形式的亦新亦旧 10
(一)继承古典小说的传统模式 11
(二)借鉴现代新小说的艺术形式 13

语 15

释 15
参考文献 17

谢 18
[摘 要]《金粉世家》是张恨水小说创作史上的一篇杰作。张恨水运用章回小说的模式,在新旧文化交替的时代背景下,描写了一个世代大家族由盛转衰的过程,赋予了小说半新半旧的特色。人物形象上,女主人公冷清秋集传统的古典美和现代的反抗意识于一身的矛盾性格,体现了新旧思想的并存;家族题材上,从金家这个过渡家族身上可以发现传统的封建思想和现代的民主意识都在时刻影响着这个家族;纵观小说,我们还可以发现,作者在运用章回小说模式写作时,在继承传统小说模式的基础上,又对这种艺术形式进行了改造,赋予了其新的特色。本文从人物形象、家族题材、艺术形式三个方面分析入手,充分挖掘小说所体现的新旧特色。
[Abstract]:<Diamond dust Aristoratic family> is one of the masterpieces in Zhang henshui’s novel creation history. Under a background of changing from old culture to new culture, Zhang henshui uses traditional novel pattern to describe a generation respected family from its prosperity to decline, it leads the novel’s characters fulling of both new and old. From the sight of character images, leng qingqiu has contradictory disposition which is consisted of traditional classical beauty and modern revolt consciousness, this contradictory disposition performances the new and old ideas. From the sight of family themes, through the transitional family jin, we can find the traditional feudalistic thinking and the modern national consciousness are affecting this family; Through this novel, we also can find the author writes the novel with traditional novel’s pattern while keeping the traditional novel’s pattern, the author changes the artistic form which brings a new characteristics. This article mainly analysis from character images、family themes and artistic form, diligently develop the new and ol


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