德国的音响都有哪些品牌GREATANGSOUND音响 有人听过吗?

在各行各业中,我们多多少少都会碰到一些试题 ,而试题又是衡量一个人的能力高低的重要依据。以下是笔芯范文网小编为大家收集整理的年级英语试卷,多篇合集,欢迎复制下载!年级英语试卷 第1篇一、基本情况:我校三年级有 名学生,实有 学生参加检测,总分数为 分,平均 分,及格 人,及格率为 ,优秀人,优秀率 为,最高为100分,最低为 分。现在作具体分析如下:一、 试卷分析:本次期中考试,试题的覆盖面大,难度比较适中。既考查了最基本的字母教学、单词教学,也考查了基本的句型教学。其中对单词的考查也打破了以往的形式,这次是圈出不同类的选项和根据提示写出单词。总的说来,试题出得比较成功。二、学生答题情况:略这套试题由八道大题组成:第一题:请写出所级字母的邻居,注意观察大小写。(10分)此题期中考试就有,本次又考丢分还是很严重。说明学生对字母的掌握还是不够熟练和牢固,不能倒背如流。第二题:根据图片和子母提示写出单词,补全句子。(10分)学生能达到满分却是少部分。说明学生对四会单词的掌握还没有达到要求。第三题:大部分学生都是满分。第四题请为图片选择正确的句子,把字母标号写在对应听括号内。(15分)学生们基本是满分。第五题:选词填空,将正确答案的序号写在题前的括号内。(20分)丢分很严重,几乎每小题都有出错。今后的教学中还要加强基本知识点的强调和基本句型的练习。第六题:请选择合适的汉语翻译,并将其字母标号填在括号里。(10分)学生们基本是满分。此题出的太好了,都是课本上的重要句型。三、存在的问题:通过这次考试,可以看出:(1)学生们掌握知识还不扎实,更不能灵活运用。(2)学生阅读能力低。四、今后教学设想和建议:1、应该让学生们多看、多读、多背英语课本。2、还是要狠抓学生的英语单词和句型,包括白体单词。做到人人过关,人人会读、会说、懂得汉译二、存在问题:第一题:.学生的答题情况比较好。第二题:.由于此类型题练习较少,丢分较多。答题情况较好。第三题: 本题丢分较多的是第1、3小题。第四题:答题情况很好。第五题:答题情况不是很理想。部分学生丢分较多。其中第8、9小题出错较多。第六.答题情况很好,极个别学生出错。第七题:答题情况很好。第八题:答题情况较好,极少丢分。第九题:. 答题情况很不好,丢分较多。说明学生对课本中的对话读得还不是很熟练,基本的语感还没有形成,对基本句型也没有理解和学会运用。三、改进措施:本届三年级学生较少,学生总体水平还可以,学习兴趣深厚,但良好的学习习惯还没有养成,家长对英语这门新学科重视程度却还不够,不能有效的配合,督促孩子在家读书、看书。所以本次期末考试的成绩没有我想象中的好,因此在下一学期的教学中要积极和家长取得联系、及时沟通,得到家长的大力配合,发挥学生英语学习兴趣的最大效力,取得更好的成绩。对部分学生有着特殊的家庭背景,学习主动性、自觉性较差,在平时教学中我还应加强对他们的辅导、帮助,对于能力强的学生,应该因人施教,拓宽他们的知识面。总之,这套试题检测了学生对基础知识的掌握,又考察了学生运用知识的能力,这套试题为我今后的教学提供了方向年级英语试卷 第2篇一、选不同类单词ten owko二、情景选择1.早上见到老师你,要问好,你应该说:________bye.2.见到同学打招呼用:________bye.3.当你和对方道别时,应该说:_________bye.4.当你想了解对方的身体状况时,应该问:________are you ? B.I’m fine , thank you.’s your name ?5.你想知道别人的名字时,应该问:________are you ? B.I’m ’s your name ?6.当别人问你名字时,你回答说:________are you ? B.I’m ’s your name ?7.你的书掉到同桌凳子下面,你想让他站起来,你应该说:_______down , d up , o.8.别人帮助了你,你应该说:______are you? k down , please.9.上课时,老师想让Sam指着窗户,应该说:________t to the chair, t to the blackboard, Sam.t to the window, Sam.10.家里来客人了,你应该说:______down , d up , ’s your name ?三、单选1.—What’sthis? —___________A.I’m ’s a ’s a cake.2.—Happybirthday! —___________k you! B.I’m y birthday!3.—Here’syour present! —___________k you! , no! ’s this?4.—Howare you? —___________are you? B.I’m fine, thank you.C.I’m nine.5.—Howold are you? —___________old are you? B.I’m fine, thank you.C.I’m nine.年级英语试卷 第3篇一、看英语,选中文。读写唱歌跳舞跑跳画说 your 摸一下你的头。 摸一下你的手臂。 your 挥一挥手。挥一挥书。 can 我会唱歌。我会画画。二、选不同类单词三、用适当形式填空 My grandma usually (cook). Today my mother is (go)
Now we are (help) Uncle
What do you usually (do) on Sundays? Today he isn‘t (play) 四、选答句 do you usually do on Sundays? ‘s Amy doing now?
do you live?
me, where is the toilet?
do you like doing in summer? like ’s over
live in Apple
is singing a
usually ride my 年级英语试卷 第4篇一、基本情景八年级学生期中考试年级均分40。8分,其中高分41人,及格率7。66%人,优良率0%。年级最高分是96分,年级最低分10分,年级均分最高为46分,年级均分最低为36分,其分差为10分。整体看学生处于40分——70分段的人数居多,及格人数不是太多,学生测试结果一般。二、试卷分析本次试卷的难易程度定位在面向少部分学生。该份试卷基础部分紧扣教材,突出重点,注重对基础知识和基本技能的考查。可是阅读部分难度过大,使大部分学生无从下手,整个阅读部分多数学生失分严重。三、题型分析1.单项选择单项选择题共20道小题,知识覆盖面较广,重点、难点和疑点比较突出,注重本事考查。考查以动词为主,兼顾其它词类,并考查句法和语言点。考查的方式突出了语境。2.完形填空文章对学生的语言理解本事和综合运用本事提出了较高的要求,重点突出了短文的理解和语言点的考查。3.阅读理解本大题包括三篇文章,结构安排较合理,阅读的难度很大,完成任务的环节也比较复杂。4.书面表达书面表达与学生生活密切联系,考察了学生如何邀请及如何回复邀请的语言表达本事。四、典型错误分析第一大题单项填空中,错误率较高。主要问题是对单词没理解透,平时讲过的`语法没记住,不能灵活应用。交际运用失分较多,主要是课文掌握不到位。 书面表达中考生的主要错误有:1)在完成句子时不尊重原句的中文意思,改变了句意;2)不会用英语思考,用英语表达的本事较差;3)思路不清晰。4)语言的基本功不扎实,病句较多。五、问题及对策(一)主要问题1、学校两极分化明显。所以如何有效地抑制两极分化,对学有困难的学生的转化提高,大面积提高英语教学质量,对大多数教师来说,任务依然艰巨。2、基础知识和基本技能不扎实,学生对一些基本词汇、语法、句型的掌握不够熟练,也就谈不上运用了。所以,课堂教学中如何注重基础知识和基本技能的合理、有效地训练,应引起教师的高度重视。3、学生综合运用语言的本事不强,试卷中有许多试题要求学生在必须的语境中灵活运用知识独立解决。但考查的结果却暴露教学中的一个薄弱环节。所以,在平时教学中如何培养学生综合运用语言的本事应引起教师的高度重视,而不是单纯地教师讲语法,学生背语法。4、学生的书面表达中中国式的英语较多,拼写错误也较多,在日常教学中如何对学生进行有效的写的训练仍是教师需要研究的问题。(二)对策及提议1、抓好听力训练关。注重培养学生良好的听、说、读、写的习惯,把习惯变成本事。按《课程标准》所规定的有关五级听的要求,加大听力训练量。在教学中不仅仅要培养学生的听力技能技巧, 还要扩大听力资源,使学生能尽可能多的获取语言输入量,使其听力水平逐步提高。2、要求教师在平时教学中积极创设情景,促进口语交流。学习语言的目的在于正确使用语言。所以,在教学中要结合学生的实际,编写有助于开展口语交流活动的对话,要设法创设交流活动情景,以激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与语言实践活动,培养学生自主学习的本事。3、强化阅读,正确引导,开阔视野。随着《课程标准》的实行,对学生在阅读方面的要求越来越高。而中考对考生阅读理解本事的考查,已由过去五个W的浅层考题过渡到找出短文主旨、推断深层涵义、文中细节和猜词解义,异常要注重语篇和应用。为此,在初中阶段必须适应这一要求,加大阅读量,提高阅读速度,提高考生的阅读理解水平,并且要帮忙考生掌握阅读技巧。4、循序渐进,加强训练,提高写作技巧。在课堂教学中,教师按“句---段---篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进。在平时的训练时,要分阶段进行,有资料,有侧重。要学生学会谋篇布局的本事,找准切入点。要学会互评作文。同时教师应加强辅导,帮忙学生掌握一些写作技巧,注意书写习惯,增强写作信心,从而提高学生的写作本事。年级英语试卷 第5篇一、按顺序补全26个英文字母的大写形式。(10分)A B C二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。( 10分)Ee Hh Mm Tt Ww三、把各小题中不同类的单词的序号填在括号里。(6分)( )
foot( )
eye( )
blue( )
bag( )
yellow( )
四、选词。(6分) ( ) hand
( ) black head
blue新 ( ) school
( ) white bag
black book
orange ( ) bag
( ) nose book
mouth pen
foot五、在右栏中找出左栏每个单词的中文意思,把它的字母编号写在左边的括号里(10)( )
铅笔( )
眼睛( )
尺子( )
黄色的( )
书包( )
黑色的w( )
橡皮( )
学校( )
嘴( )
腿六、情景反应。(6分)( ) 早晨,你见到别人打招呼时,应该说: Good morning!
Good afternoon!( ) 当你想知道对方姓名时,你应该这样问: How are you?
What’s your name?( ) 见到朋友时,你感到特别高兴,你应该说: Hello!
Nice to meet ( ) 当你和别人说再见时,你应该说: Goodbye!
thank ( ) 当你向同学们介绍Mike时,你应该说:A .I’m Mike
This is Mike( ) 我国国旗的颜色是: red and white
red and yellow年级英语试卷 第6篇新标准英语这套教材是为学生提供了大量的生活场景,语言丰富、生动,其中也为我们提供了许多英美的生活方式及传统文化,其目的是有利于培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使用英语的能力教材,尤其重视培养学生对语境的理解能力和运用英语交际的能力,小学英语教学的主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和培养良好的学习习惯,通过质量检测的形式来检测小学生的学习兴趣,学习习惯和对所学知识的掌握。现将本次试卷分析如下:一、基本情况:本卷为青龙20xx-20xx学年度第一学期期末六年级英语试卷,应考53人,实际参考53人,及格27人,优秀4人。二、试卷答题情况:此次质量检测,共分四个部分,九道大题,总分100分.下面逐题进行分析:第一部分为温馨引领,是第一、二、三、四题。第一大题相对来说学生答得较为理想,大部分学生能够正确看图片写单词,掌握的比较不错。第二、三大题学生平均得分在一半以上,但有一部分学生不能正确做,主要是因为对以前学过的知识掌握不牢所造成的。第四大题选择填空。对题率为70%错误的原因是多方面的。如冠词的运用、不定代词的运用,句意不理解,部分动词的使用,第三人称单数的运用等。第二部分为基础扫描,是第五题和第六题。第五大题考察学生对英语单词的掌握能力,让学生根据句子填出正确的单词,得分较为理想。第六大题重点考察对课本记忆能力,进行排序连线由于学生单词掌握较熟,得分在一半以上,比较理想,只有少数学生不能正确连线,主要是因为对课文掌握不熟所至。第三部分为思维体操,是第七题和第八题。第七大题学生做起来比较容易,这道题主要考察学生连词成句的能力,学生答题非常理想,只有极少数学生由于没能理解题意而造成失分。第八大题根据描述填词,本题主要考学生的句式结构以及应答能力,对题率为70%。错误的原因是句意不理解,句式结构不懂,答句中有的是用简略形式,成绩较差的学生不能正确选择答句。学生答题情况较差,主要是因为对短文理解不透,以至不能正确选择答案,今后要加强学生的阅读理解能力方面的训练。第四部分为快乐探究,是第九、十大题。第九题按照适当的形式填空,选择括号中的正确的单词填空。对题率为65%,错误的原因是不理解句意,不能正确判断句子的时态,所以也就无法选择学生答题情况一般,中上等生基本能够正确选择,学困生有一定困难,不能正确选择,主要是因为对句型掌握不牢所至,今后要加强对重点句型的训练。第十大题,本题为阅读理解,对题率为75%,错误的原因大多是看不懂短文,或是一知半解,或是人物之间的关系搞不清楚造成的。三、试卷优缺点:优点:1、比较贴近教材。2、测试有梯度,难易结合。3、能够插入一些图画,学生容易理解,乐于接受。4、题量适中,学生能够在规定时间内做完。不足:1、试卷题量相对较小,分值相对较大。如第二、三、五、七、九题。2、学生对阅读理解题型做起来相对困难。3、图片部分较多但是不是很清晰。四、改进措施:通过本次测试,我认为今后教学应从以下几个方面改进:1、继续加大基础知识的训练力度,使学生牢固掌握。特别是学生背写单词、词组及句型的能力应加大训练力度,使学生牢固掌握,能够背写单词、词组和句型及能够正确运用。2、加强题型练习,训练学生解题技巧。3、加强学生的英语阅读能力,能准确阅读相关知识。年级英语试卷 第7篇一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,那一个单词划线部分的读音与其他三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。(10分)
swam二、翻译下来短语。(10分)全世界 the world 制定计划 a去游泳 长城 the起床三、单项选择。(10分) Your pen is newer than 。 mine
her Zhuhai is than Guangzhou, I
most beautiful
more beautiful I learned pictures on the
to draw
drew How she go to school in the morning? is
do That is American national
There fifty stars on
a, is
an, are
an, is What film are you going to ? see
look Rome than
is warmer
is warmer My grandfather usually the flowers in the
is watering
waters Listen! Xiaoling in her
is singing Yesterday my parents and I our
are cleaning
are going to clean四、按照要求改写下列句子。(15分) It‘s nine thirty in the (对划线部分提问)? The Olympic Center is in the north of (对划线部分提问)? I am a Chinese (用she 改写) What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答) yesterday, where, they, did, (连词成句)五、补全对话。(15分)A: Hello,
What are those in the box?B: 1 post cards of A: You have been to Beijing many times, right?B: 2 。A: 3 。B: Yes, it
And it is one of the biggest cities in A: What language do the people in China speak?B: 4 。A: Do you want to visit China?B: Yes, 5 。六、将下列句子翻译成汉语。(20分) The water is very
At last my dad gave
We can live wherever we
I hand a good time in your
How is everything? Happy to hear from you! We will wait for you here at 2:00 。 Today she is very
You‘re never too old to 七、阅读理解。(10分)The USA is the fourth largest countries in the
It is smaller than Russia, Canada and
Washington DC is its
But it is a quiet
New York is the biggest city in America and it’s one of the biggest cities in the
It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson
A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island (岛),a big island in the
New York has a large population than Washington
In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of
The USA is the largest country in the
fourth Washington DC has a population than New
more Washington DC is than New
more crowed
quieter A larger part of New York is on 。 an island
the sea
the lake New York is one of the cities in the
oldest八、作文。(10分)以“My best friend”为题写不少于50个词的作文。介绍他/她的姓名,年龄,爱好等等。参考答案一、B C A C D二、 all over
up三、1-5 ACCBB6-10 ABCCB四、 What time is it? Where is the Olympic Center? She is a Chinese
I am going to be a
Where did they go yesterday?五、(可自由回答)六、1、水太浅了。2、那太可怕了。3、最后我爸爸放弃了。4、我们可以想住哪儿就住哪儿。5、我在你们学校玩得很开心。6、你好吗?7、很高兴收到你的来信。8、下午两点我们将在这儿等你。9、今天她很兴奋。10、活到老学到老。七、CBCAB八、略.年级英语试卷 第8篇Section ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and
Choose the one answer that best completes the
Cars do cause people some health problems, in fact far more serious _____ than computers
those It is known to all that the US is about the same size as China, but its population is five times
as few
as little
smaller Some doctors want to examine the impact those marine mammals have _____ the children who had tried dolphin-assisted
about Actually you _____ the dictionary
You are not allowed to use
needn’t bring
needn’t have brought didn’t need to bring
don’t have to bring Health management membership fees range from 2,000 yuan ($ 320) to 20,000 yuan a year _____ on the level of
to depend China _____ at a tremendous rate, an outstanding achievement never seen before, during the past two
has developed is developing
had been developing Of course, the fact _____ misguided forms of dieting result in so many problems does not mean that no dieting is
why Only _____ possible to settle the
does the chief editor come will it be
when the chief editor comes will it be has the chief editor come it will be
when the chief editor comes it will be Director Ang Lee told the New York Film Festival audience following the screening _____ Life of Pi was extremely hard to
whether More than 20 cars of the new type _____ in the first three days after its launch last
has sold
were sold
has been selling Being from a family _____ produced great actors, it’s no wonder that she quickly found her way into the
which “My dear friends, let us build our class, a team ever looking forward _____ the full potential of all its members,” said our
to realize
to realizing Tears of joy and happiness came to my eyes _____ we won the first prize in the sports
before I was advised to arrange for insurance _____ I needed some medical
so that
in case
even if
as though _____ participation in public decision-making, telephone conference calls are widely
To extend
Having extended The boy has spent a whole day _____ in his
No one knows what he is
to lock
been lockedSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the
Each word can only be used
Note that there is one word more than you
originated consume
discoveredSome people cannot imagine starting the day without a cup of
From the most __41__ cafes of Paris to the breakfast stands lining the streets of Taipei, coffee has firmly __42__ itself as one of the world’s favourite
For such a well-loved drink, however, few people are aware of its curious As a legend goes, coffee berries were first __43__ in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much livelier after having eaten the red berries of a local
After __44__ the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more __45__ than
The news about the wonderful berry was __46__ quickly, and soon monks were looking on it as an elixir(仙丹妙药) and eating it to help stay awake during evening Although coffee __47__ on the plateaus of Ethiopia, it was the Arabs who first cultivated it around
They were also the first people to roast it and boil
By 1475, people in Constantinople were __48__ a cup of coffee in the world’s first coffee
Coffee spread to Europe around 1600 and to the New World seven years These days, it seems you can get a cup of coffee just about everywhere you
Every year, coffee lovers __49__ more than 400 billion cups of coffee and make it one of the world’s biggest commodities—second only to 年级英语试卷 第9篇单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。( )
I want to be _________ engineer when I grow
\( )
Are you sure _________ the way to the library? I don’t want to get
for( )
_________ the __________ of the class, he played a very beautiful , begin
At, begin
In, beginning
At, beginning( )
We need ___________ people to finish the
hundreds of
hundred of
3 hundreds
3 hundred of( )
My father is sleeping, but the radio is too
Can you ___________? turn down it
turn it off
turn it up
turn off it( )
Do you have _____________ for me when I take the exam? many advice
some advices
an advice
any advice( )
_________, they often play Chinese Kung
Keep healthy
Keeping health
To keep healthy
To keep health( )
---__________ do you speak English so well?--- By talking to foreigners a
How( )
Li Ping __________ swim when he was only
is able to
was able to( )
__________ the room until you finish all your
Don’t leave
To leave( )
It’s unhealthy to sleep with all the windows
closed( )
Mike’s mom is
He is ___________ her at
looking for
looked after
looking after
looked at( )
I can’t go to your party, because I have __________ homework to do
too much
much too
too many
many too( )
_________ the afternoon of next Friday, we _________ to plant trees in the
On, go
In, will go
On, will go
At, are going( )
I look forward to ___________ America next year with my
visitor( )
She doesn’t know _____________
what can she do
how she can do
what to do
how to do( )
These students ___________ a party on the playground if it __________
will have, won’t rain
have, won’t rain will have, doesn’t rain
have, doesn’t rain( )
Cook the food for __________, and then you can have a delicious
more 10 minutes
10 another minutes 10 more minute
another 10 minutes( )
He is __________ that we all like
so a good boy
such a good boy such good a b oy
so a boy good( )
---It’s boring
I want to do something --- ____________watching a movie this afternoon? Let’s
Why not
Would you like
What about完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内z,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入相应空格内的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Alice wanted to buy a gift for her mother for Mother’s Day but she didn’t have enough 41 . So she told her father about her 42 .“I’ll give you some money if you do the
You need to clean the house,” her father “You also need to 43 my car and Mom’ You can see they’re really
Both of them need a ”Alice washed his father’s car
“It is too 44 . You don’t have to wash your mother’s
It is
” Dad said when he gave the money to Alice at But the next morning Alice still 45 very
First, she washed her mother’s car 46 it was very
Then she went to the 47 shop and bought a bunch(束) of
After breakfast Alice asked her mother to go to the garage(车库).“Wow!” Alice’s mother said, “My car is gleaming(发光的).”“ 48 the door, ” Alice
Alice’s mother opened the
There on the seat she 49 a bunch of
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Alice
Alice’s mother was very 50 . She gave her a big hug(拥抱) and said, “Thank you,
This is the best gift for ”( )
food( )
exam( )
accept( )
common( )
went to bed
got up
turned down
fell down( )
when( )
computer( )
Open( )
hung( )
worried阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AWhat do your parents do? What do you think of them? Let’s learn something abo ut the following students’ parents and their AliceMy father is a
He drives carefully and works hard every
He loves his job and never gets bored with
I’m going to go to university
I will miss VickyI think my mother is the busiest
A lot of people come to see her in the hospital every
She spends most of her time helping sick(生病的)
She is great and JackMy father is a knowledgeable(有知识的)
It seems that he knows everything in the
I like my father very
I want to be like him when I grow TobyMy mother is strict with
I must try my best to do well in every
I have to keep my room
Are all musicians as strict as her? Poor me!( )
Alice is going to _____________
take a vacation
go hiking
have a party( )
Vicky’s mother might be
a teacher
an engineer
a doctor
a musician( )
Toby thinks his mother is very
strictBFruit salad is a delicious dessert and you can make it in less than ten
What’s more, you can enjoy it without becoming
Fruit salad can also be a great dish at a party, or the wonderful snacks during any time of a
If you want to know how to make fruit salad, just follow the Things you need1 cup of strawberries1 cup of cherries(樱桃)1/2 red apple1/2 peach(桃子)1 pear2 spoons of juiceSteps choose your fruits wash all of your fruits cut the strawberries, cherries, red apple, peach, and pear into small pieces put 2 spoons of juice in a bowl put all the fruits in the bowl serve and eat( )
How many strawberries do you need? 1/2 cup
1 cup
1 spoon
2 cups( )
After you choose your fruits, you should
wash your hands
wash them
cut them
put them in a bowl( )
There are __________ steps before you eat fruit
eight( )
The passage(文段) mainly tells us
fruit salad is very delicious
people should eat fruit salad more how to make fruit salad
when we can make fruit saladCI’m
Last Sunday I celebrated my 14th
My parents planned a big party for me and my My mother was like a best friend when inviting my friends
She made a list of all the friends that I wanted to
Then she helped me make cards and sent them to each of my
The contents(内容) of each card were not the Next, she took me to the supermarket and we bought balloons(气球) and streamers(飘带), masks(面具), hats and so on to make the room
We ordered a cake and the cake was a white house with colorful When we got home, we began to
We put up the streamers and hung the balloons around the walls, doors and
We arranged(设计) the masks and
In this way, each friend could p ick a different My mother spent all the day in the kitchen cooking a lot of delicious
In the evening, my friends
After the dinner, my father organized some games for us and he became the referee(裁判) for all our
My friends all had fun playing the At night, my bedroom was filled with
I went to bed with the happiness of having the best birthday party of my ( )
Betty celebrated her birthday
in the park
in a hotel
at school
at home( )
Betty and her mom didn’t buy ____________ in the
birthday cards
balloons( )
___________cooked a lot of delicious food for the
Betty’s mother
Betty’s father
Betty’s friends( )
The best title(题目) for this passage is
My friends and I
How to Invite Friends to a Party My Best Birthday Party
Who Are My ParentsDMy little brother Jimmy is four and a half years
He falls in love with cartoons these
When he is watching his favorite cartoon shows, it becomes really difficult to move him from h is
After watching his favorite shows like One Piece, Boonie Bears, Armor Hero and Pleasant Goat and so on, he tells the characters and stories to
He even asks me to watch them with
When watching cartoons, he doesn’t cry or ask for anything, because he puts all his heart into
Why do kids love cartoons so much? Let us find First, most of the cartoon shows become quite popular, because they hel p children to learn many
They can bring funny and interesting things to
Second, the color, the sound, the voice and the story of their favorite characters can attract(吸引) the children’s
The sound effects(音效) of the cartoon is very
Kids can always rememb er all the songs of their favorite cartoon
Third, cartoons create a world for
These have nothing to do with the problems of real
Children love the super powers(超能力) the cartoon characters
Also, the main cartoon character can always have a way to solve all problems and the good people can beat the bad
Most of the stories always have a happy So just enjoy your favorite cartoon ( )
Jimmy doesn’t cry or ask for anything when watching cartoons, because
he is a quiet boy his parents ask him to keep quiet he puts all his heart into them he wants to be polite( )
According to(根据) the passage, kids can always remember
the bad people in the cartoons
the good people in the cartoons the happy ending of the story
all the songs of their favorite cartoon shows( )
In this passage, we can find _____________ reasons why children love
six( )
From the passage, we know
Jimmy is a five-year-old boy Jimmy likes watching cartoon shows very much The writer is Jimmy’s father Cartoon shows can’t help children to learn anything第II卷( 共60分)Ⅴ. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分)阅读下文并回答问题。The year of 20XX was very important for Chinese pop star Lu
In 20XX, he decided to leave EXO, a band(乐队) from S-Korea(韩国) and also played a role in his first Lu first became popular in 20XX as a member of
With his good looks and singing talent, the 24-year-old man soon got a lot of However in October, Lu left EXO and came back to
His best friend told people that Lu did it because he wanted to spend more time with his “Lu is in S-Korea for many years but he can’t go back home very often because he is very busy” , said his best friend, “As his parents are getting older, he wants to look after them ”Back home, he played a role in a movie called Miss Granny(《重返20岁》). In the movie, a 70-year-old grandma goes back to her
Lu plays her grandson, a rock band
Lu said he felt nervous and excited when he made this
He worked hard and in one scene(场景), he had to ride a bike and fall off the
He fell off the bike over and over again and didn’t know his nose was bleeding(流血).What will the future be like for the young star? Let’s wait and
Good luck to
Was the year of 20XX important for Lu Han?___________________________________________________ When did he first become popular?___________________________________________________ Why did he leave the band EXO?___________________________________________________口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框中7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话 What about you? Do you like soccer? What are you going to do today? That’s why I like
Why don’t you like it? Are you going home today? I also hope Chinese soccer can have good grades one A: Tom, 69B: I’m going to watch a soccer game this A: Really? 70B:
I like it very
71A: I don’t like
And I can’t think of any reason why you like soccer, because Chinese soccer is very B: 72 . I think all Chinese people should give more love to Chinese A:
And 73 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子语法正确,意思通顺。(每空1分,共8分) You can see many ____________ (factory) in this 75 .They ____________(build) a new school in the village last
Thanks for your ____________(invite). He ____________ (have) his own house next
Do you mind ____________ (open) the window? He hopes ____________(be) a cook one
Look! There are some boys ____________ (play) basketball on the
Tracy is ____________ (good) at English than 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)根据所给提示,完成句子,每空一词,含缩略词。 He can come to the park on
(变一般疑问句)__________ __________ come to the park on Friday? She will have some children in the
(变否定句)She __________ have __________ children in the
There are 3 glasses of milk on the
(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ milk __________ there on the table? You can’t go to the concert if you don’t finish your homework
(变同义句)You can’t go to the concert __________ you finish your homework
我起床很早是为了能够赶上第一班公共汽车。I get up very early __________ __________ I can catch the first
短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)根据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词。If you need to 87 your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers? To remember 11 numbers is not
However, we are losing this ability(能力) 88 of smartphones(智能手机). And smartphones are also bad for people’s face-to-face
Even when friends have a meal together, it is common for them to play with their For students, it is not good,
Some students 89 more than four hours a day on their phones and they certainly do 90 in study than those who play with their phones only for 30 minutes a It is true that smartphones make our 91
But many people also think they spend too much time on it, and this is bad for their study or
People are trying to make it
A coffee bar in New York hangs a blackboard on its door and it says, “We don’t have Wi-Fi
You nee d to talk 92 your friends with your mouth but not
” And in a restaurant in Los Angeles, people can have a 5% discount(折扣) 93 they don’t play with their phones during the
Its owner, Mark, says he hopes it gives people a 94 to enjoy their meal and the time with their friends and
书面表达。(15分)现如今,网络已经在人们的生活当中占据了很重要的位置。但是有些学生却过分沉迷于网络。这样对学生的发展很不好。请你以学生会的名义写一篇作文,号召大家在网络的使用上要有节制,不能过度沉迷。内容必须包含以下几点: 网络虽然在人们生活中占据重要位置,但作为学生在使用上却要有所节制。 列举过份使用网会给学生带来的坏处。至少列举两点。 作为学生来说,应该怎样合理使用网络。文章必须包含所有要点。可以适当发挥,使文章更加流畅。字数60至80字。Dear students,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________Students’ Union(学生会)年级英语试卷 第10篇一、找出下列单词中含有的首字母,并将此字母写在横线上1、 pple 2、 at3、 range 4、 ouse5、 ion 6、 oo二、英汉连线vase 小提琴violin 冬天winter 花瓶pencil 春天spring 铅笔English 英语plane 轮船ship 大象train 火车elephant 飞机三、填所缺的词1、I (起床) at six in the
gut up
play football
go to school
go to work2、He _______ (足球) in the
play basketball
play the flute
plays football
sing3、We (去上学) by
walk to school
go out
go to school
go home4、We have (数字和语文) in the
Maths and English
Maths and Chinese
Music and Chinese5、My father goes to work (骑自行车)。 by bike
by bus
by plane
by train6、They (吃午饭) at
have breakfast
have dinner
have lunch
have sweets7、He plays the (笛子) in the
play pingpong8、Do you (去游泳)?Yes,I
go to swimming
go swimming
go swim9、We (穿毛衣) in
wear sweaters
wear shirts
wear gloves
wear hats10、In (夏天),we wear
summer年级英语试卷 第11篇一、试题评价本次试卷全面、准确地考查八年级学生在英语学习方面到达《新课程标准》所规定的八年级英语水平的程度。试题做到了考查资料基于教材,但不受教材资料的制约。但对于刚从七年级进入八年级的学生来说,此次期中测试的题量偏多,所以导致很多同学无法再规定时光内完成试卷题目。二、试卷结构试题资料几乎涵盖了《课程标准》初二英语上册第一单元至第六单元的所有话题和功能意念项目,信息量大,注重语言基础知识的考查。另外,该份试卷紧扣教材,突出重点,注重对基础知识和基本技能的考查。三、学生得分情景。本次期中考试试卷题目难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围很适合八年级学情。但要在90分钟的时光内完成80道题目的再加上一篇小作文,这对于刚升入八年级的学生来说确实有些难度,所以,这也是这次考试许多同学分数不梦想的原因。从分数上看,本次考试108分以上的优生仅一名考生,九十分以上的同学也仅有寥寥几人,平均分还未及格,仅有51分,整体情景不是很好,当然考试中也暴露出了一些问题: 第一部分:听力部分听力部分是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力II,情景反应部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、基础知识掌握得不好,考试经验不足所致。 第二部分:笔试部分。单项选择 本题为基本题型,但考查的是基本的语法点,所以,语法知识欠缺的学生此题就完成的不好,得分也不是很高。完型填空 本体是此次考试中得分率最高的一道题,文章相对简单,易于理解,学生做题时也最有信心。阅读理解 本题第1篇阅读理解篇幅较长,学生失误教多。部分学生不能根据上下文猜测词义,对于常见用语掌握的熟练程度不够,基本功不扎实,知识掌握不到位。应注意加强培养学生的课外阅读习惯。写作1)此题实用性较强,仍有必须的难度。2)考生在书面表达中所反映的问题主要有:基础不扎实,语言表述不清楚。主要表此刻:语序混乱、语法结构错误、基本句型没掌握、单词拼写错误、时态错误等。3)学生的词汇量小,词汇掌握的不牢固,综合本事差。4)学生书写本事差,书写不规范,书写了草,也是失分的一个原因。四、教学提议:经过对英语试卷和考试情景的分析,针对英语教学中存在的问题,英语教学还要在以下几个方面作进一步的努力:1、更新理观念,钻研教材,夯实英语基础英语试题改革虽然强调了由过去的比较注重知识考查向注重综合语言运用本事的考查,可是我们应当清醒地认识到本事高于基础,但必须依托基础,考查本事,并不意味着削弱对基础知识的要求,而是要联系实际。试题主要考查新课标和教材所规定学生应掌握的英语基础知识。许多练习很多学生“一看就会,一做就错”,这种现象比较普遍,有时学生做题失误原因是对于常见用语掌握的熟练程度还不够。其根本原因就在于基础不牢,仅有扎扎实实从基础做起,才能最终到达“一看就会,一做就对”。2、确立语篇意识和综合意识,培养综合运用本事新目标英语突出了语篇功能和综合运用本事。阅读理解试题是分值较高的试题,所以,英语阅读理解水平的高低至关重要。阅读理解试题经过不一样体裁,不一样题材,从文章主旨大意能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局,并能查找具体细节,根据上下文猜测词义,理解作者意图和态度,把握文章的基本结构。所以,我们在平时的教学中要根据教材切实搞好语篇教学,并有意识、有计划地增加英语阅读量,题材、体裁要尽量多样化,经过很多的阅读,扩大学生的知识面,使学生熟悉不一样体裁、不一样题材文章的作题思路,提高阅读速度,提高驾驭语篇的本事。选材要尽量要贴近学生的生活实际,注意时代性、生活性和社会性。3、加强英语课外阅读,提高信息素养英语知识的获得与本事的提高是在不断的听、说、读、写的训练过程中逐步构成的,而教材和课堂所能供给的训练还是比较有限的,课标要求五级学生除教材外,课外阅读量应累计到达15万字。所以,要加强理解语篇的本事训练,增强英语语感。其次,训练要注意提高质量。在选择学习材料的时候,必须要依据课标和学生的实际精选材料,能够将好的材料进行优化组合,减少学生的无效学习,切实减轻学生的课业负担,提高学习的实效。同时要增强信息意识,培养和提高信息素养,重视运用英语解决实际问题的本事。4、规范训练,改善学习方法。从学生的答卷情景来看,有些学生(包括一些英语基础较好的学生)在答题中反映出的种种问题必须引起高度重视。所以,在日常教学中教师除了为学生做具体的示范和技术指导,如提示审题方法、研读试题意图等以外,还要认真抓好平时的规范训练,养成认真审题、规范答案的好习惯,尽可能减少由于审题不仔细、答题符号不规范等不必要的失误。另外,还要善于分析学生,找出学生的薄弱环节,合理安排好教材知识梳理、专项训练和应试技巧指导。年级英语试卷 第12篇一、单词翻译在上面________ 在前面________ 在后面________ 在旁边________
二、选择填空。(10分)( ) ________ a desk in the ( ) ________ many books in my ( ) is in front ________the ( ) many days are there in a week(周)?There ( ) are three green________in the ( ) have a new bed . It’s ________? dirty
( ) are________of flowers in it
lots( ) ________are the picture? --- They’re on the ( ) ________some orange juice in the glass(杯子)。
’t( ) is ________phone near the 三、选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。并将正确选项写在题前的括号内( )
Beside( )
between( )
cool( )
are( )
That( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
四、情景交际。并将其正确的字母编号写到相应的横线上。询问对方的房间是怎么样的。该怎么说:_______ What’s in the classroom?
What’s your room like?
Where is your room?
如果你想说―多么漂亮的照片啊!,该怎么说:______ We’re late for
Please hurry!
What a nice photo! 如果你想说―到处都是图片和照片。应该怎么说:_____ You look cool!
There are pictures and photos
The rooms are
如果你想说 ―它们是我奶奶的植物时,应该怎么说_____ They’re my grandparents’
They’re my grandmother
They’re my grandmother’s
如果你想说 ―房子前面有一棵树时,应该怎么说_____ There is a tree behind the
There is a tree in front of the
There is a tree front of the 我的房间里有张大床。 _____ is a big bed in my
is a big clock in my
is a big bag in my bedroom我的电脑在桌上 _____ computer is in the
computer is on the
computer is near the 你告诉别人―这是我的房间‖时,应说: _____ is my
B .This is my
this your room? 你告诉别人―我的房间里有一张照片‖时,应说: _____ is a photo in my
there a plant?
is a plate in my room?五、从右栏找出适合左栏的答语,并将其字母编号写在左栏题前的括号里( ) Is this your
I can see a ( ) Where’s your
Yes, it’s under the ( ) Is it under the
It’s on the ( ) What’s on the desk
There is a water bottle, a book and a ( ) What can you see in my
No, it isn’年级英语试卷 第13篇听力部分(40分)一、听录音,将听到单词的序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( )1.A. boy B. teacher C. student( )2.A. sixteen B. eleven C. twenty( )3.A. mother B. father C. brother( )4.A. China B. Canada C. America( )5.A. grandpa B. girl C. woman二、听录音,标序号。(20分)1.A. KangarooB. elephantC. mouse D. jeep E. apple( )( ) ( ) ( )( )2.A. hamburger B. fish C. bag D. ant E. nest( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,判断。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分)( )1.I’m from Canada.( )2.Watch out !( )3.Goodbye, Mr. Black.( )4.He’s my father.( )5.This is my friend Amy.笔试部分(60分)四、请从B栏中找出A栏的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分)( )1.Who’s this boy? A. I’m from China.( )2.How many kites can you see? B. He’s my brother.( )3. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you!( )4.Where are you from? D. Nice to meet you, too.( )5.Happy Women’s Day! E. I can see 18 kites.五、把下列数字按从小到大的顺序排列。(写序号)(10分)A. seventeen B. five C. eleven D. twenty E. twoF.twelve G. fifteen H. eighteenJ. one K. five___________________________________________________六、请为下列汉语选择最恰当的英语。(10分)( )1.你来自哪里?A.Where are you from? B. My name’s Bailing.C. I’m from America.( )2.“三八妇女节”快乐!A.Where are you from? B. Happy Women’s Day!C. I’m from China.( )3.她是我妹妹。A.She’s my mother . B. He’s my brother.C.She’s my sister.( )4. 我有11支蜡笔。A.I can see fifteen crayons. B. I can see eleven pencils.C.I have eleven crayons.( ) 5. 那个男的是谁?A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s that man?C. who’s that women?七、找答语,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。(20分)( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning!( ) 2. What’s your name? B. I’m Mike.( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you.( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Great!( ) 5. Let’s go to school! E. Nice to meet you, too.( ) 6. Good morning! F. My name’s John.( ) 7. How are you? G. See you!( ) 8. Nice to meet you. H. Good afternoon.( ) 9. Let’s paint! I. Hi!( )10.What’s your name? J. OK!八、情景对话,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( )1、有一天,你上课迟到了,你该怎样说?A. I’m sorry. B. How are you? C. Here you are.( )2、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon.( )3、John说:“I like yellow.”你的爱好跟他一样,你可以说:A. Great! B. My name’s Bai Ling. C. Me too.( )4、你想知道对方有多少只钢笔,你该怎样问?A. How many pens do you have?B.How many rules do you have? C. How many pens can you see?( )5. 你想知道那个女的是谁,该怎样问?A.Who’s that girl? B. Good morning. C. Who’s that women?年级英语试卷 第14篇一、英语试卷讲评课存在的几个误区1.核对答案型这种只核对试题答案而不进行试题评析的形式,使相当一部分学生对一些选择题、判断题、阅读题等根本无法知道为什么是那个答案,更谈不上对评讲内容的巩固、强化,以及对英语综合运用能力的提高。2.逐题讲评型一些教师从英语试卷的第一题开始,一讲到底,题题不放过,讲一份试卷往往要花上两三课时。这样,既浪费了学生有限的英语学习时间,也容易使学生产生厌烦心理,试卷讲评收益甚微。3.重点讲评型教师对多数学生做对的试题不评讲,错误较多试题采取重点讲评。这种做法虽然比前两种好,但仍然是教师讲、学生听,讲评形式单一,教师就题论题。学生的收获只会解答一道题,而不能做到触类旁通,不能很好的体现学生学习的主体性和能动性,以及英语教师的主导作用。二、英语试卷讲评课的基本环节和有效措施教师在对英语试卷进行讲评时,应尽量做到以下几个步骤:1.总结英语考试的基本情况教师在试卷讲评课开始时,先向学生简要介绍这次测试的基本情况。即:本次测试的最高分是多少,优秀率为多少,及格率为多少,以及各分数段的人数,并指出这次英语测试试卷中学生所存在的主要问题,但不公布每个学生的具体分数和在班上的排名。尽管教师不公布每个同学的分数,但应做好英语测试成绩的统计和试卷的分析,找出试卷解答过程中个体学生所存在的主要问题等。2.明确试题讲评的目的作为讲评课,一要讲考查知识点,讲解题策略,讲答题思路。二要评生。三要练“疑点”,练“误区”,练“提高”,师生双方应通过试卷的评讲发现各自存在的问题,以便教师改进教法,优化学法指导;学生调整学法,查漏补缺,为以后的教和学定好方向,不要“就题论题”,而要“借题发挥”,由一个触及一类,使学生掌握解题的技能技巧。3.指出存在的问题,让学生进行探究教师把试卷中存在的问题指出来,让学生自己去独立思考或通过小组讨论,进行自主探究,自己解决。因为这样,学生会对所产生疑惑的问题印象更深刻,不易忘记。可见,英语试卷讲评课应以学生为主体,应由学生自行讨论分析——自行探究纠错——自行归纳总结——自行解决问题,这条主线贯穿英语试卷讲评课的始终,教师要多一点启发引导,少一点详实讲解。4.提供一些相关习题供学生模拟训练教师应当围绕着试卷中所出现的一些问题,再设计一些针对性的练习与变式练习,供学生检查练习,以便及时巩固和提高。只有这样,试卷讲评课才能收到良好的效果。在有关问题研讨处理之后,教师要针对该题所涉及的有关知识内容、技巧、技能、思想、方法,多角度、全方位地精心编制一些变式练习,使学生从各个角度来加深对问题的理解和掌握。5.引导学生进行知识反馈与总结。教师应当围绕着试卷中所出现的一些问题给学生总结和反思的机会,引导学生总结做错的原因,并整理各自的“错题库”。三、英语试卷讲评课应注意事项1.上英语试卷讲评课时,教师绝不能面面俱到,眉毛、胡子一把抓。教师要清楚地了解到学生在答题中存在的最突出、最主要和最想解决的问题是什么,应有针对性和侧重性地在试卷讲评课上进行纠错解疑和查漏补缺。每份试卷都有考查的重点和一定的知识覆盖面,讲评应把考查的重点、试题所覆盖的主要知识点向学生完整系统地概述一下,使学生明确考查的目标,知道每道题应用了哪些知识、根据什么方法、解决了哪些问题。讲评过程要始终抓住有代表性和普遍性的问题,把出错的根源挖出来,展示给学生,帮助学生分析产生错误的原因,启发探索准确解题的技巧,讲解答题的基本思路。使学生逐步掌握答题的基本方法和技巧,理清思路,做到举一反三,触类旁通。2.变教师的讲为学生的讲。一般情况下,学生在试卷出现的错误基本上都是以前学过、教师讲过的知识。他们错的原因可能是粗心、做题考虑不全面,也有可能是以前学的不扎实。所以在讲评试卷时可以请这一题错的同学站起来,问他们现在会不会了(大多数学生都是会的),请一位学生来讲一讲应该怎么想,是什么知识点。因此,课堂上多一些机会让学生讲一讲,让学生来教别人。而且从课堂教学观察中,可以看出,学生其实更愿意听他们的同伴讲解语言知识,在同学讲的时候,他们往往听的非常认真,而且他们还在思考同学讲的对不对。可是老师的讲的时候,学生的注意力就没那么集中了。3.讲评课要帮助学生掌握解题的方法与技巧任何一门学科,任何一种题型,都应有具体的解题方法与技巧,教师要引导学生掌握该学科每一种题型的解题方法和技巧。因此,讲评课要重在培养学生举一反三、灵活运用知识的能力。在讲解时不能就题论题,而要把题目的知识点向深度广度上加以延伸,使学生能利用已学过的知识解决问题。这样的讲解才能提高学生触类旁通的能力,达到“解一题,学一法,会一类,通一片”的目的。4.总结点“精”(1)提醒学生仔细审题,捕捉关键的信息切入题目。(2)针对每次考试中出现的学生“冤枉”失分现象要特别指出,“冤枉”失分只能依靠平时养成细心认真的习惯才能有效避免。(3)让学生及时消化讲评内容,收录自己做错的题目,并注明正确答案及解题思路,以便平时有的放矢,及时复习。5.课后做好知识消化(1)落实知识消化学生试卷反映出的问题,大多数是教学中的重点和难点,不可能一次讲解后就能完全掌握。因此,每次讲评后都要求学生对错题加以订正,做好错误记录,建立错误档案,并注明正确答案和解题思路,以便学生在下次考试前对过去的错误及时复习,不至于再出现类似的错误。(2)落实个别辅导课堂教学面对的是全体学生,个别学生在解题中的特殊问题在课堂上往往无法得到关注。因此,课后有必要进一步个别辅导,以帮助他们彻底弄清没有弄懂的问题,强化讲评课效果,全面提高成绩。总之,教师在讲评过程中要力求精讲精析,抓住典型的错例,选择要点加以点拨,充分启发学生思考。教学有法但教无定法,贵在得法。只要教师能足够重视试卷讲评课,像对待新课那样去研究和探索讲评课的教学方法,就一定能提高试卷讲评课的课堂效果。


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