
我觉得小红书是由于它的社区和电商结合的模式很适合进行品牌推广的平台。我给大家分享一下我写的关于小红书的文章,大家了解一下一些很有用的品牌推广策略(不过目前只有英文版的,中文版需要等一段时间给大家翻译):Little Red Book (XiaoHongShu-小红书), is a social e-commerce shopping app targeting 18-to-35-year-old Chinese women; the platform helps users discover and buy luxury products from overseas, share Shopping Notes and spread fashion trends.Why this social book is “Red”? Red is the color of China but it also means popular; Popular Influencer post Popular pictures of their popular Brands.If it is an app for influencers, Personal Branding and strong social engagement are the real weapons to use to obtain concrete results. Western influencers and Chinese influencers finally in the same e-arena.If you are a foreign brand already using influencer marketing, Little Red Book is highly recommended to boost your China Brand Reputation.Branding Strategies on Little Red Book (XiaoHongShu-小红书)1. STUDY HOW FAMOUS KEY OPINION LEADERS USE THE APPKey opinion leaders (KOLs) are established online figures that have gathered large followings around themselves. They are highly influential and can be recruited to represent a business or brand.Xiaohongshu is one of celebrities’ favorite social media platforms in China, and there are plenty of stars (ex: Fang Bing Bing, Angelababy, Lin Yun, Hu Ge, Zhang Yuq) sharing their latest shopping picks and lifestyle hacks there every day.Consumers feel like they share an intimate bond with celebrities through their personal, light-hearted Shopping Notes. This has created a unique UGC (user-generated content) circle made up of well-known influencers with a massive following.Every single user can become a micro-influencer as long as they’re willing to share their real and comprehensive experiences2. PERFECT TARGETING – KEYWORDSTo reach more people, you need to use actively keywords in your posts. Beside to be found more easily by users, you will also figure on their main page (the “Explore” section) if they searched for a topic similar to yours.Key words must be included in the title of the post;The theme of the whole post/article must be written around these keywords, not around multiple topics;When you post only pictures don’t forget to add keywords.3. CONTENT STRATEGYDon’t be controversial but be cool and useful.The contents quite popular on Xiaohongshu are the one talking about advice that people can consider to decide purchases. For example, when a user is searching for a lipstick, they will like to read content that gathers a lot of products description from different, to make a comparison. Even If they won’t buy directly on Xiaohongshu, the content viewed will influence their future purchase.4. ENGAGEMENTWrite the word“lipstick” in XiaoHongShu;Lipstick is a very popular category in the Little Red Book. The number of shopping notes is nearly 1 million, and the competition is very fierce because the amount of interaction is very high.Data like the registration time of the account, the number of notes published, as well as the number of fans, comment collection, etc. will affect Xiaohongshu account’s popularity.It’s important to be reactive and provide answers in order to guide them in their research. There are a lot of contents created on the same topic and to differentiate and catch the interest from them, the author needs to follow people’s comments.The better the interaction amount proves that the more users like it, Xiaohongshu platform will raise the weight and improve its ranking.5. INTEGRATE WITH THE OTHER CHINA SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMSCreate content related to your products and optimize the on-page SEO of the content;Publish the content on other social media platforms with the aim to have a good Baidu SEO in place. (Weibo-Tieba – Douban- Sohu);If you have a Taobao shop, you can also add the Taobao link to the content;When someone leaves a message in your notes or comments on Little Red Book, asking where he/she can buy the product direct the lead to:Your Baidu SearchYour Taobao Searchyour Wechat Official AccountWhen users search in this way, they can find your contact information directly.6. TESTINGSmaller brands can benefit from Xiaohongshu’s growing network of celebrity users to drive brand recognition through KOL campaigns. A simple way to begin partnerships is to send products to influencers that are within the brand’s niche, and have them authentically post their thoughts.If you are a foreign brand that is looking for innovative solutions to expand your business to Chinese market it is highly recommended to get engaged with Little Red Book app.喜欢的点个赞支持下,有需要更多探讨的欢迎随时点评! 本人是生活在中国8年的老外,现在在上海成立自己的公司,专业服务于个人品牌 & 公司品牌的运营,主要帮助中国朋友通过海外新媒体平台 & 帮助外国朋友通过中国新媒体平台为大家提供专业的品牌塑造和推广服务,平时也会分享一些成功人士的故事,如果你喜欢请关注我: @AICY爱曦另外分享一些关于这方面的回答:如何评价奚梦瑶在 2017 年 11 月 20 日维密直播时摔跤?这会有什么后果?有哪些关于雷军的趣事?吴亦凡的资源为什么那么好?王嘉尔的说唱实力如何?AICY爱曦:Digital Presence for ArtistAICY爱曦:社交老外-AICY-访谈StartupGrind的总经理AICY爱曦:#社交老外#-AICY访谈迪拜电视主持人ThurayaAICY爱曦:REPUTATIONAICY爱曦:微博个人品牌的终极指南AICY爱曦:个人品牌战略AICY爱曦:The 3 Pillars of Social Media and Brand EquityAICY爱曦:如何通过玩转微信塑造个人品牌AICY爱曦:职场战争: 建立成功品牌的规则 (第二部分)AICY爱曦:Celebrities on Social MediaAICY爱曦:越来越多中国人和中国公司开始使用Instagram的原因
发布于 2023年04月30日 18:18
投诉编号: 17366223085
投诉问题: 活动虚假宣传
投诉要求: 退货退款,赔偿
涉诉金额: 263元
05-14 18:36:32
04-30 21:21:49
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04-30 21:21:49
04-30 18:18:33
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