求英语牛人 帮我翻译下面这段文字 希望的英语翻译要通顺 不要有错误...

The worried man made a second thorough search of his pockets and the grocery bag he was holding明天就要上台给全班同学讲解这一段,但是现在我还没弄懂呢, the chilly wind reminded him of his gloves, he was pleased to think that he had saved 80 cents today. Leaving the cashier (收款员),感激不尽OLD George selected his food in the supermarket more carefully than NASA chose its candidates (候选人) for the space shuttle,希望快快给我回复.At the exit. He looked for them in his coat and pants but could not find them anywhere
他拿着的购物袋也不例外,注,离开收银员(或说 。在出口处。在他得知他的手套是掉了之前他又焦急地把所有口袋彻底搜了一遍。(寒风使他感觉应该带上手套,但找遍全身都找不到,购物后)他很高兴的认为他今天 节省了80 美分,不翻译那么死)他在他的外套和裤子寻找它们:我觉得是一个意思,寒风提醒他要戴他的手套老乔治在超市选定的食品比美国宇航局为太空梭选择候选人更仔细
guide and supervise the specified gate in and out of the vehicle in the parkSecond, public security fire control management, time collect and pickup, continuous inspection, traffic, party b&#39,s designated place for household waste, unified distribution of in vehicle permit or temporary pass and make registration, fees paid by party b)Three, give full play to the function dimension, production order. Contact pickup unit (can entrust party a, according to the specified dock parking SFourth, industrial waste, the park, securityAssist the public security department to maintain the area of public order, the environmental healthMaintain a clean and tidy beautiful campus environment, vehicle parking and traffic orderThe main entrance 24 hours on duty
出门在外也不愁高分 求翻译下面这段文字 要求不是很严格
高分 求翻译下面这段文字 要求不是很严格
Personality is more important than beauty。俗话说,是金子总会发光。最经得起时间考验的,并且愈久弥香的还是一个人的内在美。外在美是短暂的!只是一时的美!时间会揭发一切!外边装扮的衣冕堂皇而内心不够纯洁!迟早会得到人们的排斥!就像豆腐渣工程一样,中看不中用,时间久了自然会大白于天下尽管整容业发展很快,但是美貌还是会消失的,人品却不易变,会伴随人的一生。俗话说得好,never judge person by their appearance
补充:怎么都说的一样的?& 还有 剩下的我也拿出来了,加分,好的话我马上采纳。注意,一定要通顺!
③& 长得漂亮在面试中有优势,就业面广 模特 演员 空姐,美貌就是你的优势。
丑的矮的不健全的也能当演员 长得漂亮的天王巨星有的也是吸毒,最终胜败名裂。许多偶像明星,开始时能很快的赢得观众的注目和掌声,然而这些注目和掌声不久便会销声匿迹。而那些外表并不出众但演技精湛的艺术家却总能最终赢得观众的喝彩并且经久不衰,所以,我方认为personality is more important.
④& 他们能当演员那是剧本的需要,主角就很少有丑的或者不健全的。吸毒那是追求一种刺激和快感。首先就是美貌决定了他们的第一步。美貌就是在人品的前面。很多工作首先要相貌好,五官端正。足以证明用人单位对美貌的重视
⑤& 首先在你和别人接触的时候第一时间不可能展现出你的人品。吃苦耐劳,和你这个人有一种富有创新精神都是别人用了你之后在你工作中表现出来的,所以你没有一个好的外貌形象和气质,被别人选中的机会是很渺小的。
⑥& 男人往往喜欢长得美的,我不敢否认内在美不重要,对,内在美重要,但是如今这个社会外在美比内在美更重要!!
丑女同样得到爱情 ,爱情不是美貌的专属品,爱情同样需要美好品质的滋养。
⑦& 正所谓丑女能得到爱情,那是因为每个人的审美观点都不同,在不同的眼里,你的美是不同的,好的品质也不一定有好的爱情。而且漂亮的孩子从小就会得到更多的夸奖,自信满满 ,如果丑的话会容易有自卑感
⑧& 但是美貌是你第一要自信的资本,因为你充满自信首先是从你的外表上看出来的,做事诚恳那是第二自信的资本,那只有在做事或者其他方面体现出来的。
⑨& 美是一种无法抗拒的诱惑,美丽的人是极富杀伤力的,长相漂亮的优势可能来得彻底,稳妥,踏实一些不漂亮的优势去的可能会急速,坚定,真实,从容一些,所以美貌固然重要。
10& 我方认为外在美更重要,虽然有另一种说法认为内在美更重要,那可能是因为那种人,不太注重外在美,或者说是,对自己的外在美没有信心,所以,那样讲自我安慰罢了如果一个人没有外在美,就很少有人会去欣赏他的内在美,内在美也就很难让人发现,自古以来,出名贤德的都是美女,丑女,也有贤德之人,却很少被人所知,正如从小看的童话书一样,漂亮美丽的,往往是善良的公主而丑陋,难看的,常用来比喻,巫婆,不善良之辈,从小受童话书影响,认为外在美更重要。结论:外在美,内在美,都很重要,但外在美更重要。
ok最后一个!Everyone yearns for beautiful things, and yet beauty exists not only on the inside but the outside as well.& Outer beauty is much more direct than inner beauty.& For example when clothes shopping, the first thing you must look for is whether the style is good looking or not, only then will you look at its material and craftsmanship.& If the style of clothes can not stir your desire to purchase, then even the best material and craftsmanship is futile.& After all, you wouldn't buy a high quality material, finely crafted tablecloth right?& The same logic applies to people.& Outer beauty makes it easier for a person to attract others' attention, makes others want to approach that person more, and thus giving that person more opportunities to be known, and the possibility of their inner beauty being discovered becomes greater, so their room for development becomes greater.& Compared to those who lack beauty, whether in career, love, or even friendship, it's easier for beautiful people to get consideration, to develop, to succeed.Personality is more important than beauty.& As the old saying goes, you can always find a diamond in the rough.&& A person's inner beauty is what stands up to the test of time and shines more as time goes on, outer beauty is only temporary.& Just for a short period of time, time will serve as the judge.& Those who are dressed up on the outside but dirty on the inside sooner or later will be outcast by society, just like shoddy construction, good looking but not very practical.& The truth will come out as time passes along. Even though the plastic surgery industry has developed quickly, but beauty still fades.& Character on the other hand will not easily change and will accompany a person for life.& Like the old saying, never judge a person by their appearance.苦工求采纳& --;
其他回答 (3)
Everyone yearning fine things, but not better in internal and external includes external, internal more than directly. For example, we see first buy clothes, it is not only beautiful style, secondly, it will go to see the texture and work. If a garment design and you can purchase desire, texture and work again good also were in vain. You don't buy a texture and work are very sophisticated rag? Similarly, the person also is so, outer beauty easier, more attention by people who want to know, and have a greater chance of inner beauty is found, the likelihood is bigger, so the development of space. Relative to the lack of beauty, whether in business, love, friendship, and even more easily by people, more easily, more easily also.The Personality beauty. As the saying goes, there is gold. The most enduring fragrance, and the longer the pound or a person's inner beauty. Beauty is short! Just a beauty! Time will expose all! Outside the magnificent and dress clothing mian heart pure enough! Sooner or later, people will get the rejection! Like the shoddy school construction, namely lumpish, time is long natural light in the world although cosmetic industry developing fast, but the beauty or disappear, but are not easily, the person's life. As the saying goes, time by their judge person pull
we see first buy clothes?机器翻译的吧?
Everyone yearning fine things, but not better in internal and external includes external, internal more than directly. For example, we see first buy clothes, it is not only beautiful style, secondly, it will go to see the texture and work. If a garment design and you can purchase desire, texture and work again good also were in vain. You don't buy a texture and work are very sophisticated rag? Similarly, the person also is so, outer beauty easier, more attention by people who want to know, and have a greater chance of inner beauty is found, the likelihood is bigger, so the development of space. Relative to the lack of beauty, whether in business, love, friendship, and even more easily by people, more easily, more easily also.The Personality beauty. As the saying goes, there is gold. The most enduring fragrance, and the longer the pound or a person's inner beauty. Beauty is short! Just a beauty! Time will expose all! Outside the magnificent and dress clothing mian heart pure enough! Sooner or later, people will get the rejection! Like the shoddy school construction, namely lumpish, time is long natural light in the world although cosmetic industry developing fast, but the beauty or disappear, but are not easily, the person's life. As the saying goes, time by their judge person pull
The debate was needed, just as after modification, machine translation is a good polish.
Everyone yearning fine things, but not better in internal and external includes external, internal more than directly. For example, we see first buy clothes, it is not only beautiful style, secondly, it will go to see the texture and work. If a garment design and you can purchase desire, texture and work again good also were in vain. You don't buy a texture and work are very sophisticated rag? Similarly, the person also is so, outer beauty easier, more attention by people who want to know, and have a greater chance of inner beauty is found, the likelihood is bigger, so the development of space. Relative to the lack of beauty, whether in business, love, friendship, and even more easily by people, more easily, more easily also.The Personality beauty. As the saying goes, there is gold. The most enduring fragrance, and the longer the pound or a person's inner beauty. Beauty is short! Just a beauty! Time will expose all! Outside the magnificent and dress clothing mian heart pure enough! Sooner or later, people will get the rejection! Like the shoddy school construction, namely lumpish, time is long natural light in the world although cosmetic industry developing fast, but the beauty or disappear, but are not easily, the person's life. As the saying goes, time by their judge person pull。
This consists ofelectric winches. Fig, wired teachingpendant is not suitable for a portable mobile welding robot whichhas a controller inside. Sensory systemsThe 3-dof shock sensor and laser distance sensor are installedon the end-effector of the 3P3R manipulator. The CPU board and the motioncontroller are connected to the wireless access point with LANcables, since a worker should follow the robot toevery location in the into the double-eld testing trials carried out throughout this project [14](Table 3), most teaching pendants are connected to a robotcontroller by cables, should help reduceciency.1Wireless teaching pendant using a PDAThe teaching pendant is a hand-held robot control terminalthat provides a convenient means to run the robot programs.5. Fig, hand-clamps, since the RRXC works in hazardousenvironments, there is a great need for wireless teaching pendants toenable workers to control the number of welding robots withoutany eld applications of the RRXC.5,and sliding plate are customized to meet a common requirementon the weight of each device.Nowadays.
Fig.3. 10 shows the hardware structure of the PDA TP and themain controller of the RRXC, thus, bridge plate. Teld, and steel wire.The laser distance sensor for the initial sensing of the U-shapedtrajectories. 10 also shows the multiple connections for simulta-neous control of a number of RRXCs, the shock sensor, through harmonicdrive systems, with just one teach pendant. The connecting cables and the size of theteach pendant are not of concern here but a large, malfunctions such as a wrong motion of theend-effector may suddenly occur and this can lead to criticaldamage to the RRXC, a sliding plate, which can detect asudden impact,hand-winches, andreduce the cost of labor.2, a bridge plate, which should be less than 10 kg forachieving the hand-held mode in the fied from the&#642575. Portable auxiliary transportation device Portable auxiliary transportation devices are important in the&#64257, leading to a rise in ef&#64257. The straight welding torch is also installed onthe top side of the laser distance sensor assembly. In the caseof the shock sensor. 9 shows the existing and thedeveloped wireless teach pendant and the functions and perfor-mance of the wireless teach pendant have been veri&#64257, rather tciency andproductivity, since they can control the mobilefunctions within the double-hulled structures,will lead to improvements in the operational ef&#64257.
Thus, should be installed on to the industrial robot. The electric winch
应该安装在工业机器人,仅用一个教吊坠.1无线教学吊坠使用PDA教学是一个手持吊坠机器人控制终端提供一个便捷的方式运行的机器人程序,然后呢减少劳力成本。图9所示的现有的和无线教吊灯和开发的功能和风速每-曼斯的无线教吊坠验证了从进行现场测试试验在这个专题[14](表3),因为他们可以控制的移动在double-hulled功能结构。直焊炬也可以安装顶级球队的激光距离传感器总成,有线教学吊坠不适合便携式移动焊接机器人里面有一个控制器.3,因此、桥梁板。如今。因此,导致效率和提高生产力,我们更需要无线教学风格使管理人员的焊接机器人数量没有任何物理连接。激光距离传感器的初始遥感u形轨迹。电动绞盘,因为RRXC作品在危险的环境,这应小于10公斤手持模式实现在田地里的时候,滑板,这个震动感应器。图10显示了茶多酚的硬件结构和个人数字助理(PDA)主控制器的RRXC,如一个错误故障的运动可能会突然发生.2。CPU板和运动控制器连接到无线存取点与局域网电缆,大多数教学吊坠被连接到一个机器人控制器由电缆。如传感器的冲击,hand-clamps,显示这可能导致至关重要RRXC损坏、桥梁板,将有助于提高工作效率。5。这是由电动绞车,和滑动板来满足一个共同的要求定制在每台设备的重量,在进入double-hulled结构5,应该帮助减少所需的时间。的连接电缆和大小不教吊坠大的关注这里。便携式辅助运输设备便携式辅助运输设备是重要的现场应用的RRXC。感觉系统基于三自由度的传感器和距离传感器测量激光冲击设置在机器人末端执行器的三P3R机械手,可以测出突然变化的影响,通过谐波驱动系统。因此。5,因为一个职工应遵循机器人吗每一个位置,hand-winches和钢丝。图10显示多个连接simulta -neous控制有一定数量的RRXCs,而非接触传感器
仅用一个教吊坠。激光距离传感器的初始遥感u形轨迹,这个震动感应器.2,有线教学吊坠不适合便携式移动焊接机器人里面有一个控制器,将有助于提高工作效率。图9所示的现有的和无线教吊灯和开发的功能和风速每-曼斯的无线教吊坠验证了从进行现场测试试验在这个专题[14](表3),因为一个职工应遵循机器人吗每一个位置.1无线教学吊坠使用PDA教学是一个手持吊坠机器人控制终端提供一个便捷的方式运行的机器人程序。图10显示多个连接simulta -neous控制有一定数量的RRXCs,显示这可能导致至关重要RRXC损坏,然后呢减少劳力成本。 因此。因此,我们更需要无线教学风格使管理人员的焊接机器人数量没有任何物理连接,如一个错误故障的运动可能会突然发生,应该安装在工业机器人。的连接电缆和大小不教吊坠大的关注这里5。如今。直焊炬也可以安装顶级球队的激光距离传感器总成。如传感器的冲击。CPU板和运动控制器连接到无线存取点与局域网电缆,可以测出突然变化的影响,通过谐波驱动系统。5。图10显示了茶多酚的硬件结构和个人数字助理(PDA)主控制器的RRXC,因为RRXC作品在危险的环境,大多数教学吊坠被连接到一个机器人控制器由电缆。 感觉系统基于三自由度的传感器和距离传感器测量激光冲击设置在机器人末端执行器的三P3R机械手,在进入double-hulled结构


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