
A.“天下英雄入吾彀中矣” B.“直抵黄龙府,与诸君痛饮尔” C.“撼山易,撼岳家军难” D.“十年之功,废于一旦”
南宋建立:1127年,北宋康王赵构在应天府称皇帝,年号建炎,后来定都临安,史称南宋。赵构就是宋高宗。岳飞:&金于南宋的战争:1.金军南下岳飞抗金金朝灭亡北宋后,为了迅速消灭新生的南宋政权,多次南下,南宋抗战派将领英勇抵抗。抗金名将岳飞从金军手中收复了建康,后来金军再次大举进攻南宋,岳飞又取得了郾城大捷,收复了许多失地。2.岳飞被害岳飞的连战连捷使金朝统治者感到恐慌,同时,宋高宗和秦桧为首的投降派,也害怕抗金力量的壮大对他们的统治不利,于是向金求和,金朝提出必杀岳飞的条件。于是,宋高宗使人一天十二次向岳飞发去了班师的金牌,继而解除了岳飞的兵权,并以“莫须有”的罪名把他杀害。 如何评价岳飞抗金:岳飞抗金是在女真贵族对南宋的战争中掳掠残杀,对地方经济造成严重破坏的情况下进行的。他保卫了人民的生命财产,保卫了中原地区较高的经济文化发展水平,符合广大人民利益,所以岳飞抗金正义的,功绩不可磨灭。岳飞一生廉洁正直,从不计较个人得失,因此岳飞应该是一位具有优秀品质的杰出的抗金英雄。由于南宋和金的战争属于中华民族内部的民族矛盾,不是外来入侵,所以岳飞不能称为民族英雄。岳飞的一生:岳飞(年),字鹏举,河北西路相州汤阴(今属河南)人,出身农家,家贫力学,尤好兵法、弓弩。建炎四年,金兀术率军自临安府沿运河北撤,岳飞率军伏击北撤之金兵、收复建康府(今江苏南京)。因英勇善战,声誉日高,很快就升任独当一面的将领。当绍兴二年(1132年)他刚30岁的时候,已经成了守卫长江中游的主帅。岳飞一生念念不忘的是北伐中原、“还我河山”,他曾书写下流传千古的豪词──《满江红》,高歌“三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月”,“靖康耻,犹未雪。臣子恨,何时灭?”“壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血!”绍兴四年(1134年)岳飞奉命挥师北伐,自鄂州(今湖北武昌)趋襄阳(今湖北襄樊),仅用二三个月的时间就按照预定计划收复襄阳、郢州(今湖北钟祥)、随州(今湖北随县)、邓州(今河南邓县)、唐州(今河南唐河)、信阳军(今河南信阳)等六郡之地。这是南宋建立政权以来第一次收复大片失地。因此年仅32岁的岳飞被封为节度使,成为南宋大将中最年轻有为的一员。他所率领的“岳家军”因纪律严明,战功显赫,深受人民爱戴,成了南宋抗金斗争的一个中流砥柱。宋高宗、秦桧的投降求和,激起宋廷抗战派将士的强烈反对,岳飞不仅没有按惯例向宋高宗敬献贺表,反而上表对宋高宗说“愿定谋于全胜,期收地于两河,唾手燕云,终欲复仇而报国,誓心天地,尚令稽首以称藩”,从根本上否定了这次求和协议。岳飞这种坚决反对“和议”的态度。使宋高宗甚为恼怒,更为秦桧所切齿,从此被宋高宗和秦桧视为眼中钉。绍兴九年七八月间,金廷内部发生内讧,原主张同宋朝议和的挞懒,被金廷以谋反罪处死,对宋战争的急先锋金兀术掌握了军权。他立即撕毁与南宋订立的“和议”,并于绍兴十年(1140年)五月,分兵两路向陕西和河南大举进攻,在很快夺回了河南、陕西之后,又率大军向淮南大举进攻。绍兴十年(1140年)七月初八日,金兀术率部在郾城与岳家军对阵,岳飞令其子岳云率轻骑攻入敌阵,往来冲杀。金军出动重铠骑兵“铁浮屠”作正面进攻,另以骑兵为左右翼,号称“拐子马”配合作战。岳飞遣背嵬亲军和游奕军迎战,并派步兵持麻扎刀、大斧等,上砍敌兵,下砍马足,杀伤大量金兵,使其重骑兵不能发挥所长。双方从下午激战到天黑,金军大败。郾城之战是宋金双方精锐部队之间的一次大决战,宋军以少胜多,给金军以沉重打击。接着岳家军又在颍昌府打得金兀术狼狈逃窜,并一直追击到距汴京仅四十五里之遥的朱仙镇。岳飞根据中原战场的大好形势,向高宗上书提出宋军全线进攻,渡河以光复失地的要求,然而宋高宗所求的只是抵挡住金军的进一步南侵,能保住半壁江山,成为金的属国就已心满意足了。所以不仅不同意岳飞的要求,反而急忙下令各路宋军班师,使岳家军处于孤军无援的状况,接着又连发十二道金牌,强令岳飞退兵,岳飞悲愤惋惜地说“十年之功,废于一旦”,然后无可奈何地下令班师,班师路上,民遮马恸哭,……哭声震野。岳飞北伐的巨大成果,就这样让宋高宗、秦桧拱手送给了金朝。宋高宗、秦桧强令岳飞班师后,为了扫清向金人议和的障碍,先后解除了岳飞、韩世忠等大将的兵权,然后向金乞和。而这时金兀术攻打淮西又连败于宋军,终于使他认识到对宋战争已不可能用武力取胜,也表示愿意与南宋议和,于是双方开始了紧张的和议活动。宋高宗和秦桧见和议可成,像岳飞这样的良将不仅不再需要,还有碍于投降活动,加之金兀术害怕岳飞反对和议,也派人授意秦桧害死岳飞。因而宋高宗和秦桧便以谋反罪名将岳飞父子及部将张宪逮捕入狱。此后宋金双方终于在绍兴十一年十一月订立和议:南宋正式向金朝称臣,每年纳贡银25万两、绢25万匹,并以淮水为界,将淮水以北的地区划归金朝。这个和议因是在绍兴年间签订,故被称作“绍兴和议”。绍兴和议订立不久,秦桧秉承宋高宗的旨意,伙同王氏、万俟卨和张俊加紧了迫害岳飞的活动。绍兴十一年十二月二十九日(公元日)终以“莫须有”的罪名将岳飞父子及张宪杀害,当时岳飞年仅39岁、岳云年仅23岁,岳飞临刑前在狱案上挥笔写下“天日昭昭,天日昭昭”八个大字,表示了对投降派的最后抗议。 宋高宗死后,宋孝宗即位,岳飞的冤狱得到平反昭雪,人们把岳飞的遗骨改葬在西湖边栖霞岭上,后来又在岳墓的东面修建了岳庙。宋宁宗在位时追封岳飞为鄂王。现在,在庄严雄伟的岳庙大殿里,端坐着全身戎装的岳飞塑像,塑像上方悬挂的匾额上,刻着岳飞亲笔写的“还我河山”四个大字。在岳飞墓门对面,还放着用生铁浇铸的秦桧、王氏、万俟卨和张俊四个反剪双手的跪像,反映了人民对抗金英雄的景仰和对卖国贼的憎恨。
) 1. What ________ he __________? A. do, look like B. are, like C. does, look like D. is, look like
) 2. She ______ of medium height and he ____ blonde hair. A. is, is B. has, has C. is, has D. has, is
) 3. The workers are all tired and they must stop _______ . A. working B. to work C. work D. works
) 4. Sometimes when our teacher __ us a joke in class, and we always ___ nothing and listen to her.(划线提问)________ ______ you like dolphins ? 13. He gave me a book . (同义句改写)He gave _______ _________ _________ _______ .
14.动物园的动物对我们很友好。The animals in the zoo are _______ _______ us.
15.你想参演校园剧吗?Do you want to ______ ______ the school play ? 16. He’s (划线提问)________ he _______? 17. Sally often does some reading in the morning.(变否定句)A. says, speak
B. tells , say
C. speaks, tell
D. tells, speak(
) 5. Please stop ______ . It’s time for our meeting . A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. speaking
) 6. ______? She is quiet and doesn’t like talking much .A. What would she like
B. What does she look like C. What’s she like D. What does she like
) 7. Are there any students in the classroom ? No, ______ there. A. Nobody is B. Someone is C. Nobody isn’t D. Someone isn’t(
) 8. There are three ________ in my family . A. people B. person C. peoples D. persons
) 9. The boy _____ his father. A. look like B. is loved
C. is liked
D. is like(
) 10. Miss Su teaches _______ English _____ . A. us, well B. our, well C. us, good D. our , good
(划线提问)_______ in the schoolbag?12.
他的加拿大笔友现在住在中国。His pen pal _______Canada _______ _______ China now . 13.
沿着路直走,你就会发现邮局就在车站的对面。_________ __________ the road, and you can find the post office is _______ ________ the bus stop .
步行穿过公园就是花园之旅的开始。_______ ____ the park is the _____ ______ the garden tour . 15.
He usually sleeps and relaxes ①②提问) ①______ ______ ______ he usually sleep and relax every day ? ②_______ _______ he sleep and relax 20 hours ?16.What does he do ? He is a nurse. 他是名护士。What does he do= _____ his job ? = _____ _____ he ? 17. 谢谢你帮我学法语。Thanks for ________ me _______ my ________ . 18.一群人正在打沙滩排球,他们真酷啊,真放松!A group of people _______ _______ beach volleyball, they ______ cool and _______ .七下练习:(2)(
) 1. She often ______a blue dress. A. put on B. in C. wear D. wears(
) 2. Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV.
C. watching
D. to watch (
)3.Let's _____ . A. go shopping B. went shopping C. goes
shopping D. going shopping (
) 4. We had fun
______ games.
C. to play
D. playing (
) 5._______ it going?
Pretty good! A. How's
D. Where's (
) 6. Thank you for ____ us so much help.A. giving
C. to give
D. gives (
) 7. Can you tell _____ the way to the shop? A. he
) 8. ____ you ___ a cup of tea?
Yes, please. A. Are, like B. Does, like
C. Do, like D. Would, like (
) 9. I don't like cabbage _______.A. at all
B. a little
C. a lot of
) 10. How many ____ do you want? A. rice
B. tomatos
C. pieces of bread D. potato (
) 11.The coat looks_______ old.
A. a bit of
B. kind of
C. a kind of
D. a little ofSally _______ often ______ some reading in the morning.18. It’s (划线提问)_______ the ______ like in Kunming in winter? 19. There’s sometimes lots of wind in the evening . (变同义句)Sometimes ________ quite ________ in the evening .
20. 有些学生在拍照,有些正躺在沙滩上.Some students are ______ _______ and _______ ______ ______ on the beach.七下练习:(3)(
)1. My parents often cook noodles ____ me. A . to
)2. One of the children _____ in the river last summer.A. was swimming
B. is swimming
C. are swimming
D. were swimming(
)3. ____ are the books?
They are 20 yuan. A. How much
B. What C.How many D. How money (
)4. Sorry, I'm late ______ school. A. for
)5. She ____lunch at home yesterday. A. doesn't B didn't have C.doesn't have D. hasn't (
)6. Would you like ____orange juice ?
Yes, please
A. some B. any
)7. We _____ to a movie two days ago. A. go
D. was go(
)8. What ___your sister__? She is an actor. A does, does B.do, does C.does, do
)9. We can ______ taxi to the town.
)10. We often ____TV after school.A. aren’t watch
B. don’t watch
C. doesn’t watches D. isn’t watching(
)11._________ ? It’s raining . A. What is it
B. How is it going
C. What’s the weather like
)12. Some students like math, and ______ like English . A. others
B. the other
C. the others
13. Listen ! Someone_______ (chat) outside.14. --What is Tom doing? -- He ______(draw) something on the blackboard.
15. It’s ten o’clock and Jack ______ still ______ (do) his homework.
16. Be quiet! The children _______ .(sleep)17. It’s often _______ (snow) in North China in winter.
18. He _____(look) for his lost son these days .19. 那个中等身材,有点胖的人是我的英语老师。The man who is _______ _______ _______ and _______ ______ ________ heavy is my English teacher. 20. 你跟他很熟吗?当然了。那时,他很好看并留着短短的直发。Do you _______ him _______ ? Certainly . He was ________ and _______ short _____ hair at that time . 七下练习:(4)(
)1. Mary ______ do sports last week.A. isn't
B. doesn't
)2. Lily can _____all kinds of things.A. does
)3. ______you like? A cup of tea, please.A. What would
B. What C. Would
D. How many (
)4. _____your favorite singer? She is Sun Yue.
A. What's B. Who's C.Where's D. Who (
)5. ______ Mary _____ bananas?A. Is, like
B. Do, likes
C. Does, like D. Do, like (
)6.Look!The man___the right is__Africa.A. on, from B. from, from C. on, in D. to, in (
)7. We have no time ___ home for lunch.A. go
D. to go to(
)8. Mr. Green is a short man _____ long hair.A. with
D. grows (
)9. I'd like you _____ my friends Tom.A. meet
B. to meet
C. meeting
D. meets (
)10. ______do you like English?
Very much.A. What B. How C. Which
D. Where_____ _____ bowl of noodles would the girl like ? 12. I’d like some green tea. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_______ you like ______ green tea ? Yes, I’d ______ ______ .
13. The baby didn’t cry any more when he saw his mother . (同义句) The baby ______ _______ ________ when he saw…14. She is (划线提问)What ______ she ______ ______ ? = What ______ she ______ ?16. 你想要哪种特价服饰?What______of_______clothes_____you like ?17. 想来杯清茶吗? Would you _________ a cup of tea _______ ________ ?18. 你还记得这个带着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手吗?Do you remember the pop singer who is ________funny ________ ? 七下练习:(5)(
)1. They often watch TV ______Sunday evening.
)2. I helped him _____ his pen.A. to find
B. finding
)3. ________ the weather in Australia now?A. What
)4. I can't ______ the cold weather.A. like
)5. Do you enjoy _______ the story books?
B. reading
C. to read D. to look(
)6. When ____the King ____to China?A. was, come B. did, came C. did, comeD. was, came(
)7. What ___ the boy and girl_____?A. is, do
B. is, doing
C. are, do
D. are, doing(
)8. It often ____ here in autumn.A. rained
B. will rain
D. is raining(
)9. Can you help me _____ my homework?
)10. ___ there ____ meat on the table?A. Is, some
B. Are, any
C. Is, any
D. Are, some(划线提问)_______ ______ your trip ?(划线提问)________ _______ you go on vacation ? 13. Kim did her homework at home after school . (一般疑问句)
______ Kim ______ her homework at home after school? 14. _____ the girls _____ (give) you a warm welcome ? Yes.
15. Henry watched his dog _______ (play) with a cat at that time. 16. We often practice ______ (speak) English.17. Have you mended your shoes ? Yes, I ______ (mend) them twenty minutes ago .
18. What about _______(stay) at home and _______ (study) ?同义句:I showed 6 things ________ each ________ the _______ .
填空:Each student ________ (have) 6 things now .Each of the students ________ (have) 6 things now.
The students each _________ (have) 6 things now.七下练习:(6)(
)1. Lucy doesn't mind ___the dishes after dinner. A. wash B. washing C. to wash D. washed (
)2.There are___on the desk.
A three cups of teas B three cup C three cups of tea D three teas (
)3. What are you doing now? I ___my homework.
B. do C. doing D. am doing (
)4. The weather is ________.A. sunny
)5. Is your mother a worker ______ a doctor?
C. with D. too(
)6. Oh, it's time ____ home.
D. would go (
)7. I want to go shopping. _____you?
A. How are
B. What about C. Can I help D. Would (
)8. _______ here.
A. Don't smoking B. No smoke
C. No smoking D. Doesn't smoke (
)9.Do you have to___by 10 o'clock?
B.to go bed C.go to bed D.going to bed (
)10. There ___ no bread at home. Can you go and buy some, Jenny? A. are
C. was D. were 11. Mike read a story about Edison for us. (改为否定句)
Mike ____ _____ a story about Edison for us.
12. She made her mother laugh . (改为被动语态)
Her mother ________ _______ ______ laught by her.
13. 该吃晚饭了。 It’s time ______ _______ ______ .
14. 昨天我看一个很有趣的脱口秀度过了一整晚。 Yesterday I ______ the whole night _______ an interesting ______ ______ .
15. 他喜欢听这个节目吗? Does he ________ ________ ________ the programme ?
16. 我们一整天都在拥挤的购物中心买东西,很愉快。 We had fun _________ _________ in the _________ malls .
17. You mustn’t stand under a tree on rainy days . (改为祈使句) ________ ________ under the tree on rainy days!
18. We’re talking to a boy, he is 13 years old.(变同义句)We’re talking to a ___________ boy.
19. He doesn’t want to do anything . (变同义句)He’d _______ to do ________ .
(划线提问) What do the students _________ _________ Miss Smith ? 七下练习:(7)(
)1.Thank you for _____ me the good news.A. tell B. to tell
C. telling
)2. The bookstore is far from here. You can ____.A. by bus B. on a bus C. take a bus D. in a bus (
)11.―What size shoes do you want? ―_______. A. Small shoes B. Size 36 C.36 size D. Big shoes (
)12. a bowl of 13. Would he like to see the movie this evening?=________ he ________ ________see the movie….? (
)3. CWould you like to go out for a walk?-__,but I’m busy now.A. That’s right B. I’d love to
Of course not
That’s all right(
)4. __ noodles would you like? CA small one!A.What kind of
B.What size bowl of C.How many D.How much(
)5. CWhere does your uncle _____? C In a hospital. A. work B. do C. have D. buy(
)6. Go straight and ____ left. The hospital is next to the post office. A. turnB. take C.go D. carry (
)7. Miss White has _______.A. good-looking B. a new look
C. looks D. looking (
)8. Nobody ________ the singer. A. know B. is knowing
D. knowing (
)9. ____ Monday we go to school ____ seven o’clock.A. In, at B. At, in C. On, at
D. On, for (
)10 Jim doesn’t like tomatoes,potatoes ___ cabbages.
C. or D. for 11. How does Solina feel about the movie ? (变同义句)_____ does Solina _____ ______ the movie ?12. He never has any fun .( 变反义疑问句)
He never has any fun , _______ _______ ?13. 她不在乎年轻人怎么评价她。She _______ ________ what young people _______ _______ her. 14. 老师常常让我们在课上练习对话。 The teacher _______ us _________ ___the dialogue in class.
15. 事实上,我不知道他是否同意我的观点。 ______ _______ , I don’t know if he _____ _______ me. 16. 你得帮你妈妈做饭吗? Do you ______ _______ help your mother _______ _______ ? 17.我喜欢阅读,并且愿意时常说说我的想法。I enjoy ____ and would like _____ ____ what I _______. 18. We found the boy ___________(draw) it in the room at 8 o’clock yesterday .
19. I help the little girl __________(look) for her lost cat.
20. I watched the students __________(play) football yesterday. 21. There _________(be) a little wind yesterday .22. Just now my parents ___________(make) me ___________ (stay) at home to do my lessons.七下练习:(8)(
)1. My family usually ___ bread,eggs and milk ___ breakfast.A. for B. for
)2. We have music _____ Monday and Wednesday. A. in
B. on C. at
)3. He wants to drink ________ . A. onions B. mutton C. orange juice D. potatoes (
)4. My brother ______ dumplings with beef very much,but I don’t.A. like B. don’t like C. doesn’t likeD. Likes(
)5.My cousin likes meat , but I _______ . A. do B. don’t C. can’t D. Isn’t(
)6. I’d like ________ an action movie.
D. watch (
)7. Mike and I ____ English now.
B. is reading
C. read D. are reading (
)8. There ________ some beef on the table.
)9. I’m hungry. I would like ____ a large bowl of dumplings. A. have B. Eat C. eating D. to eat (
)10. Do you like noodles ________ chicken?
D. to________ ________Fangfang like to __________ in the evenings? 15.They’d like some __________ __________ __________ noodles___________they like? 16. We have some bananas. (用oranges 改为选择疑问句)_______you ________ ________ bananas ________ oranges ? 17.Uncle Tom is a tall man. He has short hair.(合并为一句) Uncle Tom __________a tall man __________ short hair.18.He looks like an actor.(改为否定句) He ____________ ___________ like an actor.19. The bad news made her __________(feel) sad. 20. The twins ________(go) to bed very late last night. 21. Where _________ you ___________ (see) her yesterday ?22. Did your brother have fun ________ (visit) Tian’an Men Square. ?七下练习:(9)(
) 11. I remember __ him to close the window, but now the window is still open .A. telling B. to tell C. tell D. tells(
) 12. Do you know the man who ____ ? A. is beard B. has a beard C. wears a beard D. with a beard
) 13. Tom is not very heavy. Yes, I think we can say he is ______ heavy .A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. a,b and c(
) 14. The girl _____ glasses is ______ red. A. with, with B. in, in C. with, in
D. in, with
) 15. Go and see who’s in the classroom. ______ . I think they are all on the playground.A. Somebody
B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody(
) 11. My work is interesting, but ___ dangerous.
A. a kind of
C. kinds of D. kind of (
) 12. He is very hungry. He buys ____ hamburgers. A.many B.much
C.a lots of D.all of them (
) 13. &What does he do?& means_.
A who is he
B.Where is he
CWhat is he D.what is he doing (
)14 The girl wants ______ a doctor.
D. to do (
)15. Please ____late for school next time.
A. don't be B. aren't C. doesn't be D. be not (
)16. Who can play ping-pong ____ me?
C. with D. for (
)17. Welcome ____ our talk show!
A. for B. at
)18. Look! They ___in the hallway.
B. running
C. are running
D. are runing (
)19. We have classes ___ Monday __ Friday. A. to, from
B.from, to C. on, on D. on, and
)20. _______ your mother ______ the new house?A. What is, like
B. What do, think of
C. What does, like D. What does, think of21. They _________(not go) to the beach last Sunday .22. Children enjoy themselves playing games. = Children _______ great _________ playing games.
23. Would you like ___________(show) me around your school ? 24. Show me your new watch . = Show your new watch _________ ________ . 七下练习:(10)(
)1. Let's take some ________.A. photo
B. photoes
C. photos for you
D. photoes(
)2. Just now there ______ nobody in the room. A. is
)3. You can _____ it in English. He can ______ English well.A. speak, speak
B. tells, say
C. say, speak
D. talks, say(
)4. Let ______ help _____.
A. they, you
B. us, your
C. her, their
D. us, you (
)5. I want to cook some food ______ dinner.
)6. The woman over there has ____ hair.A. long brown
B. brown long
C. a long brow
D. a brown long(
)7. I have to practice _________ English every day. A. speak B. to speak C. speaks D. speaking (
)8. Let me tell you the way _______ the hospital.
A. to B. at C. on D. for (
)9. 17.Carol __some reading and__English yesterday.A.did, practiced B. did, practicingC.do, practiced
D. does, practices(
)10. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is friendly _____ his students.
A. to B. by C. for D. of (
)11. Everyone in China ___ eating dumplings.
C. to like
D. likes (
)12. He has ____ friends at school, so he feels unhappy.
A . a few B few C. a little D. little (
)13. _______ he often do his homework at home?
D. Would (
)14. I'd like _____ you.
A. play with
B. to play
C. to play with
D. playing with (
)15. There ____some tomatoes and milk in the box.
D. have 16. Maria is __________ _________ ___________ . 一个八岁大的女孩。17. He is a seven-year-old boy . = The boy is ___________ _________ _________ .18. Who _________ _________ me ? 谁同意我的意见?He never _________ _________ play soccer with me . 他从来不同意和我一起去踢球。 19. 放学后,我询问了一些学生关于电脑的事儿。_________ _________, I __________ some students ________ computers .20. Can you please __________ (put) my clothes in the box ? Can you _________(take) the photos to the classroom ? Would you like ___________(study) me ?
Please __________ (stand) there, don’t ___________ (move)! 二、句子翻译1. 公用电话在图书馆的对面.The pay phone is __________ __________ the library. 2. 我感觉有点儿冷.I feel _________ _________ cold. 3. 他是加拿大人.He ___________ __________ Canada. 4. 你想干什么? 我想当警察.___________ do you want to _________?
I want to be a ___________. 5. 他喜欢海豚,因为它们很聪明.He __________ the dolphins __________ they are _________.6. 沿着公路一直往前走,然后左拐.Walk __________ the road then _________ left. 7. 星期天,他喜欢读点书.He likes to _______ some __________ on Sunday. 8. 一些动物白天睡觉,夜晚起来吃树叶.Some animals sleep __________ the day, at night they _______ _______ to eat leaves. 9. 孩子们正在唱歌. The children __________ ____________.10. 悉尼的天气又热又潮湿.The weather in Sydney is _________ and ___________. 11. 你还喜欢别的什么动物? What _________ __________ do you like? 12. 戴着眼镜的那个男孩是谁? Who is the boy _________ ___________?13. 你弟弟长什么样子?
__________ _________ your brother ________ _________? 14. 我要牛肉和土豆的面条. I ____________ ______ beef and potato noodles. 15. 上海的天气怎么样?
_________ the weather ________ in Shanghai?16. 你去哪儿度假了?
Where did you go __________ _____________? 17. 情况怎么样?
____________ is it ____________?18. 我们在少年宫玩得很开心.We __________ __________
in the children’s palace. 19. 我受不了他们.
I ___________ ____________ them.20. 你对情景喜剧有什么看法?
________________ do you think ________ sitcoms? 21. 不要在教室里吃东西. ____________ __________ in the classroom. 22. 我不喜欢照相.
I don’t like _____________ ___________.23. 他会说一点儿日语. He can speak _________ __________ Japanese.24. 孩子们喜欢在冬天玩雪.The children like to __________ ___________snow in winter. 包含各类专业文献、中学教育、应用写作文书、各类资格考试、行业资料、专业论文、幼儿教育、小学教育、文学作品欣赏、17新目标七年级英语下册期末复习十套综合练习题单选+完成句子句子翻译等内容。
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