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“Just For Laughs Gags” 中文译名为“轻松一笑”,是一档加拿大无语言的整人搞笑节目。因其趣味性极强受到了来自世界各地的人们的喜爱。(百度百科)
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【学俚语记单词】一句话的笑话 - 点睛之语
&& & & &在美国,讲笑话的市场很大。在笑话界也出了一些习惯用语。这些习惯用语也逐渐渗入一般人的日常生活用语。幽默是美国人生活当中的一个重要部份。也正因为如此,有很多人专门从事逗人笑的这个行业。&& & & &有的像中国的相声演员那样站在舞台上讲笑话,但是他们往往是单口相声,没有搭档的。美国电视上不断有连续性的闹剧。新闻记者也拿日常生活中发生的事来开玩笑。还有报纸上充满笑话的漫画。当然,美国还有世界闻名的讲笑话演员。其中之一就是鲍勃.霍普。他的专长就是讲简短的一句话来逗观众发笑。&& & & & 这就是我们今天要讲的第一个习惯用语的意思。One-liner. One就是一,二,三的一,liner这个字是来自line,也就是一条线,或者是一行字,也可以说是一句话。One-liner,就是在line后面加上字母r。这就是指说一句话的人。从讲笑话的角度出发,one-liner就是讲很短的笑话。有的讲笑话的演员讲很长的笑话,但是one-liner是连续讲很短的笑话。&& & & &实际上,说简短笑话已经超越了文艺界的范围。下面就是一个例子。这是一个人在讲美国的政界人士。例句1: Some important politicians and businessmen keep a man on their staff just to write one-liners for them. They like to have a few one-liners handy any time they have to make a speech.& & & &这人说:政治界和商业界一些重要人物在他们的工作人员当中有一个专门为他们写简短笑话的人。每当他们要讲演的时候,他们总喜欢有几个现成的简短的笑话。& & & &美国人在发表讲话的时候总喜欢挟几个笑话,特别是在开始的时候。这大概是为了使气氛轻松一些,和吸引听众注意力的原因。******& & & &下面的例子是一个人刚到外地去发表讲演后回到家里。他马上打电话给他的朋友,对这位朋友以前送给他的一本书表示感谢。例句2: Debby, thank you so much for the book on American humor you gave me. I checked the book on my flight to Boston and found two perfect one-liners for my speech. And they really warmed up the crowd for what I had to say.& & & &这个人说:戴比,非常感谢你给我的那本关于美国幽默的书。我在飞往波士顿的路上看了一下这本书,为我发表讲话找到了两个非常好的短短的笑话。这两个笑话真是为我的讲话在听众当中制造了很热烈的气氛。******& & & &讲笑话的时候一般都得有一句关键的使人发笑的话。这句关键的话就是我们要讲的第二个习惯用语。Punch line. Punch这个字的意思是:用力地打,猛击一下。Line在这里就是指一句话。Punch line就是在讲笑话的时候用的一句关键性的话。它能点中要处,使人发笑。要是一个笑话没有这么一句关键性的话,那这个笑话也就成不了笑话。& & & &一位专家认为,punch line这个说法是来自拳击运动,punch就是用拳头打对方。A punch line不是真正用拳头打你的下巴,而是用这句话使你发笑。下面我们来举一个例子。例句3: I wish somebody would tell Joe that he shouldn&t try to tell those long jokes. They're so long that half the time he forgets the punch line and people just don't laugh.& & & 这句话的意思是:我希望谁能跟乔讲一下,他最好不要讲那种很长的笑话。那些笑话那末长,他经常忘了笑话里那关键性的话。听众根本就没有笑。******&& & & &我们再来举一个关于punch line的例子。这是一个人在说他的儿子。例句4: I don't know how to tell my son Jack he simply has no talent as a comedian. For one thing he always laughs at his own joke before he gets to the punch line. Which means nobody laughs at the end of the job.& & & &这个做父亲的说:我的儿子杰克根本没有做一个相声演员的才能,可是我真是不知怎么样去告诉他。比如说,他总是在还没有讲到那句关键的话之前自己就笑了。那就是说,当他讲完笑话的时候没有人笑。
【轻松背单词】太傻701b web背单词活动火热上线了!同学们快来一起背单词吧
【老马说英文】英国人与美国人的“鸡同鸭讲” II(转太傻网)
& & & &传说英国人总是在抱怨:&NND,美国人说的是神马语言?英语?别扯淡了,要是你们说的也叫英语,那地球上就没有英语了!&这次英国再也忍不了了。官方媒体BBC征集了英国人觉得美国人说的最不像英语的&美语50用法&,其中有不少都是在美剧或者电影里非常常见的,但是老马在这里提醒大家,如果你要参加英国的语言测试,比如IELTS,请千万记住,走英语路线,您要是敢&英美混搭&,再碰到一个较真的考官,一定拿不到好成绩!今天我们先放送1-25个,其中某些伴有&老马点评&,希望对大家学习英语有所帮助!
The Magazine's recent piece on Americanisms entering the language in the UK prompted thousands of you to e-mail examples.
Some are useful, while some seem truly unnecessary. Here are 50 of the most e-mailed.
1. When people ask for something, I often hear: &Can I get a...& It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really.&&Steve, Rossendale, Lancashire老马点评:英国是一个传统国家,也许在《Friends(六人行)》里大家很熟,都这么用。可是您如果在英国,最好还是说:&May I have&比较稳妥!
2. The next time someone tells you something is the &least worst option&, tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.&Mike Ayres, Bodmin, Cornwall
3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is &two-time& and &three-time&. Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!&D Rochelle, Bath老马点评:您要是想说两次不如说twice,您要是想说3次一定要说Three times!
4. Using&24/7&rather than &24 hours, 7 days a week& or even just plain &all day, every day&.&Simon Ball, Worcester老马点评:美剧里经常有人这么说,但是看起来,英国人很不爽&&
5. The one I can't stand is &deplane&, meaning to disembark an aircraft, used in the phrase &you will be able to deplane momentarily&.&TykeIntheHague, Den Haag, Holland
6. To &wait on& instead of &wait for& when you're not a waiter - once read a friend's comment about being in a station waiting on a train. For him, the train had yet to arrive - I would have thought rather that it had got stuck at the station with the friend on board.&T Balinski, Raglan, New Zealand
7. &It is what it is&. Pity us.&Michael Knapp, Chicago, US老马点评:在正式场合大家最好说That's the way it goes
8. Dare I even mention the&fanny pack?&Lisa, Red Deer, Canada
9. &Touch base& - it makes me cringe no end.&Chris, UK
10. Is &physicality& a real word?&Curtis, US老马点评:传说字典上暂时没有这个词,但是我们可以通过字面理解为&肉体性&。
11.&Transportation. What's wrong with transport?&Greg Porter, Hercules, CA, US老马点评:不得不说Transportation这个词我也经常用,但是其实Transport已经包含了Transportation这个词的所有词义了。
12. The word I hate to hear is &leverage&. Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver -ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to &value added&.&Gareth Wilkins, Leicester
13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all &turn& 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as &turning& 90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.&Michael McAndrew, Swindon
14. I caught myself saying &shopping cart& instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.&Graham Nicholson, Glasgow老马点评:Trolley一词在英国很常用,基本上所有可以推的推车都可以叫Trolley。
15. What kind of word is &gotten&? It makes me shudder.&Julie Marrs, Warrington老马点评:英语中没有gotten这个get的过去分词形式,只有got这一点请一定注意!
16. &I'm good& for &I'm well&. That'll do for a start.&Mike, Bridgend, Wales
17. &Bangs& for a fringe of the hair.&Philip Hall, Nottingham
18.&Take-out&rather than takeaway!&Simon Ball, Worcester
19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? &That statement was the height of&ridiculosity&.&Bob, Edinburgh
20. &A half hour& instead of &half an hour&.&EJB, Devon老马点评:这不禁让我想起了英美经常有争议的one and half hours和one and half hour,一边说一定要说成负数形式,因为本身要比&1&多,另一方则说应该用单数形式,因为还没到&2&。
21. A &heads up&. For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a &heads up& on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.&R Haworth, Marlborough
22.&Train station.&My teeth are on edge every time I hear it. Who started it? Have they been punished?&Chris Capewell, Queens Park, London老马点评:乍一听这句没错啊,但是请注意不要望文生义!!!英国人管火车站叫做Railway Station!
23. To put a list into alphabetical order is to &alphabetize it& - horrid!&Chris Fackrell, York
24. People that say &my bad& after a mistake. I don't know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that.&Simon Williamson, Lymington, Hampshire老马点评:说实话这句话我都听不下去了,您要么说That was my fault!(my fault)或者说That was my mistake(my fault)都行,my bad是个神马意思?
25. &Normalcy& instead of &normality& really irritates me.&Tom Gabbutt, Huddersfield
& & & &传说两个人在一起要在各个方面进行磨合,比如说睡觉得时候打呼噜、磨牙,早起上厕所的时间,在家里谁更喜欢洗衣服做饭&&如果你是一个吃货,你的另一半不喜欢怎么办呢?
EnglishWhen Kimberly Charles came back from a business trip to Italy last fall, she brought a five-ounce, $500 white truffle home with her. She showed it to her boyfriend, Killian MacGeraghty, and described how she would make fettuccine with butter-and-Robiolo cheese sauce and carefully shave the truffle on top.
Mr. MacGeraghty didn't share her enthusiasm. 'It smells like bat-wing dust,' he told her. 'I was a bit crestfallen,' says Ms. Charles, 48, the owner of a marketing firm in San Francisco.
Sharing meals is one of the most enjoyable things couples do together, a regularly scheduled time to relax, have an intimate conversation and recharge the relationship. But when one person is an adventurous eater and the other has simpler tastes, meal times are often divisive.
Foodies can be exciting dinner partners, turning everyone around them on to new ingredients, wines and cuisines. But to people who don't share their passion, foodies also can seem intimidating, judgmental, even snobby. Meanwhile, non-foodies -- folks who know what they like to eat and see no reason to venture further -- can come across as timid, stubborn or, I hate to say it, boring.
When a foodie and a non-foodie fall in love, cooking and eating aren't always a shared experience. 'Non-foodies feel left out or even judged, and foodies feel that an important part of them isn't fully understood,' says Drew Ramsey, a Manhattan psychiatrist, Columbia University professor of psychiatry and co-author of 'The Happiness Diet.' 'Unless they can bridge that gap, they run the risk of feeling that something is missing in the relationship,' he says.
Ms. Charles snuck bits of the truffle into Mr. MacGeraghty's rice and scrambled eggs. ('Did you taste that interesting, earthy note?' she asked him. Why yes, he did, he recalls. 'It's truffle!' she announced delightedly.)
A former sommelier who judges wine competitions, Ms. Charles can question the chef for 20 minutes before ordering at a restaurant. She has wine-tasting parties where everyone spits their wine into a bucket.
Mr. MacGeraghty, a 49-year-old singer and composer, says he is a 'meat and potatoes guy.' He doesn't spit out wine, but he has spit out food he doesn't like into his napkin. At dinner parties, he has claimed to want second helpings, taken his plate to the kitchen and dumped his first helping in the garbage. He says he finds Ms. Charles intimidating when she orders in French in restaurants.
Recently, the two met another couple for dinner at a popular new restaurant. Told there was a one-hour wait for a table, Mr. MacGeraghty suggested they go to the 'perfectly good restaurant' around the corner. 'What's more important,' he asked, 'the food or the good company?' His three companions answered in unison: 'The food.' They ended up waiting for the table.
The couple has learned other ways to compromise. Ms. Charles suggests he skip foodie events that seem too serious or snooty. Mr. MacGeraghty says he tries everything once and complains later.
Cindy and Larry Rynning, of Wheaton, Ill., have no trouble eating together, but they part ways over what to drink. For a recent meal of salmon teriyaki, Ms. Rynning chose a slightly sweet Riesling. Mr. Rynning drank milk.
Ms. Rynning, 58, an early-childhood special-ed teacher, likes wine's social aspects. She has taken wine classes, recently started a blog, and takes her husband to wine tastings. Mr. Rynning, a 56-year-old attorney, enjoys the wine tastings but prefers light beer.
He thought it was hilarious when he recently learned that there are different glasses for different types of wine. When she encourages him to write down his thoughts about a vintage, he gives one of three designations: 'good,' 'pretty good' or 'don't like.' Then he clears his palate with beer.
'I spend a lot of time on details in my work,' Mr. Rynning says. 'For me to relax, I don't want to analyze and take notes.' Sometimes, Ms. Rynning says she wishes her husband would split a bottle of wine with her. 'It would be a sharing of something that I really like,' she says. He says he feels a little frustrated on those rare evenings when she gets a bit tipsy and goes to bed early. But they both agree on one thing: 'It works out well that I can be the designated driver,' he says.
Vera Sweeney, 34, co-owner of a company that manages several websites for women, says she eats 'like a child' -- that is, mostly chicken and pasta. Her husband, though, has eaten chicken hearts, sweetbreads, frog's legs, escargot and goat. 'And of course he doesn't just eat it,' says Ms. Sweeney, who lives with him in Garden City, N.Y. 'He has to eat it in my face.'
She has set some rules: No Indian food. No fish. No fajitas (she hates the way they smell). And she doesn't want to be nagged to try new things. 'He needs to let me be my boring self,' she says. Ms. Sweeney cooks chicken for dinner most nights. but they also go to restaurants Ms. Sweeney likes: American, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Turkish, Moroccan. When they try a new place, they call ahead to make sure roast chicken is on the menu.
Bill Sweeney, 35, indulges his adventurous tastes at a social club he formed for men in his town. Each month, he picks a restaurant for them that his wife would never try -- sushi, Thai, Asian fusion, a pub with 100 craft beers on tap.
'You have to understand what the other person likes and not let it be the be-all and end-all of your marriage,' Mr. Sweeney says. 'There are a lot more important things than whether she will eat eel with me.'
中文& & & &金伯利&查尔斯(Kimberly Charles)去年秋天从意大利出差归来时,带回家一块重五盎司、价值500美元的白松露。她把这块松露拿给男友基利恩&麦克杰拉蒂(Killian MacGeraghty)看,并说她打算如何用黄油和罗比奥罗(Robiolo)乳酪酱汁烹制宽条意面,再小心地片些松露放在上面。
& & & &&麦克杰拉蒂并没有像她那样兴奋。他告诉她,&松露闻起来就像蝙蝠翅膀上的灰尘一样。&查尔斯说,&听到这话我有点沮丧。&48岁的查尔斯在旧金山经营一家营销公司。
& & & &&Kyle T. Webster共同进餐是伴侣之间最愉悦的事情之一,是一段放松身心、亲密交谈,为双方关系充电的固定时间。但如果其中一人是爱挑战新口味的吃货,而另一个人对口味的要求比较简单,进餐时就常常会出现分歧。
& & & &&与吃货共享佳肴会令人激动不已,他们带动周围所有人去品尝新的食材、美酒和菜肴。但对吃没那么热衷的人也可能会感觉吃货咄咄逼人、爱评头论足,甚至势利。而不热衷美食的人──他们知道自己爱吃什么,并且认为没必要尝试更多东西──给人的印象则是胆怯、固执,或者说得不好听一点就是无趣。
& & & &&吃货若是与非吃货相爱,两人在烹调和用餐方面不一定总能合拍。曼哈顿的精神病学家、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)精神病学教授、《幸福饮食》(The Happiness Diet)一书作者德鲁&拉姆齐(Drew Ramsey)说,&非吃货们感到自己受到冷落,甚至被扣上帽子,而吃货们则感觉自己个性中很重要的一部分没能被完全理解。&他说,&除非双方能弥合这种差距,否则可能会感觉到彼此关系中缺了点什么。&
& & & &&查尔斯偷偷在麦克杰拉蒂的米饭和炒蛋里放了一点松露。(她问麦克杰拉蒂,&你有没有尝到有意思的土壤味道?麦克杰拉蒂回想了一下,确实如此。于是她愉快地宣布:&是松露的味道!&)
& & & &&查尔斯曾做过品酒师,在竞赛中品鉴葡萄酒,她在餐馆点菜之前可以花上20分钟问大厨问题。她会办品酒派对,每个参加派对的人都会把口中的葡萄酒吐到一个桶里。
& & & &&49岁的麦克杰拉蒂是歌手兼作曲家,他说他是吃肉和土豆就能凑合的那种人。他不会把酒吐出来,但他曾把不喜欢吃的食物吐在餐巾上。在餐会上,他曾要求换菜,把他的餐盘拿到厨房,把原先那份倒进垃圾箱。他说他觉得查尔斯在餐馆里用法语点菜时很吓人。
& & & &&最近,两人与另一对夫妇相约在一家新开的人气餐馆里聚餐。听说要一个小时才能等到位子后,麦克杰拉蒂建议大家去街角一家&好得没话说的餐馆&用餐。他问道,&什么最重要,是吃东西还是大家好好聚一聚?&他的三个同伴异口同声地说:&吃东西。&结果他们继续等座。
& & & &&两人还学会通过其他方式达成妥协。查尔斯建议麦克杰拉蒂不要参加感觉太严肃或太高傲的美食活动。麦克杰拉蒂说,他每样东西都会先品尝一下,然后再抱怨不好吃。
& & & &&来自伊利诺伊州惠顿(Wheaton)的辛迪(Cindy)和拉里&林宁(Larry Rynning)能吃到一起,但在喝的方面则不太一致。最近两人在吃照烧三文鱼时,辛迪选择了略甜的雷司令(Riesling),而林宁则喝牛奶。
& & & &&58岁的辛迪从事婴幼儿特殊教育,她喜欢葡萄酒的社交意味。她参加了品酒课程,近期开了一个博客,还带她丈夫去品酒。56岁的林宁是一名律师,他喜欢品尝葡萄酒,但更爱喝淡味啤酒。
& & & &&林宁最近了解到不同种类的葡萄酒要配不同酒杯,他觉得很好笑。当辛迪鼓励他写下对某种葡萄酒的看法时,他会从以下三个评语中任选一个:&好&、&不错&,或是&不喜欢&。然后他会喝啤酒清口。
& & & &&林宁说,&我在工作中要花很多时间来关注细节,所以休息时我不想做分析和记东西。&辛迪说,她有时候希望丈夫能和自己分享一瓶葡萄酒。她说,&这是分享我真正喜欢的东西。& 而林宁则说,有那么几个晚上辛迪略有醉意,会早早睡觉,让他感到有点失意。但他说有一点两人都赞同,那就是:&我能负责开车是很好的。&
& & & &&34岁的薇拉&斯威尼(Vera Sweeney)与人合伙经营一家女性网站管理公司,她说她吃得&和小朋友差不多&──也就是说,她主要吃鸡和意大利面。而她的丈夫则吃过鸡心、牛羊杂碎、青蛙腿、蜗牛和山羊肉。与丈夫一起住在纽约州加登城(Garden City)的薇拉说,&当然,他不仅仅是吃这些东西,而且是当着我的面吃。&
& & & &她定下了一些规矩:不吃印度菜。不吃鱼。不吃墨西哥烤肉卷饼(她讨厌它们的气味)。她也不喜欢别人劝她试吃新东西。她说,&在吃的方面我就是个无趣的人,他必须能包容。&薇拉大多数时候会用鸡肉做晚餐,但夫妻俩也会去薇拉喜欢的餐馆用餐,包括美国、意大利、中国、希腊、土耳其和摩洛哥餐馆。当他们想尝试新的馆子时,会事先打电话确定菜单上有烤鸡。
& & & &&35岁的比尔&斯威尼(Bill Sweeney)为当地男性组织了一个社交俱乐部,他们会尝试各种美食。斯威尼每个月都会为他们挑选一家他妻子根本不会去尝试的餐馆──寿司馆、泰国餐馆、融合亚洲餐馆,还有一家可享用100种精酿啤酒的酒吧。
& & & &&斯威尼说,&你必须理解另一半的喜好,不要让吃成为你婚姻的全部。与她是否愿意和我一起吃鳗鱼相比,婚姻中还有许多更重要的东西。&
& & & &醋的好处数不胜数,在食物中加入醋,不仅可以去除鱼腥,让钙质更好的被人体吸收,更可以促进消化,达到美容的效果。除此之外,醋酸更可以杀菌,所以说醋是居家必备,厨房首选的调料之一。国人更做了很多和醋有关的食物,比如说糖醋里脊、西湖醋鱼、用醋腌制的腊八蒜等。如果你很喜欢国内的陈醋、香醋、饺子醋,而现在你即将远渡重洋,飞往大洋彼岸,那么恭喜你!你遇到了&餐桌上的第一个杯具&,西方也吃醋,但多不是米醋。
& & & &&根据历史,人类吃醋的历史可以追寻到公元前好几千年,虽然很难给出确切的数字,但是可以肯定地告诉大家。亚洲人食用的醋起源于中国(不是韩国!不是韩国!不是韩国!),是米酒放置在温度高的地方发酵产生的;而在西方
& & & &&Recorded vinegar history starts around 5000 BC, when the Babylonians were using the fruit of the date palm to make wine and vinegar. They used it as a food and as a preserving or pickling agent.&
& & & &&在读一段英文的时候,大家可能会经常碰到不认识的词,比如说上面这段里的Babylonians,这个时候我们可以用猜的,这是一个非句首的大写单词,通常情况下表示的是人名或者地名。其次,容易导致误读的date,在平时我们所说的date指的是天、时间,可是这里的date的前面有一个the,所以实际上date和palm组成了一个词组,是某种fruit。
& & & &&也许有人会问:&醋的英文不就是vinegar吗?&
& & & &&上一小节中我们着重讲的是醋的制作起源,这里我们小说一下vinegar这个英文单词的来历。英语是一个包罗万象的语言,每一年牛津词典修正的时候都会加入很多新鲜的元素,比如说guanxi(关系)。我们今天所用的英语,绝大部分来源于拉丁语和法语,比如这里所说的vinegar。
The word &vinegar& derives from the Old French vin aigre, meaning &sour wine&.
& & & &&在这里向大家强调一下用英英词典的必要性,在汉英词典中,如果你检索&酒&的英文翻译,第一个跳出来的就是wine。但是英国人可不这么想,在他们的思维中wine 只等于葡萄酒,而我们常说的威士忌whisky or scotch(后者代表苏格兰产的威士忌)、伏特加vodka等酒类,英国人或直呼其名,而烈性酒会被称作alcohol /liquor /spirits(PS: spirit这个词的意思很多,比如说最常见的&灵魂&&精神&)。所以说,把白酒或者米酒称作rice wine其实是不符合英文习惯的。
& & & &&Rice wine is an alcoholic beverage made from rice. Unlike wine, which is made by fermentation of naturally sweet grapes and other fruit, rice &wine& results from the fermentation of rice starch converted to sugars.&(看到了吧,人家在wine上面都打引号了&&)
& & & &我们不难看出,&醋&在西方人的头脑中,就是从wine这东西变来的,而wine又是made by fermentation of naturally sweet grapes and other fruit,回过头来再看一下我们国内平时吃的醋,多为粮食酿造的米醋。某种程度上,中西方的饮食文化差异还是相当大的。
吃Fish & chips经常会遇到的白醋
& & & &整个冬季,北京零星飘了几片儿雪花,旱情颇重。从立春至今,医院上呼吸道疾病患者较往年有攀升趋势。于是特地选了这则英文阅读《远离感冒的十个习惯》,期间更+了老马中文点评。无论您英文学得怎么样,都请来看一眼,掌握这10个习惯,把感冒的病毒啊、细菌啊都踢得远远的。
& & & &大家都知道,感冒病毒可是通过飞沫在空气中传播。可是大家却忽略了一点,就是感冒病毒其实是可以通过接触传染。感冒病患者或者是病毒携带者在接触了诸如门把手、栏杆等物面后,感冒细菌以及病毒就会留在该物体的表面,当正常人接触同样的位置,再触摸自己的口鼻就有可能被传染上感冒。The common cold is arguably the most common illness in humans. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is also one of the most common causes of work and school absenteeism, with up to 22 million school days lost each year in the U.S. Colds are caused by viral infections. Over 200 different viruses can cause cold symptoms of varying severity.Viruses that cause colds are spread from person to person through tiny droplets of mucus that enter the air from the nasal passages of infected persons and are inhaled by others. Colds can also be spread by touching surfaces that have been contaminated by contact with infected persons and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.While it is impossible to completely prevent the spread of colds, there are steps you can take to reduce your and your family's chances of becoming infected with a virus that causes colds:
Wash your hands often.&This is probably the single best measure to prevent transmission of colds. Especially after shopping, going to the gym, or spending time in public places, hand washing is critical. Frequent hand washing can destroy viruses that you have acquired from touching surfaces used by other people. You can also carry a small tube of hand sanitizer or sanitizing hand wipes when visiting public places. Teach your children the importance of hand washing too.
& & & &从上小学起老师就经常教导大家,饭前便后要洗手,其实好的习惯是便前便后都要洗手。随着科技的发展,洗手已经不一定要跟水龙头挂钩,文中就提到了hand sanitizer or sanitizing(如上图),这是一种涂抹在手上的消毒啫喱,让你随时随地远离病毒。
Avoid touching your face, especially the nose, mouth, and eye areas, if you are around someone with a cold or have been touching surfaces in a public area.
& & & &摸脸是一个很不好的习惯!鼻子、嘴、甚至眼睛都是上呼吸道疾病容易入侵的通道。
Don't smoke.&Cigarette smoke can irritate the airways and increase susceptibility to colds and other infections. Even exposure to passive smoke can make you (or your children) more vulnerable to colds.
& & & &吸烟有害健康,也会让人成为上呼吸道疾病的易感人群!那些经常在厕所里吸烟的家伙们,考虑一下蹲在隔壁的战友门吧!
Use disposable items if someone in your family is infected.&Disposable cups can be thrown away after each use and prevent accidental spread of the virus from sharing of cups or glasses. This is particularly important if you have young children who may try to drink from others' cups.
& & & &如果家里有人感冒了,家人最好使用一次性物品。其实很多人可能觉得一次性纸杯子或者一次性餐具有些没必要,但是有孩子的家庭就显得很重要了。很多小孩都喜欢喝别人杯子里的水,这也是感冒传染的途径之一。
Keep household surfaces clean.&Door knobs, drawer pulls, keyboards, light switches, telephones, remote controls, countertops, and sinks can all harbor viruses for hours after their use by an infected person. Wipe these surfaces frequently with soap and water or a disinfectant solution.If your child has a cold, wash his or her toys as well when you are cleaning household surfaces and commonly-used items.
& & & &保持家里物品表面的清洁。只要是病患摸过的地方,无论是门把手啊,还是键盘、开关神马的都要擦拭干净,以免交叉感染。这里特别提醒家里有小孩,且孩子们感冒的双亲,记得在孩子痊愈后把ta的玩具都消毒一遍。
Use paper towels in the kitchen and bathroom for hand washing.&Germs can live for several hours on cloth towels. Alternatively, have separate towels for each family member and provide a clean one for guests.
& & & &在厨房和卫生间用纸巾擦手。有的人觉得纸巾这东西用起来浪费资源,其实做好垃圾分类的话,纸巾的用纸都是可以再造的。而且省了这点钱,万一病了,再吃药。医药化工神马的最污染环境了!
Throw tissues away after use.&Used tissues are sources of virus that can contaminate any surface where they are left.
& & & &用过的纸巾要赶快扔掉。也许有人说,这不是废话吗?其实不然,老马我就亲眼看到过英国的老大爷把用过的纸巾揣兜里了&&
Maintain a healthy lifestyle.&While there isn't direct evidence to show that eating well or exercising can prevent colds, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, with adequate sleep, good nutrition and physical exercise can help ensure that your immune system is in good condition and ready to fight infection if it occurs.
& & & &保持健康的身体状况。锻炼身体、高质量的睡眠可以让自己的免疫力增强远离感冒困扰。
Control stress.&Studies have shown that people experiencing emotional stress have weakened immune systems and are more likely to catch a cold than their calmer counterparts.
& & & &控制压力!根据研究表明,经常处于高压的人群抵抗力会比一般人要弱,所以学会舒缓压力也是保持健康的秘笈之一!& & & &其实远离感冒困扰还有很多其他的事情要注意,比如说不要用他人的电话、多吃水果蔬菜,特别是富含维生素C的水果等。病毒无处不在,但是只要有好的生活习惯,就会更多的行走在健康的区域里。
& & & &&竖中指&是近些年的产物吗?&竖中指&代表的是什么?然而&竖中指&到底是怎么来的?英国人为什么觉得&反V&也是有侮辱性的?&反V&到底代表的是什么?一切都会在这篇文章中揭晓。& & & &&竖中指&可以说是全世界通用的侮辱性手语,上到99,下到刚会走,基本上所有人都知道用这个手势表示自己的不满。(我们第一张图片里的小男孩Mikey Wilson就因为他五岁时在2002年的一场比赛里用&竖中指&的方法来宣泄自己的不满情绪而红透了全世界)& & & &中指从什么时候开始竖起&&&竖中指&详解 + 年表& & & &&竖中指&其实由来已久,经历史学家考证,这一手势实际上已经有超过两千年的历史!& & & &人类学家经过研究与考证,就这一手势的意思给出了详细的解释&&&竖中指&很形象的代表了男性的生殖器,中间竖起的中指代表了阴茎,而其他四个手指则代表了睾丸。& & & &世界上有明确记载的&竖中指&名人可以追溯到公元前419年,古希腊著名剧作家、诗人阿里斯多芬尼斯。& & & &1886年意大利新移民把&竖中指&这一手势带到了美国。& & & &在英国人们把&反V&这一手势当作侮辱性手势要追溯到公元1415年。著名的阿金库尔战役(又译:阿让库尔战役)开始前,法国人曾经扬言要砍掉所有俘虏的英格兰弓箭手的食指和中指,让他们以后再也不能拉弓。可是没想英军在亨利五世的率领下,以少胜多战胜了法国人。战后,英格兰是弓箭手自豪的向着落败的法国人反向挥舞着&V&型的手指,意思是说:&嘿!Loser,当初不是你们说要砍了我们的这两个手指吗?&& & & &现在无论是&竖中指&还是&反V&作为发泄不满情绪的手势,被全世界广泛应用。使用它们的既有政客,也有超级明星。
An American television network has apologised after pop star M.I.A. extended her middle finger during Sunday night's Super Bowl halftime show. What does the gesture mean, and when did it become offensive?A public intellectual, expressing his contempt for a gas-bag politician, reaches for a familiar gesture. He extends his middle finger and declares: &This is the great demagogue&.The episode occurred not on a chat show nor in the salons of New York or London, but in Fourth Century BC Athens, when the philosopher Diogenes told a group of visitors exactly what he thought about the orator Demosthenes, according to a later Greek historian.The middle finger, extended with the other fingers held beneath the thumb, is thus documented to have expressed insult and belittlement for more than two millennia.
'Phallic gesture'Ancient Greek philosophers, Latin poets hoping to sell copies of their works, soldiers, athletes and pop stars, school children, peevish policemen and skittish network executives have all been aware of the gesture's particular power to insult and enflame.&It's one of the most ancient insult gestures known,& says anthropologist Desmond Morris.&The middle finger is the penis and the curled fingers on either side are the testicles. By doing it, you are offering someone a phallic gesture. It is saying, 'this is a phallus' that you're offering to people, which is a very primeval display.&During Sunday night's broadcast of the Super Bowl, America's most-watched television programme of the year, British singer M.I.A. extended the finger during a performance of Madonna's Give Me All Your Luvin'.The NFL and NBC television, which broadcast the game and the halftime show, apologised.&The obscene gesture in the performance was completely inappropriate,& said Brian McCarthy, a spokesman for the NFL.The gesture is widely known to Americans as flipping the bird, or just giving someone the finger.The Romans had their own name for it: digitus impudicus - the shameless, indecent or offensive finger.In the Epigrammata of First Century AD by the Latin poet Martial, a character who has always enjoyed good health extends a finger, &the indecent one&, at three doctors.
Monkeys' obscene gestureThe Roman historian Tacitus wrote that German tribesmen gave the middle finger to advancing Roman soldiers, says Thomas Conley, a professor emeritus of communication and classics at the University of Illinois, who has written about the rhetoric of insults.Earlier, the Greeks used the middle finger as an explicit reference to the male genitalia.In 419BC, the playwright Aristophanes puns in his comedy The Clouds about dactylic (finger) rhythm, with a character gesturing first with his middle finger and subsequently with his crotch.The gesture's origins may extend even further back: male squirrel monkeys of South America are known to gesture with the erect penis, says Mr Morris.
The middle finger, which Mr Morris says probably arrived in the US with Italian immigrants, is documented in the US as early as 1886, when a pitcher for the Boston Beaneaters gave it in a joint team photograph with the rival New York Giants.
'Expression of 'displeasure'The French have their own phallic salute, says Mr Morris.In performing the &bras d'honneur& (arm of honour), one raises the forearm with the back of the hand facing outward, while slapping or gripping the inside of the elbow with the other hand.&div style=&center&&&/div&The British gesture - the two-fingered 'v' with the palm facing inward - is a &double phallus&, Mr Morris quips.Although scholars and historians continue to debate its origins, according to legend it was first displayed at the battle of Agincourt in 1415.There, English soldiers waved their fingers at French soldiers who had threatened to cut off captured archers' first two fingers to prevent them shooting arrows. The English were thus boasting they were still capable of doing so.The middle finger's offensive meaning seems to have overtaken cultural, linguistic and national boundaries and can now be seen at protests, on football pitches, and at rock concerts across the world.In December, Liverpool striker Luis Suarez was photographed giving an American-style middle finger to Fulham fans after his club's 1-0 loss there.The FA cited him for improper conduct and suspended him for one game.Protest, rage, excitementIn 2004, a Canadian MP from Calgary was accused of pointing his middle finger at a member from another party who he said had been heckling him in the House of Commons.&I expressed my displeasure to him, let's put it this way,& Deepak Obhrai told a Canadian newspaper.Two years earlier, pop star Britney Spears gave the finger to a group of photographers who she complained had been chasing her. Some of her fans thought the gesture was aimed at them, and Spears later apologised.While the middle finger may historically have symbolised a phallus, it has lost that distinctive meaning and is no longer even obscene, says Ira Robbins, a law professor at American University in Washington DC, who has studied the gesture's place in criminal jurisprudence.&It does not appeal to the prurient interests,& he says.&This gesture is so well engrained in everyday life in this country and others. It means so many other things, like protest or rage or excitement, it's not just a phallus.&And he rejects an Associated Press journalist's characterisation of the gesture as &risque&.&What is risque about it? Maybe the dancing was risque, but the finger? I just don't see it.&
& & & &在进入讲解之前,我想再次跟大家强调一下,如果想真的学好英语,请放弃各种快译通、翻译软件,甚至英汉词典。
& & & &&&老马!你别扯淡了,这些都不用我们用什么?&
& & & &&英英词典啊!不管你选择的是最新版的Cambridge Dictionary还是Oxford dictionary(个人更加倾向于后者),这些都会给你最纯正的英文解释,而且会提供给你最基本的使用例句。今天我们要说的,就是一个每一位学英语的同学都认识的词&&Thick。
& & & &&Oh! Come! Franky! 我还以为你会讲什么词,&thick&这个词我们初中就学过了,不就是&厚&的意思吗!地球人都知道!
& & & &&可是我们今天要说的,是thick在口语中另外一个常用的意思&&Informal La stupid.&
& & & &&那么这句话的使用频率高吗?如果你看过《哈利&波特》1-6,那么你会发现这简直就是Hermione和Ron经常挂在嘴边的一句话。
& & & &&个人更喜欢把这句话翻译成:&他们还没那么2!&
& & & &&这句话如果翻译成: &他们能再2一点吗?&可能会更加有代入感,哈哈哈!
& & & &&Thick-head本身的英文解释是A a blockhead.你可以理解为:缺或者2货等&&
& & & &&为了看《哈哈哈哈哈哈哈》,所以我用一周的时间把《哈利&波特》前六部又重新看了一遍,你会发现同样代表&笨、愚蠢&的意思,这三位从来没有用过一次stupid,只有Mad-Eye Moody在《哈利波特与火焰杯》最开始的时候说过一句stupid ceiling。
& & & &&其实如果我们仔细对比一下thick和stupid这两个词的话,就会发现他们还是有细微差别的,比如
& & & &&当你说:&我讨厌我那份蛋疼的工作!&
& & & &&I hate my stupid job!就比较合适(在这里stupid是P worthless的意思),而没有thick job这种用法。
& & & &&Stupid mistake会比thick mistake常见的多,因为前者表达的是因为careless而导致的mistake,后者&&嗯基本上没人这么用。
& & & &&现在我们再回过头看一下《哈利&波特》中的几处thick,你就会发现,不是所有情况都可以替换成stupid,特别是最后一个画面,当Hermione对Henry说:&But sometimes, you can be really thick.&的时候,thick代表的是一种傻傻的执着与盲目,在这种略带埋怨的责备后边是一种&你可以依靠朋友的帮助,比如说我和Ron,而不用一个人去涉陷&的潜台词,在这个时候换成stupid的话,这层意思恐怕就表达不出来了。
& & & &&当然thick还有其他很多意思,比如说&夸大其词&或者&吹牛*&&& lay spread it on thick(这些都是很口语的词汇,并不能作为书面语使用)
& & & &Stupid 和 thick在unintelligent意义上的同义词很多dumb (informal), simple, slow, dull, dim, dense, sluggish, deficient, crass, gullible, simple-minded, dozy (Brit. informal), witless, stolid, dopey (informal), moronic, obtuse, brainless, cretinous etc .当然大家没有必要费那么多脑细胞来记忆这些词语,只要稍微瞥一眼,至少在别人背地里说你坏话的时候能明白什么意思就可以了。
& & & &&让我们再回到题目上的问题&你能再2一点么?&用英文怎么说?答案就是How Thick Can You Get!
【转太傻网】英国人与美国人的“鸡同鸭讲” I
& & & &英国人和美国人都说自己说English,虽然同为英语,但是无论从发音、语法、介词的用法甚至单词的意思都有不同。一个说的是American English(美语,字典标注为AmE),另一个说的是British English(英语,字典标注为BrE)。英语一直是我们的第二语言,从小学到大学,期末考试必有英语考试。可是在某种意义上讲,我们所学English,其实是一个包含了American English + British English + Chinglish的大杂烩。当你使用这样的英文走出中国走向世界,或者跟老外交流的时候,很可能会发生言不达意的情况。一下的文字,包含了老马我个人在英国的经历、在国外的朋友的经历,以及一些英美网站对于两种语言不同之处的注解。希望能对大家的英文学习起到一定的帮助。&& & & &关于发音的部分,就不在这里为大家进行书面的讲解了,毕竟这个是需要通过耳朵而不是文字来甄别的。不过在这里我想推荐一部电影《Love Actually》。电影中有一段就是,两个国内美人喜欢的英国男孩儿听说美国女生特别痴迷于英国口音,于是在圣诞节跨越大洋在美国的小酒馆里发现了自己原来可以如此受欢迎。其中有一段英音和美音的对比,大家可以在边看电影的同时,边注意仔细听两者的不同。
& & & &中文有会意字,也就是两个独体字在一起组成一个新字,这个新字借用了两个独体字的意思,比如说一个&人&靠在&木&上,组成了&休&代表休息。英文里也有这样的&会意字&,Chinglish和brunch都是如此。&Chinese(中国式的) + English(英语) = Chinglish (中式英语)breakfast(早餐) + lunch (午餐)= brunch (早午餐)
& & & &brunch最先出现在美国,后来传播到英国,并受到了欢迎,以至于变成了一个英美式英语的通用词汇。brunch可能是(buffet)自助餐的形式,也可能是homemade用来款待来访的朋友,炒菜和牛排是一定没有的,经常出现在brunch上的,通常是eggs, hash browns(很不错的炸土豆饼,有些翻译软件和词典上没有), sausages, bacon, ham, fruits, pastries, pancakes,(老马我第一顿brunch是结束了语言课程,要北上开始大学之旅,走的时候host family给我准备了丰盛的brunch,香肠土豆饼什么都有,要知道英国人的早餐可是很无趣的,那三个月他们只&供给&我面包和麦片&&以至于我现在对这两种食物都有相当强的抵触情绪。)
图片说明:Hash browns
英国人的Chips VS. 美国人的Fries
& & & &当我问大家肯德基、麦当劳这些洋快餐里的&薯条&的英文翻译是什么的时候,相信很多人都会回答我是&Chips&!在N多年前的英语教科书上,似乎有《fish & chips》这么一课,说的是西方的饮食。但是实际上,虽然都叫薯条,但是美英两国的薯条,无论是从外形上还是名称上都不一样。
英国的Chips&&怎么也有食指那么粗,炸的时间较长,fish & chips的确是英国相当有名的食物。多数店都做落在渔村附近,渔民清晨出海打鱼,中午就穿上围裙,变成了餐厅的服务员和厨师。
& & & &美国的fries&&比起英国店里的chips,像KFC,Burger King和麦当劳大叔这些美国快餐店里出售的fries可就要&苗条&的太多了,粗不会超过小手指,炸的时间也较短,比较符合对于快餐的定义。
& & & &而且chips在美语中还有薯片的意思,但是英国人多管薯片叫做Crisps。英语和美语的不同体现在生活的每一个角落,如果你不想做一个说着蹩脚的美、英、中三国混合英语的半吊子,就请继续关注以后的更新吧!
1、想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words.2、你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.3、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you .4、常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你&&Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so much&&5、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.6、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionate words I left for you!7、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!8、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.9、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last.10、好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵!Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life's time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever.11、一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much.12、在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你-新年快乐,佳节如意!Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!13、但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!14、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?15、我要幸福的昏倒了!I am too happy to stand faint!16、月亮代表我的心!The moonlight stands for my heart!17、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!How are you getting on ? I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!18、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.19、我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你&你是我唯一想见的人&。I don't know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.20、遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.
太傻留学 - 中国最大最专业的留学咨询机构
说实话这个翻译多少太雷了一点,相信正在看文章的同学都知道,export是不是&出口&的意思?是!不过这个是&进出口贸易&的&出口&。而通常情况下我们说的与&入口Entrance&相对的&出口&,不用我说大家也应该都知道,是Exit,或者Way Out。&国家博物馆的这个作为开场白,而且博物馆也就这个事情做了道歉,并且表示已经在订做新的指示牌了。其实我们在生活中经常可以看到中英文双语的指示牌,但是对于牌子上的翻译,有的时候真让人汗颜。下边我就举几个我见到的例子,并且附带犯错的原因,以及正确解释。
这幅照片拍摄于老马我家隔壁的华堂商场,首先让我们细数一下光着一张牌子上,我发现的&雷人的中式英文翻译&。&首先是大标题&&服务项目Service items& &Our Services&这个属于中式英文Chinglish当中比较显著的错误之一。我们不难分析出,制作牌子的时候一定是用翻译词典,检索&服务&和&项目&于是分别得出service和item两个单词,之后放在一起组合成了&服务项目&的英文。可是英文当中真的这么说吗?恐怕不是的!服务(service)这个英文单词大家都有深入的了解,在这里就不做仔细的解释了。我们重点来看一下item。Item的中文翻译为:n. 条款,项目;一则英文翻译:
很明显英文的解释要比中文多得多,经常打游戏的同学可能会想到,在游戏中item指的是你携带的&装备&,collector's item代表的是Any object regarded as being of value or interest to a collector(not necessarily monetarily valuable or antique).
也就是说,很多时候item是作为某种实质的物品(object或者unit)使用的,而不仅仅是虚拟的书面条款(article或clause)。 因此我想再强调一次&&请大家尽量使用英英词典。
代表的是服务的项目1、项目2、项目3、项目4&&在汽修时常也会有Service items,不过更多是&汽车的配件(种类)&的意思。
说了这么半天,在这个地方应该选用什么词才跟恰当呢?个人推荐的是Our Services,代表的是,&我们(向您提供)的服务(项目)&。&礼物包装&&Gift Packing& &Gift Wrap&这个翻译错的让我有些无语,在中文词典上,赫然地写着pack在名词与动词时态上都有&包装&的意思,也许是汉语过于博大精深,一词多意,pack的&包装&指的是&把东西收集起来,之后装箱&,而不是包装礼物。
当我们翻译 &包装&这个词的时候,个人以为,packaging首先就比pack更加给力,其次,礼物包装指的是在货物的表面+用包装纸包裹,让物品显得精致。因此推荐Gift Wrap。&存包处&&Bag Check&& (Item) storage lockers&我要再次控诉一下万恶的翻译软件,当我检索&寄存&的英文翻译的时候,给出了两个词consignation和check。如果说consignation有寄存的意思,我实在很难理解check为什么也在可选词汇当中。Check是一个英文当中相当常见的词,以前电子银行业务不发达的时候,大额交易很多时候都会使用check(支票),在英国任何一家银行开户,都会赠送一个以你名字印制的check book。刚到英国的时候很多同学拿着check book觉得很新鲜,买什么都用支票,享受一下写签名的乐趣。Check的另一个常用意思是检查,比如说security check(安全检查,我们俗称的安检),所以当你把bag check挂在墙上的时候,老外会以为是检查他们携带的包。(⊙﹏⊙b汗)
因为他们是&群居&的,所以在作为告示牌的时候建议复数形式&&(Item) storage lockers。&注意台阶&&Please watch out the stairs&&  &Caution watch your step&在接近最后的地方我们来&控诉&一下&万恶的&地铁五号线。我们今天要说的不是五号线的拥挤,而是五号线雷人的英文翻译(我因此曾经找过他们的站区长,热情的接待了我,但是无视了我的提议,过了一年多依然如此挂着,现在连英文的网站都已经作为chinglish的典范贴出了照片,汗颜+无奈!)闲言少叙,上图:
Please watch out the stairs&watch out&stairs&
Watch out或者说Look out,这两个词都出现在,比如说你走着走着,天上掉下来一大花盆,边上的人看到了你没看到,ta很可能会大喊一句:&Watch out!&(当心!)
我相信首先台阶这东西也不会飞,而且砸到人的可能性很低,而且虽然被挤下去会很危险,但是无论如何也用不到watch out的情况,再者,Please和watch out的连用是相当不恰当的!一个是婉转的提醒,另一个则是语气强烈的感叹!避免再次被无视,而让老外们笑掉大牙,我特意找到了N多例图,希望某一天,五号线可以把这则丢人的告示语换下来。
Aries' key phrase: I Am!白羊:我是!Taurus' key phrase: I have!金牛:我有!Gemini's key phrase: I think!双子:我认为!Cancer's key phrase: I Feel!巨蟹:我感觉!Leo's key phrase: I Will!狮子:我愿意!Virgo's key phrase: I Analyze!处女:我分析!Libra's key phrase: I Balance!天秤:我权衡!Scorpio's key phrase: I Desire!天蝎:我要求!Sagittarius' keyphrase: I See!射手:我明白!Capricorn's key phrase: I Use!摩羯:我利用!Aquarius' key phrase: I Know!水瓶:我知道!Pisces' key phrase: I Believe!双鱼:我相信!
Safe And Sound 中英字幕版-Taylor Swift & The Civil Wars
Taylor Swift联手The Civil Wars的新曲《Safe and Sound》(安然无恙)作为电影《The HungerGames》(饥饿游戏)的原声带。这首歌与泰勒以往的演唱风格不同,在吉他的伴奏下,她的歌声更显空灵,同时又有气势磅礴之感。基于电影故事有美版《大逃杀》之说,歌词凄美而绝望。
 ”Come morning light
  You and I’ll be safe and sound
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