The man sits there is the...

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你可能喜欢Now, it is another man who sits on the bench beside Gump, waiting for the bus. He is Quite in doubt with Gump's words.英汉双语例句-生物医药大词典
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Now, it is another man who sits on the bench beside Gump, waiting for the bus. He is Quite in doubt with Gump's words.
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It is Christmas Day,and there is a big party in the house.Guests come and go ,but the party goes on .then the bell rings,some people says:“come in!”And a small man opens the front door and comes in .Nobody knows him but the host(主人) goes to meet him and takes him to have a drink.The man sits there happily for an hour and a half and drinks.Then suddenly he stops and looks at the host.“Do you know,nobody invites(邀请) me to this party?”He says,“I don’t know you,I don’t know your wife(妻子)and I don’t know any of your grests’(客人) cars is in front of our gate,so I come here to find him,my wife is waiting in our car for me to go back.” (
)1.Who comes into the house when there’s a party?
A.A friend of the guests'.B.A friend of the hosts'.C.A stranger(陌生人). (
)2.The small man knows________.A. nobody in the of the people of the house.C.all the people in the house.(
)3.When the small man comes in ,the host______.A.doesn’t notice(注意) glad to meet him very friendly to him(
)4.Why does the small man go to the house?A. He goes there for the party.B.He goes there to find a person.C.He goes there to eat something. (
).5.Perhaps(也许) the small man’s wife is angry,because______.A. he does’t take her to the partyB.he drinks too muchC.she’s weiting for a long time
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你可能喜欢From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare is a novel by , first published in 1908. The book is sometimes referred to as a
, Gabriel Syme is recruited at
to a secret anti- police corps. Lucian Gregory, an anarchistic poet, lives in the suburb of Saffron Park. Syme meets him at a party and they debate the meaning of poetry. Gregory argues revolt is the basis of poetry. Syme demurs, insisting the essence of poetry is not revolution, but rather law. He antagonizes Gregory by asserting the most poetical of human creations is the timetable for the . He suggests Gregory isn't really serious about his anarchism. This so irritates Gregory that he takes Syme to an underground anarchist meeting place, revealing his public endorsement of anarchy is a ruse to make him seem harmless, when in fact he is an influential member of the local chapter of the European anarchist council.
The central council consists of seven men, each using the name of a day of the week as a code name, and the position of Thursday is about to be elected by Gregory's local chapter. Gregory expects to win the election, but just before the election Syme reveals to Gregory after an oath of secrecy that he is a secret policeman. Fearful Syme may use his speech in evidence of a prosecution, Gregory's weakened words fail to convince the local chapter he is sufficiently dangerous for the job. Syme makes a rousing anarchist speech and wins the vote. He is sent immediately as the chapter's delegate to the central council.
In his efforts to thwart the council's intentions, Syme eventually discovers all the other five members are also u each was employed just as mysteriously and assigned to defeat the Council. They all soon find out they were fighting each other and such was the mastermind plan of their president Sunday. In a surreal conclusion, Sunday himself is unmasked as only se in fact, he is a force of good like the detectives. However, he is unable to give an answer to the question of why he caused so much trouble and pain for the detectives. Gregory, the only real anarchist, seems to challenge the good council. His accusation is they, as rulers, have never suffered like Gregory and their other subjects, and so their power is illegitimate. However, Syme is able to refute this accusation immediately because of the terrors inflicted by Sunday on the rest of the council.
The dream ends when Sunday himself is asked if he has ever suffered. His last words, "can ye drink of the cup that I drink of?", is the question Jesus asks St. James and St. John in the , , to challenge their commitment in becoming his disciples.
The work is prefixed with a poem written to , revisiting the pair's early history and the challenges presented to their early faith by the times.
Like most of Chesterton's fiction, the story includes some . Chesterton, a
at this time (he joined the
about 15 years later), suffered from a brief bout of depression during his college days, and claimed afterwards he wrote this book as an unusual affirmation that goodness and right were at the heart of every aspect of the world. However, he insisted: "The book ... was not intended to describe the real world as it was, or as I thought it was, even when my thoughts were considerably less settled than they are now. It was intended to describe the world of wild doubt and despair which the pessimists were generally des with just a gleam of hope in some double meaning of the doubt, which even the pessimists felt in some fitful fashion".
The costumes the detectives don towards the end of the book represent what was created on their respective day. Sunday, "the " and "the peace of God," sits upon a throne in front of them. The name of the girl Syme likes, Rosamond, is derived from "Rosa Mundi," meaning "Rose of the World" in Latin, and a title given to Christ.
The Man Who Was Thursday inspired the
with the idea "if you didn't seem to be hiding nobody hunted you out."
edited , which provides a great deal of biographical and contextual information in the form of footnotes, along with the entire text of the book, original reviews from the time of the book's first publication, and comments made by Chesterton on the book at various times. A less thorough annotation was done for the edition of the novel published as part of The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton.
On September 5, 1938
presented an abridged radio-play adaptation, written by , who was a great admirer of Chesterton. This was almost two months before the infamous
The adaptation omits some of the metaphysical and theological discussions and treats much of the whimsical and comedic asides more seriously. Almost all of Chapter 14: The Six Philosophers is left out, in which the greater part of the metaphysical speculation is found.
It was reported in January 1967 that
and ' APJAC Productions were preparing movie projects including a musical adaptation of Chesterton's novel by . The film was not made.
There have been at least two adaptations broadcast by BBC radio over the years.
In 1986 the BBC broadcast a four-part series dramatised by Peter Buckman and directed by Glyn Dearman. It featured Michael Hadley as Thursday/Gabriel Syme,
as Rosamond and
as Wednesday/The Marquis de St. Eustache. The episodes were titled:
The Secret of Gabriel Syme
The Man in Spectacles
The Earth in Anarchy
The Pursuit of the President
In 2005 the BBC broadcast the novel as read by , as thirteen half-hour parts. It has been re-broadcast several times since then, including in 2008 (one hundred years after first publication). The episodes were titled:
The Unusual Soirée
The Anarchists' Council
The Tale of a Detective
The Feast of Fear
The Exposure
The Unaccountable Conduct of Professor de Worms
The Man in Spectacles
The Criminals Chase the Police
The Earth in Anarchy
The Pursuit of the President
The Six Philosophers
The Accuser
The 2000 video game
features several excerpts from the book and lists Gabriel Syme as a current resident of the 'Ton Hotel.
comics, the Library of 's castle contains every story ever written plus every story dreamed of but never written. Among the latter are The Man Who Was October by G. K. Chesterton, which is supposedly a sequel to his Thursday.
, Michael Collins – The Lost Leader, p.35.
retrieved June 16, 2012
- 'Boxoffice' (January 16, 1967)
Cawthorn, J
(1988). Fantasy:The 100 Best Books. New York: . pp. 51–52.  .
; John Grant (1997). . New York: St. Martin's Press. p. 181.  .
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