China love a...

文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间: 05:55
China Mobile, the world's largest mobile operator, has surpassed 600 million subscribers after increasing its number of customers in rural areas.
The company added 16.8 million users between January and March, it said.
China Mobile also said its profits climbed 5.4% to 26.9bn yuan ($4.1 &2.5bn) in the quarter, compared with the same period a year earlier.
Chinese telecom companies are trying to increase revenue per user by selling more third-generation mobile services.
Looking ahead
China Mobile and its competitors have seen a decline in revenue per user because of their expanding user-base in rural parts of China.
Rural customers tend to spend less on their monthly phone bills.
China Mobile said its average revenue per user fell to 67 yuan per month in the three months ending in March, from 76 yuan per month at the end of December.
&We know 50% of the new mobile subscribers for China Mobile are from the rural areas, which is contributing less to the average revenue per user,& said Victor Yip from UOB Kay Hian in Hong Kong.
China Mobile has said it aims to battle this decline by adding users of third-generation (3G) mobile services, which offer faster data speeds at a higher price.
The company plans to invest in its network and add
hotspots to attract customers to smartphones.
China Mobile has the largest number of 3G users compared with its rivals China Telecom and China Unicom.
There are a lot of wireless links in a radio.收音机里有许多无线电线路。
Wireless messages tell us that the ship was sinking.无线电报告知我们那艘船正在下沉。【破事水・转】China Mobile is a chick!_mtk手机吧_百度贴吧
【破事水・转】China Mobile is a chick!收藏
  “用户在选择套餐时,是以较低的价格购买了比较大的流量,比单买要便宜很多,好比在肯德基,你买个全家桶套餐,也比单买汉堡、鸡腿要便宜,吃不完,不能说把鸡腿退回去吧。”——钟天华  昨日,全国人大代表、中国移动通信集团广东有限公司董事长钟天华接受记者采访透露了目前广东省推进4G部署的情况、光纤宽带建设进展,并提出个人信息安全立法的建议,回应了流量清零等热点问题。
 年底就不卖3G手机了  钟天华说中国移动今年将在全国部署50万个基站,其中广东将建6.5万个4G基站。按照这样的建设速度,从前只有广州和深圳的主城区覆盖的4G信号,将覆盖到广东所有的乡镇一级以上地区。  钟天华透露今年将发展1500万4G用户,下半年开始主要售卖4G手机,到了年底就不卖3G手机了。“目前来讲4G还有价格下降的空间,五六月份价格就开始大幅下降,我们从每个用户口袋赚到的钱少了,只是用户增多了。”钟天华说  他还提到有实验室专门在做5G的试验。现在估计2020年左右5G会逐步地得到部署。速度从现在4G的100MB提升到5G的10GB。
  “网速慢我很惭愧”  说到百兆光纤进入农村、进入社区,钟天华说:“我们国家的网速一直是受到媒体的指责的。我们在全球基本上是在80位以后接近100位的,确实我们也是感到很惭愧的,特别是作为我们搞通讯的企业。”  钟天华表示,目前在积极推进宽带广东工作,要打造珠三角无线城市群,加大光纤宽带的建设力度,要把网络做快做好做便宜。  做快是将目前一般家庭4M~6M的网速提高到平均20M~30M,终端好的状况甚至可以达到100M。做好是能够提高覆盖率,从深度上扩展。做便宜是让资费大幅度下降,降到原来的六分之一。在使用的前两个月将赠送每月15G流量。  但钟天华诉苦说,目前一是基站建设面临“选址难”的问题,很多新建站由于业主阻挠无法顺利进行建设和开通。二是已建基站被逼迁现象严重,很多站点被迫搬迁,严重影响当地通信质量。三是移动通信网络外部干扰严重。四是光纤宽带建设面临“入户难”的问题,新小区被索要高额入场费,旧小区禁止新运营商使用原有管道。  “蜂窝网络就是每一个基站周围都有六个基站,任何一个基站的破坏,都会让这里的信号受到影响,我们每年被拆掉的基站有一两百个,所以有些市中心的信号不好就是这个原因。”钟天华说。
 个人信息安全保护要立法  钟天华此次带上两会的建议包括加强个人信息保护的立法。他说,目前世界上已有50多个国家和地区制定了保护个人信息的相关法律,而在我国虽然2009年《刑法》将泄露个人信息入罪,民法通则中也有关于个人隐私的条例,《消费者权益保护法》将个人信息受到保护作为消费者的一种权益确认下来,但这些法律对个人信息安全保护的规范比较零散。此前,全国人大常委会通过《关于加强网络信息保护的决定》,为后续相关行政法规制定提供了依据,但与欧美发达国家相比,我国的信息安全防护法律体系还处于起步状态。  他建议,推动《个人信息安全保护法》的尽快立法。按照“谁经营、谁负责”的原则,对于政府部门、金融、电信、交通、教育、医疗、中介等单位的个人信息保护作出严格规定,全面保护个人信息安全。对于泄露、倒卖个人信息的违法行为要依法严厉打击。
  “中国移动不是垄断企业”  对于民营资本进入垄断行业的问题,钟天华表示:“我不承认中国移动是垄断行业,我们原先有六家运营商,并不是垄断。”  还有消费者关心的流量清零情况,有用户反映自己购买未使用完的流量到了月底就清零很不公平,甚至有用户将中国移动等运营商告上法庭,对此,钟天华回应称,这是一个国际惯例,不会改变。  最后,对于在中国移动广东公司原董事长、总经理徐龙涉嫌严重违纪去职之后如何内部整顿,重振旗鼓,钟天华坦言压力很大,但解决问题是一个长期的工作。
@联通大法好    --“好比在移动营业厅,你买个3G套餐,也比单买号码、充值卡要贵,买不起,不能说把手机退回去吧。”——中国移动
先搞好,支持FDD再来抄作4G吧,世界上90%4G手机是FDD的,移动的TDD,谁用?3G的TD WCDMA是可以放弃了,战5渣,渣中之渣.就靠国内壕一撸到底?等联通跟电信上FDD后,就真正的在移动市场给人一撸到底了!
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或00941 中國移動
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集團簡介  - 集團是中國內地最大的移動通信服務供應商,擁有全球最多的移動用戶和全球最大規模的移動通信網絡。通過    子公司在中國內地所有31個省(自治區、直轄市)以及香港提供移動通信服務。  - 集團營運收入主要來自移動通信網絡產生的通話費、月租費;增值業務收入由話音增值業務、短信業務及非短    信數據業務產生;以及其他營運收入多由網間互聯收入而來。業績表現&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&&&|&&  - 2010年度,集團營業額增長7﹒3%至4852﹒31億元(人民幣;下同),股東應佔溢利增長    3﹒9%至1196﹒4億元,EBITDA增長4﹒5%至2393﹒82億元,EBITDA利潤率達    49﹒3%。年內業務概況如下:    (一)通話費及月租費:營業額增長3﹒9%至3123﹒49億元,分佔總營業額64﹒4%;    (二)增值業務收入:營業額增長15﹒2%至1514﹒35億元,分佔總營業額31﹒2%;    (三)其他營運收入:營業額增長7%至214﹒47億元,分佔總營業額4﹒4%;    (四)年內,集團淨增客戶達6173萬戶,客戶規模達5﹒84億,客戶總通話分鐘數增長18﹒6%至       34616﹒19億分鐘,平均每月每戶通話分鐘(MOU)增長5﹒4%至521分鐘,平均每月每       戶收入(ARPU)為73元。於2010年12月止,3G客戶達2070萬戶,取得領先的3G市       場份額;    (五)於2010年12月止,一站式下載和銷售綜合平台移動應用商場(Mobile Market)累       計注冊客戶達3500萬戶,註冊開發者達110萬人,提供各類應用5萬件,累計應用下載量1﹒1       億次。公司事件簿&&|&&&&|&&  - 2013年12月,集團母公司中國移動通信集團獲4G(TD-LTE)經營許可。股本法定股數--發行股數20,463,975,863
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Apple iPhone 5c (China Mobile/A, 32 GB Specs
Identifiers: iPhone 5c - N/A* -
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Please note that this A1516 iPhone 5c model -- which is compatible with TD-SCDMA 1900 (F) and 2000 (A) and TD-LTE bands 38, 39, and 40 (as well as GSM/EDGE and select UMTS (WCDMA)/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA connectivity) -- is intended for the mainland China market on China Mobile.The iPhone 5c models, regardless of network compatibility, have a 4" (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch IPS LED-backlit
native resolution (326 ppi) "retina display," and dual cameras -- a rear 8 megapixel, 1080p "iSight" camera and a front 1.2 megapixel, 720p "FaceTime" camera -- all housed in a polycarbonate "unibody" case offered in five playful color options (white, pink, yellow, blue, or green).Each iPhone 5c model is powered by a 1.3 GHz dual core "Apple A6" processor, has 1 GB of RAM, and 8 GB, 16 GB, or 32 GB of flash storage (an 8 GB configuration replaced the 16 GB and 32 GB configurations on September 9, 2014). This model also supports both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and 4G/LTE, has a bottom-mounted headphone jack and uses the "Lightning" connector to hook up with a Mac, PC, dock, or power adapter.Apple estimates that the iPhone 5c models provide "up to" 40 hours of audio playback, 10 hours of talk time on 3G, 8 hours of Internet use on 3G, 10 hours of Internet use on 4G/LTE, 10 hours of Internet use on Wi-Fi, 10 hours of video playback and 250 hours of standby time.In China, this A1516 iPhone 5c originally was available for use on China Mobile's network with 16 GB or 32 GB of storage, for RMB 4,488 and RMB 5,288, respectively. On September 9, 2014, Apple discontinued the 16 GB and 32 GB options in favor of an 8 GB option for RMB 3,288.Also see:
are all the differences between the iPhone 5c models? are all the differences between the iPhone 5c and the iPhone 5s? What are all the differences between these devices and the iPhone 5 replaced?
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Introduction Date:
December 22, 2013*
Discontinued Date:
The "Introduction Date" refers to the date a model was introduced via press release. The "Discontinued Date" refers to the date a model either was replaced by a subsequent system or production otherwise ended.*This model first shipped on January 17, 2014. The 16 GB and 32 GB configurations were discontinued on September 9, 2014.
Also see: All iPhone models introduced in .
1 (2 Cores)
Geekbench 2 (32):
Geekbench 2 provides 32-bit benchmarks for iOS models. This number is an average of user provided results as submitted to the . Higher numbers are better.
You also might be interested in
all Geekbench 2 user submissions for devices with the iPhone5,4 Model Identifier, which may include .
To dynamically compare Geekbench 2 results from different iPod touch, iPhone and iPad models side-by-side, please 's .
Geekbench 3 (32):
Geekbench 3 (32):
These Geekbench 3 benchmarks are in 32-bit mode and are for a single processor core and all processor cores, respectively. Both numbers reflect an average of user provided results as submitted to the . Higher numbers are better.
You also might be interested in reviewing
single core and multicore Geekbench 3 user submissions for devices with the iPhone5,4 Model Identifier, which may include .
To dynamically compare 32-bit Geekbench 3 results from different iPod touch, iPhone and iPad models side-by-side, 's .
Geekbench 3 (64):
Geekbench 3 (64):
The Geekbench 3 benchmark does not support 64-bit mode for this model. Both numbers reflect an average of user provided results as submitted to the . Higher numbers are better.
You also might be interested in reviewing
single core and multicore Geekbench 3 user submissions for devices with the iPhone5,4 Model Identifier, which may include .
To dynamically compare Geekbench 3 results from different iPod touch, iPhone and iPad models side-by-side, 's .
Processor Speed:
Processor Type:
*Apple reports that the iPhone 5c uses an "Apple A6" processor, but nothing more. However, third-party software analysis has confirmed that it uses the same dual core 1.3 GHz Apple A6 processor as the iPhone 5.Also see:
fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s models compared to one another? How fast are the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s compared to the iPhone 5 and earlier iPhone models?
Onboard RAM:
Storage Capacity:
8, 16, 32 GB
*Apple provides no official details regarding RAM used by the iPhone 5c. However, third-party software analysis has confirmed that it has 1 GB of LPDDR2 RAM.
Song Capacity:
Photo Capacity:
*Apple does not provide an official estimate for the number of songs, photos, and videos that the iPhone 5c models can hold, instead opting for just gigabytes.
USB Support:
Sync & Charge
Firewire Support:
The iPhone 5c models are capable of charging and syncing by USB via its Lightning connector.
Lightning, Headphone
Case Type:
Form Factor:
Housing Color:
*The iPhone 5c models are available with a black glass front and a polycarbonate back in five color options -- white, pink, yellow, blue, and green.
Built-in Display:
Display Resolution:
The iPhone 5c models have a 4" (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch IPS "Retina" display with a
native resolution at 326 ppi. Apple also reports a 800:1 typical contrast ratio and a 500 cd/m2 typical brightness.In the US, site sponsor
offers free diagnosis of hardware problems and 24-hour repairs for cracked displays as well as dead batteries, broken buttons, and more for .For those interested in do-it-yourself repair,
sells quality upgrade kits and parts for
worldwide.Also see:
do I replace the glass cover, digitizer, and display (LCD screen) on the iPhone 5c?
Standard Wireless:
Standard Bluetooth:
*Apple notes that the iPhone 5c models support both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies of 802.11n Wi-Fi.This specific iPhone 5c -- the A1516 model -- supports "GSM/EDGE (850, 900, MHz); TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A); TD-LTE (38, 39, 40); [and] UMTS (WCDMA)/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900,
Cell Network:
8.0 Megapixels**
*This A1516 iPhone 5c supports "GSM/EDGE (850, 900, MHz); TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A); TD-LTE (38, 39, 40); [and] UMTS (WCDMA)/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900,
MHz)."**The iPhone 5c models have dual cameras. The rear 8 megapixel "iSight" camera supports HD video recording (1080p up to 30 FPS with audio), and also has autofocus, a backside illumination sensor, a hybrid IR filter, and an LED flash as well as support for tap to focus, face detection, video stabilization and panorama shots. The front "FaceTime" camera takes 1.2 megapixel photos and 720p HD video.
Battery Type:
Lithium Ion
Battery Life (Music):
Battery Life (Voice):
Standby Time:
*Apple reports that the iPhone 5c models provide "up to" 40 hours of audio playback, 10 hours of talk time on 3G, 8 hours of Internet use on 3G, 10 hours of Internet use on 4G/LTE, 10 hours of Internet use on Wi-Fi, 10 hours of video playback and 250 hours of standby time.Also see:
does my iPhone run out of power so quickly? How can I conserve battery life?
Apple Order No:
Apple Subfamily:
*This model appears to only be available from China Mobile rather than direct from Apple and may not have "traditional" Apple order numbers. If this is incorrect, and you have additional information, please .
Apple Model No:
A1516 (EMC N/A*)
Please note that these identifiers often refer to more than one model.
Also see: All iPhones with the
Model Number, the
EMC Number, and the
Model Identifier.
Pre-Installed OS:
iOS 7.0.4 (11B554a)
Maximum OS:
This model is fully supported by the most recent version of iOS 8.Also see:
iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad models fully support iOS 8? For models that "partially" support iOS 8, which features are and are not supported?
4.90 x 2.33 x 0.35*
Avg. Weight:
4.65 oz. (132 g)
In inches - height by width by depth (124.4 x 59.2 x 8.97 mm).
Mac Support:
Mac OS X 10.6.8*
Windows Support:
Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8
Apple reports that the iPhone 5c models, if syncing with iTunes is desired, are compatible with a Mac running "OS X 10.6.8 or later, and iTunes 11.1 or later."It is likewise compatible with a PC running "Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later" and iTunes 11.1 or later.
Audio Support:
Apple reports that the iPhone 5c supports "AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), HE-AAC, MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV."
Photo Support:
Apple does not formally specify photo formats for the iPhone 5c. However, it can sync photos in JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD (Mac only), and PNG formats, from iTunes and iCloud.
Video Support:
Apple reports that the iPhone 5c supports "H.264 video up to 1080p, 30 frames per second, High Profile level 4.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and . MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and . Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format."It also supports AirPlay Mirroring and video out to the Apple TV 2nd Gen or 3rd Gen as well as video mirroring and video out "up to" 1080p through the Lightning Digital AV Adapter and the Lightning to VGA Adapter.
Incl. Accessories:
Ships with "Apple EarPods [headphones] with Remote and Mic, Lightning to USB cable, [and] a USB power adapter."
Original Price:
Est. Current Retail:
*This model is not sold in the US. In China, on China Mobile's network, the 16 GB and 32 GB configurations originally were RMB 4,488 and RMB 5,288, respectively. On September 9, 2014, Apple discontinued the 16 GB and 32 GB configurations and introduced an 8 GB option for RMB 3,288.Photo Credit: Apple, Inc.
Global original prices for the iPhone 5c (China Mobile/A1516) in 24 different countries an organized alphabetically by region. Please note that prices with an asterisk (*) are bound by carrier contractual obligations.
For global original prices for all iPod, iPhone, and iPad models in one particular country on a single page, please refer 's
If you have additional original prices
for this iPhone, please . Thank you.
Original Prices - North America
United States:
Original Prices - Europe
United Kingdom:
Original Prices - Asia
RMB 4,488, 5,288
Hong Kong:
Original Prices - Australia & New Zealand
New Zealand:
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