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Nina Kiriki Hoffman - Gone To Heaven
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官方公共微信Opinion: After the celebrity hacks, the vulnerability that still exists and what needs to b... | 民族宗教事务局与长沙新瀚城品牌管理联合新闻资讯快递中心 News & Information Express Center
目前还有周围泄漏的名人裸体的未知数。而苹果似乎haveruled OUTA理论认为,一个查找我的iPhone漏洞允许容易强力密码攻击,一些评论家建议的措辞已经足够模糊,这可能确实在过一条路线。(苹果可能会争辩说,它不是一个如果是需要正确的密码违约。)
但有一件事现在没有出现明显:而不是一个单一的黑客获得广泛的接入到iCloud的照片是不是由一些有可能使用几种不同的方法不同的个体的累积随着时间的推移。网络钓鱼无疑是其中之一 - 一些来自苹果的电子邮件,声称是相当有说服力的一个非易怒的人 - 但anotherwas几乎肯定会利用在几乎所有的在线服务中最大的弱点,包括iCloud中的一个:安全问题...
好吧,你可能会说,但iCloud的 - 就像不少其他的在线服务,这些天 - 提供双因素身份验证的替代品。我用的是我自己,当然,越细心的将已经发现这就是我抓住了安全的问题上:假装我想将其关闭。
我设法酒洒在我的iPhone了两天,有效地杀死它。所以昨天我去了苹果Storeand利用了固定价格修复选项来获得替代的(这样至少我有一个闪亮的新易趣,当我得到一个iPhone 6)。在店里,我需要使用iCloud中,首先从设备的我的第二个列表,并删除旧手机的icloud的备份恢复到新手机。尽管我访问我的iCloud账户未知设备(一台MacBook在苹果商店)的事实,我没有对任何任务需要双因素身份验证。
苹果深知this.It是它推出的iPhone 5S触摸号的原因 - 因为太多的人要么不使用密码,在全部或设置了太长的时间了,给小偷足够的时间来获得访问。
首先,双因素身份验证一切的默认选项,并强制要求像访问iCloud的未知设备,并从iCloud的备份恢复重要的事情。当然,我们可能需要的解决方法为最坏的情况 - 一个iPhone是唯一的苹果设备拥有人,他们只是丢失或毁坏的 - 但如果两个或多个设备所拥有,肯定是有什么理由不通过需要确认第二个设备。
Fouth,修复漏洞,指出商业内幕:停止确认的人谁愿意去尝试一个特定的电子邮件地址是一个Apple ID:
其次,如果你拥有自己的域名,你可以通过让不同的电子邮件地址以及密码,添加更大的安全网上登录。我有我使用访问在线服务的域,并且可以不管我了@像以前一样 - 所有的邮件到达同一个地方 - 让我有不同的邮件进行不同的服务。
例如︰当问你的第一个宠物的名字,你可以有一个运行宠=抚摸=初恋女友amnemonic。或母亲的娘家姓=女仆玛丽安=。 (不,这些都不是我的,我只是做起来。)
Opinion: After the celebrity hacks, the vulnerability that still exists and what needs to b...
There are still many unknowns surrounding the leaked celebrity nudes . While Apple appears to haveruled outa theory that a Find My iPhone vulnerability allowed easy brute-force password attacks, some commentators are suggesting that the wording was sufficiently vague that this may indeed have been one route in. (Apple might be arguing that it’s not a breach if the correct password was required.)
But one thing does now appear clear:rather than a single hacker gaining wide access to iCloud, the photos were instead amassed over time by a number of different individuals likely using several different approaches. Phishing was doubtless one of them – some of the claimed emails from Apple are reasonably convincing to a non-techy person – but anotherwas almost certainly to exploit one of the greatest weaknesses found in just about every online service, including iCloud: security questions …
Security questions were, when first introduced, a fairly obvious solution to a common problem: people forgetting their passwords. The typical 9to5Mac reader probably uses a password manager to have strong, unique passwords for each site, but the average person on the street doesn’t. They either use the same password for almost everything, or they do their best to use different passwords and end up forgetting half of them.
Why security questions are hopeless
The problem, of course, is thatif the legitimate owner of an account can use security questions to reveal or reset their password, so too can anyone else. Which wouldn’t be a problem if we could choose our own questions, and set them to things so obscure not even our best friend could guess the answer, but that’s generally not the case.
iCloud is a case in point.iCloudrequires you to select three security questions, but each one has to be selected from a choice of just six questions (I’ve pulled all three sets into a single graphic for convenience):
Now, I’m not going to get specific here by revealing any personal information, so I’m going to use made-up examples, but I’m bettingthat most people can’t answer half of these questions. For example, did you have just one favorite singer or band in high school, or did it change numerous times? Can you remember the first film you ever saw in a theater? Do you have the faintest recollection where you flew to the first time you went on a plane?
So in reality, the choiceof questions open to us is even smaller than it first appears.
Of the remaining questions, how many of them are known to multiple people? If you have a dream job, chances are you’ve mentioned it to quite a few friends. Your childhood nickname is known by everyone who went to school with you, and maybe to allof your friends today if you’re still known by the same nickname.
Of the ones that aren’t known, how many could be googledby someone who knows you?How many of them, in fact, can be found on your Facebook page?
Risk assessment is something that too few companies do well, this is very unfortunate, since that is the best way to determine where an organization should put its security focus.
If you’re a celebrity, the situation is a thousand times worse because you’ve given countless interviews where you’ve likely revealed all kinds of trivia about yourself, like your first pet or the model of your first car or … Well, most of these questions, in fact. Even if you haven’t answered the question yourself, there are numerous fan sites where people post trivia they’ve unearthed.
So security questions are a terrible form of protection for most of us, and an absolutely hopeless one for celebrities.
Two-factor authentication
Ok, you might argue, but iCloud – like quite a few other online services these days – offers the alternative of two-factor authentication . I use it myself, of course, and the more observant will have spotted that’s how I grabbed the security questions above: by pretending I wanted to switch it off.
For anyone unfamiliar with it, two-factor authentication requires you to enter a one-time code to access a service. This code might be generated by an app (Google Authenticator is a popular one) or sent as a text message, for example. But while iCloud offers two-factor authentication, it doesn’t require it for everything. It doesn’t require it forrather critical things, indeed.
I managed to spill wine on my iPhone a couple of days, effectively killing it. So yesterday I went to an Apple Storeand took advantage of the fixed-price repair option to get a replacement (so at least I’ll have a shiny new one to ebay when I get an iPhone 6). In the store, I needed to use iCloud to first remove the old phone from my list of devices, and second to restore the iCloud backup to the new phone. Despite the fact that I accessed my iCloud account on an unknown device (a MacBook in the Apple Store), I didn’t need two-factor authentication for either task.
What should Apple do?
There is always a balancing act to be achieved between security and convenience. We could make iCloud, or any other service, incredibly secure by doing things like requiring a 256-character password with no elements within it found in a dictionary, require us to change that password monthly and add in compulsory two- or even three-factor authentication.
That kind of extreme clearly isn’t realistic, so we have to strike a sensible balance between protection and usability.
Apple is well aware of this.It’s the reason it introduced Touch ID on the iPhone 5s – because too many people either weren’t using a passcode at all or were setting too long a time-out, giving a thief plenty of time to gain access.
Touch IDwill appear on the new iPads launched in the item, and it can only be a matter of time before it makes it to Macs too. But Ithink there are three more things Apple shoulddo.
First, make two-factor authentication the default option for everything, and mandatory for critical things like accessing iCloud on an unknown device and restoring from an iCloud backup. Sure, we might need workarounds for the worst-case scenario – an iPhone is the only Apple device someone owns and they just lost or destroyed that – but where two or more devices are owned, there is certainly no reason not to require confirmation via a second device.
Second, allow people to choose their own security questions rather than select them from a dropdown. Then they can choose things that only they will know, and can make them as obscure as they wish.
Third, there was a really good specific idea posted by the ACLU today (via
): build in a Private mode to the standard camera app. If someone wants to take a … sensitive photo, they can flip a toggle and that photo is stored only on their phone and excluded from iCloud backups.
Fouth, fix a vulnerability pointed out by
Business Insider
: stop confirming to anyone who wants to try that a particular email address is an Apple ID:
Steps you can take in the meantime
There are a number of things you can do to increase your own security in the meantime.
First, if you don’t already have strong, unique passwords for each online service and website you use, set aside a couple of hours to correct that. If you don’t have the time, make it. Online services get compromised all the time, and the first thing a hacker does with a bunch of login credentials from one service is to try them on a whole bunch of other ones. If you’re using a single login for multiple sites, the question isn’t whether you’ll get hacked, only when.
You can’t possibly remember a mass of strong passwords, but it’s painless enough if you use a password manager, andour own guideto will tell you everything you need to know.
Companies should develop Internet security guidelines and educate employees about Internet safety, security and the latest threats, as well as what to do if they misplace information or suspect malware on their machine.
Second, if you own your own domain, you can add even greater security to online logins by having unique email addresses as well as passwords. I have a domain I use for accessing online services, and can have whatever I like before the @ – all the emails arrive in the same place – so I have different emails for different services.
Third, don’t use real data unless you have to. If the passport office or my bank asks for my date of birth, I have to use my real one, but that doesn’t apply to the vast majority of websites out there. I have a fake date of birth I habitually use for websites that have no need to know the real one, which reduces my risk of identity theft. I’m so used to typing the fake date, I have to be careful when accessing those few sites that really need the correct one!
Fourth, just because you’re stuck with a limited range of security questions doesn’t mean you have to give truthful answers. Your answers needn’t even have anything to do with the questions, just so long as you have a technique for memorizing them, known as amnemonic.
Forexample, when asked for the name of your first pet, you could have amnemonic that runs pet = petting = first girlfriend. Or mother’s maiden name = maid = Marian. (No, these aren’t mine, I just made them up.)
You do need to remember that balance between security and convenience, of course. You don’t want your two-factor authentication to fail when your iPhone falls into a river and then realize you can’t remember the answers to any of the security questions. But half an hour spent memorizing some links for common security questions can vastly improve your security until such time as security questions are consigned to where they belong: history.
Finally, if you are taking photos you wouldn’t want other people to see, leave your iPhone and wifi-equipped camera alone and use a good old-fashioned non-connected one!
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I didn't go with them to the beach yesterday.but i do wish i___thereA.was B.had been D.hav...
didn& D.had been
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更上一层楼,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步, wish 后面要用had+ 过去分词  (虚拟语气)【希望帮助到你,若有疑问B表示与过去事实相反的愿望
这是对过去的假设,这种假设的情况是不可能存在的,对过去的虚拟要用过去完成时had done结构,要用虚拟语气
B 填 had been
与过去相反 用过去完成时我没有去派对,但是我希望我在那里(事实上,我不在那里)
B have done表示本来该做但是没有做的事情,又是过去时态所以是had been,个人的理解,不保证百分百正确
B 过去完成表虚拟


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