
This month was choked, met a good friend's birthday, pocket money has been spent most of. Reached into my pocket, found only eight cents. The friend celebrates the birthday, family packages to send the past, and I can only give her that much octagonal money, face! These days, I got things to eat, can't sleep sleep, took several books to read. From the book, I saw a sentence, make me feel very deep: a hedge between keeps friendship green., villains turn another kiss. If you paid a high price to buy gifts, we are not a villain made?Suddenly, I suddenly have a brain wave, thought of a good way, jumped down from the bed. I found a piece of red cloth from home, with octagonal money to buy some needle. I put the cloth cut like a handkerchief size. Then use the watercolor pen in red cloth write " Happy Birthday to you" this several characters, the following picture a simple flower. Finally, I learn adult appearance along with a pencil on the framework of the stitch to stitch up. As a result of the first time experience, often into the needle in the finger, out of the red blood, but I don't care, continue to seriously embroidered with. All afternoon I have been embroidered handkerchief, tired I am aching.Although, I own a gift for a friend very satisfied, but I am still pulling heavy footsteps friends to participate in the birthday party. Into a friend's home, I saw the room was filled with guests, beside the full bags gift. Seeing this, my heartbeat quickening up. When friends meet, I smile. I mutter and mumble said:" this ... ... This is ... ... My birthday gift for you, this is my own joint." My friend is opened, see the embroidered words, excited to tears, she said:" we can become best friends, because you gave me is a true friendship." You see, each to the cast praise eyes.这个月真够呛,碰上了好朋友过生日,零用钱已经花得差不多了.摸摸自己的口袋,只找到八毛钱.朋友过生日,人家大包小包地送过去,而我却只给她八角钱,那多没面子呀!这几天,我被这件事搞得吃不下饭,睡不着觉,就拿了几本书来看.从书中我看到了一句话,使我感触特别深:君子之交淡如水,小人之交酒肉亲.如果花大价钱买礼物,我们不是成了小人之交了吗? 忽然,我灵机一动,想到了一个好办法,一下子就从床上跳了下来.我从家中找来一块红布,再用八角钱买了一些针线.我先把红布剪成手帕一样大小.然后用水彩笔在红布上写上“祝你生日快乐”这几个大字,下面画了一朵简单的花.最后,我学着大人的样子沿着用铅笔打好的框架一针一线地绣了起来.由于初次体验,针经常扎进手指里,流出了鲜红的血,但我毫不在乎,继续认认真真地绣着.整个下午我一直都在绣手帕,累得我是腰酸背疼. 虽然,我对自己送给朋友的礼物很满意,但是我依然拖着沉重地脚步去参加朋友举行的生日聚会.一进朋友家,只见屋里坐满了客人,旁边放满了大包小包的礼物.看到这些,我的心跳不由得加快起来.这时,朋友笑着迎接我.我吞吞吐吐地说:“这……这是……我送给你的生日礼物,这是我亲手缝的.”我的朋友一打开,看见上面绣的字,激动热泪盈眶,她说:“我们一定能成为最好的朋友的,因为你给我的是真正的友谊.”大家见了,各个都投来了称赞的目光. 星期天下午,爸爸神秘地对我一笑,说:“我们来举行一个家庭智力竞赛吧!”“什么?”我喊道.“我们要举行智力竞赛?”厨房里的妈妈闻声赶来.“那就让我来做你的对手吧.”她对我说.我见对手不是爸爸,不禁暗暗自喜,胸有成竹地打答道:“好!” 比赛正式开始了,主持人爸爸清清嗓子,给我们出了第一道题目:“五羊群雕是我国哪个城市的标志?”“嘀----”我忙跳起来回答:“广州市!”“对了,加10分!”这时我高兴极了,真有点儿沾沾自喜.接着爸爸又问起了问题:“ 是不是有财物就有快乐?”“那还用说,这当然是啊!”我说,“那不一定!”妈妈反驳道,“财物充裕并不是真正的快乐,要精神上得到满足才叫快乐!”“答对,加10分.”我听了只好鼓着腮帮子,继续听问题:“世界力量最大的是什么?”“大力士!”我脱口而出.只见妈妈微笑着摇摇头:“是知识.”“答对了,加10分!”接着爸爸又问了几道题目,都有妈妈答出.由于接二连三地出错,这时的我已是坐如针毯,六神无主了.但转念一想:不,我应该争取答出最后一道问题.于是我便耐心地听起来“大庆每年石油占全国的几分之几?”我毫无顾忌地答道:“大庆每年的石油产量占-占-占全国的1/2!”“对了,虽然‘占’了几次,但总算‘占’出来并且对了.加10分!” 比赛结束了.妈妈说:“这次我赢了你,到你读中学时我们再赛一次.”“那时候,我们可要请教你呀!”爸爸对笑道我说:“哈哈哈.”我们的笑声充满了整间屋子,并传到了每家每户.Sunday afternoon, Dad mysteriously smile to me, said: "we are going to hold a family quiz!" " What?" I shouted. "We're going to have the intelligence competition?" The kitchen 's mother came. " Let me be your opponent." She said to me. I see the opponent is not a father, can not help but secretly fond of oneself, have a well-thought-out plan to play replied:" good!"The start of the race, the host dad cleared his throat, gave us the first question:" the group is China which city logo?" "Di -" I jumped up to answer:" Guangzhou city!" " Yes, add 10 points!" I was very happy, really a bit pleased with oneself. Then the father asked the question:" is it right? There is property there is happiness?" "Yes, it certainly is!" I said," that is not certain!" Mom retorted," goods abundant and not really happy, the spirit of content is happiness!" "That's right, add 10 points." I listened to the drum cheek, to continue to listen to the question:" the world is the largest?" " Hercules!" I escape one's lips. I saw my mother smiled and shook his head:" knowledge." "That's right, add 10 points!" Then my father and asked a few questions, there are mother answer. As one after another to go wrong, at this time I was sitting as a needle blanket, be puzzled. But then I thought: No, I have to answer the last question. So I patiently sounds" Daqing yearly oil accounted for a fraction of a few?" I have no hesitation replied:" Daqing's annual oil production accounted for - for - to occupy countrywide 1 /2!" " Yes, although ' for ' several times, but I ' for ' out and about. Add 10 points!"The end of the game. Mother said:" this time I win you, by the time you read high school we to a game." " At that time, we will ask you!" Dad laughed and I said: " ha ha ha." Our laughter filled the whole room, and spread to every householdAfter breakfast, mom and dad are going to work, I also started my secret action -- do housework. I like to learn my mother, will first wipes clean, squatting on the ground, one point one floor, also missed the last room, I have hot sweating, pant for breath. Think of my mother every day to do all the housework, and today I finally feel the mother's hard work, I go to the restroom washing the face, continue to rub together. Perseverance is victory. After about an hour, I finally will each room floor wiping again, floor light, I also tired lying on the sofa up. But look brighter as the silhouette of the floor, my heart happy.After a rest, have a look quickly ten, I began the second secret action -- to help my mother to cook rice.I scooped some rice from rice bucket placed in the basin, and then my mother to wash rice appearance, repeatedly by hand will meter in water wash, and washed out of the water to become more clean, then meters into the pressure cooker, add enough water ( my mother once told me, the water level will not hand ), cover the pot, open the liquefier valve began to cook rice. After about twenty minutes, pressure valve of pressure cooker and began to beat, I smell the fragrance of rice, rice was ripe! I even some excitement, hurried off liquefied gas valve, then sit in the sofa super mother after work.While my mother came back, a door see clean floor, said pleasantly surprised:" Oh, today's floor so bright?" " Is my eraser!" I jumped up from the couch down, unable to hold oneself back to show their work," mother quickly to have a look the kitchen, and surprise." I will be mother pulled into the kitchen," have a look, I have cooked rice." I am immensely proud to take pressure valve, lift the lid, and said: "Mom, try my skill." Then, take the chopsticks a little rice in the mother's mouth," Oh, a little half-cooked rice. You seem to turn some light." I took a sip, and some hard, my mother told me, the pressure valve beating after also continue to cook for ten minutes before the cease-fire, oh, so that is what it is!Although today's rice as mother do so delicious, but when eating, I saw my mother 's face has been filled with a smile, my father told me, this is he in all one's born days eat the most delicious meal of rice, mother also straight nodded, I praise from their eyes are encouraged, I think, I will continue to work, next time will let them eat really delicious sweet rice.吃完了早饭,爸爸妈妈都去上班了,我也开始了我的秘密行动——做家务.我学着妈妈的样子,首先将抹布洗干净,蹲在地上,一点一点擦地板,还没擦上一个房间,我已经热得满头大汗、气喘吁吁了.想到妈妈每天都要做这些家务,今天我终于体验到了妈妈的辛苦,我到洗手间洗了把脸,继续擦起来.坚持就是胜利!大约过了一个多小时,我终于将每个房间的地板全擦了一遍,地板亮了,我也累得趴在沙发上起不来了.但是看者亮得照的出人影的地板,我心里乐极了.
虽然今天的米饭不如妈妈做的那么可口,但吃饭的时候,我看到爸爸妈妈的脸上一直洋溢着笑容,爸爸告诉我,这是他有生以来吃的最香的一顿米饭,妈妈也直点头表示同意,我从他们赞许的眼神中受到鼓舞,我想,我会继续努力的,下一次一定让他们吃上真正可口香甜的米饭.After breakfast, mom and dad are going to work, I also started my secret action -- do housework. I like to learn my mother, will first wipes clean, squatting on the ground, one point one floor, also missed the last room, I have hot sweating, pant for breath. Think of my mother every day to do all the housework, and today I finally feel the mother's hard work, I go to the restroom washing the face, continue to rub together. Perseverance is victory. After about an hour, I finally will each room floor wiping again, floor light, I also tired lying on the sofa up. But look brighter as the silhouette of the floor, my heart happy.After a rest, have a look quickly ten, I began the second secret action -- to help my mother to cook rice.I scooped some rice from rice bucket placed in the basin, and then my mother to wash rice appearance, repeatedly by hand will meter in water wash, and washed out of the water to become more clean, then meters into the pressure cooker, add enough water ( my mother once told me, the water level will not hand ), cover the pot, open the liquefier valve began to cook rice. After about twenty minutes, pressure valve of pressure cooker and began to beat, I smell the fragrance of rice, rice was ripe! I even some excitement, hurried off liquefied gas valve, then sit in the sofa super mother after work.While my mother came back, a door see clean floor, said pleasantly surprised:" Oh, today's floor so bright?" " Is my eraser!" I jumped up from the couch down, unable to hold oneself back to show their work," mother quickly to have a look the kitchen, and surprise." I will be mother pulled into the kitchen," have a look, I have cooked rice." I am immensely proud to take pressure valve, lift the lid, and said: "Mom, try my skill." Then, take the chopsticks a little rice in the mother's mouth," Oh, a little half-cooked rice. You seem to turn some light." I took a sip, and some hard, my mother told me, the pressure valve beating after also continue to cook for ten minutes before the cease-fire, oh, so that is what it is!Although today's rice as mother do so delicious, but when eating, I saw my mother 's face has been filled with a smile, my father told me, this is he in all one's born days eat the most delicious meal of rice, mother also straight nodded, I praise from their eyes are encouraged, I think, I will continue to work, next time will let them eat really delicious sweet rice.求五篇英语周记,80字左右~希望原创~急需~!可以考虑加悬赏~!_百度作业帮
1.Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house.I played with my cousin.Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest.“that’s a good idea.” I said.Then we prepared for the traveling.After lunch,the sky turned dark.After that ,it rained heavily.It meant our plan is impossible.What a pity day!今天我父母带我去了外公家,我和唐/表,兄/弟/姐/妹一起玩.突然,我我和唐/表,兄/弟/姐/妹建议去公园玩,顺便休息一下.“那是一个好主意”我说到.然后我们为旅行准备着.午饭后,天变得昏暗,接着下起了大雨.那意味着我们的计划不可能实行了,多遗憾的一天哪!2.The day after yesterday I received 2000 yuan from my relatives as my pocket money.I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year.“what!” I shouted.前天我收到了2000元作为零用钱来自于我的亲戚,我很高兴,但是爸爸妈妈说要上交一半而且另一半要做为我一年里的零用钱.“什么!”我大叫到.3.It was the first day of our summer holiday.All of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one month to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.We have been very tired after hard studying.I will have a good rest.那是我们暑假的第一天,我们每个人都非常高兴,为什么呢?因为我们拥有一个月的时间来做我们想做的事情,我们自由了.尽管我们有一些作业,但我们可以在几天之内完成它们,并且我们可以充分利用剩余的时间,我们在艰苦的学习之后感到非常累,我会好好休息一下的.4.It was the eighth day of our summer holiday.I felt good.I felt I am free.My parents went to camping.So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely.I stayed at home and watched TV.I wrote an English daily composition.It was my homework.Today,I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired.It was time for dinner.I must go!I am very hungry.这是我们放暑假的第八天,我感觉棒极了,我感到十分自由.因为我的爸爸妈妈出去旅游了,所以我独自一人在家,但我并不孤独,我呆在家里看电视.我写了一篇英语日记,那是我的作业.今天我睡了十四个小时,我认为我是太累了.该是吃晚餐的时间了,我去吃了!我感觉太饿了.5.I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.Playing basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.我计划今年的暑假要花费在运动上.打篮球一直是我最热爱的,所以我的一些同学和我将会组建一个小队并且互相打比赛.有时我们可以和其他球队进行对抗比赛,我很享受当我们赢得比赛时的感觉.6.Today I found time was a cruel thing.Whatever man is,time always goes on.It won’t stay to wait for somebody.You can’t use anything to exchange time.Time is also a fair thing.Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy comfortable life.time won’t leave them more.今天我发现时间是一个很残酷的东西,无论是什么人,时间总是会无情的流逝.它不会停止去等待任何一个人,你不能用任何东西去改变时间.时间也是公平的,尽管你拥有再多的金钱或者享受着安逸的生活,时间都不会让它长久.7.Today is Wednesday.My mother、my father and I are all at home.Now my mother is washing clothes.My father is reading newspapers.I am doing my English homework.Today afternoon we are going to go to my grandparents's home.And I will play with my little sister.I think I will have a nice day.今天是星期三,我妈妈、爸爸和我都在家.现在我妈妈正洗着衣服,我爸爸正在看报纸,我做着我的英语作业.今天下午我们打算去我爷爷奶奶的家里,并且我会和我的小妹妹一起玩,我认为我会度过快乐的一天.你也可以到这里找一些:英语周记范文80字
英语周记范文80字hello,ereybody.i have a very warm family.my father is a good doctor,he works in a big hospital.he is tall and he always makes family numbers happily.my mother is a maths teacher.she often helps me with my maths.she looks very wisdom.she hao long biack hair.she is very beautiful.last,i am a student.i often get good marks in exams.i have a lot of hobbies,such as play the violin,drawing and writing.we often spare some time for our weekends.we play together,we have a good time for our weekends.i love my family very much.
一篇:Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!
Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for two days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were!
The day after yesterday I received 2000 yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. I was so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest would be my pocket money in one year. “what!” I shouted.
第二篇:Today, I play at the park together with cousin and we played pirate ship.Lead a mountain car etc. breathtaking game.Then we again go to dozen table tennis, although I isn't good at to play table tennis still have lots of fun very satisfactory.But night of the color of the sky we have to go home, but today we still play of very happy!!!
第三篇:Today is Sunday.It's also a good day. I got up at 7'oclock ,because my family will go to the zoo. After the breakfast ,I took a camara and went to the station waited for the bus together with my family.
It's already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo. my father bought three ticket and we entered the gate.
There are so many monkeys,tighers,lions,wolves and other animials in the zoo. there are also many birds ,but I can't call theirs names in English.
we took some photoes in the zoo with the animials,when the photoes will be printed, I will show them in my class.
The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1'oclock PM.
I am so glad today,I will go to bed early tonight .


