英语单词 CAP的汉意amcap是什么么

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简明英汉词典cap[kAp]n.帽子, 军帽, (瓶)帽, (笔)帽vt.戴帽子, 盖在...顶上基本词义CAPabbr. (欧共体)共同农业政策 (Common Agricultural Policy)美国传统词典[双解]capcap 1AHD:[k2p] D.J.[k#p]K.K.[k#p]n.(名词)(1)A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor.便帽:一种通常是柔软的和紧缩的头部遮盖物,无帽檐或有帽舌(2)A special head covering worn to indicate rank, occupation, or membership in a particular group:帽子:一种特殊的头部遮盖物,戴上以显示级别、职业或一特殊团体的会员资格:a cardinal' a sailor's cap.红衣主教帽;水手帽(3)An academic mortarboard. Used especially in the phrase cap and gown. 学位帽:一种表示学位的帽子。尤用在cop and gown 这一短语中 (4)A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip:帽状物,盖子:保护性的遮盖或密封物,尤其是关闭一头或一端的这类物品: a 35-millimeter lens cap.瓶塞;35毫米的透视镜盖(5)A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.齿冠:遮盖或密封牙齿的冠状物(6)A tread for a worn pneumatic tire.修过的轮胎底:加在已磨损的充气轮胎上的一层新橡胶(7)A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.封闭盖:用以封闭井或大管子的盖子(8)A summit or top, as of a mountain.巅峰,最高处:巅峰或最高处,如山的顶部(9)A a ceiling:上限:上面的限定;上限:placed a cap on mortgage rates.给抵押利率定一个上限(10)Architecture The capital of a column.【建筑学】 柱头(11)Botany 【植物学】 (12)The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.菌盖:蘑菇的上部或菌盖(13)A calyptra.藓帽;根冠(14)A percussion cap.雷管(15)A small explosive charge enclosed in paper for use in a toy gun.纸弹药:用纸装的一小团爆炸物,用于玩具枪中(16)Any of several sizes of writing paper, such as foolscap.稿纸:几种稿纸尺寸的任一种,如大页书写纸v.tr.(及物动词)capped, cap.ping, caps(1)To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.加帽于:用帽或塞来遮盖、保护或密封(2)To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement:授帽:授予…一顶特殊的帽子作为其级别或成就的标志:capped the new women nurses at graduation.在毕业时给新一批女护士颂发护士帽(3)To l cover:遮蔽:置于…上面或顶上;遮蔽:hills capped with snow.顶上盖着雪的小山(4)To apply th complete:完成:给…画上最后的点睛之笔;完成:cap a meal with dessert.在一餐饭的结尾端上甜点(5)To follow w surpass or outdo:做得更好:用更好的事物来接续;超过或胜过:capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.最后的压轴好戏是使自己消失不见,这使得观众为之倾倒(6)To set an upper limit on:给…定一个上限:decided to cap cost-of-living increases.决定给生活费用的上涨制定一个上限习惯用语cap in handRe unpretentiously.尊敬地或卑躬地;谦逊地set (one's) cap forTo attempt to attract and win as a mate.女追男,挑逗男子:竭力吸引或赢得…使成为配偶语源(1)Middle English cappe 中古英语 cappe (2)from Old English c?ppe 源自 古英语 c?ppe (3)from Late Latin cappa 源自 后期拉丁语 cappa 基本词义capcap 2AHD:[k2p] 【非正式用语】 D.J.[k#p]K.K.[k#p]n.(名词)A capital letter.大写字母v.tr.(及物动词)capped, cap.ping, capsTo capitalize.大写语源Shortened form of capital 1capital1的简写形式 基本词义CAPCAPabbr.(略语)Civil Air Patrol.民航巡逻现代英汉词典cap[kAp]n.(1)帽子(2)显示职业或阶级的帽子He has 2 caps for cricket.他有两顶板球帽。(3)(女用人等戴的)头巾或白帽(4)盖;罩the cap on the bottle瓶盖It's better to put the cap back on the bottle.最好把瓶盖盖上。(5)玩具枪子弹(6)避孕帽;子宫托 (= D diaphragm)词性变化capvt.-pp-(1)给…戴帽;覆盖于…Clouds capped the woods. (喻)云层覆盖着森林。Only when the nountaineers got near to the top, they found that snow had capped the mountains.登山队员们接近山顶时才发现大雪覆盖着山顶。(2)冠以(3)改良,改进;胜过;优于前者The famous story teller capped the old story by telling a better and more interesting one.著名的故事员把这个旧故事加以改进,讲了一个更好更有趣的故事。基本词义CAPabbr.(欧共体)共同农业政策 (Common Agricultural Policy)现代英汉综合大辞典cap[kAp]n.(1)便帽, 无边帽, 制服帽, 军帽, 头巾(2)表示职业或等级的帽子(如:大主教的法冠, 大学方帽等)(3)盖, 塞, 顶, 笔套, 鞋尖, 鞘套, 插座(4)【军】火帽, 雷管(5)【建】柱头, 棚架顶梁(6)【矿】顶板岩石(7)【数】求交运算(8)桅帽(9)【解】膝盖骨(10)【植】根冠, 菌盖; 果壳(11)[英俚]子宫帽(12)[美俚]胶囊毒品(迷幻药等)(13)脱帽礼(14)(南北)极顶(15)大写字母(16)纸张的大小尺寸(17)(窑炉的)拱顶(18)切头(玻璃圆筒两端)(19)管底 ⑵⑽引出线 ⑵(20)薄的包装纸 ⑵(21)酒帽(酒发酵时的浮沫) ⑵(22)焰晕词性变化cap[kAp]vt.(1)[苏](大学)授学位给...(2)覆盖, 给...戴帽(3)装雷管在...上(4)包覆顶端(5)胜过, 凌驾(6)接引(诗句)(7)向...脱帽致意(8)除去...的盖(9)空中掩护, 战斗巡逻cap a bottle除去瓶盖cap[kAp]vi.脱帽致意(to)They cap when they pass the president.他们经过院长面前时脱帽行礼。继承用法cap-a -pieadv.从头到脚地, 全然cap-and-balladj.有保险的cap-and-gownadj.隆重的cap-piecen.帽木capfulln.一帽的量习惯用语bear the cap and bells成为众人取笑的对象black cap(1)宣判死刑时法官所戴的黑色帽子(2)犯人上绞架时戴的黑色帽子cameb cap in hand to必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节go cap in hand to必恭必敬, 卑躬屈节cast one's cap at[废]对...漠然置之fit the cap on承认别人的话是针对自己讲的fling one's cap over will不顾一切地干, 冒身败名裂的危险throw one's cap over will不顾一切地干, 冒身败名裂的危险fuddle one's cap泥醉, 酩酊大醉get one's cap[英]当选手I cap to that.我同意, 我赞成。If the cap fits, wear it. (=If the cap fits, put it on.)帽子若适合你, 就戴上吧; 如果这批评说中了你的心事, 就当做对你说的吧。kiss caps with sb.[苏]与某人同杯共饮night cap睡帽; 夜酒pull caps口角, 扭打put on one's thinking cap动脑筋想, 深思熟虑put on one's considering cap动脑筋想, 深思熟虑put on the black cap法官戴上黑色法帽, 准备宣判死刑send the cap round(收集捐款, 募捐)传帽子pass the cap round(收集捐款, 募捐)传帽子take the cap round(收集捐款, 募捐)传帽子set one's cap at女子向男子挑逗, 追求set one's cap for女子向男子挑逗, 追求The cap fits.言之中肯, 批评得当to cap (it) all超群, 最后又加上; 使事情达到顶点的是...touch one's cap to sb.以手触帽对...表示敬礼; 向某人表示钦佩wear the cap and bells出洋相Where is your cap?(对孩子说)脱帽行礼吧!cap and bells丑角戴的系铃帽; 小丑cap and feather days童年时代cap and gown大学方帽和长袍cap of maintenance[英](英王、贵族的)冠冕特殊用法air cap气孔; 喷气嘴air bleeder cap通风罩air valve cap气阀盖anchor cap咬封盖(盖边有几个卡点经压扣后可紧抓在瓶口上)anode cap(显象管)阳极罩[帽], 高压帽anvil cap锻模座ball-bearing thrust cap滚珠轴承抵盖bayonet cap卡口灯座bearing cap轴承盖bell cap钟帽; 泡帽; 泡罩(蒸馏塔塔盘上半圆球盖)biscuit cap饼干的?爸?blast cap鼓风盖, 风帽blasting cap起爆雷管boot cap保护罩bow cap(飞机的)头罩bracket cap托架帽buffer cap【军】缓冲帽bune cap盲肠的封闭端; 直肠头, 大肠头; 盖, 帽burner cap喷头, 喷嘴头cavity cap(显象管上)高压帽, 空腔帽check-valve body cap止回阀体盖clamping cap模具压板, 压紧盖cloud cap云帽clucth spring cap离合器压紧弹簧座cock cap塞帽cold cap寒带compass cap罗经轴帽connecting rod bearing cap连杆轴承盖control valve cap控制阀盖cover cap罩盖crank cap曲柄盖cylinder cap汽缸盖; (气瓶的)阀罩declutch shaft bearing cap离合轴轴承盖deflector cap通风帽detachable cap活盖detonating cap发火帽; 雷管dew cap(物镜的)防露盖, 露罩diaphragm cap隔膜帽dome cap气包盖dress cap军礼帽dunce cap(螺旋浆的)导流帽dust cap防尘盖ear cap耳机胶盖electrical blasting cap电雷管embryo cap胚冠enamel cap釉质冠end cap节流阀端盖(三通阀); 弹簧盒盖equalizer spring cap均衡弹簧盖expansion pad cap伸缩垫盖feed cap进料盖female cap凹形盖fulminating cap雷帽; 雷汞爆管funnel cap风帽, 烟囱罩gas tank cap汽油箱盖; 储气箱盖goliath cap大型灯头governor cap调节器盖hand oiler cap手加油器盖head cap帽(精子), 头罩header cap头帽, 头罩hose cap管帽; 管堵housing cap机架盖hub cap毂盖[帽]inlet valve cap进给阀盖joint cap塞子; 闩; 闭锁[密封]盖key cap键帽kingpin cap主销盖knee cap髌骨, 膝盖骨knife cap(切割器的)压刀板lamp cap灯(泡)头; 管帽lens cap镜头[透镜]盖light cap轻压盖, 轻盖limiting valve cap限制阀盖live cable test cap电缆在加压测试时用的终端接头locking cap固定帽, 止动螺帽lubricator cap润滑油杯mainshaft cap主轴盖mogulcap大型灯头nucellarcap【植】珠心冠nut cap螺母[螺帽]盖objective cap物镜盖oil cup cap油杯盖oil filler cap油料加入器盖; 加油口盖oil reservoir cap储油器盖pedestal cap轴架[轴承]盖percussion cap雷管, (子弹)底火巢pile cap桩帽pipe cap管帽piston pin hole cap活塞销孔盖pler cap【建】墩帽plug cap插头pole spring cap杆簧盖polo cap马球帽press-on cap压封式瓶盖pressure spring cap压力弹簧帽primer cap起爆雷管projection welded cap凸焊帽, 有凹凸的焊帽protecting cap防护盖, 护罩red cap[美]车站搬运工reinforced cap加固帽reservoir cap储蓄器盖ridge cap脊顶盖riding cap骑手帽rubber cap橡皮碗safety cap安全帽screw cap螺丝灯头; 螺盖; 螺钉sealed cap密封帽[盖]seat arm cap座椅臂盖serum cap橡胶盖shield cap防护罩sleeve cap套管帽slip -on cap滑扣瓶盖snap -on cap咬封盖; 卡(瓶)口盖; 按盖; 压紧盖spring cap弹簧帽squeeze cap压封盖stand cap轧机机座盖; 轧机机座横梁steel cap钢顶梁stock cap风口盖suction cap排烟[气]罩壳tank cap箱盖terminal cap端帽toe cap踏脚套top cap顶盖; 顶罩; (真空管顶上的)栅接头triple valve cylinder cap三通阀盖tyre -valve cap轮胎阀帽universal -joint housing cap万向节壳盖vacuum end cap真空封帽valve cap阀盖ventilation cap通风帽weather cap风帽weld cap焊帽wheel hub cap轮毂帽wind cap防风罩基本词义CAP(1)=Card Assembly Program 卡片装配程序;(2)Cash Against Policy【商】凭保险单付款;(3)Civil Air Patrol 民航巡逻[美];(4)College of American Pathologics 美国病理学会;(5)Combat Air Patrol 战斗空中巡逻;(6)Common Agricultural Policy 共同农业政策(欧洲经济共同体);(7)Computer Aided Printing 计算机辅助印刷;(8)Computer Aided Production 计算机辅助生产;(9)Computer Analysis and Programming 计算机分析与程序设计(公司);(10)Computer Assisted Placement 计算机辅助布局用法词典cap源自拉丁语 cappa,capa英文相关词典capbeat&&&&cover&&&&crown&&&&excel&&&&lid&&&&top&&&&hat&&&&[七国语言]英汉地质大词典cap罩盖[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典cap灯座[七国语言]英汉化学大词典cap盖罩;雷管[七国语言]英汉机械大词典cap帽, 盖, 罩[七国语言]英汉建筑大词典cap柱冠[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典cap顶板岩石[七国语言]英汉农业大词典cap菌盖[七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典cap盖, 罩[七国语言]英汉生物学大词典cap极帽[七国语言]英汉数学大词典cap交, 求交运算美国传统词典capcap 1AHD:[k2p] D.J.[k#p]K.K.[k#p]n.(1)A usually soft and close-fitting head covering, either having no brim or with a visor.(2)A special head covering worn to indicate rank, occupation, or membership in a particular group:a cardinal' a sailor's cap.(3)An academic mortarboard. Used especially in the phrase cap and gown. (4)A protective cover or seal, especially one that closes off an end or a tip: a 35-millimeter lens cap.(5)A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.(6)A tread for a worn pneumatic tire.(7)A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.(8)A summit or top, as of a mountain.(9)A a ceiling:placed a cap on mortgage rates.(10)Architecture The capital of a column.(11)Botany (12)The top part, or pileus, of a mushroom.(13)A calyptra.(14)A percussion cap.(15)A small explosive charge enclosed in paper for use in a toy gun.(16)Any of several sizes of writing paper, such as foolscap.v.tr.capped, cap.ping, caps(1)To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.(2)To award a special cap to as a sign of rank or achievement:capped the new women nurses at graduation.(3)To l cover:hills capped with snow.(4)To apply th complete:cap a meal with dessert.(5)To follow w surpass or outdo:capped his last trick with a disappearing act that brought the audience to its feet.(6)To set an upper limit on:decided to cap cost-of-living increases.习惯用语cap in handRe unpretentiously.set (one's) cap forTo attempt to attract and win as a mate.语源(1)Middle English cappe (2)from Old English c?ppe (3)from Late Latin cappa 基本词义capcap 2AHD:[k2p] Informal D.J.[k#p]K.K.[k#p]n.A capital letter.v.tr.capped, cap.ping, capsTo capitalize.语源Shortened form of capital 1基本词义CAPCAPabbr.Civil Air Patrol.[名词委审定]英汉船舶工程名词(定义版, 1998)cap管道封头[名词委审定]英汉电工名词(1998)cap管帽[名词委审定]英汉遗传学名词(1989)cap(1)帽(2) GTP以其5'三磷酸和mRNA链5'端以5'-5'缩合成3'Gppp5'-N-3'p的结构。英汉船舶大词典cap n.盖,簧帽;n.帽 英汉电力大词典cap n.盖,帽,罩 朗文英汉综合电脑词典cap (金属)帽[罩];【数】求交运算;= CAPacitance,电容,容量; = CAPacity, 容量,能力; = Card Assembly Program, 卡片汇编程序; = Component Acceptance Procedure, 部件验收程序; = Computer Analysis and Programmers Ltd., 计算机分析员与程序员有限公司 英汉电信大词典cap n.管底,帽 英汉地质大词典cap n.额,容量,电容量;n.覆盖岩;n.盖,覆盖层,雷管 英汉纺织大词典cap n.锭帽,便帽 英汉航海大词典cap n.共同农业政策 英汉环境大词典cap n.共同农业政策;n.降解物基因活化蛋白;n.小帽,盖,罩 英汉航空大词典cap n.盖,帽;n.帽徽 英汉化学大词典cap n.帽,帽子,泡罩,盖,盖子,戴帽,罩;vt.覆盖,装雷管于,完成,胜过 英汉海运大词典cap (烟囱顶)环盖,桅尖,(磁国锴)轴帽,云帽,盖罩,雷管,岬,海角海底平山烟囱内罩帽电子管底灯(泡)头引出头帽,罩(磁罗经)轴帽给…戴(帽),覆盖海角(法语)岬角,海角(罗马尼亚语) 基本词义cap 帽,盖,罩电子管底灯(泡)头引出头给……戴(帽,盖,罩),覆盖 基本词义cap 帽,盖,罩电子管管底桅尖,(磁罗经)轴帽给…戴(帽,盖,罩),覆盖 英汉进出口商品词汇大全cap ①帽子②封头③瓶盖 英汉经贸大词典cap n.共同农业政策 英汉计算机大词典cap n.帽子(柱头,火帽;vt.覆盖(装雷管于,完成;n.CAP,电容量 英汉机械大词典cap n.盖,顶盖 英汉建筑大词典cap n.帽,塞 英汉农牧林大词典cap n.盖;n.降解物基因活化蛋白,异化激体蛋白,氯地孕酮 英汉汽车大词典cap n.盖,罩 航空英语缩写词典CAPContinuing Airworthiness Panel 继续适航专家小组基本词义CAPCapacitor 电容器基本词义CAPCarpet 毯基本词义CAPCapacitor 电容器基本词义CAPCapacity 容量,能力基本词义CAPCaptain 机长基本词义CAPCapture 截获基本词义CAPComputer-Aided Production 计算机辅助生产基本词义CAPComputer-Aided Programming 计算机辅助程序设计基本词义CAPControlled Acceleration Propulsion 受控加速推进基本词义CAPCrew Activity Plan 乘员活动计划基本词义CAPCrew Alerting Panel 机组警告面板英汉心理学大词典CAP art. 英汉冶金大词典cap n.罩,帽 英汉医学大词典cap n.覆盖,菌盖
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Mail: Copyright by ;All rights reserved.feet这个英语单词的汉意是什么?
扫描下载二维码有什么英语单词是cap开头的三个意思,都是要cap开头的for example:a person in charge of a ship-----captainoverturn in water______a prisoner_____a coat without sleeves_____
overturn in water:capsize翻船,倾覆a prisoner:captive俘虏a coat without sleeves:cape斗篷,披肩
overturn in water----capsizea prisoner---capturea coat without sleeves---cape 有披肩的意思,不确定。
无价值的东西[C]   He&#39. 零(即0)[C]   3: []   n;s a mere cipher in the company.   他在公司里是个无足轻重的人物.   1. 密码;密码检索本[C][U]   a message written in cipher   用密码写成的信   2;密码文件. 无足轻重的人. 阿拉伯数字[C]   4。   5cipher   KK: []   DJ
出门在外也不愁cap screw 
固定词组 ph.
1. 【机】有头螺钉


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