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中文翻译电动手操作钻孔器斜纹布钻孔机钻头:&&&&n. 【动物;动物学】(西非的)鬼狒。
例句与用法1.What is the drill for claiming expenses ?费用报销的手续,是怎样的?2.The telephone started drilling all of a sudden .电话突然嗡嗡响起来。3.The soldiers were at drill in the barrack yard .士兵们在军营里操练。4.Diamond drilling replaced percussion drilling .金钻探取代了冲击钻探。5.We will have to drill a hole of 1.4mm .我们要钻一个14毫米的孔。6.The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard .士兵们在兵营练兵场操练。7.Drills were set to work without intermission .螺旋钻在一刻不停地挥舞着。8.They were twirling a brace drill .他们当时正在转动曲柄钻。9.When was the first offshore oil well drilled ?第一口滨海油井是什么时候打的钻?10.We had to drill 20 miles .我们得靠两条腿走二十英里了。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
drills的中文翻译,drills是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译drills,drills的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。COACHBASE PRACTICE PLANNERBasketball practice made easy.Designed by Coaches for CoachesPractice Planner helps you plan a practice in 7 seconds or less with instructed videos, animations, and tips. High quality demo videosPlanning a practice has never been easier. Start with built-in practices made by NBA coaches and then tailor it to your style.Forgot how a drill goes? Every drill has our tried and tested digital white-board clipboard animations to instantly jog your memory so you’ll never forget another drill again!Don’t let your practices overrun again with the built-in automatic timer. It will remind you when to switch drills so you’ll always be on time!Join the GlobalCoaching CommunityApp featuresRitz ingramFulda, GermanyProgram Director, FT Fulda Roadrunners I have tried just about every option on the market... Coachbase Practice Planner is the only one that will REALLY help me:Write the practiceEasily select the drills I want and insert it into a practice planMake comments/notes to help me better prepare for the next practiceIn addition, I was able to write practices on the fly which allowed me to look professional in front of the parents who were sitting in the stands!Ryan HollidayNew Hampshire, USACEO/Founder Next Level Basketball Academy Occasionally due to life's demands, I would have to coach a practice WITHOUT a plan.
This will never happen again.I now have my plans stored on the app and can access them at any time.In addition, I would spend a lot of time researching new concepts and ideas to teach the players.Now I have tons of resources from other coaches built into the appCoach from Massachusetts, USAThe content from famous coaches like Dell Curry is very informative. The in app timer makes it very handy to measure drill times of my players.The practice history function automatically saves what I’ve done. I am very excited about this.I am already seeing a reduction in my preparation time for skills training planning.Many times I can work out players by following the “Post-Series” Program, or other grouped workouts on the app. This really is a game changer!Coaches only have so much time, therefore, any efforts to reduce times in some areas, CREATES time for others...scouting, player development, film, etc.Matthew LoftenPractice Planner has helped me out a lot!! I am a volunteer Coach at a Recreational Park and a lot of our kids are beginners.Practice Planner has helped me become a better coach, mentor and leader.Before Practice Planner, I would run the same old lay-up drills, same boring Zone defence structure drills.But now, the kids are excited to come to practice and now are confident, competitive and all are leaders.Maybe I can take my coaching to the next level.YOU GUYS ARE AWESOMEBecome a Pro?Monthly subscription members will get the following:123Sneak PeekLike what we're doing? Share so we can help more coachesFind Us HereAs seen on您的举报已经提交成功,我们将尽快处理,谢谢!
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