youareagreatyou are my personn,...

&&& 听力对话近几年变难最主要的原因是小讲座化的模式,也就是从学生开头询问教授关于某个学术点,然后教授再就这个点如同讲述学术内容一样进行解释和发散,或者帮助学生来进行回忆和搜集,所以算上加试(非经典),考生一场考试就会感觉做了9篇长短不一的讲座。而7月份的2场考试主导的对话内容却又变回了校园生活类。
&&& 有关于假期找工作的,也有健身课折扣的。所以考生在准备类似短小学术类对话的同时千万不要疏忽校园生活这个大背景,毕竟国外生活的重头除了上课之外就是校园生活。
&&& 从所能掌握的7篇讲座来看,7月份的讲座自然科学话题有2篇(包括史前海洋进化和落基山);社会科学出现2篇(包括维京人和社会组织);生命科学2篇(包括微生物和鸟类飞行)。剩余的1篇就是艺术类讲座。整体讲座的趋势难词出现越来越多,句式结构也逐步复杂,所以对于考生来说不能不说是个挑战。但和对话类相似,TPO中出现过类似的话题,鸟类飞行也好(humming bird),山脉也好(great Canyon),微生物也好(microorganism)等等,对于考生来说是非常有价值的参考和示范。
&&& 各位烤鸭们,七月夏日炎炎、骄阳似火,考托之路似乎显得也特别得漫长。希望这次的托福阅读真题回顾能给大家带来一丝清凉。
&&& 2014年7月的托福阅读考试主要考察了三大题材:生物,生态环境和发展史。
TPO-22 Spartina&
TPO-28 Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes&
TPO-17&Animal Signals in the Rain Forest&
TPO-17&Symbiotic Relationships&
主要内容:移除大坝(dam removal)的好处和坏处,具体管制对生态环境、物种多样性和经济的多方面影响。
TPO-4 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound&
TPO-8 Extinction of the Dinosaurs
TPO-8 The Rise of Teotihuacán
TPO14-Maya Water Problems
TPO26-Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East
主要内容:文明的起源。讲的是civilization,前面是讲civilization的起源,是由于文字的出现才开始了historic,前面都是pre-historic,然后接着就是讲到它的几个特点,比如以农业为经济的命脉,然后有一个administration center which has large population,后面就讲到the first phrase of the civilization is the bronze age.然后就是讲在某些地方,青铜是很贵重的,只用来做珠宝,因为在那些地方,用来生产青铜的原料必须进口,所以青铜不会用于做农具。
TPO8-The Rise of Teotihucan
&&& 跟2013的考试趋向一样,托福口语第一部分人事地物四个类型的话题均有考到。第二部分主要是学习类,生活类和文化类,考题比重比较平均,同学们在备考的时候都应该充分准备,另外还可以参考1-7月份北美的题目。下面是2014年中国大陆和北美的托福口语第一,二部分真题。
Task 1: Talk about a study habit of yours that’s different from others. Explain your&&answer in details.&
Task 2: Some people prefer to shop in big shopping malls, other prefer smaller shops. Which do you prefer? Explain why in details.
Task 1: It is a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University education is more important than it was in the past.
Task 1: Your friend is concerned about a presentation that he has to give to the class. What advice would you give to help your friend to prepare for the presentation?
Task 2: Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Other teachers prefer that students ask these questions in person. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
Task 1: What can we do to reduce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, it is better to live close to parents than far away from them.
Task 1: Which of the following transportation methods do you think is the most enjoyable? Bicycle, automobile or train. Explain your answer in details.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people will read less in the future? Give examples and details in your answer.
Task 1: Your community center now offers classes on the weekends for free, which of the following class you will choose to take, give reason to explain your choose. 1) Financial course to help you manage money, 2) Car maintenance and repair 3) Review of Latin-American music
Task 2: do you agree or disagree: the following statement and give reasons:
Parents should not allow their children to participate any form of sport (football, basketball, ice& hockey...) in order to protect their health and from any form of injuries.
Task 1: Talk about a type of clothing that is popular in your country.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree: University students should take part-time jobs.
Task 1: Talk about an after school activity you enjoy doing the most.&
Task 2: Some people prefer to spend spare time by themselves, others prefer to spend it with family members. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Talk about a volunteer work you enjoy doing, and explain why you enjoy it in details.
Task 2: Some people prefer to work in an office, others prefer to work from home.& Which do you prefer?
Task 1: Talk about a friend that’s special to you. Explain why this person is special to you.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people’s personality never changes.
Task 1: Talk about a friend of yours and how you met this person.
Task 2: Some students like to take notes in class, others prefer to mainly listen to the teacher. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Which of the following quality is the most important for someone to be successful? Being highly motivated, hardworking or intelligent.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that artists and musicians are important to our society. Explain your answer in details.
Task 1: Talk about an activity you would like to participate in the near future, explain your answer in details.
Task 2: While doing group projects, some students prefer to lead, others prefer to support. Which do you think is better and why?
Task 1: Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that’s common.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that employees should be prohibited to listen to music at work.
Task 1: Which of the following groups would you like to join? Campus newspaper, hiking club or dorm improvement committee.
Task 2: Some people prefer to share a large house with other students, others prefer to live in a smaller apartment alone. Which one do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Talk about how cellphone has changed people’s lives.&
Task 2: When traveling, do you prefer to stay at one place for a long time or spend less time but visit more places? Explain you answer in details.&
Task 1: Talk about the ways internet has benefit people’s lives.&
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people live healthier lives than 100 year ago?
Task 1: Talk about an important decision that you have made. Explain why this decision was important for you in details.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it’s important for students to study Art and Music in school. Explain your answer in details.
Task 1: Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details.
Task 1: Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child, explain you answer in details.
Task 2: While traveling, some people prefer to go to new places, others prefer to visit familiar places. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
Task 1: Talk about a special event that you recently participated in with your families and friends. Describe it in details.
Task 2: When getting advice, some people prefer to go to their parents, others prefer to go to their friends. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Your friend often feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you like to give to this friend of yours?
Task 2: When you take a trip, do you prefer to just look around, or do you prefer to take pictures and keep a journal on the trip.
Task 1: Talk about two singers or musicians and the differences between them. Include examples and details in your response.
Task 2: Some people prefer to eat at f others prefer to eat at regular restaurants. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.
Task 1: Some countries now take measures to attract a large amount of foreign tourists
Task 2: Some students prefer to study nine or ten months a year, others choose to be in school the whole year. Which do you think is better? Explain why.
Task 1: Talk about a gift you gave to someone. Who did you give this gift to? Why did you give it to this person?
Task 2: Do you think it’s easier to be a teacher or students?
Task 1: Talk about a subject you enjoy learning in school. Explain your answer in details.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should do housework when they’re old enough.
Task 1: 有很多作业和任务你怎么办?
Task 2: Some people prefer to take a vacation in cities, others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Which of the following periods in life do you think is the hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult.
Task 2: Some people prefer to live in the present, others prefer to be prepared for the future and plan ahead. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
Task 1: Describe a time you were asked to do sth but you didn't want and the result.
Task 2:& 同不同意Wealthy people should give money to help others.
Task 1: Favourite subject and explain why ?
Task 2:Indoor activities or outdoor activities, 选哪个?
1. 【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The advice from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
2. 【政府类】
In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on?
b.Public transportation
3. 【成功类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.
4. 【社交类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old friends.
5. 【社会类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.
6. 【社交类】
which is the best way for students to make friends:
a.participating in sport team
b.volunteering for community service
7. 【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is easier to be well-educated today than it was in the past.
8. 【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
话题1.Young children need to take arts and music or not.
话题2.Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.
9. 【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
High school graduates should take at least one year off to work or travel before entering university.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
10. 话题1.Celebrities are more important to younger people than they are to older people.【社会类】
11. 话题2.It is more important to have more facilities rather than hire more teachers.【教育类】
12. 【成功类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
For successful business, the money must be put into advertising.
13. 【工作类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.
14. 【成功类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV and following their favorite team will have negative impact on one’s life.
15. 【社交类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
16. 【政府类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is important for government to provide money for things that are beautiful not just for things that are practical.
17. 【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Parent must have strict rules to help their children to be successful.
18. 【科技类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?
19. 【成功类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams.
20. 【环境类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The best way to reduce air pollution is for government to raise the cost of fuel(petrol) of the car.
21. 【成功类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
To remain happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.
22. 【社交类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.
23. 【工作类】
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Young people should try different jobs before decide what to do.
1. NA【工作类】
A classmates or colleague should work on a project in person or by e-mails.
2. NA【教育类】
Most of the parents at some times find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers.
3. NA【教育类】
4. NA【生活环境类】
5. NA 【社交类】
Do you agree or disagree the following statement?
People should use new technologies such as social media and text messaging to communicate with each Other
6. NA【社交类】
Do you agree or disagree the following statement?
In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhood than they do now.
7. NA【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree the following statement?
The opinions of the celebrities, like the entertainers, or the famous athletes, are more important to the younger people than to the older people
8. NA【政府类】
政府做好旅游业,可以花钱用于雇佣更多警察还是修整 老房子和老街道。
9. NA【教育类】
Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each other is a good way to others think giving students time for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agree with, and why?
10. NA【教育类】
Do you agree or disagree the following statement?
Children are benefited in important ways by taking care of pet.
11. NA 【教育类】
Which is better for children’s education: 9-month study and 3 month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?
总结:从上面表格我们可以清楚地发现2014 独立写作背景话题还是延续13年的趋势,教育类在总量中占据了1/3的一个比重,其次是社交类和成功类。因此同学们在之后的复习时候注意这三类背景词汇的积累。在此份解析的最后我们附上了常用的背景词汇,让同学的复习更加针对性。
关键搭配:core subject, main subject, additional subject, arts/science subject, academic subject
关键搭配:diverse curriculum, wide curriculum, broad curriculum, areas of curriculum
关键词汇: high school
关键搭配:junior high ,senior high
关键词汇: education
关键搭配:a liberal arts education, a vocational education, tertiary education, compulsory education, test-oriented education
关键词汇: college, university , institution of higher education
关键搭配: go to a college (university, an institution of higher education)
attend a college (university, an institution of higher education), college (university) students
graduate from college (university) ,finish college (university), school (university, college) authorities
关键词汇: undergraduate
关键搭配:a second year undergraduate, undergraduate students (courses, degrees)
关键词汇: fresh man
关键搭配: fresh man year, first year, fresh man
关键词汇: sophomore
关键搭配:sophomore year, second year, a sophomore
关键搭配:junior year, the third year, a junior&
关键词汇: senior
关键搭配:senior year, the fourth year, a senior
关键词汇: degree, diploma, certificate
关键搭配: a bachelor’s degree, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Sciences, postgraduate, graduate a master’s degree, a doctorial candidate, a Ph. D degree, confer a degree, receive a degree
关键词汇:paper, thesis, dissertation
关键搭配:draft( prepare, produce, write, issue, publish, release) a paper/thesis/dissertation
关键词汇: homework, assignment
关键搭配:academic assignment, a history assignment (an assignment on history) , heavy (a heavy load of) assignments
hand out (set) an assignment on a particular subject, assign homework to students, complete (finish) an assignment
关键词汇: campus
关键搭配:college (university campus), live on the campus, live off the campus
关键词汇: school, faculty, department
关键搭配:a medical or law school, the Faculty of Law, the Engineering Faculty
关键词汇: concentration
关键搭配:a field of specialization , concentrate in architecture(business, journalism, law, medicine)
关键词汇:organization, group
关键搭配:student organizations, a students' union (student government, student council) , extracurricular groups
newspapers, singing groups, political groups, volunteer programs, fraternities and sororities
关键搭配:entrance examination (test), prepare for examination , revise for examination, study for examination,
enter for examination, stiff (tough, difficult) examination, entrance examination, matriculation examination
selection examination, end of term exam, end of year exam , final exam
关键搭配:excellent (good, high, top) grade, low (poor) grade, average (mean) grade,
get (receive, achieve, attain) an excellent grade
关键搭配:accumulation of course credits ,prescribed courses (U.S.), compulsory courses
关键搭配:attend class, high class attendance, poor (low) class attendance, skip class, be absent from class, absence from class
关键搭配:main ( primary, real ,underlying) motivation,& high (strong) motivation,& lack | lose motivation,& improve( increase, strengthen, generate, provide)& intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation.
关键搭配:competent(good, inspired, skilled, qualified, experienced, senior)& bad ( incompetent, inexperienced) teachers , college( primary school, university) teachers, EFL (English, history, maths, music, PE etc.) teachers
Teacher-centered classroom—(Student-centered classroom)
关键搭配:great (artistic, musical) develop( encourage, stimulate) inhibit (stifle) one’s creativity
A diverse curriculum can explore students’ real interest, which will benefit their future choice of concentration in college.&
By taking part-time jobs, college students can obtain array of comprehensive kills and thus become more employable.
关键词汇:pollution, contamination
关键搭配:air(atmospheric)pollution, environmental pollution, marine (river, water)pollution, chemical( industrial, nuclear& lead, nitrate)pollution,& noise pollution.
cause (avoid, prevent, combat, control, fight) cut, limit, minimize, reduce pollution
---pollutant, contaminant
关键词汇:ecosystem , sustainable development
关键搭配:the balance of the ecosystem, preserve (maintain) the balance of the ecosystem, eco-friendly
achieve the sus ecological balance/equilibrium
关键搭配:natural (global, world, local) preserve (protect, safeguard, protect) the environment.
conservation/protection of the environment, damag minimize damage to the environment, harmfu have an impac
environmental degradation/deterioration, environmentally-conscious
关键搭配:carbon dioxide, low-carbon life
关键词汇: exhaust
关键搭配:car (vehicle diesel, petrol, diesel) exhaust
exhaust emission( fumes, gas, pollution, smoke)
关键词汇: species
关键搭配:species extinction, species preservation
关键词汇:natural habitat
关键搭配:the destruction of natural habitats
关键搭配:fertile soil, infertile soil
关键搭配:harmful (hazardous, poisonous, toxic) recyclable waste, agricultural waste, commercial ( industrial, domestic, household)& hospital, medical waste, nuclear( radioactive |chemical | plastic | organic | animal) food, energy waste
关键搭配: atomic ( nuclear, solar, wave, wind) energy, alternative energy
generate (produce, harness) provide(supply) consume (use) conserve (save) energy
关键搭配:dangerous( harmful, hazardous, poisonous, toxic) chemical , agricultural, household, industrial chemical
manufacture( produce, discharge) chemicals into
exposed to dangerous chemicals.
chemical factory, plant, works, chemical reactions
关键搭配:important (vital, adequate, sufficient ) resources, limited (scarce) resources, renewable (sustainable, unlimited) resources, | finite( limited, non-renewable) resource, available (additional, extra) natural resources, mineral (oil, water) resources
关键搭配: decisive (dramatic, far-reaching, important, marked, powerful, profound, significant) negative (adverse, damaging, debilitating, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, devastating, disastrous, harmful, serious, traumatic) greenhouse effect
bring about (exert, have, produce) effect
One aspect of living a low-carbon life is that every individual tries to take public transportation as much as possible, in order to reduce the emission of car exhaust.
Traffic congestion and environmental pollution deprive city-dwellers of the healthy living condition.
关键搭配: wonderful( classic, cult), blockbuster/blockbusting movie, hit, smash-hit, action movie, disaster movie, gangster movie, horror movie, blue, dirty, porn/porno movies.
movie theater, motion pictures
关键搭配:accomplished (born, brilliant, consummate, experienced, talented, wonderful) celebrated( famous, leading, principal) actors, amateur (professional ) actors, comedy/comic actors, Shakespearean actors, Hollywood actors
Marlon Brando
Robert De Nero
Mel Gibson
Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan)
Tom Cruise (Rain Man, Mission: Impossible)
Leonardo DiCaprio (The Titanic)
Alfred Hitchcock (Rear Window, Psycho)
George Lucas(Star Wars)
Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather, Apocalypse Now)
Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Raging Bulls)
Steven Spielberg (E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan)
moviegoer, audience, fan
Forrest Gump, starred by Tom Hanks who is my favorite actor, is a movie that inspires and teaches people how to face the tough life with a positive attitude.
关键搭配:city dweller, large(major | small | great)city, ancient ( historic, old) city, beautiful (industrial | cosmopolitan | coastal) city, home (native) city=hometown
关键搭配:leisure(play, recreational, social , sporting) transport( travel) facilities, parking facilities, shopping facilities,
canteen (dining, restaurant ) facilities, laundry (sanitary, shower, toilet, washing) health (health care, medical) facilities
day care( childcare) facilities
关键词汇:stress, pressure, strain, tension
关键搭配:cause (create )stress/pressure, avoid ( remove) stress, add to( increase) stress, reduce( relieve) stress, suffer (from) stress cope with( handle, manage, stand) stress
great, high, severe, acute, considerable, emotional ( mental, psychological, social) economic(financial) stress, a source of stress, under stress, daily stress
关键词汇:worry, concern, care
关键搭配:business (economic, financial, money, health) worries, express( share, cause sb., give sb.) worries, arouse( prompt) worries
关键搭配:be involved in, engage in, participate in, take part in, undertake activity
关键词汇:free time, leisure
关键搭配:leisure, free time, spare time, time off, freedom, vacation, time out, leisure time, relaxation, rest , holiday
Big cities have the most advanced educational and medical facilities, and a variety of recreational places are on the contrary, the counterparts in small towns are of inferior quality.
关键词汇: computer
关键搭配:Laptop (notebook computer),personal computer (PC), mainframe computer, super computer
powerful computer, laptop, mainframe, notebook, personal computer, portable computers, computer games
run (use | switch on | switch off | log onto | log off | boot up, start up | shut down | reboot, restart | program | link) the computer
关键词汇: disk
关键搭配:floppy disk, compact disks (CD), digital video disks (DVD)
关键词汇: connection
关键搭配:dial-up connection, ADSL (asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) connection, cable connection, wireless connection
关键搭配:write(send) an email, get (receive, read, reply to) an email&
关键词汇: electronic
关键搭配:electronic games, an electronic organizer (=a small piece of electronic equipment that you can use to record addresses, phone numbers etc), using or produced by electronic equipment, electronic music, electronic banking, electronic publishing (=a system of producing books, magazines etc in a form that can be read on a computer);& electronically generated graphics,
electronically stored information, E-commerce
关键词汇:internet, online
关键搭配:Internet crime, internet porn, internet fraud, internet chat room, online news, online weather broadcast, online buying and selling, online vid search engine, online video and audio meeting
Computer and Internet as two of the greatest inventions in 20 centuries, have brought a great amount of unexpected convenience, such as online news, online weather broadcast, online buying and selling, online video and audio program etc.
关键搭配:fierce( intense, keen, serious, severe, stiff, strong, tough intense) fair ( free, healthy, open | domestic | foreign, global, international) beat off, fight off competition
关键词汇:technique, skill
关键搭配:communication technique/skill, dating technique, evaluation technique, exam/examination technique, interview technique , management technique, manufacturing technique, marketing technique, problem-solving technique, recording technique, relaxation technique, research technique, sales technique, teaching technique, training technique
关键词汇:job (word choice=work, post, position, occupation, profession, career)
关键搭配:apply for a job, offer somebody a job, land a job (=get a job), hold down a job (=keep a job when this is difficult),
lose a job, leave/quit a job, be out of a job, temporary job, permanent job, part-time job, full-time job
steady job, job satisfaction,& difficult (challenging, demanding, taxing) job
job vacancy, job application, job interview, job title, job description, specifications, job seeker, job hunter,
decent (worthwhile) job, plum job, cushy job, ideal (dream) job
关键搭配:gain (get, win) promotion, well-deserved promotion, recommend sb for promotion
关键搭配:competitive (high, generous, good, handsome) low (small | reasonable | average | basic | pensionable | gross) salary| annual salary, monthly salary, tax-free salary
earn (receive, increase, cut, decrease, reduce) salary
关键搭配:paid (salaried, full-time, part-time) manual (skilled, unskilled, blue-collar, white-collar, factory, office) employment
关键搭配:absolute (ruthless, single-minded, steely, strong) determination
be full of determination, have determination , express, signal determination
关键搭配:careful (competent, effective, efficient, firm, good, sound) business (corporate | personnel, staff | production) project( task | hospital, hotel, school)database ( network, systems, asset, economic, financial, investment) management
关键搭配:long (brief, short | brilliant, distinguished, glittering, good, great, successful) career
Build ( carve out, have, make, pursue, boost | abandon, give up, end, ruin, wreck) career
关键搭配:big (profitable | private | core) retail (wholesale | catering) business, computer ( investment) business
关键搭配:born ( natural | charismatic, effective) leader; inspired (visionary | undisputed | powerful, strong) group ( team, project) leader
关键搭配:chosen ( legal, medical, teaching) practice one’ enter (go into, join) profession
关键搭配:considerable (enviable, excellent) reputation , well-deserved (well-earned)& growing (undeserved | intact) public (international, worldwide, professional) reputation&&
关键搭配:complete ( considerable, conspicuous, enormous) success, notable ( outstanding, phenomenal, popular, real, remarkable) success
关键词汇:high caliber
关键搭配:high caliber field personnel, a man of high caliber
关键搭配:difficult( lengthy, successful) fruitless (unsuccessful) constant (continuous , delicate, detailed) negotiation
Receiving a generous salary is not the mere requirement for an individual’s job option. Other factors such as working environment, working patterns, the prospects of the position and interpersonal relationship are of higher importance. Besides, one also needs to hold the pressure involved.
关键搭配:be close to ( be on the brink/verge of | be driven/forced/thrown into)bankruptcy, go into bankruptcy
关键搭配:booming (buoyant, dynamic, healthy, sound, stable, strong) depressed (flagging, fragile, stagnant ) economy, advanced ( developed, modern) liberal( market, planned) domestic ( global, internal, international, local, national ) economy
build, manage ( manipulate, operate, regulate, run) boost( develop, expand, help, improve ) economy, rescue( revive, stabilize, stimulate, strengthen) economy
关键搭配:great (major, serious, severe, economic) depression&
be in the grip of (experience, go into) depression
关键搭配:cause (go into, move into) recession, plunge (sth) into cause
关键搭配:competitive (active, booming, bullish, lively, strong, thriving)& rising market , depressed( dull, sluggish, weak) commodity market, consumer market, market share
come on/ develop | capture, corner, monopolize market
关键搭配:personal (private) common (public | intellectual) property rights
关键搭配:innovative( quality) manufactured product, commercial, defective product
关键搭配:award (sb) ( give (sb), grant (sb), offer (sb), pay (sb), provide (sb with))& claim (demand, fight for, seek) be eligible for ( be entitled to) compensation
关键搭配:consumer (electrical, electronic, household, luxury) goods/commodity; perishable goods/commodity;mass-produced& (low-priced | branded, own-label)goods/commodity;counterfeit(fake) goods/commodity
The unemployment caused by economic recession stills haunts people like a nightmare.&
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