who is the girl?hey girl是什么意思...

who is the girl?
who is the girl? 5

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走自己的路 让别人去说吧
>>>—Who is the_____ girl in your class?—Lily.[ ]A. beautiful..
—Who is the_____ girl in your class?—Lily.&
A. beautiful&&&&B. most beautiful&&&&C. more beautiful&&&&D. beautifully
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“—Who is the_____ girl in your class?—Lily.[ ]A. beautiful..”主要考查你对&&形容词的比较级,形容词的最高级&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
形容词的比较级:当两种物体之间相互比较时,我们要用形容词或副词的比较级;当相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,我们就要用形容词或副词的最高级。形容词的比较级和最高级的特殊变化规则:一、少数单音节词前面加 more-, most- 构成比较级和最高级tired ---- more tired , most tired fond ----- more fond , most fondglad ----- more glad , most glad bored ---- more bored , most boredpleased---- more pleased , most pleased
二、不规则变化good /well------- better ,bestbad/badly/ill------ worse , worst many/much-------more , most little ------ less , least far ---- farther, farthes / firther , furthestold ---- older , oldest (GA)&&& ---- older , oldest / elder , eldest (GB)
三、下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级有两种形式cruel----- crueler,& cruelest /more cruel , most cruel strict---- stricter , strictest /more strict , most strict often----- oftener , oftenest /&more often , most often friendly------ friendlier , friendliest /&more friendly , most friendlyclever----- cleverer, cleverest /& more clever , most clever
四、下列形容词和副词没有比较级和最高(即表示”最高程度”或”绝对状态”的形容词和副词没有比较级和最高级)empty , wrong , perfect , unique , extreme , excellent , favourite (GB)/ favorite (GA) , true , right , correct , extremely ...形容词的比较级和最高级用法:形容词比较等级用法:&1.没有比较对象时,用原级。&I have a new computer.&2.两者比较,程度相同。&A+系动词+as+adj.+as+B.&Our school is as beautiful as theirs.&3.两者比较,程度不同。&A+系动词+not as+adj.+as+B.&The weather here is not as hot as that in the south.&4.A比B更…&The earth is bigger than the moon.&5.比较级前可以用much,even,still,far,a lot,a little,a bit,any等修饰。&Your room is much bigger than mine.&I’m a little shorter than her.&6.用比较级可以表示最高级含义:&John is stronger than any other boy in his class.=John is stronger than any of the other boys.&两者不属于同一范畴,不能用other.&Chongqing is bigger than any city in Sichuang.&7.“比较级+and+比较级”&& 表示“越来越…”&China is becoming more and more beautiful.&Days are getting longer and longer.&8.用the+比较级,the+比较级& 表示”越…就越…”.&The busier he is, the happier he feels.&9. Which/Who+is+比较级&&&& A或B?&A和B哪一个/谁更…?&Which is better,this one or that one?&最高级用法:&表示三者或三者以上的人或物的比较,一个在某方面超过其他两个或多个时,用最高级,结构是&主语+系动词+the+形容词最高级+of/in短语。&This story is the most interesting of the three.&1. one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数&它的意思是最…之一。&English is one of the most important languages in the world.&2. which/who…+is+形容词最高级&“…最...”&Which is the heaviest,the horse,the sheep or the elephant?3.最高级前可以用序数词&The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则:
以字母e结尾只加 r,st
其他双音节词和多 音节词,在词前 加more或most
more interesting&
most interesting&
与“—Who is the_____ girl in your class?—Lily.[ ]A. beautiful..”考查相似的试题有:
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Who is the girl friend of miura haruma?
Yes, it's Niigaki Risa.
Yes, it's Niigaki Risa.
Minor edit?
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Describe the show in 3 words.
 i don't think that he has a sister . 
 i don't think that he has a sister .
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 He doesn't have a sister. Miura haruma is an only child. 
 He doesn't have a sister. Miura haruma is an only child.
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 the birthday of HARUMA MIURA is.... 
 &APRIL 5,1990 
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TV show Friends was wildly popular from 1994 to 2004. Here we remember it with 7 things you probably didn't know.&
Some girls prefer hanging out with all guys over their own gender, reasoning that there is much less drama. While guys can prove to be a loyal bunch, things can sometimes get &a little too problematic.Since boys are a very loyal bunch, they can get a bit too over protective when it comes to friends that are girls. This is especially so when the whole crew sees you as a helpless little sister, which can sometimes get annoying but it still feels good to be loved.Potential suitors or guys that you might have had some interest in would think twice about approaching you when they know that you have a huge group of guys escorting you wherever you go. Your guy friends will always look to roughen up and intimidate these pursuers, for fear that they may try to take advantage of you.Falling in love with someone from the clique can get a little too awkward. On one hand, it is perfectly normal for a guy and a girl to fall in love. Yet on the other, it feels really weird, especially for the rest of the guys in the crew. This could also lead to falling outs and disputes between the boys.When people first hear or see your preference to hang out with boys, they could jump straight to the conclusion that you are a tomboy. They immediately assume that you have next to no girlish habits and would much rather spend your time kicking a ball around.Just like how the boys will tend to make assessments of your potential suitors, you do the same for their feminine targets as well. The boys will also constantly approach you for help, hoping that you might have an opinion on how to decode the mind games that their new interests are playing with them.While one of the benefits to hanging out with boys is that there is hardly ever any drama, it can prove to be a downside as well. Life can get rather boring when things are too peaceful, and while boys tend to be the confrontational sort, any excitement is usually quelled within two minutes of thrashing things out.While it is perfectly fine for the boys to talk about the topic, bringing up sex in front of them is considered taboo. The boys will shoot you looks of horror and disgust when you crack a dirty joke, as if you were an incorruptible angel in their eyes.Honesty is the best policy but sometimes, boys can get a little too blunt with their words. Boys can be brutally honest when you ask for their opinions, to the point where they might inadvertently hurt your feelings and not even know it.Unkind people would have passed many a lewd comment or even started untrue rumours once they know that you are the only girl in your group. These tend to be scandalous in nature and can end up with your reputation in tatters. However, as long as your conscience is clear, there is really nothing to fear.Indulging in feminine hobbies such as shopping and getting a manicure can be a little difficult when the only group of friends you hang around are guys. While getting the boys to go shopping with you might work out if you are lucky, it is virtually impossible for them to be willing to be caught painting their nails with you.It is a known fact that boys eat a gargantuan amount of food. Accompanying the boys for lunch can lead to a sense of obligation to match them in food intake, something that can potentially prove to be detrimental in keeping that trim waistline.The boys would have made up plenty of pet names to tease you with over time, and some of these nicknames will stick with you for life. Many of them either sound childishly embarrassing or were concocted due to an equally embarrassing event that no one should ever know the details of.When you do get a boyfriend, it might be hard to keep him feeling secure knowing that you hang out with boys all the time. He will get jealous, and he has all the reasons to do so. It will not be an easy task to reassure him of your commitment to him.
It is tough making true friends at any age, even as a teen. It is important to form strong bonds with your friends as you make the transition from childhood to adulthood. Cons&ider these tips for understanding the meaning of true friends.This seems like a simple concept, but it is easy to lose the ability to sit down and have a conversation with your friends. Spend less time chatting, emailing and texting and more time talking with your friends face-to-face. Gaining the ability to listen to your friends and sharing with them helps develop true friendships that last.Plan outings with your friends so you spend more time together. If some of your friends claim to be too busy to spend time with you, then find friends who are willing to spend that extra time with you. These are your true friends. You possibly have friends who do not want to take time out for you and expect y this is not a sign of a healthy, lasting friendship.If your friends tend to get along well with your parents, this is often a sign of true friends. Your parents only want what is best for you and are more skeptical of your friends than you are. If they see positive attributes in your friends, then that is a signal that these friends have certain qualities that mesh well with your qualities.Under most circumstances, a true friend does not turn his back on a friend in crisis. Do not betray your friends, and do not remain friends with someone who betrays you. Sometimes, mistakes are made and apologies patch up damaged friendships, but a consistent pattern of betrayal points to a friendship that has no lasting value. You never know who is likely to share your interests. It is important for true friends to have similar interests to maintain a strong bond. Do not discount a classmate or neighbor who enjoys what you enjoy simply because of looks. If you are interested in a particular type of music or genre of book, seek out someone who also has that same interest. This connection goes a long way toward forming a lasting friendship. It is never easy to make true friends, but if you spend time with your friends and respect their feelings and interests, you form stronger bonds that last well beyond your teen years. Getting to know your true friends is an enriching experience that allows you to have a healthier overall outlook on life.For years, it was thought girls were better equipped to handle the ups and downs in teenage friendships. However, in a study conducted by Boston College and Duke University in 2011, the opposite was found to be true. Girls were found to be more devastated than boys when their friends let them down.
Country music offers plenty of ways to tell your BFF how you feel about them. Whether you're putting together a playlist or just want some songs to remind you how important fr&iendship is, try some of these classic country tunes.Brooks understands that you don't need to have a lot of money to have a good time with friends. "Low Places" is an ode to the simpler times, kicking back with friends and having a few drinks. It's also one of the most fun and recognizable country songs ever recorded.In contrast to Brook's tune about the everyday nature of friendship, "Willy the Wandering Gypsy and Me" is all about the crazy adventures you and your best friend get up to. With a laid back delivery and finely crafted lyrics, Shaver tells the story of a spontaneous roadtrip with his friend. They do not make the most responsible choices, but it's hard not to root for them.Rimes understands that female friendships are often a little different from male ones. "Good Friend And A Glass Of Wine" is about unwinding with your girls at the end of a hard week. This song is a great reminder that the quality of your company is almost always more important than what you do together.The original Louvin Brothers version of "A Tiny Broken Heart" seems a little chilly to listeners unaccustomed to the Brother's high-flying harmonies. Hazel Dickens' bluegrass take warms up this sweet story of a friendship between two youngsters. This song is a good reminder of how distance can never really keep real friends apart.Letting your best friend know how you feel about them is a difficult task sometimes. Fortunately, these songs exist to do all the talking for you.Hank Williams, Jr. wrote a number of songs about his friends, but the first and most popular was "All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down)." This playful tune is paired with lyrics that discuss the mellowness that comes with age, lamenting that "nobody wants to ge everybody just wants to go back home."
Nearly every teen girl relishes the opportunity to spend quality time with her close friends. A girls' night out provides the perfect excuse to hang out with others and forget& the stress of everyday life. From pampering and primping to adrenaline-packed adventures, there are plenty of activities for teen girls to consider for a fun girls' night out. Furthermore, these activities meet the tight budgets of most teens. Every girl appreciates the chance to feel like a princess. A trip to a local nail salon gives teen girls the chance to splurge on themselves. Teen girls love to chat with one another as they get their nails done. After a rousing discussion, dinner at a local restaurant provides the perfect way to end the evening on a high. Many discount sites provide shoppers with a myriad of adventures and activities to consider. These include one-day classes, physical activities like hiking and skiing and even outrageous events like skydiving or hot air balloon rides. The discounted price of an online adventure offers teen girls the chance to enjoy a sensational experience that is otherwise unaffordable. Teens girls spend hours obsessing over their figure and carefully monitoring their diets. A bake-off provides teens with a fun and inexpensive way to spend time together and forget caloric intake for one night. The host encourages her friends to bring their favorite baking recipes and ingredients and the evening unfolds as the various participants make their favorite dishes. The playful competition and kitchen hijinx are bound to prove enjoyable for any teen and her girlfriends. The mere mention of a movie marathon excites most teenage girls. For a special girls' night, put a twist on the traditional movie marathon. A bunch of different girls can volunteer to host a movie at their house, with the group moving from home to home to watch the different movies. Girls plan a theme for the evening, or instead simply go with the flow of things and enjoy all that the night has in store. Life as a teenager proves stressful and challenging. From the academic responsibilities of high school to the drama of personal relationships, most teens need time to chat about girl stuff and take a breather. Girls' night gives any teen the perfect chance to spend some time with her best friends and toss caution to the side for an evening of fun and great adventure. If budgets are too tight for professional manicures, host an in-house nail spa night. Invite the girls over and take turns painting each other's nails without the expense of a traditional nail salon. Top it off with frozen pizza and brownies to maximize the fun and the savings.
Musicians write songs on many topics, but, most of the time, the main topic is love. There are some great songs that speak of the love between friends. If you are looking for &a few great friend songs, read on. Nothing communicates the message of friendship in a song like a collaborative effort. Dionne Warwick, Elton John, Gladys Knight and Stevie Wonder come together for this musical masterpiece about friendship. Released in 1982, the tune is written by Burt Bachrach and Carole Bayer Sager and speaks of the loyalty in friendship. Some of the heartfelt lyrics include: "Keep smiling, keep shining, knowing you can always count on me."Friendship proves real in times of trouble, and that is what this song represents. Written as a charity single in 1985 by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, "We Are The World" is credited to USA for Africa, a large group of popular musicians that gathered together to record this touching track in one night. Some of the artists appearing on the song include Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Tina Turner, Billy Joel and Paul Simon. The song has sold over 10 million copies for the aid of Africa. The final product proves America's friendship with its neighbors across the globe.This tune from Cindy Free continues to gain popularity as the theme song of the classic TV sitcom "The Golden Girls." It is a light-hearted, fun song that describes the many ways to appreciate a good friend. Free's version is actually a cover of a song released in 1978 by Andrew Gold.
Bill Withers recorded "Lean On Me" in the early 1970s, but the song is most popular for its later rendition by Club Nouveau. It also speaks of the loyalty of friends in times of need. If you want a friend to know you are there for him or her in all situations, this song sends the right message.Like true friends in your life, great songs about friendship are few. Play your devoted friend a song to let the person know you appreciate them. Here are a few great friend song suggestions. James Taylor's 1971 hit "You've Got a Friend" embodies the values of friendship. Written by Carole King, this catchy song details the faith and reliability that every true friendship requires: "You just call out my name, / and you know where ever I am / I'll come running to see you again...You've got a friend."
Miura Haruma,like the girls with a black hair or brown.. but dont like with blonde hair..my hair is blonde
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well it really depends on the girl.
if she is looking for a relationship then she wants to be comfortable, to be able to joke around and laugh with you. Too be able to say s&tuff to u and u not get mad. for u too always be there for her. never treat her bad and just to always be urself and love her the way she is, dont try and change her.
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well 1st be nice 2 her ya ik tht some dudes r rude and weird 2 girls but tht just makes them not lik u trust me im a girl ik these things cause thts wt i would wnt some1 2 do &2nd if your friends with her and u know her personality u might know how and wen she may feel comforable with the question if not then get 2 know her 1st and then don't act like a big chicken and if she says no don't be lik fine im not gonna talk 2 u anymore! cause maybe the girl said tht 2 see wt u would do and l8er they would come up 2 u and say i lik u and ya don't feel bad if u don't get a g.f ther r plenty more girls out there tht would probably luv 2 go out ik this may seem kinda hard 2 belive wen u really lik the girl but its ok
anyway hope i helped good luck bi
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Yes he is...my cousin is a big fan of him and she told me that he's a muslim.
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No one can pay attention to another person 24/7. It is just impossible. However, if she really is too busy between school, work and other responsibilities you need to recogniz&e that. You can talk with her, relieve her of some of the load or give her the space to continue with what she has to do. Sometimes, people have to put others aside for a period of time, which is not their preference but is necessity. If this is not something you can do, then you may need to call it quits on the relationship.


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