the last mention的用法什么意...

mention是什么意思 mention在线翻译 mention什么意思 mention的意思 mention的翻译 mention的解释 mention的发音 mention的同义词 mention的反义词
mention英 ['men?n] 美 ['m?n??n] \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:mention 基本解释及物动词提到,说起; 提名表扬名词提及mention 相关词组1.
: 在提到...时;2.
: 提到;mentionmention 相关例句及物动词1. 1. They have three dogs to look after, not to mention the cat and the bird.&&&&他们有三只狗要照顾,更别提猫和鸟了。2. Soon after going abroad with the army he was mentioned in despatches.&&&&他随部队出国后不久便得到传令嘉奖。3. The soldier was mentioned in a report for his bravery.&&&&这个战士的勇敢行为被记载在报告书里。4. 4. Did you mention this to the boss?&&&&你跟老板提到这事没有?名词1. He was given a mention in the list of helpers.&&&&助手名单中提到了他。mention 情景对话在公共汽车上A:Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?&&&&&&打搅一下,请问下一班到波士顿的公共汽车是几点开?B:It leaves at 8:30.&&&&&&在8 点半开车。A:I see. Are there any seats available?&&&&&&我明白了,还有空位吗?B:Just s moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.&&&&&&请稍等,有的,有一个空位。A:Good. How much is a one-way ticket?&&&&&&很好。一张单程车票多少钱?B:It’s 38 dollars.&&&&&&38 美元。A:All right. Here’s 40 dollars.&&&&&&好的,这是40 美元。mention的翻译B:Here’s your ticket and change.&&&&&&这是您的车票和找回的零钱。A:Thank you. Which gate should I go to for the bus?&&&&&&谢谢。我应该到哪一个站台搭公共汽车呢?B:Go to gate number 2, please.&&&&&&请到2 号站台。A:Thank you very much.&&&&&&非常感谢。B:Don’t mention it.&&&&&&不客气。mention 网络解释1. mention是什么意思1. 提到:但是他不想错过(miss)出国的机会,他成功得到了韩国,韩国人建议(suggest)他推迟(postpone)拍电影,因为这必须忍受(stand)巨大的劳累,但是他根本不介意不在乎(mind),他对投资公司作了报告(report),提到(mention)自己的经历,希望他们能冒险(risk)投资,2. 提及,提到:not at all 不用谢,没关系 | mention 提及,提到 | registration登记,注册3. 提及, 说起:memory 记忆, 记忆力, 回忆, 存储(器), 存储器 | mention 提及, 说起 | mercury barometer 汞,水银气压计mention 双语例句1. mention在线翻译1. You should mention traits that are important for managers.&&&&你应该提及性状是重要的管理人员。2. We have proposed not to mention a material in the organization which was consistent from processing to delivery.&&&&我们建议没有提及材料的组织,它是一致的从加工到交货。3. It is no need to mention the matter that happened last year, that was totally bypast already.&&&&没有必要提及去年发生的事情,那完全是早已过去的事了。4. Tertullian and Cyprian do not mention it, and Mommsen's Canon (360) still bears traces of the uncertainty among the Churches of the West in this respect.&&&&良和塞浦路斯没有提及它,蒙森的佳能( 360 )仍负有的痕迹的不确定性之间的教会,西方在这方面的工作。5. mention的近义词5. Yeah! Gentleman is the one I forgot to mention.&&&&具有绅士的翩翩风度是我忘了提到的。6. The general evaluator also can mention this as an area in need of improvement.&&&&总讲评人也可以提到,这是需要改进的地方。。7. I wish to mention here a particular sign of hope, which Pope John Paul II has underlined, namely interreligious dialogue.&&&&容我在此添加一个特殊的希望的记号,就是教宗若望保禄二世所强调的:宗教交谈。8. Want to build Changsha more bonnily, the schedule with must mention urban design important, study designs experience into the city first, study Changsha city characteristic, make Changsha meticulously.&&&&要把长沙建设得更加美丽,必须把城市设计提上重要的议事日程,学习先进城市设计经验,研究长沙城市特色,精心打造长沙。9. I mention this apparatus because it contains all major construction features of the devices given by W rth and Evert.&&&&我提到这一点仪器,因为它含有所有主要建筑功能的设备所提供沃思和埃弗特。10. In addition, not to mention a motherboard with a smallest price tag of 18, 000 PKR.&&&&此外,更遑论一个有18000巴基斯坦卢比最小的代价主板。11. Histories recorded in the Qing imperial history, that women generally have only to mention names, such as the Queen Nala Shi Yung-cheng, the most favorite concubine's year of Qing emperor Qianlong's mother Niohuru, and even the Queen's reign of Emperor Kangxi hoshoo Richter, although the Sony granddaughter, and gave birth to Crown Prince Yin Reng Kangxi can not name.&&&&&&史书上记载清朝皇族历史,提到女子一般都只提姓氏,如雍正的皇后那拉氏,最宠爱的妃子年氏,乾隆的生母钮祜禄氏,甚至是康熙的皇后赫舍里氏,虽然是索尼孙女,又给康熙生了皇太子胤礽,可也没有名字。不过溥仪的老婆倒是有名字的,还有一位清代女才子--西林觉罗春,她也有名字,而且写词很不错的。12. 12. They were chess players or backgammon players, enough so that they would even mention it on a resume.&&&&&&他们要么是赌牌的,要么是下棋的,如果他们在简历中提到了这点,那 55 就够了。13. I am an American by choice of nationa an Iranian by birth, a P a Chinese by virtue of living here in Shanghai for more than a decade, having mastered the culture and three dialects of the Chinese language, not to mention that my wife and three children were born in China.&&&&&&我来自美国,生于伊朗,祖先是波斯人;在上海生活了十几年,精通中国文化,会讲三种中国方言;我的妻子和3个子女都是在中国出生的。14. In two months ago, not to mention counter-offer, the house is no longer on the fare increase.&&&&&&而在两个月前,不要说还价,上家不再加价就不错了。15. 15. Many leaders of government always go into raptures at the mere mention of artistic and cultural projects.&&&&&&地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。16. Most of my friends live in the city, yet they always go into raptures at the mere mention of the country.&&&&&&我的大多数朋友住在城市,但他们总是欣喜若狂在仅仅提到的国家。17. 17. One of my former students let me know about your site and I am flattered that you mention me.&&&&&&我从前的一位学生告诉我你的站点,我很荣幸,你能提起我。18. Not to mention she is like a cheeky monkey to us.&&&&&&当然啦,也是因为对我们来说她就像一直淘气的小猴子。19. 19. The first documented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.&&&&&&公元1150年汉诺威首次出现在历史记载中,1241年获许建市,并于1636年宣布成为韦尔夫王朝的首都。1866年普鲁士王朝终结了汉诺威王朝的独立统治,而此前汉诺威国王同时统治英格兰王国的1714年至1837年间是汉诺威王朝历史上最为重要的时期。20. The first doc-umented mention of Hanover dates from the year 1150. Its charter as a city was confirmed in 1241, and in 1636 it was proclaimed the capital of the Welf dynasty.&&&&&&公元1150年汉诺威首次出现在历史记载中,1241年获许建市,并于1636年宣布成为韦尔夫王朝的首都。1866年普鲁士王朝终结了汉诺威王朝的独立统治,而此前汉诺威国王同时统治英格兰王国的1714年至1837年间是汉诺威王朝历史上最为重要的时期。mention 词典解释1. (简短地)谈及,说起,提到&&&&If you mention something, you say something about it, usually briefly.&&&&e.g. She did not mention her mother's absence...&&&&&&&&&&&她并没有说起她母亲不在场的事。&&&&e.g. I may not have mentioned it to her...&&&&&&&&&&&我可能没跟她提过这件事。2. 提及;论及&&&&A mention is a reference to something or someone.&&&&e.g. The statement made no mention of government casualties...&&&&&&&&&&&声明里没有提及政府方面的伤亡情况。&&&&e.g. At the community centre, mention of funds produces pained looks.&&&&&&&&&&&在社区中心一提到资金问题,大家就会愁眉不展。3. (在文章中)提到,谈及(某人的名字)&&&&If someone is mentioned in writing, a reference is made to them by name, often to criticize or praise something that they have done.&&&&e.g. I was absolutely outraged that I could be even mentioned in an article of this kind...&&&&&&&&&&&我大为恼火,我的名字居然出现在这种文章里面。&&&&e.g. As for your father, he won't be mentioned in my will.&&&&&&&&&&&至于你父亲,我的遗嘱里不会提到他的名字。4. 提名;推荐&&&&If someone is mentioned as a candidate for something such as a job, it is suggested that they might
become a candidate.&&&&e.g. His appointment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner...&&&&&&&&&&&他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。&&&&e.g. Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate.&&&&&&&&&&&提到她的名字时,说她是领导职位的热门候选人。5. 提名表扬&&&&A special or honourable mention is formal praise that is given for an achievement that is very good, although not usually the best of its kind.&&&&e.g. So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention.&&&&&&&&&&&帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。6. 别客气;不用谢&&&&People sometimes say 'don't mention it' as a polite reply to someone who has just thanked them for doing something.&&&&e.g. 'Thank you very much.' — 'Don't mention it.'&&&&&&&&&&&“非常感谢!”——“别客气。”7. 不用说;更不必说&&&&You use not to mention when you want to add extra information which emphasizes the point that you are making.&&&&e.g. The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused...&&&&&&&&&&&观众们并没有觉得好笑,更不用说那些一头雾水的演员了。&&&&e.g. It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever.&&&&&&&&&&&这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。8. to be mentioned in dispatches -> see If you mention something, you say it, but only briefly, especially when you have not talked about it before. He mentioned that he might go to New York. If you comment on a situation, or make a comment about it, you give your opinion on it. Mr Cook has not commented on these reports... I was wondering whether you had any comments. If you remark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way. Visitors remark on how well the children look... General Sutton's remarks about the conflict. mention 指简单地说起某事,尤其是以前没有说过的事,例如,He mentioned that he might go to New York (他提到过可能会去纽约)。comment 则是指发表评论或意见,例如,Mr Cook has not commented on these reports (库克先生没有对这些报道发表评论),I was wondering whether you had any comments (不知道你是否有什么意见)。remark 指随意地说出自己的想法或者注意到的事情,例如,Visitors remark on how well the children look (前来探望的人说起孩子们看上去有多健康),General Sutton's remarks about the conflict (萨顿将军对这场冲突的看法)。mention 单语例句1. While she didn't mention Nowitzki by name, she clearly referred to him in her written pleas to the judge.2. The previously unknown group Armed Struggle Cells has claimed it has a British " captive " although it did not mention Mr Mann by name.3. He did not mention Saddam by name, but said the United States would not allow any " terrorist or tyrant " to threaten civilization.4. The judge ruled that such comments were not prejudicial because they didn't mention any of the accused by name.5. The bank's board in a statement late Tuesday made no mention of Zoellick by name and noted that any executive director could nominate a candidate.6. There are hundreds of cars going by night and day, not to mention the trains.7. Ahmadinejad said Iran would stand by its rights but made no specific mention of the Russian plan.8. The president made no mention in his speech in Amboise of Friday's downgrade by Standard & Poor's.9. Ahmadinejad did not mention the uproar over Iran's nuclear program, calling instead for global nuclear disarmament.10. Although the picture has been published by the New York Times on its front page, the caption made no mention of the attack by the rioters.mention的反义词mention 英英释义noun1. an official recognition of merit&&&&e.g. although he didn't win the prize he did get special mention&&&&Synonym: 2. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage&&&&e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations&&&&&&&&&&&the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book&&&&&&&&&&&the article includes mention of similar clinical cases&&&&Synonym: 3. a remark that calls attention to something or someone&&&&e.g. she made frequent mention of her promotion&&&&&&&&&&&there was no mention of it&&&&&&&&&&&the speaker made several references to his wife&&&&Synonym: verb1. make mention of&&&&e.g. She observed that his presentation took up too much time&&&&&&&&&&&They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing&&&&Synonym: 2. commend&&&&e.g. he was cited for his outstanding achievements&&&&Synonym: 3. make reference to&&&&e.g. His name was mentioned in connection with the invention&&&&Synonym: mention是什么意思,mention在线翻译,mention什么意思,mention的意思,mention的翻译,mention的解释,mention的发音,mention的同义词,mention的反义词,mention的例句,mention的相关词组,mention意思是什么,mention怎么翻译,单词mention是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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求翻译:please see the email i sent to them last week and i mentioned very clear of the last is number,project name to them是什么意思?
please see the email i sent to them last week and i mentioned very clear of the last is number,project name to them
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!It was bizarre to watch Samantha Power at the UN conveniently forget to mention all the massacres done in America's name | The Independent
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It was bizarre to watch Samantha Power at the UN conveniently forget to mention all the massacres done in America's name
When Samantha talked about ‘barbarism against civilians’&in Aleppo, I remembered climbing over the dead Palestinian civilians massacred at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982, slaughtered by Israel’s Lebanese militia friends while the Israeli army – Washington’s most powerful ally in the Middle East – watched
Thursday 15 December
Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, was selective in her mentioning of horrific crimes against humanity
So there was Samantha Power doing her “shame” bit in the UN. “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child that gets under your skin, that just creeps you out a little bit?”, America’s ambassador to the UN asked the Russians and Syrians and Iranians. She spoke of Halabja, Rwanda, Srebrenica “and, now, Aleppo”.
Odd, that. For when Samantha talked about “barbarism against civilians” in Aleppo, I remembered climbing over the dead Palestinian civilians massacred at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps in Beirut in 1982, slaughtered by Israel’s Lebanese militia friends while the Israeli army – Washington’s most powerful ally in the Middle East – watched. But Samantha didn’t mention them. Not enough dead Palestinians, perhaps? Only 1,700 killed, including women and children. Halabja was up to 5,000 dead. But Sabra and Chatila certainly “creeped me out” at the time.
And then I recalled the monstrous American invasion of Iraq. Perhaps half a million dead. It’s one of the statistics for Rwanda’s dead. Certainly far more than Srebrenica’s 9,000 dead. And I can tell you that Iraq’s half million dead “creeped me out” rather a lot, not to mention the torture and murders in the CIA’s interrogation centres in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq. It also “creeped me out” to learn that the US president used to send innocent prisoners off to be interrogated in... Assad’s Syria! Yes, they were sent by Washington to be questioned in what Samantha now calls Syria’s “Gulags”.
Funny old world. Samantha, God bless her, didn’t mention Gaza, where quite a lot of Palestinian children have been killed by the Israelis. Nor Yemen, where America’s head-chopping allies are now dissing the Shiites and have killed almost 4,000 civilians. Nor the mass killings by Isis in Mosul. Nor – most oddly of all – did Samantha mention 9/11. Here, surely, was an international crime against humanity worthy of mention in Samantha’s roll call of shame. 3,996 innocent dead. A must-be, you’d think, for throwing at the Syrians and the Russkis and the Iranians.
USA: US leads world against Ebola and Isis, says Samantha Power
But no. For there’s a wee bit of a problem there, isn’t there? Because the 9/11 bloodbath was carried out by al-Qaeda. And al-Qaeda in Syria has changed its name to al-Nusra and then to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and – well, it’s al-Sham (alias Nusra, alias al-Qaeda) that’s been fighting against the Syrian regime in eastern Aleppo. A bit difficult, you see, for Samantha to express her horror over the most terrifying attack on her country in recent history – talk about “barbarism against civilians” –
when the very criminal “jihadi” organisation which committed this outrage is, yes, in eastern Aleppo fighting against the Syrian army.
So Samantha has to throw the dead of 9/11 into the trash bin in order to tell us how “creeped out” al-Qaeda’s enemies should be at their behaviour in Aleppo. Out, too, go the Christians murdered or deported by Isis in Mosul, those Yazidis subject to Isis’ “ethnic cleansing” – a subject of which Samantha was quite an expert when it was taking place in Bosnia. In fact, Isis simply gets deleted from Samantha’s narrative. They get, in effect, a clean bill of health.
And we journos are going along with all this. What was the last time you read of Isis’ catastrophic return to the Syrian city of Palmyra last week – surely a victory for those we are supposed to be defeating in Mosul? And some of the Palmyra attackers actually came from Mosul! How did they do that when Mosul is surrounded by the Iraqi army and their allies and all those American “advisers”? And for that matter, what was the last time you heard about Mosul, surrounded by a government army trying to smash its way into the city against its “jihadi” defenders – with even more civilians besieged than in Aleppo?
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A man crosses a street in Aleppo, December 12, 2009
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A vendor sits inside an antique shop in al-Jdeideh neighbourhood, in the Old City of Aleppo, December 12, 2009
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A view shows part of Aleppo's historic citadel, overlooking Aleppo city, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A view shows part of Aleppo's historic citadel, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
Visitors walk inside Aleppo's Umayyad mosque, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
People walk inside the Khan al-Shounah market, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A man walks past shops in al-Jdeideh neighbourhood, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
People walk along an alley in al-Jdeideh neighbourhood, in the Old City of Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
Visitors tour Aleppo's historic citadel, Syria December 11, 2009
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A general view shows the Old City of Aleppo as seen from Aleppo's historic citadel, Syria December 11, 2009
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
People walk near Aleppo's Bab al-Faraj Clock Tower, Syria October 6, 2010
Aleppo before the Syrian Civil War
A man stands inside Aleppo's historic citadel, overlooking Aleppo city, Syria December 11, 2009
So here we go again on the familiar semantic trail down which all critics of Syria’s enemies (and America) must tramp. Yup, Bashar is a dictator, his elections a farce, his militias killers, his army ruthless, his prisons so barbarous that Washington sent its captives there for a bit of brutal interrogation. I have actually seen an account of one such session in which the Syrian interrogators concluded that the guy sent over from the US was completely innocent. But seriously, if we were all so “creeped out” – like Samantha – then we would, would we not, have intervened militarily in Syria (despite the Russians) and come to the rescue of the Syrian opposition?
But there’s another odd element to our western outrage – and the clue lies in Samantha Power’s choice of atrocities. For the gassing of Halabja’s Kurds was committed by Saddam’s air force, who were Arabs. And the Rwandan genocide was commited by Rwandans. And the Srebrenica massacres were committed by Milosevic’s militias who were Serbs. We may have “stood idly by”, as the saying goes – it, is after all, what we are doing and going to do over Aleppo – but neither we nor our allies actually committed these atrocities. Samantha stayed on safe ground, didn’t she?
And this is what we in Europe are doing. The French president and the British parliament – where the former Chancellor George Osborne did his “woe is me” bit – all lamented that they had done absolutely nothing about the suffering of Aleppo. And didn’t i hence all the empty seats at the Westminster debate.
And I think I know why – because this is one of the very few times when our fingers are not bathed in the blood of the Middle East. For once, neither we nor our allies – except for the lads from al-Nusra who are supported by Qatar and our other Gulf chums but who are the “good guys” in all this – are guilty of anything more than indifference. Which was exactly the same problem at Halabja, Rwanda and Srebrenica. We didn’t do it, guv’. It wasn’t us this time.
So shame upon the Syrians and the Russkis and the Iranians. Creeps you out just a little bit, doesn’t it?
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