
请高手翻译一下这篇文章(汉译英)。普通中国人通常只关心他们的家庭和亲属,中国的文化是建立在家族血缘关系上而不是建立在一个理性的社会基础之上。中国人只在乎他们直系亲属的福址,对与自己毫不相关的人所遭受的苦难则视而不见。毫无疑问,这种以血缘关系为基础的道德观势必导致自私,冷酷。这种自私和冷酷已经成为阻碍中国社会向前发展的最关键因素。中国从来就没有成为一个法制社会,因为中国人的思维方式与守法行为格格不入。中国人老想走捷径。他们不明白这样一个事实:即成就来自于与努力工作和牺牲。中国人倾向于索取而不给予。他们需要明白一个道理:生活的真蒂不在于你你索取多少而在于你能给予社会和你的人类同胞多少。大多数中国人从来就没有学到过什么是体面和尊敬的生活意义。中国人普遍不懂得如何为了个人和社会的福址去进行富有成效的生活。潜意识里,中国人视他们的生活目的就是抬高自己从而获得别人的认知。这样一来,一个人就会对“保有面子” 这样微不足道欲望感到满足。“面子”是中国人心理最基本的组成部分,它已经成为了中国人难以克服的障碍,阻碍中国人接受真理并尝试富有意义的生活。这个应受谴责的习性使得中国人生来就具有无情和自私的特点,它已成为中国落后的主要原因。中国人没有勇气追求他们认为正确的事情。首先,他们没有从错误中筛选正确事物的能力,因为他们的思想被贪婪所占据。再有,就算他们有能力筛选出正确的事情,他们也缺乏勇气把真理化为实践。中国人习惯接受廉价和免费的事物,他们总是梦想奇迹或者好运,因为他们不愿意付出努力,他们总想不劳而获。很少有中国人明白一个事实,就是威望和成就是通过一步步努力的工作和牺牲实现的,不付出就没有所得。简单来说,如果是为了谋生,那一个人只有去索取;但如果是为了生活,一个人必须要去奉献。由于在贫穷的环境下生长并且缺少应有的教育,大多数中国人不懂得优雅的举止和基本的礼貌。他们中的大多数人着装笨拙粗鄙却不感到害羞。他们在青少年时所受的教育就是如何说谎并从别人那里索取,而不是去与别人去分享自己的所有。中国是一个物产丰富的国家。但无限制生育政策所带来恶果使得中国成为了无限廉价劳动力的输出国。这些输出也包括那些受过教育的劳力输出,除了他们的教育水平,实则和其他一般苦力没有本质上的区别。中国大规模生产的便宜产品降低了输入这些产品的地区的商业信用度。由于技术落后,管理失败,中国制造的单位能耗要比发达国家如日本,美国高出很多。因此,随着出口额的增加,中国在扩大生产的同时丧失着宝贵的能源。同时,这种行为也严重的污染了环境,使中国变为全世界最不适宜人类居住的国家。
Ordinary Chinese people usually only care about their families and relatives of China's culture is based on family, blood relations rather than on the basis of a rational society. Chinese people only ...
Ordinary Chinese people usually only care about their families and relatives, Chinese culture is based on the family ties instead of society in a rational basis. The Chinese only care about their well...
Ordinary Chinese people usually only care about their families and relatives of China's culture is based on family, blood relations rather than on the basis of a rational society. Chinese peopl...
It's our great honour to have business contact with you.You may rest assured that we'll send you the goods tonight and then we'll let you know the transport reference.Hope that you'll receive the goods as soon as possible.话说那个“运输号码”,我翻译的是transport reference,我不是很清楚你到底是指什么,你最好还是跟据自己所指的东西写吧
非常高兴您能和我们进行业务往来,请放心,我们会在今天晚上给您发货的,并且到时候会告诉您运输号码,谢谢,希望您能尽快收到您的商品。Very pleased that you can conduct business with us, please be assured that we will be shipped to you this evening, and will tell yo...
Very pleased that you can conduct business with us, please be assured that we will be shipped to you this evening, and will tell you that time, the transport number, thank you, hope you receive your goods as soon as possible.
Very glad to do business with you. Please take it easy that we will send out shipment to you this evening and we will forward the shipping number to you when it is available.Thanks.Hope you will receive your merchandise soon.
You are highly appreciated to do the business with us. We will definitely deliver you the goods this evening and tell you the shipping information in time. Thanks a lot. Wish you receive the goods as early as possible.
It is a pleasure to do business with you. You are assured that we will deliver our goods to you this evening, and the shipping number to you. Thank you, and hope you can receive your goods as soon as possible.
扫描下载二维码客户验货要求。求高手翻译一下。 - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 客户验货要求。求高手翻译一下。
UID 1706968
阅读权限 60
4.& & & & Product Quality 产品验货要求
4.1.& & & & Products shall be packaged to a suitable standard, such that they are not damaged during shipment. 产品需要用适合标准的包装,例如货物的运送过程中不可以的破损。
4.2.& & & & AQL standard: AQL 验货标准:
4.2.1.& & & & 0% critical. 严重缺点 0%。(又称危险缺点,系指根据判断或经验,认为此缺点将能使制造者、组配者或使用者有受伤或不安全的可能时,或其最终制品不能执行或达成此制品应有之功能之缺点。)
4.2.2.& & & & 1% major, 主要缺点1%(系指没有严重缺点外,制品单位的使用性能,不能达到所期望之目的,或显著的减低其实用性质而引起客户或使用者之不满意,而会被退货的缺点。)
4.2.3.& & & & 2.5% minor, 次要缺点2.5%(系指对制品单位的使用性能,也许不致减低,或者虽然与规格不符,但在使用和操作效用上并无影响者。)
4.2.4.& & & & Any goods not passing AQL inspections standard will be returned and re-worked at the Supplier’s cost within 7 days unless agreed otherwise or all monies paid by A for said goods will be refunded by Supplier to A within five (5) days of failed inspection.所有没有通过AQL验货标准的货物将退回或者返工,供应商要在7天内自行支付返工费用,除非客户同意支付。验货失败后5天内,供应商要支付验货中的所有费用。
4.2.5.& & & & In the event that return rate exceeds 2.5%, A reserves the right to withdraw the product from sale.&&The Supplier shall at A’s option allow for full return of the product and grant a credit inclusive of all costs associated with such return.
4.3.& & & & Compliance with Local Regulations 遵守当地的法规
4.3.1.& & & & The Supplier will take full responsibility for manufacturing goods that meet relevant and agreed approval standards within the intended market.供应商应负责货物的生产,在目前市场内,品质达到认可的标准。
4.3.2.& & & & In the case that products do not meet these approval standards, it is the sole responsibility of the Supplier to indemnify A from any cost occurring from:万一产品不能达到认可的标准,此产生的费用由供应商自己承担赔偿给A。 & & & a product recall,产品命名 & & & or产品选择。 & & & any other cost related to a product non compliant to the regulations
4.3.3.& & & & The Supplier shall provide all test reports required to demonstrate that products meet applicable approval standards. 供应商需要提供测试报告,表明产品达到认可的标准。
4.4.& & & & Non-Functionality非功能性。
4.4.1.& & & & The Supplier will take all necessary measures to ensure all shipped products function correctly.供应商必须保证货物的功能的一致性。
4.4.2.& & & & If a product does not function to its purpose, the Supplier will: & & & & & & pay for repair or modification of the stock.
4.4.3.& & & & Once a non-functionality has been identified, the Supplier will act immediately to agree to a solution to resolve the problem in the shortest time. 一旦发生功能不良,在短时间内,供应商直接同意解决这些问题。
4.5.& & & & Warranty 保质期
4.5.1.& & & & The Supplier will warrant the product against fault by a manufacturer for a period of 12 months.供应商在12个月内,保证供应品没有瑕疵。
4.5.2.& & & & Supplier warrants if the product is not of an acceptable quality, including but not limited to, any defect in the product, its labeling or its packaging, or constitutes a potential safety risk which requires the product to be withdrawn from sales or publicly recalled, any and all costs associated with withdrawal or recall are to be met by the Supplier.&&These costs may include but are not restricted to the following: time spent on the recall by KDNA entities personnel at varying rates, consultancy costs, costs of product testing, advertising costs, transport costs, repair agent costs and loss of profit costs. In addition a punitive fine of $5000 (USD), will be assessed for withdrawals or public recalls.
4.6.& & & & Liability责任
4.6.1.& & & & The Supplier will accept liability for damage caused by the product due to a fault by a manufacturer.供应商有责任对产品引起的损坏,由于生产过程中引起的瑕疵。
4.7.& & & & Inspection验货
4.7.1.& & & & A reserves the right to undertake an inspection of the factory of the Supplier and products, either by itself or by its appointed agent.A公司有权力对供应商和产品进行检验,A公司自己,或者是指定的代理机构过来验货。
4.7.2.& & & & A will give reasonable notice that it intends to carry out such an inspection.A公司会通知,打算要验货的货物。
4.7.3.& & & & Where products fail inspection, they shall be reworked.验货失败,要求返工。
4.7.4.& & & & Re-inspection will then be at the cost of the Supplier, if Supplier is at fault.
4.8.& & & & Quality level 品质标准。
4.8.1.& & & & The quality level of products shall be at least that of the confirmed final approval sample. 产品的品质标准,至少要跟最后确认大货样一致。
4.9.& & & & Faulty goods. 不良品
4.9.1.& & & & If any product is found to be faulty, the Supplier will replace or refund the faulty goods at A’s discretion at the Supplier’s cost.如果发现有不良品,供应商要找到产品代替,或者偿还不良品的费用给A公司。
4.9.2.& & & & Where the Supplier wishes A to return the faulty products, A shall do so, at the cost of the Supplier. 如供应商希望A公司退回不良的产品,A同意,供应商要负责这些产生的费用。
[ 本帖最后由 jerry2001 于
13:46 编辑 ]
UID 1052652
积分 122981
福步币 6 块
阅读权限 120
UID 1706968
阅读权限 60
回复 #2 jane411 的帖子
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-请高手帮忙 翻译一下Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something interesting . So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holiday. During the holidays trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets . Many people take cars or buses for traveling. Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had to move very slowing . It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time , we came to a hill. It was green and beautiful. We thought this was a good place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food, fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down and began to eat. Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. we had to run back to our car and have our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a sad holiday!


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