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Ant-Man Is Marvel’s Weirdest Movie, and That’s a Good Thing | WIRED
<meta name='parsely-page' content='{"title": "Ant-Man Is Marvel&#8217;s Weirdest Movie, and That&#8217;s a Good Thing", "link": "/2015/07/ant-man-review/", "image_url": "/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Ant-Man1-150x150-e2.jpg", "type": "post", "post_id": "1810696", "pub_date": "T07:00:07+00:00", "section": "WIRED", "author": "Angela Watercutter", "tags": ["Ant-Man","Marvel Studios","Movies","Paul Rudd"]}'>
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Zade Rosenthal/Marvel Studios
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Evangeline Lilly as Hope van Dyne in Ant-Man. Zade Rosenthal/Marvel Studios
For a movie that looked as though it might get squashed before it ever got out of the larvae stage, Ant-Man has turned out to be a quirky and almost brilliant addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Think of it like an inverted Guardians of the Galaxy&all the off-beat humor and unfamiliar characters, just at a millionth of the size.
Granted, Ant-Man, out today, starts out at conventional 1:1 scale. It’s 1989, and scientist Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) is working with S.H.I.E.L.D. under Tony Stark’s dad, Howard (John Slattery). Pym, who in the MCU has only been mentioned in passing in Thor, has the formula to make people smaller by shrinking the distance between atoms&#8212;but he won’t give it up no matter how much S.H.I.E.L.D.’s head of defense Mitchell Carson (Martin Donovan) wants it. So he walks. Boom. That&#8217;s it for scene- now that you know how Pym and his tech fit into Marvel’s world, you&#8217;re free to sit back and enjoy the side-quest without worrying about Infinity Gems.
It&#8217;s that very tangential nature that gives director Peyton Reed’s film an air of lightness in the beefcake-weighted world of Marvel&and probably what gives it permission to get away with things like Thomas the Tank Engine sight-gags and jokes about The Cure. But just because Ant-Man is about a lesser-known superhero doesn’t mean it strays far from the Marvel formula. In other words, it’s a satisfying popcorn movie, even if the idea of a likable and superpowered white guy feels a little rote by this point.
Of course, this one happened to fall into heroism ass-over-teakettle. Scott Lang (Paul Rudd, as charming today as he was when he fell for his stepsister in Clueless) is fresh out of prison for hacking and living in San Francisco with his former cellmate Luis (Michael Pe?a, scene-stealing as always). Lang wants to get his life back on track and reconnect with his daughter, but after getting fired from Baskin Robbins he decides to join Luis and his friends in one more heist. Naturally, what he ends up stealing is Pym’s secret Ant-Man suit.
Evangeline Lilly as Hope van Dyne in Ant-Man.
Zade Rosenthal/Marvel Studios
Fortunately, Pym has been looking for someone to thwart his former apprentice Darren Cross (Corey Stoll) from developing his own tiny-human suit for nefarious (*cough*Hydra*cough*) purposes&#8212;so he asks Scott to be the Ant-Man and stop Cross. This seems like a good idea to everyone except Hank’s daughter, Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), who would be happy to take up an Ant-Woman mantle if her dad would just let her. She might not get her wish, but she does get to take out her frustrations on Scott via old-school training montage. (Dear Marvel: More Lilly ass-kicking in future films, plz.)
Plot-wise, that’s all you really need to know. Ant-Man is a by-the-books redemption story wrapped in a Good Guys vs. Bad Guys tale. Like most comic-book adaptations, its Evil Mastermind’s motivations aren’t entirely clear. And it takes a while to get going, but once it does it’s a fast, fun ride with some brilliant micro-worldbuilding special effects that comes in under two hours, which feels positively brisk considering the, um,
we’re used to. It’s fast and loose, and aims only to entertain.
The fact that Ant-Man actually pulls that off is a feat in itself. The movie&#8217;s been in the works for nearly a decade, way back when Shaun of the Dead director Edgar Wright
to make it. Wright exited the movie last May over &#8220;differences&#8221; with Marvel, and the studio finally tapped Reed as an eleventh- meanwhile, Rudd and his writing partner Adam McKay (Anchorman) reworked the script. If you were following the situation, Ant-Man seemed like a good bet to break Marvel&#8217; it was hard to imagine that a movie suffering from this many setbacks would even hit its release date, let alone be any good. Against all odds, it did both.
We’ll never know what Wright’s version would’ve looked like (probably awesome), but the story as it is plays perfectly to Rudd&#8217; he may not come off as a superhero type, despite the new contractually obligated six-pack, but his sardonic humor is so unique it could be trademarked. When he comes in with lines like “I think our first move would be calling the Avengers,” it feels as natural as Robert Downey Jr. delivering a Tony Stark zinger. Ant-Man doesn’t get everything right, but what it nails is creating a Scott Lang that feels like an everyman&#8212;and also very much like Rudd.
For those who like to keep track of these kinds of things, Ant-Man marks the end of Marvel Studios’ second phase. (Phase 3 begins next spring with Captain America: Civil War.) It might be the weirdest&and it’s definitely the least splashy&note to go out on. But if it signals a willingness from Marvel to embrace more less-squeaky-clean superhero movies, then that’s no small feat at all.
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All of us at WIRED appreciate your support!Imagine that you wanted to slowly kill public education
August 5, 2015 by
Imagine that you are a policymaker who is generally anti-government, anti-union, and pro-privatization. Public schools conflict with all of those, don’t they?
So you’ve got a challenge. Citizens and communities generally like and strongly support their schools. Somehow you have to create a narrative over time that erodes citizens&#8217; support for public schools and counters their incredible historical legacies of college and career preparation, citizenship development, cultural socialization, economic opportunity creation, and facilitation of intergenerational income mobility.
Here are some things that you and your like-minded colleagues might try to do:
underfund schools so that they can&#8217;t keep up with operational costs, will struggle to meet educational mandates, and will have to reduce personnel (bonus: fewer union members!)
maintain claims about ‘fiscal accountability’ and future revenue concerns, even when they require ignoring strong revenue generation and projections
reduce existing revenue streams in order to bolster claims of fiscal hardship (bonus: less government!)
employ bait-and-switch funding mechanisms that supplant rather than supplement and/or disappear at the last minute
ignore legal requirements to timely establish school funding levels that would allow districts to adequately plan and budget
implement new, supplemental ‘bread and circuses’ initiatives (say, STEM or financial literacy) that distract the general public from the year-to-year erosion of base school funding
give as little policy attention as possible to the known educational needs of students who live in poverty or don’t speak English as their primary language (and thus struggle academically), even as those student and family populations increase markedly within the state
deflect the blame for your underfunding of schools by alleging schools&#8217; inefficiency and superintendents&#8217; mismanagement
frequently change state standards and assessments and/or make them more difficult so that educators and students struggle to keep up and have less chance of hitting the moving targets
use selective data (say, NAEP scores) to manufacture educational crises that feed your rhetoric of public school failure
create school grading and ranking schemes that shame struggling schools, demoralize the educators within them, and alarm parents
implement teacher evaluation schemes that are guaranteed to be unfair, demoralize educators, and confuse the public
pitch tax credits and private/religious school vouchers or ’scholarships’ (&#8216;money that will follow students in their backpacks&#8217;) to the general public as natural recourses to the failures of public schools
write legislation that expands public school alternatives such as charters or homeschooling, particularly ones that can siphon funds away from public schools
create double-standard school and educator ‘accountability’ provisions that apply to public schools but not non-public alternatives
accept policy proposals, money, and political influence from seemingly anyone other than actual educators
affiliate with anti-public-school organizations (say, ALEC) that will feed you ‘model’ legislation proposals, connect you with successful players and tactics from other states, and provide ongoing encouragement to stay the course
hold yearly education summits at which educators can only listen passively to carefully-vetted speakers who feed your desired agendas
publicly dismiss, disparage, intimidate, or try to silence educators, parents, researchers, and others who speak out against your policies
and so on, year-after-year, all under the guises of ’transparency’ and ‘accountability’ and ‘global competitiveness.’ Heck, you might even co-opt the journalists that used to ask tough questions about your educational policymaking (by, say, hiring them).
Here in Iowa? Checkmarks on all fronts, I believe (and we’re not as bad as many other states). There’s an evolving playbook out there, folks, and we’re seeing it being implemented in every state.
More of this to come in the years ahead… Do you care? If so, what will you do about it?
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Questions about this site? | Imagine a world where everyone lives For Greater Good.> 【答案带解析】It is hard to imagine that such a small ...
It is hard to imagine that such a small country,the size of Indiana with the population of Alaska,tucked in the Himalaya Mountains,accessible only by two airplanes,is the “Happiest Country’’ in the world and has one of the fastest growing GDP’S in the world.This country is Bhutan,“Land of the Thunder Dragon”,which is located in South Asia and is encompassed by India,China,and Nepal.Bhutan is the last standing Buddhist Kingdom in the World and,until recently,has preserved much of their culture since the l7th century by avoiding globalization and staying isolated from the world.Internet,television,and western dress were banned from the country up until ten years ago.Over the past ten years globalization has begun to change in Bhutan,but things remain perfectly balanced.Bhutan is the only country in the world that has a ‘GNH’,which refers to “Gross National Happiness.’’The process of measuring GNH began when Bhutan opened up to globalization.It measures people’s quality of life,and makes sure that “material and spiritual development happen together.”Bhutan has done an amazing job of finding this balance.Bhutan has continually been ranked as the happiest country in all of Asia,and the eighth Happiest Country in the world according to Business Week.In 2007,Bhutan had the second fastest growing GDP in the world,at the same time as maintaining their environment and cultural identity.In 2008,in Bhutan’s first democratic election,28-year-old Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wang Chuck was elected president of Bhutan.He promises to “maintain a stance (立场)of protection against the worst aspects of globalization,maintaining the ‘Gross National Happiness’.”But Jigme himself is no stranger to globalization.He attended high school at Phillips Academy and university at Wheaton College and then graduated from Oxford.1.The underlined word “encompassed’’ in the first paragraph most probably means __________ . A.coveredB.surroundedC.separatedD.guarded2.Why is Bhutan regarded as “the happiest country”?A.Because it changes its policy and begins to open up.B.Because it uses “GNH” to measure its achievement.C.Because it stresses both material and spiritual development.D.Because it has the second fastest growing GDP in the world.3.What Can we infer from the last paragraph?A.The election in Bhutan is far from satisfactory.B.Globalization has influenced Bhutan’s religion.C.Jigme’s educational background will cause distrust.D.People in Bhutan will continue living a happy life.4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?&#xa0;
试题分析: 本文介绍了“纯净天堂” ——位于亚洲喜马拉雅山脉中的国家不丹。不丹是世界上GDP增长最为迅速的国家,由于不丹着重物质文明与精神文明共同发展,所以不丹也成为了全民幸福指数最高的国家。
2.makes sure that “material and spiritual development happ...
The slavery drama “12 Years a Slave” won the Academy Award for best picture on Sunday, making history as the first movie from a black director to win the film industry's highest honor in 86 years of the Oscars.Can anyone tell me your ideas about this movie? —— GreatMartin“12 Years a Slave is a surprisingly underwhelming movie.It is more of a string of picture about several heartless and evil white men(and women)who are just mean without the motivation of running a plantation on their minds.There is very little character development and most of the film relies on what the audience already knows and feels about slavery.” 一一GeminiJef‘‘Never have I been stunned into an emotional silence after watching a film in the theater.I've come out of films before thinking” My god,that was unbelievable”,like when I saw The Lord of the Rings for the first time,but this film just hits you on another level entirely.You sit there after it’s over,wondering if what you’d just experienced was real.The day feel the same.”一一Pauljohnson“This movie is just an average movie about slavery.Are you kidding me,segregation movies are a dime a dozen and this movie beat out Gravity for Golden Globes? Gravity has never been done before.12 Years a Slave I watched once and will never watch again.I watched Gravity 5 times and still love it.’’一一Dominionator“This movie was realistic and engaging at every second.Even the dramatic pauses were worthwhile and definitely not a waste of time.The script inferred and hinted at events rather than just plain saying them,and that was genius.Outstanding photography,amazing special effects and the acting is top notch.There were a few people that walked out during some scenes.What a shame!” 一一Apols1.The main purpose of GreatMartin’s writing is __________ give a brief introduction of the share his own opinions with invite answers to his explain why he asks the question2.The underlined word “stunned’’ in the third paragraph probably means __________ .A.puzzledB.shockedC.disappointedD.concerned3.Among the four speakers,who made positive comments on the movie?A.GeminiJef and PauljohnsonB.Pauljohnson and DominionatorC.GeminiJef and DominionatorD.Pauljohnson and Apols4.Which of the following best states Pauljotmson’s ideas about l2 Years a Slave?A.It leaves little room for character development.B.It reaches the height of The Lord of the Rings.C.It doesn’t deserve such high praise.D.It amazes the audience with its special effects.&#xa0;
In December of l 992.I was a happy husband and father of two young children.A month later,I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia(急性白血病).After two years of chemo(化疗)that helped control the disease,my body was weak and lifeless.I felt as if I were a puppet who needed help to lift his arms or hold up his head.I began to run.After six months my strength had come back.On one of my runs,one where I felt I could run forever,I decided I was going to try to run a marathon.After telling my Dad about my plan,he told me of a program that trains people to run a marathon,while raising funds for Leukemia research at the same time.So that summer,through the Leukemia Society’s Team in Training program,I started to train for the Marine Corps Marathon.During mile after mile of uncertainty,the day finally came to run the marathon.On October 27,1996,at 8 A.M.,along with l9,000 other brave souls I started on a 26.2-mile journey that I will never forget.I first saw my wife Patty at the six-mile mark . She seemed happy that I was still looking as if I knew what I was doing,and having a good time doing it.At Mile l7,my mind was going back to those two horrible years that tried to bring my family and me down.I saw her again.The concern in her face told me she knew I was starting to struggle.I felt as if we were thinking the same,nine more miles and these last few years will be behind us.That thought alone pulled me forward.Mile 22,23,slowing but going,24,25,then there it was.The Iwo Jima War Memorial.I have seen nothing so grand and inspiring in my life.Three hours and forty-one minutes after I started,I crossed what I think has to be the most fitting finish line in all of road racing!That night the Leukemia Society gave me a pin at a post-race party that simply says,“Leukemia 26.2”.If God wills,my cancer may once again take away my hair and my strength,maybe even my life.But it can never take away my pin,or the fact that I am a marathoner .1.The writer decided to run a marathon because __________ .A.he wanted to raise money for Leukemia researchB.he believed he was able to take the challengeC.he hoped to recover his strength through trainingD.his dad knew about the race and made the suggestion2.Which statement is RIGHT about the writer?A.He has always been dreaming of becoming a marathoner.B.The training he took that summer well prepared him for the race.C.Those running in the race were mostly Leukemia patients like him .D.His wife was with him during the marathon to give him support.3.Why does the writer think the finish line is the most fitting?A.Because running a marathon is the most suitable sport for him.B.Because the memorial is the most powerful construction he has seen.C.Because he considers it a victory over his disease to finish the race.D.Because 26.2 miles is the most reasonable distance for road racing.4.Which of the following can best describe the writer?A.Optimistic and outspokenB.Strong-willed and determinedC.Generous and easy-goingD.Brave and warm-hearted&#xa0;
In your life,nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.Everything
to test the limits of your soul.Without these small tests,life would be like a smoothly paved,
,flat road to nowhere.Safe and comfortable but dull and pointless.If someone
you or breaks your heart,forgive them for they have helped you
trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to.If someone loves you,love them back
,not only because they love you,but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and
to things you would have never felt or seen without them.Make every day count.Appreciate every
and take from it everything that you possibly can,for you will never be able to experience it again.1.A.takes
B.interestsC.influencesD.hurts4.A.look through
B.1earn outD.adjust to5.A.unconditionally
A very wealthy man was standing thoughtfully on a bridge.Despite all his riches,he could feel none of happiness but
and emptiness in his heart.He
to commit suicide by jumping into the fast-flowing water.When he was about to do it,an old beggar
him.“Sir,please give me some money to buy some food.I will pray for your health and long life.”Hearing this,he
his wallet from his pocket and gave all the money inside to the beggar.“Take all of this,”he said.“All of this?” the beggar
.He could not believe his good luck.“Yes,take it all.I am going to a place where I won’t need it anymore,’’said the man.He looked back at the river
.The beggar became suspicious of the man’s
.Looking at the money,and holding it for a while,he
returned it and said,“No,thank you.I won’t take it! I may be a beggar but I'm not a coward(懦夫)!Bring that money with you to the river,sir!”Hearing his response,the man was
.The satisfaction and happiness of him
his money to the beggar disappeared immediately.He was not even able to make the beggar receive his sincere soon-to-be-useless money.At that moment,he suddenly
the feeling that he felt just now,that good feeling and satisfaction from giving others happiness,had indeed
become his own true happiness.By this he was encouraged,and had found what would make his life worth living.Happiness is only real when
B.interrupted C.persuadedD.shouted4.A.picked up
B.took outC.reached forD.handed in5.A.recalled
B.givingC.supplyingD.contributing11.A.realized nature circles13.A.bought
-- Has he apologized for his rudeness?
-- __________ .A.No doubtB.No luckC.Not yetD.Not exactly&#xa0;
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