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SAN FRANCISCO -- June 23, 2016 -- Zynga (Nasdaq: ZNGA), a leading social game developer, today announced the launch of Ice Age: Arctic Blast, a playful Match-3 adventure set in the beloved animated world of the Ice Age film franchise. Debuting in advance of next month’s worldwide premiere of the ...
- For “Ice Age: Collision Course,” 20th Century Fox cut a licensing deal with game developer Zynga to produce a match-3 game (a la “Candy Crush”) featuring the zany critters from the fifth installment of the animated franchise.
- On Monday, Snapchat said that it had united with 20th Century Fox to start the first complete takeover of all of Snapchat’s lenses to promote the release on Friday of “X-Men: Apocalypse.”
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Powered by Copyright & , .Does the lack of punishment fit the crime, or should the presumptive Democratic nominee face the same kinds of sanctions others have?
Minutes from the Fed&#39;s latest meeting indicate its officials are beginning to worry about the next economic downturn.
Many retirement benefits don’t kick in until your 60s, so early retirees face extra hurdles.
The Tanger-Med project in Morocco raises questions over whether massive projects are the long-term salvation for developing countries.
Both senators say that the No. 2 spot is not for them.
Working out can be a blast – while blasting off that snack you just had.
One size does not fit all.
Having a plan to deal with mass casualties can save lives.
&#39;We have to deal with the realities of the world,&#39; Obama said, breaking from 2008 campaign pledge.
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Update: We are reviewing all community feedback and will be providing our plans to improve the new site here daily: .
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