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官方公共微信Looking for a trustable and reputable supplier of HGH? Do you want to buy HGH without risk of getting fake or expired products? We are the leading and the most trustable company Genoxon distributing HGH injections.
Our mission is not to sell you the next pack of human growth hormone but to help you Improve your life with the greatest focus on your wellbeing, safety and comfort. We supply the highest quality HGH at the best price. Apart from high grade supplements we offer you professional servicing and 24/7 customer support to answer all bothering questions.
We are the leading supplier of human growth hormone on the market with reputable clinics among our clients. We also supply hgh for individual needs to people looking for better life in healthy body with injections novotrop. We get our HGH products from authorized manufacturers. The supplements, we offer, meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
Our laboratories have conducted thousands of tests of HGH and investigated the results of HGH studies for the last two decades to indicate HGH injectable benefits and possible side effects. We try hard to provide you the best service, the best product and the best price. We provide only original HGH products. We offer only real growth hormone.
I have read everything on HGH and I am ready to place an order. How can I do this?
To order HGH from our site, you should click any order button and fill in the order form. After your request is received and processed, our managers will contact you to verify the information and to prove your order.
What should I do next after placing an order?
Wait for e-mail notification. The email will contain all necessary data to where to pay your order.
Provide all additional information to complete customer identification and to specify payment methods.
Pay your order.
After your payment is received, we will ship your order to the specified address.
After your order is shipped off, we will send you notification containing tracking number via email.
What should I do next after placing an order?
Upon you placed an order, we will send you an email containing exact information on your order (type of product, quantity, special deals if available, extras, etc). The email will also contain payment information. Moreover you will get a detailed step by step instruction on where to send and how to make a payment as any mistake may cause unnecessary delays of receiving your money and sending you the order. In case you do not receive an email notification after placing your order, we recommend contacting our customer support to get right payment information.
After you submit your order a confirmation email is automatically generated and sent to email address specified in your order form. We will immediately ship off your order after receiving your payment. Usually orders are sent within 1-2 business days. Our online store guarantees fast and safe delivery in professional packaging to any address worldwide. We take care of every customer in the world to have an opportunity to safely and comfortably order high quality supplements.
What payments method are available?
You can pay your order via BitCoin, Western Union or Moneygram as these are the fastest and the most secure methods for you to fast send the payment and for us to receive the payment in one click.
Shipping and Delivery
EMS = Express Mail Service
We are using Express postal courier (EMS = Express Mail Service) – 3-5 days in the air which ensures safe and swift delivery of this delicate product and it’s cost is included to the total amount of the kit. Estimated T/A
is 8-10 days – is a time to process the whole order.
Is HGH a super supplement being a genuine fountain of youth?
To a greater extent YES. Recent research has proved a steady anti aging effect apart from other positive benefits you can notice within the first month of taking the hormone.
When first results of taking HGH will appear?
HGH effects and results are the matter of individual respond to the hormone. Usually it takes 2-3 month to notice the first body transformations. More results are achieved within 4-5 months of regular HGH therapy. The efficiency of HGH in every individual case depends also on individual lifestyle, dieting, physical activity or training cycles.
EMS = Express Mail Service
We are using Express postal courier (EMS = Express Mail Service) – 3-5 days in the air which ensures safe and swift delivery of this delicate product and it’s cost is included to the total amount of the kit. Estimated T/A
is 8-10 days – is a time to process the whole order.
PRICE: $300.00
Price is per kit plus S&H.
Somatropin (rDNA origin) for injection.
Each NovoTrop vial contains 8mg (24IU) of Somatropin lyophilized with 25mg of mannitol.
NovoTrop proved to be rather efficient for patients who faced growth hormone deficiency. This medication belongs to amino acid based class and mainly consists of its sequences in addition to bacterium Escherichia coli.
All components which can be found in NovoTrop have been efficiently modified and developed with only one purpose. We tried our best to make this medication able to mimic growth hormone that is located in humans’ pituitary gland. Our treatment makes it possible to stimulate not only tissue and cell growth, but also develop muscle and skeleton growth and improve all types of metabolism processes in individual’s organism.Produced by GenoXon NovoTrop comes in form of powder combined with Mannitol. Such efficient mixture provides organism with necessary stable amount of water for injections.The treatment for hormone growth deficiency is available in 8mg vials. Every package includes 5 vials. Patients can also purchase single vials in case of necessity to meet individual’s requirements and needs. All patients are recommended following prescriptions and instructions provided by health care provider.
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Seoul, South Korea. E-mail:
NOVOTROP a power booster of muscle growth
Order Novotrop now!
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Nearly sold out. The next supply is in 21 days
While you are weighing all pros and cons of Growth Hormone, your rivals are using NovoTrop actively, gaining the benefit in strength, speed and athletic performance! Do not waste your time and efforts! Make a preorder of NovoTrop right now and then thoroughly investigate the product!
Preorder is a reservation of required quantity of NovoTrop. As shelf life of hormonal agents is limited, then NovoTrop is produced in limited quantity. That is why Youu get new made supplements with excellent expiry date when ordering NovoTrop from us.
Place a preorder now and make a step toward your perfect body. When you start taking growth hormone NovoTrop you will notice:
Power and endurance increase
Athletic performance upgraded to a whole new level
Life toned up
You will soon register sufficient endurance increase, boosting and energizing your workouts.
In record breaking time you will gain muscle mass and burn excess fat depots.
In the shortest while you will see your body in a completely new shape!
You are steady in pursuing set goals and you never stop on the midway. Your moto says: Work your body till the fullest exhaustion.
Eat only healthy foods. Provide you body with good proteins, effective calories and powerful athletic performance boosters from the world’s leading manufacturers!
Unfortunately, even smart strategy of workouts and diet mated with a do-or-die devotion to set goals does not always result in desired muscle strength and shape.
You can strictly keep to the advanced workout program month by month, including high intensity workout cycles, however your muscle mass and biceps size will remain the same.
Where is the problem?
Is your system imperfect and imbalanced?
We are not sure.
The reason is in your physiology and hormonal balance.
Important! Scientific proof 1
Skeletal muscles’ growth depends on the balance of anabolic hormones in the body. The main anabolic hormone in the human body is the Growth Hormone!
In young body the Growth Hormone controls the growth and development of muscular-skeletal system. In the body of powerlifter or athlete the Growth Hormone boosts the metabolic processes and stimulates the hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscles.
Growth Hormone secretion decreases with age
Permanent decrease of Growth Hormone secretion starts at age of 20-25. Recent research has shown that at the age of 30 the peak growth hormone secretion reduces by 10%. Further on the Growth Hormone secretion reduces by 14% each 10 years!
Important! Scientific proof 2
The decrease of growth hormone level results in muscle mass loss, fast fat deposition, increase of recovery period, extreme fatigue, muscle weakness and decreased sexual drive!
Average “age norm” of growth hormone is a weak trigger for hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscles!
Growth hormone deficit is the main reason of slow muscle gain and fast fat deposition with age.
That is why even the best workout program will turn ineffective in aged athletes. In simple words, the age-conditioned growth hormone deficit disables you to reach the peak of the Olympus.
Well, at this point we have already cleared up that even the hardest workouts beyond human capacity will turn useless without adequate levels of growth hormone in the body. Now ask yourself :
Are you ready to deadly work out in the gym getting scarce results instead of rock hard muscles and incredible workability?
Injectable growth hormone helps to unlock absolute potential of muscle growth. Take a look on the titled powerlifters and bodybuilders, the Olympia champions or cover models from glossy magazines. Do you really believe that the secret of their success lies in the genetic algorithm?
Nope, real champions have made their bodies due to scientific breakthrough in pharmacology. They use growth hormone.
Growth hormone NovoTrop will help you to increase your workout performance by 100% and to go far beyond expected capacity.
NovoTrop is a powerful booster of muscle growth which unlocks real potential of your body. Using NovoTrop you can be sure that every exercise you do in the gym results in incredible muscle strength and growth. You will get ultimate benefit from every workout, every exercise and every move in the gym. You will be sure that every gram of protein from your diet will be processed into strong muscle mass!
NovoTrop – no one is born a champion.
You should become one.
Growth hormone NovoTrop is a powerful anabolic exciter.
Affecting the receptors of skeletal muscles NovoTrop accelerates the synthesis of muscle protein.
By stimulating the receptors of fat cells, NovoTrop speeds up the burn of deposit fat
and helps you to run off the excess weight. As a result of complex effect NovoTrop will help you to:
Increase endurance
Increase power performance
Advance workout efficiency
Reduce fat deposit in your body
Gain muscle mass
Important! a few facts about the growth hormone NOVOTROP
Important! Growth hormone is a legal and safe product! Unlike steroids, the growth hormone is admitted by many athletic associations. Moreover the growth hormone does not cause side effects. The key point is using original, well-dosed product. Beware of imitations and fake products, buy only certified growth hormone from verified manufacturers! Place an order and get original NovoTrop with proven efficiency!
Listed above growth hormone benefits are just a beginning of your success. Systematic intake of the supplement guarantees you a lot of additional advantages over your sport competitors. NovoTrop will help you to build perfect body.
These are the effects of growth hormone at the cellular and molecular levels:
advances the amino acids transport
accelerates the synthes
blocks the enzymes, which des
stimulates the IGF-1
reduces th
reduces the cortisol secretion in respons
induces cartilage
promotes chondroitin sulfate an
activates the angiogenesis (formation of new vessels).
Important! Growth hormone blocks estrogen production in the course of anabolic steroids. This helps to reduce the intensity of adverse effects of anabolic cycle and to keep the maximum of muscle mass after withdrawal.
Molecular and biochemical changes in the body of athlete are a solid basis for rapid growth of athletic achievements. Due to complex action and metabolism boosting growth hormone:
Accelerates the rec
Provides effective digestion of proteins and amino acids from foods and sport suppl
Energizes and enhances well-
Strengthens and fixes l
Promotes vascularisati
Reduces the risks of gynecomastia in the course of anabolic steroids treatment and minimizes the symptoms of existing gynecomastia.
No one is born a champion
But you can become a champion by using the breakthrough achievements of pharmacology.
Make a decisive step towards your dream.
Growth hormone NovoTrop will help you to easily reach set goals!
Thousands of athletes, powerlifters and bodybuilders as well as people, who just want to be fit and healthy, take NovoTrop.We present you the evidences of the highest efficiency of the product:
The stars of MLB and NFL earn up to 20 million dollars per year due to improved endurance and athletic performance with growth hormone
Therapists from all over the globe use growth hormone for successful treatment and recovery. Growth hormone is administered for immune system reinforcement, for nervous diseases and depression treatment. Growth hormone is a <> of the anti-age therapy courses. It minimizes signs of aging, improves skin condition and changes tissue composition in essence.
Growth hormone is used by the best bodybuilders on the planet, by the multiple champions of the Olympia, who have managed to add giant muscle mass and to create incredible muscle relief in FullHD!
in training:
Growth Hormone in power-lifting
is a guarantee of sufficient boost in power including one rep maximum!
Growth hormone in bodybuilding
results in steel-strong muscles and stunning body relief!
Growth hormone in sport
is a guaranteed success, better athletic performance and stunning endurance!
Growth Hormone for aged people
is the only way to stop time and slow down the aging process. It is a unique chance to stay healthy, fit and young for as long as nobody else can.
Growth hormone for obese people
is an optimum alternative to effectively reprogram body and sufficiently reduce fat deposits with no chances to gain fat back.
If you are working in the gym without growth hormone, then you consciously give a head start to your rivals and competitors.
Just imagine that you start a marathon
with a 25kg kettlebell in your hands.
Is not it hard?
Achieving set goals in sport
without effective products of sport pharmacology is even harder.
Stop giving head start to your competitors.
Throw away your “kettlebell” and unlock your real potential and power capacity with safe and efficient NovoTrop!
Order growth hormone Novotrop now
and enjoy the evolution of your body!
Fast muscle growth
and advanced athletic performance guaranteed!
Buy NovoTrop now
and give your body
a chance to go beyond
expected capacities!
With NovoTrop you will live
in a reborn body!
Why do professional athletes from the USA, Canada and Europe choose NovoTrop?
Novotrop is a certified Growth Hormone, which is produced by US FDA standards
NovoTrop is a certified growth hormone, which meets the highest quality standards. The manufacturer of NovoTrop is GenoXon, which has governmental license for production of hormonal products and supplements with growth hormone included.
For many years the GenoXon company has been manufacturing effective and safe products for athletes, powerlifters, bodybuilders and people who want to stay fit and healthy at any age.
Every GenoXon product is a unique symbiosis of revolutionary scientific breakthrough researches and modern technologies of pharmacological industry.
GenoXon possesses high-tech equipment meeting the GMP standards. The GH product is analyzed and tested by means of radiofrequency chromatography. The analysis helps to estimate an exact quantity of active ingredient in the product as well as to estimate the concentration of admixtures, related proteins and water.
Further on the product undergoes other testing by independent laboratories to prove the pharmaceutical grade of NovoTrop. The supplement goes on sale only afterthorough multiple tests.
NovoTrop is a recombinant growth hormone of the highest pharmaceutical grade!
NovoTrop is a recombinant growth hormone being the safest and the most effective form of somatotropic hormone, available on the market. The recombinant growth hormone is produced by means of genetic engineering.
NovoTrop is identical to endogenic growth hormone (it means a hormone which is naturally produced in your body) and does not contain the molecules of animal origin.All of these factors guarantee the highest efficiency of the product and the maximum safety of the supplement.
NovoTrop features the minimal concentration of related proteins
In the process of production we get growth hormone and somatotropic hormone-related proteins. The higher the concentration of related proteins in the product is, the less effective it will turn. Why is it so?
The answer is simple.
Injections of substances containing high levels of related proteins provoke the response of immune system. The immune system produces protective proteins which block the growth hormone. It results in the high efficiency of the product in the beginning of the course and in the sufficient decrease of effect further on. As a result the GH stops working in your body and you waste your money and time.
Growth Hormone NovoTrop features maximum degree of cleaning from related proteins. The concentration of related proteins in the product does not exceed 0.33%. Thus you can use the product for a long period of time being absolutely sure that every injection will give you maximum results.
NovoTrop – the concentration of water in lyophilisate is less than 1%!
In the process of productionthe substance gets sufficiently dehydrated. As a result we get a lyophilisated powder. The key feature of lyophilisate is the concentration of water. The higher the concentration of water in lyophilisate is, the faster the product loses its efficiency even in case of the observance of storage conditions.
NovoTrop is a high quality growth hormone, which contains less than 1% of water. The minimum residual water concentration is a credible assurance of maximum efficiency of growth hormone NovoTrop throughout the whole period of validity of the product.
NovoTrop is delivered in special insulated shipping containers
The storage and transportation of growth hormone NovoTrop is realized only in strict keeping to the requirements for hormonal substances. The product is delivered in special containers keeping to the strictest rules of cold chain.
Novotrop means extreme dose accuracy
NovoTrop features the greatest dosage accuracy possible, which is proved with numerous tests by company laboratories and independent ones. If the package says that a one-time dosage contains 10U of hormone, then it means that every dosage delivers exactly 10U of growth hormone into your body.
Our product is protected from under-dosing as in case with uncertified products manufactured in the Third World for profit and not for health effect of users.
Buy only credible products and keep in mind that your health is at risk. Order NovoTrop for 100% guaranteed results.
Using NovoTrop, you know the dosage of growth hormone, which you take, iswithin the accuracy of milligram.
The efficiency of NovoTrop is proved with numerous laboratory tests and clinical trials.
Growth hormone NovoTrop is a product with proved efficiency. Nothing will work better for you than an exact replica of human growth hormone being the most active hormone to grow and strengthen your muscles.
NovoTrop provides an optimum dosage of growth hormone to unlock your potential and true capacity of your body.
The laboratory and clinical trials have shown that NovoTrop provides a peak increase of growth hormone in the blood which is ten times higher than a physiological norm of the age.
Only off the scale increase of growth hormone level gives a chance to reach super-human sport achievements.
Maximum peak concentration of growth hormone is a key condition for muscle hypertrophy and super fast anabolism.
Our laboratoryc tests
Mark Spenser
None of pro bodybuilders and powerlifters live without hormones in general and HGH in particular. And I am not an exception. For more than 20 years in professional bodybuilding I learned that HGH is essential for everybody desiring to get a stronger body and sharply shaped muscles. While I worked without HGH, it was hard to fix results. I added muscle mass and burnt fat but everything returned to the initial state. By adding HGH I did not only manage to increase endurance and to get rid of extra fat deposits. I feel stronger now. My body is perfectly shaped and I know the secret how to live longer. If you are still doubting whether to start HGH or not, then you should give it a try. This online store is a perfect partner in timely supplies of original HGH supplements.
John Mcferson
As a professional trainer I know for sure that only good genetic heritage will do miracle and produce a strong and perfectly shaped relief. That is why every boy first entering my gym gets my advice: guy, start adding HGH to your training program. I thoroughly track the results of every guy I train to work out a perfect program for him and to choose a perfect stimulation with HGH. I buy HGH from this site. Fair prices, timely delivery and great deals. However the key factor is that the site offers REAL hgh for sale.
It was the greatest challenge for me to fight my adolescent excessive weight. When all my girlfriends were already dating with boys I suffered from complexes. When I had my first baby I added in weight. Diets, exhaustive workouts and pills did nothing to my body. Coming to a gym and meeting my coach was one of the most meaningful events in my life. We worked out a training program and added HGH. Now I am a fitness coach. I lost over 50 pounds of weight and now I teach other people how to live in healthier and stronger body without excessive weight. For the long period of my working out with HGH I tried numerous sites, however this one turns to be the best for me as it offers best quality HGH, which is reasonably priced. It is always delivered in time.
Stop wasting your time watching results of your rivals in the gym.
While they are properly building their bodies with growth hormone, you are still working out the strategies of trainings
and diets.
We now give you undeniable advantage
you will start the rebirth of your body with high quality, safe and excellently dosed product – NovoTrop, while your rivals may take growth hormone of doubtful provenance and unknown efficiency. We offer you a product which breaks the stereotypes of human body and destroys the physiological limits of an organism.
Buy NovoTrop now and unlock the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy.
NovoTrop is your only chance to boost the anabolism in your body with zero health risks.
If you have a question please write to us now
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I have read everything on HGH and I am ready to place an order. How can I do this?
To order HGH from our site, you should click any order button and fill in the order form. After your request is received and processed, our managers will contact you to verify the information and to prove your order.
What should I do next after placing an order?
Wait for e-mail notification. The email will contain all necessary data to where to pay your order.
Provide all additional information to complete customer identification and to specify payment methods.
Pay your order.
After your payment is received, we will ship your order to the specified address.
After your order is shipped off, we will send you notification containing tracking number via email.
What should I do next after placing an order?
Upon you placed an order, we will send you an email containing exact information on your order (type of product, quantity, special deals if available, extras, etc). The email will also contain payment information. Moreover you will get a detailed step by step instruction on where to send and how to make a payment as any mistake may cause unnecessary delays of receiving your money and sending you the order. In case you do not receive an email notification after placing your order, we recommend contacting our customer support to get right payment information.
After you submit your order a confirmation email is automatically generated and sent to email address specified in your order form. We will immediately ship off your order after receiving your payment. Usually orders are sent within 1-2 business days. Our online store guarantees fast and safe delivery in professional packaging to any address worldwide. We take care of every customer in the world to have an opportunity to safely and comfortably order high quality supplements.
What payments method are available?
You can pay your order via BitCoin, Western Union or Moneygram as these are the fastest and the most secure methods for you to fast send the payment and for us to receive the payment in one click.
Shipping and Delivery
EMS = Express Mail Service
We are using Express postal courier (EMS = Express Mail Service) – 3-5 days in the air which ensures safe and swift delivery of this delicate product and it’s cost is included to the total amount of the kit. Estimated T/A
is 8-10 days – is a time to process the whole order.
Is HGH a super supplement being a genuine fountain of youth?
To a greater extent YES. Recent research has proved a steady anti aging effect apart from other positive benefits you can notice within the first month of taking the hormone.
When first results of taking HGH will appear?
HGH effects and results are the matter of individual respond to the hormone. Usually it takes 2-3 month to notice the first body transformations. More results are achieved within 4-5 months of regular HGH therapy. The efficiency of HGH in every individual case depends also on individual lifestyle, dieting, physical activity or training cycles.
EMS = Express Mail Service
We are using Express postal courier (EMS = Express Mail Service) – 3-5 days in the air which ensures safe and swift delivery of this delicate product and it’s cost is included to the total amount of the kit. Estimated T/A
is 8-10 days – is a time to process the whole order.
Contact Form
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Seoul, South Korea. E-mail:
The FDA has not yet given any esteem to these facts.
None of the supplements or HGH products, presented on this site, are not intended to prevent or treat any diseases or to improve any symptoms. It is strongly recommended to always get medical consultation before starting any supplements or making sufficient changes to your lifestyle and health. Under significant changes we do not mean dieting or adding nutritive, vitamins or supplements as well as drugs, folk remedies or any other medications. We do strongly recommend getting medical consultation when intending to use any HGH products or supplements.Pregnant women or those who are planning a baby and breast feeding a baby should not start any HGH treatment as the HGH is proved to sufficiently affect lactation and cause other serious deviations of an unborn baby. A woman of child bearing age should consult a physician prior to starting HGH treatment. We do also recommend to get medical advice before using any drugs, herbs, nutrition supplements which may contain HGH, its releasers of precursors.We also insist on your own research before starting any treatment including HGH products or supplements. Investigate your health, chronic diseases, read all available information on the HGH, its health benefits and side effects to form your own true facts based opinion. A part of information published on our site comes from third party. We use only trustable, reliable and official sources of information. Moreover we check all the information for verity and validity. However your own research will help you to confirm your opinion on whether you need HGH or not.The information given on this site is accurate however all the facts posted here are intended only for informative education. Nothing on this site can be used as explicit directives for action. The facts given on this site do not compensate or may be used instead of a qualified healthcare provider.
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