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SouLA上头条:梦想闪亮如“夜空中最亮的星” - UCLA人声合唱团的日志,人人网,UCLA人声合唱团的公共主页
牛祖必须最帅 姗姗必须最美!转自牛牧川:today 感谢前来捧场的兄弟姐妹= =尼玛祝贺爱丽丝捧杯!!!!
SouLA A Cappella清唱团成立将近一年。在刚刚落幕的UCLA CSSA马年春晚中,SouLA吸引来了UCLA Daily Bruin校报的记者,为这一支代表着年轻华语音乐力量的队伍做专题报道。在春晚的舞台上,SouLA的演出&夜空中最亮的星&赢得掌声阵阵。这首曲目从13年暑假就开始了音乐编配,从初稿到最后演出,经历了十几次的讨论和修改。在原曲的基础上,音乐总监莫嘉诚以全新的形式,加入了七个声部,三名主唱,使这首流行金曲更为感情饱满,层次丰富。而18人的庞大演出队伍,给演出形式和编排增加了很大难度。大部分SouLA的成员从未有过舞台表演的经验,从编舞成形到Royce Hall上的大放异彩,将近两个月的紧张排演,SouLA的每个人都牺牲了很多时间,也取得了声音、表演上的很大进步。不得不提的是,SouLA在舞台上的动作队形变换和舞美设计,是华语A Cappella第一次大胆的尝试。因为复杂的动作,声部的交错,频繁的队形变换给唱歌带来的影响,很少有A Cappella敢于融合清唱和舞台表演。这些起初都是困扰SouLA,甚至不敢尝试的障碍。再加上A Cappella对音响设备的要求之高,直到演出当天,团员们还在商量解决的办法,甚至为此修改队形动作。
从未知到尝试,从争论到心协一致,从最初七个声部的不和谐到Royce Hall舞台上的大放光彩,SouLA就如同&夜空中最亮的星&一样,一步一步将梦想实现。无论是在台上还是台下,SouLA都是一支年轻,活力,敢想敢做的A Cappella。&&夜空中最亮的星&演出视频正在剪辑中,敬请期待!SouLA其他的作品:Radioactive+One Night in Beijing: /v_show/id_XNjY3MzQ3NjUy.html盖世英雄+北京北京+离开地球表面:/v_show/id_XNTU2MjgzMjgw.html更多关于SouLA的作品活动信息请关注:人人主页:/Facebook主页:/UclaCssaACappella?filter=2Youtube Channel:/channel/UC6bWGYr8zXvlMtqJryzOBoQ对SouLA A Cappella有任何建议或指导,请联系:soulaacappella@
以下转载Daily Bruin对SouLA的报导:UCLA&s Chinese a cappella ensemble SouLA works in harmony
Courtesy of Shangze Li
Formed in the spring of 2013 by Shavvon Lin, SouLA is UCLA's Chinese a cappella ensemble. The group performed for the first time in 2014 on Feb. 2 at Royce Hall, and its next performance will be this Saturday at the Caltech Chinese Association's 2014 Spring Festival Gala.
February 6, 2014&12:39 am
The sound of chugging workout equipment fills&a silent room, soon to be covered up by a layer of harmonious voices.While workout equipment and a cappella do not usually go hand-in-hand, the Hedrick Recreation Room became home to SouLA, UCLA&s Chinese a cappella ensemble. The group was rehearsing for their 2014 debut on Sunday, Feb. 2 at Royce Hall, for the Chinese Students and Scholars Association&s Chinese Culture Night. Their next performance will be on this upcoming Saturday evening, closing for the Caltech Chinese Association&s 2014 Spring Festival Gala.
In the recreation room that was converted into a practice space, SouLA bickered, gossiped and laughed, like any family.&SouLA is still a new entity as far as UCLA a cappella groups go. The ensemble was formed by founder and president&Shavvon Lin, a second-year communication studies student.&I started it because I saw how people are really enthusiastic about singing, especially the Chinese community,& Lin said.Last year, Lin organized a meeting in Ackerman Union with three fellow students:&Marvin Zhu, creative director, and the two musical directors Jiacheng Mo and Jiaoyang Zhang. Now, the a cappella group numbers 19 members in total, 18 of whom perform, and Mo, who said that he solely arranges music.Among the group is&one permanent member from USC, Brian Xu, who commutes weekly&to UCLA for&rehearsals.
As far as musical selection goes, Lin said SouLA does not want to cover mainstream&music, and instead&it&performs more Chinese mainland rock music and independent music. The song the a cappella group performed at Royce Hall and will take the stage again with at Caltech, is a Chinese hit called &The Brightest Star in the Night Sky& by Escape Plan. However, the group has done arrangements of both American and Chinese songs, such as a mashup of Imagine Dragons& &Radioactive& and a Chinese pop song &One Night in Beijing.&
&A challenge is rearranging the music for a cappella. The songs we choose are popular, and we have to add something new,& Zhu,&a second-year music history student,&said.
SouLA works toward its goal this year, Zhu said, by adding the performance element of choreography to &The Brightest Star in the Night Sky.&
Mo, a third-year materials science student, acts as music director for the ensemble with Zhang.&Mo said his favorite part of SouLA is coming together for the rehearsals and making progress because he said even he can occasionally get bored with purely arranging the music.
However, for their upcoming performance, Mo said he is most excited to hear not just the music, but rather see the choreography come to life.For their performance, SouLA changes formations, highlighting soloists with body direction angling&and arm movements that draw the audience&s attention and add intricacies to their routine.Last year, choreography was very much an idea that had yet to occur, as SouLA was still focusing on gaining their footing as a new ensemble.During winter quarter of 2013, Lin judged a Chinese singi...
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