whats the meaningg of "听不了...

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NAT KING COLE 日生于十美国亚拉巴马州的蒙哥马利,在芝加哥长大。科尔12岁就在教堂里演奏管风琴,同时还参加唱诗班唱歌。他的3个兄弟埃迪、弗雷德和伊萨克,后来也成了爵士乐音乐家。1936午,科尔离开了由哥哥埃迪·科尔领导的”纯粹摇摆者”乐队,来到洛杉矶,领导了一支专为时事讽刺剧《曳步前行》配乐的乐队。1937年,科尔组建了一支自己的三重奏,为调节气氛,科尔在演奏间隙还不时唱一首老歌,结果超出了他的想象,观众需要更多的歌曲,于是他开始重视演唱.直到1940年.他们才获得机会为迪卡唱片公司录音。40年代,科尔录制了数量巨大而且十分精彩的爵士乐唱片,其中包括1944年由莱斯特·杨、伊利诺伊·雅克和第一爵士管弦乐团担任特色乐师的音乐会和为国会大厦唱片公司录制的为数众多的唱片选曲。科尔在演唱了非常流行的《赤子》和《圣诞之歌》后,又把主要的精力花在了钢琴演奏上。1949年.科尔演唱的歌曲《蒙娜丽莎》对波普爵士乐产生了巨大的影响,从此一举成名并进入了著名爵士乐歌星的行列。年期间,科尔的大部分录音都是流行民谣,偶尔也有例外.如1956年他录制的唱片《午夜之后》。科尔虽然在演奏方面的才华几乎要被演唱方面的成就所掩盖,但他仍然具有精湛的演奏技巧。主持表演秀日科尔出现在了NBC-TV的表演秀中,他是主持此类表演秀的第一个非裔美国人。这在当时具有很大的争议性,但他成功的将节目延续了下去,且还帮助了很多当时像Ella Fitzgerald, Frankie Laine等有才华的音乐家开创名气。年期间,他定期正电视节目中的表演,仍然保持了较高的水平。日.科尔在加利福尼亚州圣莫妮卡被肺癌夺去了生命,年仅46岁。
Too Young 太年轻They try to tell us we're too young 他们试着告诉我们说我们还太年轻Too young to really be in love 太年轻而不能真去恋爱They say that love's a word 他们说爱是一个词语A word we've only heard 一个我们只是听说过的词语But can't begin to know the meaning of 但不能明白它真正的意义And yet we're not too young to know 可我们并不是太年轻而无法了解This love will last though years may go 即使时间流逝,这份爱也将延续And then someday they may recall 终有一天他们会想起We were not too young at all 我们不再年轻And yet we're not too young to know 可我们并不是太年轻而无法了解This love will last though years may go 即使时间流逝,这份爱也将延续And then someday they may recall 终有一天他们会想起We were not too young at all 我们不再年轻
歌曲名:&Too Young&
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Make links visible: the visitor should be able to recognize what is clickable and what is not, easily.
Co-operation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyhow
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2015最新What of ...英语句子翻译、英语句子大全由沪江网提供。适应了英语句子翻译
I in reply to
Capable of adapting or of being adapted.
Establishing and safeguarding a labour system that is adaptable to a socialist market economy
Military training fits men for long marches [to make long marches].
Military training fits men for long marches
To accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure.
Survival environment and acculturation has always been an important issue.
&When school starts, I will have to get into the swing of things.&
Maize, millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
These new strains of kelp are better adapted to the higher temperatures of Chinese coastal waters.
It is an important issue to accustom oneself to new conditions quickly.
This design can be seen both as an ancient picture and an ornamentation.
Miles slipped easily into the bookkeeper's work
How do present Third World systems of education fit into this holistic view of the meaning of rural development?
Survival Environment and Acculturation──Understanding the Cultural Ecology of Society and the Culture of Nu Nationality
Others stress adherence or deviance from conformity to gender roles.
The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.
Man is a pliable animal, a being who gets accustomed to everything!——Feodor Dostoyevsky
The development of coronary atherosclerosis reduces the capacity of the vascular bed adapt to hypoxic stress
In his view differences in adaptation are insufficient to create niches commensurate in number and kind.
To meet the needs of the economy in the new millennium, we need a well-educated, highly-skilled work force.
Not assisting or promoting adaptation.
Supple nature
get Get into the swing of
to acclimate a plant to a new country
He adapted himself to the cold weather.
Make an accommodation to wartime conditions
He was seasoned to outdoor work.
made ready or fit or suitable beforehand.
make (animals) fit for cultivation.
2015最新适应了英语句子翻译、英语句子大全由沪江网提供。the rest of my life,rest of my life
英文文法一問~!我想問有句英文…….in the rest of my life.我之前有個阿sir係咁教我,但係今日對卷,個miss話係…..for the rest of my life.先岩究竟邊個先係岩?幫幫我吧~兩個都啱。For the rest of my life歌仔都有得唱,Whatare you doing for the rest of your life? (呢句其實 grammar 好有問題,What are you doing???應該是What will you be doing… or What will you do..,但這却是真正歌名,貝沙灣廣告主題曲)In the rest of my life例1:I met her in 2002, andI will miss her in the rest of my life.我在2002年遇見她,在我有生之年,我將會想念她。在這裡如用 for the restof my life 就冇咁好。例2: I would like to meet a woman who can share my happiness and sorrow in the rest of my life.Again, 在這裡如用 for the restof my life 就冇咁好。In the rest of my life 是比較強調在我有生之年之內。I do not quite agree that we seldom use &in& as preposition when we are talking about time.We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.She likes to jog in the morning.It’s too cold in winter to run outside.He started the job in 1971.He’s going to quit in August.We use for when we measure time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years).He held his breath for seven minutes.She’s lived there for seven years.
我想要呢首歌~10點~幫幫忙~/watch?v=6EApg-rz_ig&mode=related&search=呢首what歌??俾條link我~Artist: Nina GordonAlbum: Tonight and The Rest of My Life Title: Tonight and the rest of my lifeDown to the earthI fell with dripping wingsHeavy things won’t flyAnd the sky might catch on fireAnd burn the axis of the world that’s whyI prefer a sunless skyTo the glittering and stinging in my eyes And I feel so lightThis is all i want to feel tonightAnd I feel so lightTonight and the rest of my lifeGleaming in the dark seaI’m as light as air floating there breathlesslyWhen the dream dissolvesI open up my eyesI realize thatEverything is shoreless seaA weightlessness is passing over meAnd I feel so lightThis is all i want to feel tonightAnd I feel so lightTonight and the rest of my lifeTonight and the rest of my lifeAnd IEverything is waves and starsThe universe is resting in my armsI feel so lightThis is all i want to feel tonightI feel so lightTonight and the rest of my lifeAnd I feel so lightThis is all i want to feel tonightAnd I feel so lightTonight and the rest of my lifeTonight and the rest of my life試聽:/urls/.htm
英文歌(有冇人知呢首歌叫咩名? 正確歌詞係咩?)歌詞大概係:one doesn't mean anything to mecan't show me the meaning of complete …once we were so strongwhen you told me …… the rest of my life… feelings … dreams & souls …when you let me believe that u were not complete …… by your side how could i know that u were gone that u were runbaby i thought u were the onewhy can't i just leave it all behind?i … that i was blindthere's sth make me real …baby i'm so … 15:13:35thanks! 你點揾到架?e首係&When You Told Me You Loved Me&Jessica Simpson唱^^嫁希望幫到你啦Jessica Simpson&When You Told Me You Loved Me&Once Doesn't mean anything to me Come Show me the meaning of complete Where Did our love go wrong Once we were so strong How can I go on? When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you weren't complete Without me by your side how could I know That you would go That you would run Baby, I thought you were the one Why Can't I just leave it all behind I Felt passion so bright that I was blind Then Something made me weak Talking in my sleep Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believed When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you weren't complete Without me by your side how could I know That you would go That you would run Baby, I thought you were the one Your lips Your face Something that time just can't erase Find my heart Could break All over again When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you weren't complete Without me by your side how could I know That you would go That you would run Baby, I thought you were the one
英文口試,2分鍾英文口試2分鍾「schoollife」My turning point(轉捩點) started on 1st September, 199x(你入讀中學的日期,我不知,所以要你自己寫). I commenced(開始) a new phase of my life(人生的新階段). I have transformed(轉變) form a primary student to a secondary student. What I feeled bewildered(迷惑的)was I had to make new friends and confronted(面對) a new learning environment in my new secondary school. I however missed all my old friends in the primary schoolevery minute of a day when I was a form one student.What impressed me most was the different subjects needed to be learnt in form one such as integrated science, geography, history,chines e and history comparing just small amounts of subjects required to be learnt in the primary school. The integrated sciencewas my favourite subject. It not only piqued(激起) my curiosity(好奇心) but also mademe understandwhat science was. Maybe one day, I will be thegreatest scientist(科學家) in theworld and this subject contributed most(貢獻得最多).From form 1 to form 3, my school lifeisqu ite good. I have made a lot offriends. And I thinksome of them will become my most intimate (親密的) friends for me to confide(傾訴) myintimate secret(內心的秘密) to them. I also knowI will keep in touch with them even Ileave my mother school one day. They teach and inspire(鼓勵) me a lot and what I have learnt form them is the part of who I am(我從她們身上學到的東西已成為自己的一部份). Theygive me tender support when I was in fruitless despire(乏味的失望) and made me laugh when I was crying. Iwouldn’t know what I would doif I lost them. They are my guidance angle(守護天使)for the rest of my life(在我的餘生中).Besides, teachers teach us well. Ican imbibe(吸收) knowledge bit by bit(一點一滴地). Their teaching methods are good since they avoid using spooning-feeding method (填鴨式方式) to teach us. They stimulate us to think more instead. Most of my teachers are just(公正的). Theydon’t sidewith(偏袒) a particular student they do like(do + like是用來加强語氣的). This is what impressed me most during my school life.In conclusion, I love my school and my teachers. I will try my best to deal with the subjects I encounter(遇到) in the future. I will try my bestto scoregood results in my coming (即將來臨的)public examination(公開考試) so that I could be a form six student to study inmy beloved(最愛的) school again.I hope you will like my composition.
What would you do if you had to spend the rest of your lifeWhat would you do if you had to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair ?What would you do if you had to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair ?If I have to spend the rest of my life in a weelchair, I would be very sad, but I won't go and kill myself.I would travel around the world and have a great time with my frienc=ds and family. And if I can, I would help the others unlucky people and the people who are poorer than me.I hope I can help you
英文番亦中文I can't live the rest of my life without u???直接翻譯:沒有你,餘生我不能活下去。改動翻譯:沒有你,餘生我不知道怎樣活下去。
我想問呢手歌係邊個唱….唔係流星花園果個/watch?v=dUDQ3UOT1fY&feature=related thx…歌名When You Told Me You Loved Me演唱Jessica Simpson專輯Irresistible (2001)Once Doesn’t mean anything to meComeShow me the meaning of completeWhere Did our love go wrongOnce we were so strongHow can I go on?When you told me you loved meDid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowingA dream didn’t turn out rightWhen you let me believe that you weren’t completeWithout me by your sidehow could I knowThat you would goThat you would runBaby, I thought you were the oneWhyCan’t I just leave it all behindI Felt passion so bright that I was blindThenSomething made me weakTalking in my sleepBaby, I’m in so deep and you know I believedWhen you told me you loved meDid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowingA dream didn’t turn out rightWhen you let me believe that you weren’t completeWithout me by your sidehow could I knowThat you would goThat you would runBaby, I thought you were the oneYour lipsYour faceSomething that time just can’t eraseFind my heartCould breakAll over againWhen you told me you loved meDid you know it would take me the rest of my lifeto get over the feeling of knowingA dream didn’t turn out rightWhen you let me believe that you weren’t completeWithout me by your sidehow could I knowThat you would goThat you would runBaby, I thought you were the one
”in the rest of” 點解呀?可唔可以解咩叫做&in the rest of&呀? thx&the rest of&解作整個的,餘下的,全部的.例如the rest of my life,餘生,一生.the rest of the story,整個故事.the rest of the world,整個世界.等等.in the rest of…….,意思是在整個的……..中.
劇集歌問題(20點)拜托小姐第9集尹恩惠喝酒0既地方0個個背景音樂係咩? THANKSJessica Simpson專輯Irresistible中的第6首:When You Told Me You Loved Me專輯Irresistible(不可抗拒)試聽+下載:/English/bluesrock/41319/youtube 視頻:/watch?v=ovh2lG9x7w4&feature=fvst中英文歌詞: Oncedoesn`t mean anything to me過往的曾經留下的只有虛幻的記憶Comeshow me the meaning of complete現在告訴我 你所謂完整的意義Where did our love gowrong once we were so strong究竟 那曾經堅定的愛出了什麼差錯How can I go on?我又該如何繼續?When you told me you loved me當你說你愛我時Did you know it would take me the rest of my life你可知,為此 我用盡餘生的力氣to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn`t turn out right試著從美景依舊的幻覺裡醒來When you let me believe that you weren`t complete Without me by your side 當我相信你說若沒有我,你的生命將不完整時how could I know That you would go That you would run我又怎會想到 你會離我遠去 就此離去Baby I thought you were the one….親愛的我以為你就是唯一…..WhyCan`t I just leave it all behind為什麼我無法就此忘懷這一切Ifelt passion so bright that I was blind當初的激情似火蒙蔽了我的雙眼ThenSomething made me weak隨後那曾經的愛讓我變得脆弱不堪Talking in my sleep讓我如此魂牽夢縈Baby I`m in so deep and you know I believed…..親愛的我是如此愛你而你也深知我是如此的堅定…..When you told me you loved me當你說你愛我時Did you know it would take me the rest of my life你可知,為此 我用盡餘生的力氣to get over the feeling of knowingA dream didn`t turn out right試著從美景依舊的幻覺裡醒來When you let me believe that you weren`t complete Without me by your side 當我相信你說若沒有我,你的生命將不完整時how could I know? That you would go That you would run 我又怎會想到 你會離我遠去 就此離去Baby I thought you were the one.親愛的我以為你就是唯一.Your lipsYour face你的唇你的臉Something that time just can`t erase 那些無法隨時光流逝的記憶Find my heartCould break All over again…. 讓我的心 再一次的支離破碎 ……When you told me you loved me 當你說你愛我時Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 你可知,為此 我用盡餘生的力氣to get over the feeling of knowing A dream didn`t turn out right試著從美景依舊的幻覺裡醒來When you let me believe that you weren`t complete Without me by your side 當我相信你說若沒有我,你的生命將不完整時how could I know? That you would go That you would run 我又怎會想到 你會離我遠去 就此離去Baby I thought you were the one…. 親愛的我還曾深信你是那個對的人
點樣先至令到自己散發到個人既味力(without 外表)???i still can\’t find the 1 i can spend rest of my life with!!!思想不要只是停留在一個階段上 ,因此不會進步的..從外在來看,不同年齡有不同的衣著、品味、化妝的模式首先衣著上、品味上、化妝上都要有一種獨特的風格,多留意(衣飾)雜誌及留意別人的的衣著與自己有什麼分別,對方有什麼好的地方有什麼不好的地方,從而建立自信心。從內在來看,個人修養出發..有時間多多到外出旅行走走不可以的話多看看電視(旅遊節目)或者可以多看看書及電影也有時候可以走走書展等等事宜從外到內可以的話給別人分享一下.交流一下意見!從而留意自己是否有什麼不夠好,還是是別人的問題呢?不要把問題注視在某一點上問題裡總會有解決的方法..解決得到的問題並不是一個問題重點是你會不會想辦法解決這些,努力吧!多方向出發行
幫我改下尼一篇英文 i am doing f.5 thxOn that day, I had to do an enrolment test in Craigmore Christian School. On the way to that school, we saw countless of lakes, rivers and small villages. However facing all these spectacular views, there was just a blank in my mind as I knew I was not really there to enjoy myself. We parked in a playground next to Craigmore Christian School at around 12. Soon I stepped out the car I already felt the uneasiness atmosphere. The sky no longer clear and sunny, the gloomy clouds swallowed the fire ball, the whole sky was turning into darkness. The deathly breeze blew alongside the road which flickered the faded leaves, as we walked down the silent route to school all forms of life seemed to be hiding. After the two minute’s walk, we went in the school and talked to the front office about the enrolment detail. After another five minutes waiting, a middle age lady took me away from my uncle. She pointed me to go to a classroom upstairs. At that time, I felt my heart pounding so loud, I was really nervous as I knew this is an important moment of my life. I reluctantly went up the stairs. In the midway on the stairs, I realised my body was trembling and I had to hold on the handrail to sustain myself not falling down. I am not sure if it was caused by the cold weather or the nervousness. Anyway I gradually reached the top floor and went in the room. Inside the room, the supervisor nicely introduced himself. His friendly smile gave me a bit of relief under all these hard time that I had been through. But as soon as I knew this test might affect the rest of my life, my hand would then start shaking uncontrollably. All I could do at that time was just waiting for the supervisor handed out the test paper. During that time, I tried to calm down myself by hardly scratching my arm under the desk but at the end I found out this would only get myself hurt. After five minutes checking identity and a few compulsive routines, the supervisor finally handed out the test paper.On that day, I had to do an enrolment test in Craigmore Christian School . On the way to that school, we saw countless of lakes, rivers and small villages. Even when facing all these spectacular views, my mind was just blank (we seldom use “a blank in my mind”)as I knew I was not really there to enjoy myself.We parked in a playground next to Craigmore Christian School at around 12 noon. Soon as I stepped out the car I already felt the uneasy (no need to use 2 nouns “uneasiness” here) atmosphere. The sky was no longer clear nor sunny. With the gloomy clouds swallowed the fire ball, the whole sky was turning dark. The deathly breeze blew alongside the road and shook (we normally use “flicker” for abstract things like shadow, candle light, etc.) the faded leaves. As we walked down the silent route to the school all forms of life seemed to be hiding. After the two minutes’ walk, we went into the school and talked to the front office about the enrolment details. After another five minutes’ waiting, a middle age lady led (she cannot physically “took” you) me away from my uncle. She directed me to go to a classroom upstairs. At that time, I felt my heart was pounding so loud. I was really nervous as I knew this was an important moment of my life. I reluctantly went (no the) upstairs. In the midway on the stairs, I realised my body was trembling and I had to hold on the handrail to sustain myself from falling down. I am not sure if it was caused by the cold weather or the nervousness. Anyway I gradually reached the top floor and went into the room. Inside the room, the supervisor nicely introduced himself. His friendly smile gave me a bit of relief after all these hard time (no that) I had been through. But as soon as I remembered this test might affect the rest of my life, my hand started shaking uncontrollably. All I could do at that time was just waiting for the supervisor to hand out the test paper.
give me the song wait for youwho can give me the songWAIT FOR YOU plz!!!我搵左好耐,但唔知你要邊個版本…咁我搵到兩首 wait for you ,希望係你想要既歌啦/mp3/.mp3 Wait for you —– Elliott YaminVerse 1 I never felt nothing in the world like this before Now I'm missing you & I'm wishing that you would come back through my door Why did you have to go? You could have let me know So now I'm all alone, Girl you could have stayed but you wouldnt give me a chance With you not around it's a little bit more then i can stand And all my tears they keep running down my face Why did you turn away? [Bridge] So why does your pride make you run and hide? Are you that afraid of me? But I know it's a lie what you keep inside This is not how you wanted to be [Chorus] So baby I will wait for you Cause I don''t know what else i can do Don't tell me I ran out of time If it takes the rest of my life (From:
) Baby I will wait for you If you think I'm fine it just aint true I really need you in my life No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you [Verse 2] It's been a long time since you called me (How could you forget about me) You got me feeling crazy (crazy) How can you walk away, Everything stays the same I just can't do it baby What will it take to make you come back Girl I told you what it is & it just ain't like that Why can't you look at me, your still in love with me Don't leave me crying. [Bridge] Baby why can't we just start over again Get it back to the way it was If you give me a chance I can love you right But your telling me it wont be enough (From:
) [Chorus] So baby I will wait for you Cause I don''t know what else i can do Don't tell me I ran out of time If it takes the rest of my life Baby I will wait for you If you think I'm fine it just aint true I really need you in my life No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you [Bridge] So why does you pride make you run & hide Are you that afriad of me? But I know it's a lie what your keeping inside Thats not how you wanted to be Baby I will wait for you Baby I will wait for you If it's the last thing i do [Chorus] Baby I will wait for you Cause I don't know what else i can do Don't tell me I ran out of time If it takes the rest of my life Baby I will wait for you you think I'm fine it just aint true I really need you in my life No matter what i have to do I'll wait for you I'll Be Waiting.
呢首歌叫咩名http://f4./diedi/3/.mp3 我以前聽過ga.. 但係唔記得左叫咩名… = =& 有冇人可以幫下我..Wait For You – Elliott Yaminmv : http://www.youtube.co/watch?v=SajSH8ufJDMmp3 download link: /?ao1qmaxamxz歌詞 : [Verse 1]I never felt nothing in the world like this before, (no)Now I’m missing you and I’m wishing you would come back through my door.
(yeah, oooh)Why did you have to go? (go)You could have let me know, (know)So now I’m all alone. (ouuuu) Girl, you could have stayedBut you wouldnt give me a chance.With you not around, it’s a little bit more than I can stand. (ooooh)And all my tears theyKeep running down my face. (face)Why did you turn away?[Bridge]So why does your pride make you run and hide?Are you that afraid of me? But I know it’s a lie what you keep inside,This is not how you want it to be.[Chorus]So, baby, I will wait for you.‘Cause I don’t know what else I can do.Don’t tell me I ran out of time.If it takes the rest of my life,
do I need to live on the ventolin puff ?If I suffer from asthma ,do I need to live on the ventolin puff for the rest of my life?You don't and you should never rely on the Ventolin puffer as they are only reliever but they do NOTHING to improve your airway! Therefore (depends on how bad is your asthma) you need to have some preventative medication (eg Seretide, Flixotide) if your asthma is not under control ( this means you need to use your Ventolin more than 3 times a week). On the other hand, you use the Ventolin too often, your body will get used to it and you will not respond to it in emergency.
有d乜野英文字同女友說肉麻d…要好長…好深….要成旬..thx有d乜野英文字同女友說肉麻d….要好長…好深…要成旬..thx肉麻可以.. 但係如果太深你女友晤明點算?你可以試下以下呢D:** (by myself) you are .. the one I always dream of… the special one I always run to meet.. the one I want to be with… You are the one who makes the world a nicer place!** (by myself) the more I see of life, the more I realize how precious you are to me.** (by myself) My vavourite place … is next to you!** (by myself) My love is wind, my love is air… you may not able to see it.. but you can feel it … that I love you so much … and I want to cherish you for the rest of my life!** (A valentine card I prepared some years ago).. Dearest XX, Just as a poet needs inspiration to write a masterprice, I need you … Just as an artist needs a subject for his work of art, I need you …Just as a teacher needs a pupil to mold into greatness, I need you …Just as a composer needs a theme to create a timeless melody, I need you …For without you, XX, my life would be empty of all inspiration. There will be no work of a no person of no timeless melody to listen to. My life will exist in shades of gray instead of vibrant colors, and I will be less than whole. In the past, the proper words have escaped me, and my innermost feelings have been kept locked away in the depths of my heart. No more – for through this letter, I proclaim to you, XX, my undying love and eternal devotion. I Love You!!!** (by L. Ahern) Whenever I see an older couple, holding hands. I pause. I imagine all they have experienced – jobs maybe children, woreis, vacations, homes, disappointments, tragedies, joys. I see their entwined fingers. I see them walking in perfect cadence, comfortable in being quite. I see in them the gentle joy that a life time of loving can give. … And I look forward to the privilege of growing old and holding hands with you. (呢句係想同人過埋下半世.. 如果你晤係就晤好用啦)
英文唔識講呀…..呢幾句英文點講???1)我m 到2)我幾娙辛苦終於做完d功課仲有如果講笑咁講..3)唔洗急, 最緊要快又點講呢???help help我!!!唔該哂!!好想學好d英文呀!!! 22:10:394) 這是我一生中的遺憾1) 我m 到.….I`m having my menstrual period.2) 我幾娙辛苦終於做完d功課.….I managed to finish my homework at last.仲有如果講笑咁講..3) 唔洗急, 最緊要快.….Don`t rush. Just be quick !4) 這是我一生中的遺憾.….I will regret this for the rest of my life.….I`ll be living with deep / bitter regret for the rest of my life.….This is going to be the deepest regret in my life.Hope this can help.
!!!!!!!!!!!!超趕,,,,,,,,,,Elliot Yamin Wait for you歌詞求求各位幫幫小弟搵吖,,唔該曬各位大俠,,,,,,,, 03:12:22有無人可以塙我釋做中文ar!? 超趕,,, 唔該曬,, 小弟定當勁感激咁多位大俠相救!!!!!!!!!!Elliott Yamin- Wait For YouI never felt nothing in the world like this before在這世上沒有甚麼事比這件事讓我感受深刻Now I’m missing you and I’m wishing you would come back through my door現在我正在思念你,祈望你能推開門回到我身邊Why did you have to go?為甚麼你非要離開我?You could have let me know你應該讓我知道So now I’m all alone,現在只剩下孤孤單單的我Girl you could have stayed but you wouldnt give me a chance你應該留在我身邊,但是你沒有給我機會If you are not around it’s a little bit more then I can stand我不能忍受你不在我身邊And all my tears stay keep running down my face我的眼淚不停的流過臉頰Why did you turn away?為甚麼你轉身而去?So why does your pride make you run and hide?為何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏?Are you that afraid of me?你是不是害怕面對我?But I know it’s a lie what you keep inside但是我知道那是謊言,到底有甚麼藏在你的內心深處?This is not how you wanted to be這一定不是你想要的So baby I will wait for you所以寶貝我會等你Cause I don’t know what else I can do因為我也不知道我還能做些甚麼Don’t tell me I ran out of time別告訴我;我已經沒有時間了If it takes the rest of my life即使是用盡我的餘生Baby I will wait for you寶貝我會等著你If you think I’m fine it just ain’t true如果你認為現在我很好;那你就大錯特錯了I really need you in my life我的生命中不能沒有你No matter what I have to do I’ll wait for you無論我需要做甚麼我都會等著你回來It’s been a long time since you called me距離上次你給我電話已經過了很長時間(How could you forget about me)你怎能將的我忘記!?You got me feeling crazy (crazy)你令我快要發瘋了How can you walk away?你怎能一走了之呢?Everything stays the same一切沒有改變I just can’t do it baby只是我已無能為力What will it take to make you come back做些甚麼才能使你回到我身邊Girl I told you what it is & it just ain’t like that我曾告訴過你我們將會如何,但絕不是像這樣Why can’t you look at me, your still in love with me為甚麼不看我一眼,你還一直愛著我Don’t leave me crying.不要留下我獨自哭泣Baby why can’t we just start over again寶貝我們為甚麼不能重新開始呢Get it back to the way it was回到以前在一起時的生活If you give me a chance I can love you right如果你能給我一次機會,我會真心去愛你But your telling me it wont be enough可是你告訴我這些還不夠So baby I will wait for you所以寶貝我會等你Cause I don’t know what else I can do因為我也不知道我還能做些甚麼Don’t tell me I ran out of time不要告訴我;我已經沒有時間了If it takes the rest of my life即使是用盡我的餘生Baby I will wait for you寶貝我會等著你If you think I’m fine it just ain’t true如果你認為現在我很好;那你就大錯特錯了I really need you in my life我的生命中不能沒有你No matter what I have to do I’ll wait for you無論我需要做甚麼我都會等著你回來So why does your pride make you run and hide?為何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏?Are you that afraid of me?你是不是害怕面對我?But I know it’s a lie what you keep inside但是我知道那是謊言,到底有甚麼藏在你的內心深處?This is not how you wanted to be這一定不是你想要的Baby I will wait for you寶貝我會等你Baby I will wait for you寶貝我會等你的啊!If it’s the last thing I do如這是我唯一能做的 Baby I will wait for you寶貝我會等著你If you think I’m fine it just ain’t true如果你認為現在我很好;那你就大錯特錯了I really need you in my life我的生命中不能沒有你No matter what I have to do I’ll wait for you無論我需要做甚麼我都會等著你回來I’ll be waiting…我會一直等… /page/24119/ 網上聽 mp3
可唔可以幫我翻釋做中文??Mama, Papa forgive meOut of sight, out of mindOut of time to decideDo we run? Should I hideFor the rest of my lifeCan we fly? Do we stay?We could lose we could failIn the monent it takesTo make plans or mistakes30 minutes, the blink of an eye30 minutes to alter our lives30 minutes to make up my mind30 minutes to finally decide30 minutes to whisper your name30 minutes to shoulder the blame30 minutes of bliss, 30 lies 11:59:04Carousels in the sky That we shape with our ways Under shade silhouettes Casting shame Crying rain Can we fly do I stay Either way, options change chances fade, Trains derail. To decideMama, Papa forgive meOut of sight, out of mindOut of time to decideDo we run? Should I hideFor the rest of my lifeCan we fly? Do we stay?We could lose we could failIn the monent it takesTo make plans or mistakes30 minutes, the blink of an eye30 minutes to alter our lives30 minutes to make up my mind30 minutes to finally decide30 minutes to whisper your name30 minutes to shoulder the blame30 minutes of bliss, 30 liesCarousels in the skyThat we shape with our waysUnder shade silhouettesCasting shameCrying rainCan we fly do I stayEither way, options changechances fade, Trains derail.To decide++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 媽媽,爸爸原諒我 眼不見,心不煩 不合時宜決定 我們跑嗎? 我應該隱藏嗎 在我有生之年 我們能飛嗎? 我們留下來嗎? 我們能失敗我們能失敗 在monent裡它帶 犯計畫或者錯誤 30 分鐘,一只眼睛的眨眼 30 分鐘改變我們的生活 30 分鐘決定 要最後決定的30 分鐘 30 分鐘低聲地說你的名字 30 分鐘扛著責備 30 分鐘極樂,30句謊話 在天空裡的轉盤 我們用我們的模式發展 在蔭涼黑色半面畫像下 鑄件羞恥 哭雨 我留下來的我們飛的罐頭 兩種模式中的任一種,選擇改變 機會消失,火車出軌。 決定
英文作文:My school life請盡量作夠200字以上When i was a kindergarten student, i always play during the lessons. I didn’t need to care about everything because my parents always help my to pck the schoolbag, brought me to school and home. I could cry when i meet some small thing that unhappy such as quarrel with our classmates, but later, we all forgot it and play together!\ When i was a primary student, i started behaved myself althought i was somehow naughty. I need to take care myself , such as i need to go to school myself, i need not cried for i am a big boy/girl! I have many friend no and they are my real friends that although i went to the secondary school, we still keep in touch sometime whenever how busy i am Today, i am a seondry student. I need to be strong all the time. I can only cried quickly in my bedroom because i must show i am not a coward! In addition, i need to pay double hard on my schoolwork because i started knowing that i need to plan my future. Whenever i don’t understand my homework, my classmates will teaches me and either my teachers. I like my classmates. They i like my teachers for they are extremely hard-working! In short, i really\y enjoy my school life. My schoolife is wonderful. http://hk./question/?qid=3 My school life I like my school.My teachers are fantastic!They are kind and caring.They always teach us many new things that we didn’t know before. I was young when I came to this school.I was afraid that the classmates would be rude to me.But I was totally wrong!My classmates are very friendly.They play many games with me everyday,such as hide-and-seek.They usually tell me jokes and make me laugh. I love my school,teachers and classmates.I hope I can study in this school forever! http://hk./question/?qid=5 My turning point started on 1st September, 199x(你入讀中學的日期,我不知,所以要你自己寫). I commenced a new phase of my life. I have transformed form a primary student to a secondary student. What I felt bewildered was I had to make new friends and confronted a new learning environment in my new secondary school. I however missed all my old friends in the primary school every minute of a day when I was a form one student. What impressed me most was the different subjects needed to be learnt in form one such as integrated science, geography, history, Chinese and history comparing just small amounts of subjects required to be learnt in the primary school. The integrated science was my favorite subject. It not only piqued my curiosity but also made me understand what science was. Maybe one day, I will be the greatest scientist in the world and this subject contributed most. From form 1 to form 3, my school life is quite good. I have made a lot of friends. And I think some of them will become my most intimate friends for me to confide my intimate secret to them. I also know I will keep in touch with them even I leave my mother school one day. They teach and inspire me a lot and what I have learnt form them is the part of who I am. They give me tender support when I was in fruitless despire and made me laugh when I was crying. I wouldn’t know what I would do if I lost them. They are my guidance angle for the rest of my life. Besides, teachers teach us well. I can imbibe knowledge bit by bit. Their teaching methods are good since they avoid using spooning-feeding method to teach us. They stimulate us to think more instead. Most of my teachers are just. They don’t side with a particular student they do like(do + like. This is what impressed me most during my school life. In conclusion, I love my school and my teachers. I will try my best to deal with the subjects I encountering in the future. I will try my best to score good results in my coming public examination so that I could be a form six student to study in my belovedschool again. http://hk./question/?qid=1
ProofreadingPlease help check the following sentence: Although I found myself in that stage between grief and anger, I still could not bring myself to rail against the man I once believed [was] the love of my life. My question is, should I change the quoted [was] to [as] as I think the [was] is redundant and become the second verb of the sentence, which goes against the English grammar rule [1 sentence, 1 verb]. Am I right? Thanks in advance.Let’s look at the sentence:… against the man I once believed ___ the love of my lifeAnd focus only on the adjectival clause and yank out the rest of the words that play no significant role in the meaning of the sentence:… against the man I once believed __ the love of my lifeNow, it is very clear that you adjectival clause already has a verb, &believed.& Thus, you cannot put &was& in ___ since that would get you two main verbs in one phrase.Regarding &as,& it is easier for me to explain if I flip your sentence back from an adjectival phrase to a simple sentence.… the man (whom) I believed as the love of my life… I believed the man as the love of my life.This does not sound right either. What you want to say is probably:… I believed the man to be the love of my life.Then, if you flip the sentence back to an adjectival phrase, you get:… the man (whom) I believed to be the love of my lifeAnd the phrase is now grammatically correct.


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