i have acold soree throa...

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1. to have a sore throat
2. I have a sore throat.
3. I have a sore throat today.
来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
1. Your GP may have a counsellor at the surgery.
2. She will certainly have a great squad of players.
3. I expect the team to have a better car.
注:例句限定的时间为40秒,加油喔!have a sore throat的用法和样例:
I have a sore throat and it makes me feel wretched.
He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose.
have a sore throat的海词问答与网友补充:
have a sore throat的相关资料:
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我有流感我感冒 用the表示强调 用a没用强调的意思I have a sore eyes是可以的
.8月3日电 据西班牙欧浪网报道,近日,侨胞贺女士向.诉说了一件让她异常愤愤不平的事情,事情的起因是由马德里大区政府所拍摄的一个公益广告,贺女士告诉.,这个广告看的我实在是义愤填膺,为什么众多旅西侨胞在面对这样一个广告的时候,没有人愿意去干涉呢,这明明是一种种族歧视,尤其歧视了在西班牙的华人女侨胞。我觉得有关部门真的应该来干涉一下 ,不能让这样的东西损害我们华人的形象。
扫描下载二维码I have been coughing up mucus from allergies? and now have a sore throat
Last weekend I was coughing up mucus. I coughed up a little bit of brown mucus, then the rest was a yellowish color. I kinda did a weird forced cough to cough it all up because it was really annoying. It was alot of mucus. Now I have a really sore throat, I keep feeling like I have to drink water because its itching and it feels really irritated. I took some Halls throat drops and am drinking tons of water. Its not helping though. What should I do? FYI I do not smoke.
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1/ DONT breath through your mouth, 2 swallow mucus per 1-5 minute so its right amount.
And get itching cream.i suggest some hot water, dip ur face in it so it burns
1/ DONT breath through your mouth, 2 swallow mucus per 1-5 minute so its right amount.
And get itching cream.i suggest some hot water, dip ur face in it so it burns
Are you sure it's an allergy? Brown and yellow mucous sounds a bit more like an infection.
I use Chloraseptic lozenges because they freeze your throat.&&Instant relief.
Are you sure it's an allergy? Brown and yellow mucous sounds a bit more like an infection.
I use Chloraseptic lozenges because they freeze your throat.&&Instant relief.
ok thanks. maybe its an infection. my doctor said it sounds like an upper respitory. but i do have environmental allergies.
ok thanks. maybe its an infection. my doctor said it sounds like an upper respitory. but i do have environmental allergies.
look into acid reflux- sounds like it could be a possibility...
acid burns your throat and you can also cough up...
look into acid reflux- sounds like it could be a possibility...
acid burns your throat and you can also cough up...
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I have been coughing up mucus from allergies? and now have a sore throat
Last weekend I was coughing up mucus. I coughed up a little bit of brown mucus, then the rest was a yellowish color. I kinda did a weird forced cough to cough it all up because it was really annoying. It was alot of mucus. Now I have a really sore throat, I keep feeling like I have to drink water because its itching and it feels really irritated. I took some Halls throat drops and am drinking tons of water. Its not helping though. What should I do? FYI I do not smoke.
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