glue code的发音

鱼胶制版法,fish-glue process,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 鱼胶制版法
1)&&fish-glue process
2)&&gelatin relief process
4)&&gelatin process
5)&&aquatone process
红醋鱼胶冻[原料] 鱼胶冻250克,香菜25克。[调料] 黄酒、生抽、糖各3克,老抽2克,盐1克,胡椒粉0.1克,味精1.5克,辣油、浙江红醋各5克,葱姜汁4克。[操作程序]1.把黄酒、老抽、生抽、盐、糖、胡椒粉、味精、辣油、浙江红醋、葱姜汁放在碗中调匀。2.鱼胶冻放入盘内,浇上兑制好的调味。放上香菜即可食用。[特色点评] 晶莹透亮,质感软爽,口味鲜香微带酸辣。鱼胶冻是现成的半制品,质感好,色泽美,饭店制作又方便,故备受饭店推崇。[要领提示] 要低温保存,口味调制要适口。制作又方便,故备受饭店推崇。[要领提示] 要低温保存,口味调制要适口。
说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。glue gun的用法和样例:
You can put a canvas onto the panel by a glue gun.
Mini glue gun and long-lasting, high reliability.
For this procedure, you'll need a hot glue gun and/ or epoxy resin.
Oh.All righty,well,then I`m going to need a glue gun,some pinking shears,and five yards of grosgrain ribbon.
Application:Suitable for Hot Melt Glue Gun, Used In Electron Parts Or Coil、Etc.
From its name,the Tool Command Language (Tcl) may sound like it belongs with the saber saw and the electric drill.But a glue gun is probably a better image.
glue gun的海词问答与网友补充:
glue gun的相关资料:
相关词典网站:n. 超强力胶水
1.You can even buy a type of superglue that comes in two parts.
好文推荐:李阳疯狂英语标准美语发音宝典舌边辅音 /l/ 下
本单元音标:舌边辅音 /l/
Americans' Favorite Sentences:
Jim's Favorite Sentences:
&1. I haven't seen Lisa lately.How is she?
& 最近我没见到丽莎。她好吗?
&2. I feel very lucky to live in China!
&& 我觉得住在中国很幸运!
&3. Don't feel sad and lonely.Talk to me.
&& 不要感到悲伤和寂寞。和我说说吧。
&Nabil's Favorite Sentences:
&1. Larry is too lazy to lift a finger.
&&& 拉里懒得不想动指头去帮任何人。
&2. Do you want to listen to my latest CD?
&&&&& 你想听我的最新的CD吗?
Kim's Favorite Sentences:
&1. please leave me alone.
&& 别管我。/请别打扰我。
&2. I need to lose a little weight.
&& 我得减点肥。
&3. What's the speed limit on this road?
&& 这条路的车速限制是多少?
Andrew's Favorite Sentences:
&1). I really had a lovely time!
&&& 我过得真是愉快!
&2). Do you believe in life after death?
&&& 你相信来生吗?
&1. I'll be glad to have lunch with you.
&& 我很高兴能和你共进午餐。
&2. I like to take life slowly.
&&& 我喜欢悠闲地生活。
&3. Americans use &elevator& instead of &lift&.
&& 美国人说 &elevator& 而不是 &lift&.
&4. I like to listen to light music in my leisure time.
&&& 业余时间里我喜欢听轻音乐。
&5. I've lived alone for a long time,but I seldom feel lonely.
&&& 我一个人住了很长时间,但我很少感到孤单。
&6. You look like you went to sleep late last night.What did you do?
&&& 看来你昨晚很晚才睡。你干什么了?
&7. Let sleeping dogs lie.
&&& 别惹是非。
&8. There's no shortcut in language learning.
&&& 学习语言是没有捷径的。
发音技巧:/p/ /b/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /s/ +/l/在词首的发音
&place, plain, plan, plant, plate, play, plaza, pleasant, please, pleasure, pledge, plenty, plot, plug, plump, plural,plus
&1). What's your plan for the weekend?
&&&& 你周末打算干什么?
&2). Tianhe Plaza is my favorite place to shop.
&&& 天河城是我最喜欢的购物场所。
&black, blame, blank, blanket, bleed, bless, blind, blink, block, blood, blossom, blow, blue, blunder, blunt, blurt
& 特别奉献:
&1). I don't blame you for blurting it out.
& 你这样冲口而出,我不怪你。
&2).My eyes are bruised black and blue.
&& 我的眼睛被打得青一块紫一块。
& claim, clap, clarify, class, classic,classical,clean,clear,clerk, clever, climate, climb, clinic, clock, close, clothes,cloud, club, clumsy, klutz
& 特别奉献:
&1). Why are you so clumsy,you klutz?
&& 你这个笨蛋,怎么这么笨拙?
&2). Anyone in the class join our club.
&&& 班里任何人都可以参加我们的俱乐部。
&glad, glance,glare,glass,glide,glimpse,glitter,global, globe, gloom, glory, glove, glow, glue
&1). I'm glad the global situation is getting better.
&& 我很高兴全球的局势在好转。
&2). All that glitters is not gold.
&& 闪光的不一定是金子。
&flag, flair, flake, flame, flash, flat, flavor, flaw,flee, fleet, flesh, flexible, flick, flight, flirt, float, flood,floor, flow, flower, flunk, flush, fly
&1). She was very excited about finally seeing the famous movie actor in the flesh.
&&& 终于见到了那个著名的男电影演员本人,她十分激动。
&2). He flunked out of college in his first year.
&&&& 他大学一年级就因成绩差被开除了。
&slack, slam, slander, slant, slap, slaughter,slave,sleep,sleepless, sleeve, slender, slice, slide, slight, slim, slip, slogan, slope, slow, sly
&1). How do you keep so slim?
& 你是怎么保持这么苗条的?
&2). I had a sleepless night because of the mosquitos.
&& 因为蚊子,我一夜没睡。
&3).Could you please speak slowly?
&& 你能说慢点吗?
容易搞混的/l/ /n/ /r/
&1. It's not right to leave the light on for the whole night.
&& 整夜不关灯是不对的。
&2. Neither Jenny nor Jerry likes jelly.
&&& 詹妮和杰瑞都不喜欢果冻。
&1. calm 平静的;镇静的;使平静;使镇静
&Calm down!Anger will get you nowhere.
&2. behalf 代表
&My huaband could not be here tonight ,but I want to thank you on his behalf.
& 我丈夫今晚因故不能前来,我代表他向你们致谢。
& 谈话;交谈
&We need to have a face-to-face talk.
& 我们需要面谈一下。
&4. walk 步行;散步
& I walked around for several hours while I waited for you.
& 我等你的时候来回走了几个小时。
&5. could 能够;可能
& 1). Could you pass me the pen over there?
&&& 你能把那支笔递给我吗?
& 2). What's the worst thing that could happen?
&& 可能发生的最糟糕的事是什么?
&6. would 将;将会;会;要
& 1). Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?
&& 你今晚能来跟我们一起吃晚饭吗?
&& 2). I would help you if I could,but I'm afraid I can't.
&& 如果我能我会帮你的,但恐怕我帮不了你。
&&& 3). I told him not to go but he wouldn't listen!
&&&& 我叫他不要去,但他就是不听!
&7. should 应当;应该
&& You should tell the boss before you make any changes.
& 你做任何改动之前应该告诉老板。
&8. Lincoin 林肯(人名)
& Abraham Lincoin is considered one of the greatest American presidents.
& 亚伯拉罕&林肯被公认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。
&1. How's life?
& 过得怎么样?
&疯狂实战:A: How's life?过得怎么样?
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B: Couldn't be better.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 好得不能再好。
&2. I'm lost.
&&& 我糊涂了。/我迷路了。
&疯狂实战:A: I'm lost.Could you say that again more slowly?
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我没听懂。您能慢一点再说一遍吗?
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B: Certainly.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 当然可以。
&3. Do I look like a fool?
&&& =Do you think I'm stupid?
&&&& 我看起来像傻瓜吗?/你觉得我这么蠢吗?
&4. I can't believe it! 我真不敢相信!
&5. It's the last straw. 忍无可忍。
&6. I slept like a log.
&&&& 我睡得很香。
& 疯狂实战:A: How did you sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B: I slept like a log. 我睡得很香。
&7. Are you following me?
&&&& 你跟得上吗?/你听得懂吗?
& 8. Don't lose heart.
&&&& 不要失去信心。
& 9. It slipped my mind.
&&&& 我忘了。
& 10. Take it or leave it.
&&&& 要就拿走,不要拉倒。
lively 活泼的;栩栩如生的
&lonely 孤独的;寂寞的
& limit 限制;限度;范围
&lately 最近;近来
&neglect 忽视;疏忽
& reality 真实;现实
& utilize 利用
&& collect 收集;聚集
& ability 能力;才干
& melody 旋律;歌曲
&1). I've been feeling extremely lonely lately!
&&&&& 我最近感到特别孤单!
&2). I have a unique hobby.I enjoy collecting beautiful, useful sentences.
&&&&& 我有个独特的爱好,我喜欢收集漂亮的、有用的句子。
Jim's Contribution:
&The epidemic of childhood obesity in America is largely the result of parental neglect.
& 在美国极为常见的儿童肥胖症大部分是父母疏忽的结果。
Jim's final words of wisdom:
& English is beautiful.English is useful.
English is international.English is simply wonderful.
& 英语是优美的,英语是有用的,英语是国际化得,英语就是很棒的。
It's never too late to learn English!
& 学习英语永远都不会迟!
&Little by little you will speak good English.
&Little by little you will fall in love with English.
& 你会渐渐爱上英语。
&Let's make miracles together!
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