
WHO有 全国英语等级听力考试(浙江第二级) 主编 李俊和 2012版 (高分突破)中国出版集团现代教育出版社_百度知道
WHO有 全国英语等级听力考试(浙江第二级) 主编 李俊和 2012版 (高分突破)中国出版集团现代教育出版社
1. What is the woman doing?
& A. Buying a handbag.
& B. Trying on a piece of clothing.
& C. Drawing a picture of the countryside.
2. What is the possible relationship between the speakers?
& A. Family
members&& B.
C. Co-workers
3. What's the man angry about?
& A. Telephoning while driving
& B. Some women drivers.
& C. Traffic lights.
4. What does the woman mean?
& A. She will choose the man.
& B. The man was late in asking.
& C. She may run for the position.
5. What does the woman want the man to do?
& A. Stop buying cameras. B. Start doing
exercises& C. Set up a museum.
6. How will the man's brother go to South America?\
ship.&&& B. By
plane.&&& C. By
7. What will the man probably buy for his brother?
C. A clock.
8. Where is Rick working now?
& A. In a travel company.& B.
In a hotel.&&&
C. In a law office
9. How does Rick feel about his trip?
Excited.&& B.
Curious&& C. Nervous
10. When will Rick leave?
& A. In three
B. In a week.&&&
C. In a month.
11. What do we know about the grandmother?
& A. She lives by herself.
& B. She's as healthy as before.
& C. She often does some cleaning.
12. How long has the grandmother lived in Kentucky?
& A. Since her husband died.
& B. Since she was married.
& C. Since her son moved away
13. What does the grandmother enjoy about her present life?
& A. Being busy with housework
& B. Being with relatives.
& C. Being with friends.
14. What was the woman talking about at the beginning of the
&A. Her story of completing a task.
&B. Her experience of being lost.
&C. Her trip abroad.
15. What did the man do in the bar in Germany?
& A. Met his
friends&& B. Attended a
lecture.& C. Gave a performance.
16. How did the man find his way back to the bar?
& A. By following a man& B. By
looking at a map.& C. By asking an old woman.
17. What do we know about the man?
& A. He cannot stand the noise in the bar.
& B. He doesn't like to wear T-shirts.
& C. He doesn't speak German.
18. Who's the speaker?
& A. A& radio
announcer.&& B. A police
officer.&& C. A taxi driver.
19. What makes driving taxi a hard job in London?
traffic.&& B. Confused street
names.&& C. Large population in
20. What will the speaker probably do if he's stuck on the
& A. Have a map
ready.&& B. Be
C. Change directions.
1.B& 试穿衣服clothing
2.C 是co-worker (have not seen you in company)
3.A (phoning while driving)
4.B (late in asking,女的打算投室友的票)
5.C stop buying cameras
6.B plane (fly to)
7.A toothbrush (tie是店员推荐,clock
8.C law office (low office 派Rick去旅行)
9.A excited
10.B a week (三天前得知,一周后出发,去一个月)
11.A live by herself
12.B married (since she first married)
13.C friends
14.B 女的先谈自己迷路经历,再引出男的讲在德国迷路的事情
15.C gave a performance (concert&
around the stage)
16.A follow man
17.C& He cannot speak german (she
do not speak English,I do not speak German)
18.A a radio announcer
19.A bad traffic (the traffic is worse and
20.B be understanding
W:How do I look?
M:Not bad.Does it feel all right?
W:Er…A bit tighter around here.
M:I really like the color.It matches your handbag.
W:We haven’t seen much of you lately in the company.Have you
been away on business?
M:No.I've been away on holiday.I’ve got a cousin in
M:It drives me mad when people use their cell phones at the
W:Mmm, what happened?
M:I nearly had all accident because the woman was talking on her
cell phone while driving and didn’t see the traffic lights turn
red.She nearly killed me.
&M:Sarah.I prepare to run for class monitor and
I’m wondering if I er…if I can count on your support.
W:Oh, maybe if you had asked me sooner,but my roommate is
running too,and I already promised her that she had my
W:Have you bought a new camera again? You are turning my flat
into a camera museum.
M:I’ll stop.I’ll try.But I probably can’t,I see a new model and
my knees go weak.
W:May I help you, sir?
M:Yes, please.I want to buy a personal gift for my brother.He’s
taking a trip to South America.
W:Is he going by ship or plane?
M:He’s flying.My gift will have to be something light in weight.
What can you suggest?
W:What about this tie? It’s made of pure silk.
M:My sister already gave him one.I’d like something unusual.Let
me look around.Oh, that clock looks nice but….
W:Hey, here is a gift for the man who has everything.
M:Oh, a folding toothbrush.That’s a wonderful idea.I’ll take
W:Have you heard that the boss of the 1aw office where Rick
works wants him to fly to Brazil and do a month’s work
M:That’s nice.He’ll love it because everything will be paid for,
such as air travel,meals,hotel and this is his first time
to get out of the states.
W:Indeed, you won’t believe how much he is looking forward to it
and how much his little sister admires him.He is
going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done,and he
promised to buy his sister gifts.
M:Who else is going besides him?
W:He’s going alone.
M:When will he be leaving?
W:He was told about it three days ago.And I think he will leave
in a week.
M:Oh, who is the beautiful old woman in front of the house?
W:That’s my grandmother.
M:Oh, then that must be your house in the background.Where is
W:No, that’s my grandmother’s house.She lives in Kentucky. We
live in Boston. About two and a half hours away by
M:Then does she live with your uncle or aunt?
W:No,since her husband died,she has lived alone.
M:Alone? But she is so old.Who takes care of her?
W:She takes care of herself, though she is 81 this year,and is
beginning to slow down a little.She has a cleaning lady
who comes for a few hours a week to clean the house and help her
with the shopping.
M:But isn't she lonely without family?
W:Of course not. She has lived in the same neighborhood since
she is first married so she knows all the neighbors,
young and old and she has lots of friends.
M:Why doesn't she live with you? Don't you miss
W:Wen,actually, we talk to her on the phone every week and visit
her at least once a year.But we are busy with our
lives and so is she. We'd love to have a visit, but we all know
that if she lived with us we might not get along so
W:And I realized we were completely 1ost but at least we got
there in the end.
M:Funny you should say that because er…a similar thing happened
to me one time when I was abroad. We were
&&& actually
doing a concert in this bar in Germany.
M: I was actually about to appear on the stage you know, with
the band.And I just thought I'll just go out for a
&&& walk and
get some flesh air.It had about half an hour before we had to go
M:And I went outside, you know,had a look around, walked around
for a bit and then I decided to go back and I
&&& couldn't
find it.It was about two minutes before we were supposed to
W:No,you're joking.
M:Yeah,I thought,ah! What am I gonna do?
W:Could you ask for directions?
M:Well, I tried, I asked an old woman but she didn't speak
English, and I don't speak German.
W:Don't you?
M:And then I realized I couldn't remember the name of me bar or
the street it was on or anything. So, you know, I was
in the middle of the town I didn't know,not knowing the
language. And luckily, I saw someone wearing one of our
T—shirts, he was obviously going to the concert,so I thought of
following him back to the bar.
W:Wow, that was lucky.Thank goodness!
M:When I got back,the guys were like, "Where have you been? We
thought you run out on us." anyway,we managed.
M:Hello.I'm Caron Robinson.And this is London Life.In the
program today, let me ask you a question first. What do
&& you think will be the
hardest job in Britain? A police officer? Perhaps a deep sea
fisherman.Well,no,according to
&& recent research,being a
London taxi driver takes that prize.It's really a hard job,really
difficult.One reason is the traffic,it's getting worse and worse in
London.For most of us, if we have to sit in traffic jam for a few
minutes,we get anxious.But imagine if you have to do that all day
every day as your job.What's more, passengers get into the taxi and
want to get from A to B as quickly as possible. They are in a hurry
and that makes things worse for the drivers.To prepare for the test
would be drivers have to remember ways and places of interest
around central London.This is an area Which has about 25,000
streets they need to be able to take passengers from A to B without
having to look at a map and without having to ask for directions.It
usually takes nearly three years to pass the test, so it is also
found in the research that parts of the brains of taxi drivers are
actually larger than those in the general population.It seems as if
learning all the streets and ways makes the parts of the brain
grow.Well,anyway,this is the most tiring job.Next time,you are
stuck in traffic jam and feel mad.Spare a thought for the taxi
drivers who have to spend most of their working life in them.
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