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简明英汉词典beat[bi:t]n.敲打, 拍子, 巡逻区域v.打, 打败美国传统词典[双解]beatbeatAHD:[b?t] D.J.[bi8t]K.K.[bit]v.(动词)beat, beat.en[b?t“n] 或 beat beat.ing, beatsv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To strike repeatedly.反复击打(2)To punish by flog.鞭打,处罚:用力击打或鞭打来惩罚;鞭打(3)To strike against repea pound:重击:连续用力地击打;抨击:waves beating the shore.海浪拍击着海岸(4)To flap, especially wings.振翅,鼓翼:扑打,尤指扑打翅膀(5)To strike so as to produce music or a signal:打拍子:击打以发出乐声或信号:beat a drum.击鼓(6)Music To mark or count (time or rhythm) with the hands or with a baton.【音乐】 指挥:用手或指挥棒挥动或敲打以记数时间和表明节奏(7)To shape or bre forge:煅造:连续敲击以切断或成形;锻造,打铁:beat the glowing metal into a dagger.把灼热的金属锻造成匕首(8)To make by pounding or trampling:踏出,踩成:用践踏或移动的方式形成:beat a path through the jungle.在丛林中踩出一条路(9)To mix rapidly with a utensil:搅拌:在器具里快速搅拌:beat two eggs in a bowl.在碗里打两只鸡蛋(10)To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.战胜:在比赛中战胜,压倒(11)To force to withdraw or retreat:击溃,击退:beat back the enemy.击退敌人(12)To dislodge from a position:杀价,移开:将…从某一位置移去:I beat him down to a lower price.我迫使他把价格降低(13)Informal To be superior to or better than:【非正式用语】 超过:高于或好于…:Riding beats walking.骑车比走路快(14)Slang To perplex or baffle:【俚语】 困惑:使大惑不解,难倒:I I don't know the answer.这可难倒了我;我不知道答案(15)Informal 【非正式用语】 (16)To avoid or counter the effects of, oft circumvent:避开:躲避或抵消…的影响,常常通过事先的考虑;设法规避:beat the traffic.设法躲开交通拥挤(17)To arrive or finish before (another):先于:比另一人先到达或先完成:We beat you home by five minutes.我比你早到家5分钟(18)To deprive, as by craft or ability:榨取,剥夺:使用心机和能力剥夺:He beat me out of 20 dollars with his latest scheme.他用新招骗取了我20块钱v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To inflict repeated blows.连续地敲击(2)T throb.搏动;悸动(3)Physics To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.【物理学】 振动:叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音(4)To emit sound when struck:敲击发出响声:The gong beat thunderously.锣声如雷(5)To strike a drum.击鼓,打鼓(6)To flap repeatedly.连续拍击(7)To be vict win.战胜:胜利或成功;赢得(8)To hunt through woods or underbrush in search of game.搜猎:穿过树丛或灌木搜寻猎物(9)Nautical To sail in the direction from which the wind blows.【航海】 逆风而行,抢风而行n.(名词)(1)A stroke or blow, especially one that produces a sound or serves as a signal.敲打:敲击,吹打,尤用于产生响声或发出信号(2)A pulsation or throb.(心脏)悸动,搏动(3)Physics A pulsation produced by beating.【物理学】 振动:敲击产生的振动(4)Music 【音乐】 (5)A regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子:一般的韵律时间单位(6)The gesture used by a conductor to indicate this unit of time.指挥:用来表示节拍的动作或姿势(7)The symbol representing this unit of time.拍符:表示拍子的符号(8)The measured, rhyth meter.韵律:诗的节奏,韵律;音步(9)The area regularly covered by a reporter, a police officer, or a sentry:采访区:新闻记者,警察,或哨兵经常涉猎,负责的范围,地区:television's culture beat.电视的文化专题采访(10)The reporting of a news item obtained ahead of one's competitors.独家报道:被某个竞争者抢先获取的新闻消息adj.(形容词)(1)Informal Worn- fatigued.【非正式用语】 精疲力竭的;疲惫的(2)Of, relating to, or being a beatnik:披头族的:披头族的或与披头族有关的:the beat generation.披头族常用词组beat off(1)To drive away.击退,逐走(2)Vulgar Slang To masturbate.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 手淫beat outBaseball To reach base safely on (a bunt or ground ball).【棒球】 安全上垒:使(短打或地滚球)成为安打习惯用语beat a retreatTo make a hasty withdrawal.匆忙撤军beat around the bush或beat about the bushTo fail to confront a subject directly.转弯抹角,旁敲侧击:不能直接切入主题beat it【俚语】To leave hurriedly.匆忙离开beat the bushesTo make an exhaustive search.进行彻底搜查beat the drum或beat the drumsTo give enthusiastic public support or promotion:大肆鼓吹:在公开场合极力支持或鼓动:a politician who beats the drum for liberalism.一个竭力鼓吹自由主义的政治家to beat the bandW in a fast and furious manner.鼓动:起劲地;以快而猛烈方式语源(1)Middle English beten 中古英语 beten (2)from Old English b?n * see bhau- 源自 古英语 b?n *参见 bhau- 参考词汇(1)beat, baste, batter, belabor, buffet, hammer, lambaste, pound, pummel, thrash(2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows”: 这些动词的中心意思是“用猛烈的方式重重地连续地击打”:w 被抢劫并遭殴;bas 用棍痛打他;was battered and bloodi 在拳击台上被击得鲜血直流;rioting students belabored by squad 闹事的学生被一队警察痛打一顿;buffeted him around the fac 她打了他一记耳光;hammered the opp 他用拳头击打对手;lambasting a horse thie 用马鞭抽打盗马贼;troops being poun 军队被迫连续轰击;pummel 把恃强凌弱者饱揍一顿;an unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. See also Synonyms at defeat, pulsate 一个任性的孩子吃了一顿桦树棍 参见同义词 defeat, pulsate现代英汉词典beat[bi:t]vt., vi.beat, beaten 或 beat, beating(1)连打The rain was beating against/on the deck.雨打在甲板上。The rain was beating against/on the deck.雨打在甲板上。The rain beat against the windows.雨水拍打在窗户上。(2)敲打使成形(3)规律性地拍击to beat a drum击鼓The heart beats.心脏跳动。(4)搅拌to beat eggs打鸡蛋(5)击败;胜过We played the top class at football but we couldn't beat them.我们踢足球是一流水平, 但是我们不能战胜他们。习惯用语Beat it!走开!beat time打拍子词性变化beatn.(1)一击(2)有规律的敲击声a drumbeat鼓点声a heartbeat心跳声(3)(音乐或诗的)拍子,节拍(4)(警察)巡逻路线beatadj.非常疲乏的I'm dead beat after going through all this mass of details of the case!我看完这一大堆这个案件的所有细节后简直快累死了!beat down压低价钱;杀价The sun beat down all day. (喻)太阳整天晒得热辣辣的。beat in连击使之破裂beat up打成重伤现代英汉综合大辞典beat[bi:t]vt.( beaten [5bi:tn])(1)打; 敲; 连打; 连击(2)击败; 胜过; 优于(3)【音】打(拍子)(4)走出; 漫步前进; 挤入; 挤出(5)[俗]难倒; 使迷惑; 使吃惊;(6)锤薄; 敲平(7)欺骗, 瞒(8)搅拌(9)鼓(翼)(10)遍查; 在...里搜寻beat sb. black and blue把某人打得青一块紫一块beat the enemy打败敌人That problem has beaten me.那个问题把我难住了。The bird beat its wings.鸟扑打翅膀。I'll beat some sense into him.我将设法使他放明白些。词性变化beat[bi:t]vi.(1)敲; 连打; (风)吹, (雨)打, (日)晒(2)搏动; 跳动(3)在树林中搜索(4)(鼓)咚咚地响(5)[俗]得胜(6)(蛋等)打出泡沫(7)【航海】逆风斜驶My pulse beats normally.我脉搏正常。The rain was beating against the windows.雨点正敲打着窗户。We heard the drums beating.我们听到鼓咚咚地响。The sailboat was beating along the coast.帆船沿岸边逆风而驶。beat[bi:t]n.(1)接连敲打; 频击(2)搏动; 跳动(3)拍子; 节拍(4)常走的路; 经常巡逻的路线(5)[俗]更强者(6)(新闻)独家报道; 独家消息(7)记者所负责采访的范围(8)[美俚]骗子; 忘恩负义的人; 食客(9)【计】取字时间(10)【电】拍; 差拍be in beat合拍a policeman's beat警察的巡逻路线I have never seen the beat of it.我从未见过比这更厉害的。beat[bi:t]adj.[美俚](1)疲乏的(2)惊讶的; 被吓的(3)颓废的; 属于“垮了的一代”的be dead beat精疲力竭beat generation“垮了的一代”(20世纪50年代末出现于美国阶层中的一个颓废流派, 以蓄长发、穿奇装异服、吸毒、反对世俗陈规、排斥温情、强调“个性自我表达”等为特征。)继承用法beat-beatn.(火箭)一种利用雷达追踪飞弹的系统beat-frequencyadj.拍[差]频的beat-outadj.疲备不堪的beat-upadj.用坏了的; 衣衫褴褛的beatableadj.习惯用语big beat[美俚]摇摆舞(曲)Can you beat it ![美口]还有比这更妙的吗! 竟然有这等事! 真想不到! (表示惊奇)Can you beat that![美口]还有比这更妙的吗! 竟然有这等事! 真想不到! (表示惊奇)dead beat(1)(=dead-beat)[口]疲倦极了, 精疲力竭(2)[美俚]赖帐的人; 懒汉, 二流子get a beat on sb.[美口]抢某人前面, 占某人上风in beat(钟等)声音均匀It beats me.[口]这真叫我莫名其妙; 这可把我难住了。That beats me.[口]这真叫我莫名其妙; 这可把我难住了。off one's beat非本行out of one's beat非本行off (the) beat不合拍子; 不规则; (钟)声音不均匀on the beat(1)【音】合于节奏(2)在巡逻中, 巡视(3)属于本行或本职范围out of beat(钟等)声音不均匀see the beat[美]见[听]过比此更甚者see the beat of[美]见[听]过比此更甚者hear the beat[美]见[听]过比此更甚者hear the beat of[美]见[听]过比此更甚者beat about(1)寻找, 搜索(2)【航海】(船)在逆风前面辗转前进}beat anything[美口]超过一切, 压倒一切beat all, everything[美口]超过一切, 压倒一切beat away(1)打走(2)连续打(3)【矿】开凿(较硬的土石)beat back打退, 使后退beat down(1)击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁(2)杀价, 使卖方降低价格(3)(烈日)照射beat into反复教诲; 灌输beat it(1)逃走(2)急奔(3)离开, 走开beat it out演奏速度快、节奏强的爵士音乐beat it up[俚]欢闹, 狂欢beat it while the beatings good[口]趁早走吧, 不走就来不及了beat off击退; 打退beat one[口]使某人感到迷惑, 使某人莫名其妙beat out(1)踏出(2)击败(3)敲成某种形状, 敲薄(4)使精疲力竭(5)追根究底, 彻底搞清楚(6)打拍子(7)以鼓击出(调子), 用敲打伴奏(8)把(火)扑灭beat over调查; 追究beat sb. hollow大大超过某人; 把某人打得一败涂地beat sb. to pieces把某人打得落花流水beat sb. to ribands大大超过某物; 使某物失色beat all to ribands大大超过某物; 使某物失色beat sb. to pieces大大超过某物; 使某物失色beat sth. hollow大大超过某物; 使某物失色beat sth. out扑灭beat sb.to it[口]占某人上风beat to it[俗]捷足先登beat up(1)痛打; 奇袭; 惊扰(2)(帆船)顶着逆风[流]前进(3)打(蛋); 搅拌(4)征集; 召集(5)热切地到处寻找(6)[口]精疲力尽beat up and down来回奔走beat up for为募集...而奔走beat up through挣扎奋斗(而克服)特殊用法apex beat【解】心尖搏动点brightness beats亮度跳动, 辉度跳动carrier beat载波差拍cross beats交叉差拍ending beat端面跳动heart beat心搏intercarrier beat载波差拍干扰light beats光差, 光波动low-frequency beat低频差拍major beat用力较大的那一部分四肢动作minor beat用力较小的那一部分四肢动作optical beat光学拍频parting beat隔片photo beat光拍, 光频差拍premature beat过早搏动sound-chrominance beat伴音-色度副裁波拍频干扰subcarrier beat副载波差拍unusual beat不常用节拍数zero beat零拍beat of pointer指针摆动(测量仪器)英文相关词典beatbat&&&&blow&&&&clout&&&&crack&&&&defeat&&&&hit&&&&knock&&&&mix&&&&outdo&&&&stir&&&&strike&&&&surpass&&&&triumph&&&&win&&&&[七国语言]英汉地质大词典beat露头[七国语言]英汉地理大词典beat露头[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典beat拍[七国语言]英汉公共大词典beat打;拍子[七国语言]英汉机械大词典beat拍, 脉动[七国语言]英汉机械工程大词典beat差拍[七国语言]英汉矿业大词典beat打击[七国语言]英汉物理大词典beat拍[七国语言]英汉原子能大词典beat拍英汉双解计算机词典beat拍,节拍1.One of the fundamental states of the control unit of a computer or the duration of such a state.计算机控制器的一种基本状态或这种状态的持续时间。 2.A time measurement for a given computer word to pass a given point as in serial storage delay-lines. All of the bits of a word must pass through th the beat is then the sum of all the bits times. | 在串行存储延迟线中,计算机字通过某指定点的一种时间度量。该字的所有位必须通过 输入控制门,拍则是所有位时间之和。美国传统词典beatbeatAHD:[b?t] D.J.[bi8t]K.K.[bit]v.beat, beat.en[b?t“n] or beat beat.ing, beatsv.tr.(1)To strike repeatedly.(2)To punish by flog.(3)To strike against repea pound:waves beating the shore.(4)To flap, especially wings.(5)To strike so as to produce music or a signal:beat a drum.(6)Music To mark or count (time or rhythm) with the hands or with a baton.(7)To shape or bre forge:beat the glowing metal into a dagger.(8)To make by pounding or trampling:beat a path through the jungle.(9)To mix rapidly with a utensil:beat two eggs in a bowl.(10)To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.(11)To force to withdraw or retreat:beat back the enemy.(12)To dislodge from a position:I beat him down to a lower price.(13)Informal To be superior to or better than:Riding beats walking.(14)Slang To perplex or baffle:I I don't know the answer.(15)Informal (16)To avoid or counter the effects of, oft circumvent:beat the traffic.(17)To arrive or finish before (another):We beat you home by five minutes.(18)To deprive, as by craft or ability:He beat me out of 20 dollars with his latest scheme.v.intr.(1)To inflict repeated blows.(2)T throb.(3)Physics To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies.(4)To emit sound when struck:The gong beat thunderously.(5)To strike a drum.(6)To flap repeatedly.(7)To be vict win.(8)To hunt through woods or underbrush in search of game.(9)Nautical To sail in the direction from which the wind blows.n.(1)A stroke or blow, especially one that produces a sound or serves as a signal.(2)A pulsation or throb.(3)Physics A pulsation produced by beating.(4)Music (5)A regular, rhythmical unit of time.(6)The gesture used by a conductor to indicate this unit of time.(7)The symbol representing this unit of time.(8)The measured, rhyth meter.(9)The area regularly covered by a reporter, a police officer, or a sentry:television's culture beat.(10)The reporting of a news item obtained ahead of one's competitors.adj.(1)Informal Worn- fatigued.(2)Of, relating to, or being a beatnik:the beat generation.常用词组beat off(1)To drive away.(2)Vulgar Slang To masturbate.beat outBaseball To reach base safely on (a bunt or ground ball).习惯用语beat a retreatTo make a hasty withdrawal.beat around the bushorbeat about the bushTo fail to confront a subject directly.beat itSlangTo leave hurriedly.beat the bushesTo make an exhaustive search.beat the drumorbeat the drumsTo give enthusiastic public support or promotion:a politician who beats the drum for liberalism.to beat the bandW in a fast and furious manner.语源(1)Middle English beten (2)from Old English b?n * see bhau- 参考词汇(1)beat, baste, batter, belabor, buffet, hammer, lambaste, pound, pummel, thrash (2)The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows”: w bas was battered and bloodi rioting students belabored by squad buffeted him around the fac hammered the opp lambasting a horse thie troops being poun pummel an unruly child who was thrashed with a birch cane. See also Synonyms at defeat, pulsate [名词委审定]英汉电工名词(1998)beat拍[名词委审定]英汉力学名词(1993)beat拍[名词委审定]英汉物理学名词(1996)beat拍[名词委审定]英汉心理学名词(1999)beat音拍英汉船舶大词典beat n.差拍,锤薄,脉动 英汉电力大词典beat n.脉动,偏摆,跳动 朗文英汉综合电脑词典beat (节)拍,跳动,取字时间 英汉电信大词典beat n.拍,跳动 英汉地质大词典beat n.拍,脉动,字时 英汉法学大词典beat n.败 ,骗子,巡逻地段 ;v.诈骗 英汉纺织大词典beat n.拍,打浆 英汉广播大词典beat n.差拍,拍音;n.拍 英汉航海大词典beat n.取字时间,差拍 英汉环境大词典beat n.拍,脉动 英汉航空大词典beat n.跳动,脉动 英汉化学大词典beat vi.敲,打,搏动,打败,难倒;n.拍音,敲打声,脉冲,小循环,占先 英汉海运大词典beat 拍,差拍跳动,脉动锤薄,敲平迎斜风行驶,之字形航行 基本词义beat 拍,差拍跳动,脉动锤薄,敲平 基本词义beat 打跳动,摆动拍,节拍,差拍帆船之字形抢风航行 基本词义beat 打跳动,摆动拍,节拍,差拍帆船之字形抢风航行脉动锤薄,敲平迎斜风行驶,之字形航行 基本词义beat 拍,差拍,跳动,脉动锤薄,敲平迎斜风行驶,之字形航行 英汉经贸大词典beat n.取字时间 英汉计算机大词典beat vi.敲(打,搏动;n.拍音(敲打声,脉冲 英汉机械大词典beat n.搅打,打 英汉农牧林大词典beat n.搏动,拍,取字时间 英汉水利大词典beat n.节拍,拍打,打击 英汉心理学大词典beat 拍 英汉冶金大词典beat n.打,拍 英汉医学大词典beat n.性欲发动 英汉中医大词典beat n.打,敲,冲击,性欲发动
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