
  为进一步推动海峡两岸经济地理学的交流与发展,第五届海峡两岸经济地理学研讨会于日在中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所顺利召开。本次会议由中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所、台湾大学地理与环境资源学系、中国地理学会经济地理学专业委员会、江苏省地理学会共同主办,中科院南京地理与湖泊研究所承办。  本次会议以“经济地理学的创新发展”为主题,通过两岸学界的研究交流,推动经济地理...
中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 版权所有 苏ICP备号
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到了研二三 跟着导师做课题 这待遇就不用说了 绝壁好
1 请问中科院硕士毕业生在国外是否受欢迎? 还是国外的学校对中国所有大学的学生都一视同仁呢? & 2 申请名校需要在哪些方面做准备呢? & 我是中科院软件所学生,现在研二。打算硕士毕业出国读博士。想申请美国比较有实力的学校,如University of California Berkeley &或者 Columbia University in the City of New York 等等, 继续攻读计算机相关的专业。您看需要自己具备哪些素质, 才能被录取为博士生,并且能获得足够生计的奖学金呢?3 申请需要研一的成绩单吗?还是本科的成绩单呢? 学校对成绩的要求一般是要多好的程度?4 现在研二了,不到两年就毕业,准备是否还来得及?相对于多数的成功留学的同学,是不是相对较晚?谢谢您!
  男,研究员,博士生导师。加拿大大不列颠哥哥伦比亚大学博士,2009年6月入选中国科学院“百人计划”回国。从2001年4月开始,先后就职于加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)、大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (University of British Columbia)和昆特兰理工大学( Kwantlen Polytechnic University), 先后任博士后、合作研究员(Research Associate)和合同教授(Contact Professor)。曾获第三届中国青年地理科技奖、国际工程学会优秀研究生IET奖和加拿大NSERC的CGS奖学金(国家最高研究生奖学金)等20余项学术奖项。陈报章研究员已主持或作为骨干成员参加完成了加拿大NSERC、CFCAS 、中国国家自然科学基金、国家973、863和国家科技支撑重大项目等10余项科研项目。已在国内外30多个专业期刊上发表学术论文70余篇,其中SCI收录论文近40余篇(第一和通讯责任作者近30篇,影响因子在3.0以上的近20篇)。在国际大型学术会议上做大会发言10余次。现兼任自然资源管理国际杂志《International Journal of Natural Resources Management(NRM)》执行编辑(Executive Editor)。&研究领域涉及:陆面过程模型、表层地球系统模拟、GCM大气传输模型CO2同化反演、定量遥感、空间尺度转换、数据-模型同化、生物地球化学循环、生物气象学、生态水文学、植物生理生态学、同位素生态学、景观生态学和全球变化生态学等。&主要学术成就:构建多个数值模拟模型 (集成陆面模型、一维大气传输模型、温室气体通量和浓度足迹(footprint)模型、稳定碳同位素模型)和数据-模型同化反演系统,发展了地球表层系统研究中的从定量到系统集成的系列研究方法和技术,并应用于土壤-植被-大气界面间关键过程(尤其是碳循环中的关键过程)的研究中。&  1)&研发了中科院碳同化系统—中国碳追踪器 (CarbonTraker-China, CAS)。这是继美国航空航天局(NOAA)和欧共体之后的全球第三个完整的全球尺度嵌套式碳同化系统。详细信息请浏览网页&  2)&研发了动态陆面过程模型(DLM: Dynamic Land Model),在美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)研发的CESM 1.0.3框架下,DLM替换CML,通过编译器(CPL7)与大气模型(CAM)、陆冰模型(SGLC)、海洋模型(POP2)和海冰模型(SICE)耦合形成中科院地球系统模式CAS ESMAS 1.0 (Chinese Academy Sciences, Earth System Modeling and Assimilation System 1.0)。&  3)&构建了具有自主知识产权的集陆面过程和生态过程于一体的综合模型EASS(Ecosystem Atmosphere Simulation Scheme)。这是一个遵循土壤-植被-大气一体化理论所构建的国际上最新一代多尺度-多源数据融合的集成陆面过程模型。该模型与遥感定量反演的地学物理参数融合,在国际上首次把树冠簇团指数(foliage clumping index)引入陆面过程模型中,优化了冠层内辐射传输的模拟,强化了土壤层-冻土层-冰雪层的水、热交换的模拟(面向用户,层数可变),较显著提高了陆地表层与大气之间的能量、物质(包括水、碳、氮等)交换过程的模拟精度。该模型及相关成果发表在Ecological Modeling和Journal of Hydrometeorology杂志上,已被加拿大、美国和欧洲许多研究人员应用于陆地生态系统碳、水、能量循环过程、陆面格局与变化规律以及定量估算各种尺度陆地表层碳源/汇分布信息等方面的研究中。&  4)&构建了一个一维大气传输模型 (VDS:Vertical Diffusion Scheme), 并用以定量评估大气“整流”效应及其年际变化.代表性成果发表在美国地球物理学会主办的Journal of Geophysics Research和Geophysics Research Letters等杂志上,该模型为高精度CO2和同位素观测资料的合理解释和寻找“全球迷失的碳(missing carbon)”做出了重要贡献。&  5)&构建了一个遥感反演的高分辨率下垫面地学物理参数驱动下的生态系统稳定碳同位素模型,并探讨了北方森林生态系统与大气CO2交换的动力学过程和环境要素对同位素分馏作用的影响机理,是理解碳源/汇机理过程和区分陆地碳汇/海洋碳汇的有效工具,相关的研究成果发表在Global Change Biology 和Plant, Cell and Environment 杂志上,引起了国际同行的关注。&  6)&把生态系统稳定碳同位素模型与大气传输模型(VDS)耦合,在国际上首次连续模拟了陆地生态系统-大气之间的稳定碳同位素交换及其在大气边界层内传输的动态过程,代表性成果发表在Tellus杂志上。该方法是探讨大气稳定碳同位素整流效应、定量估算陆地和海洋对全球碳汇相对贡献的有效工具。&  7)&构建了温室气体通量和浓度足迹(footprint)模型(SEAF: Simple Analytical Footprint model on Eulerian coordinates),该模型在空间异质性分析、评估、尺度扩展和如何合理解释全球通量网观测资料等方面的研究中发挥了重要作用,相关成果发表在Boundary-Layer Meteorology、Global Biogeochemical Cycles和Biogeosciences 杂志上。该模拟方法被加拿大碳项目(CCP:Canadian Carbon Program)确定为加拿大通量网内各观测站的常规评估方法。&  8)&成功把遥感信息驱动下的定网格大小的EASS陆面过程模型与用于加大拿国家天气预报的超大型变网格大小的区域气候模型(GEM)混合编码(C++和Fortran)耦合,具有超大型模型耦合、调试、并行运算的经验。使用在线耦合模型研究了碳、水和能量交换过程的尺度效应。在比较、评估、吸收现有几种国际上流行的尺度扩展方法的优点的基础上,提出了国家和大陆尺度上碳源汇研究中尺度扩展的理论和方法,发展了空间尺度转换的关键技术。代表性成果发表在Journal of Hydrometeorology杂志上。&在研项目:&  1. 国家自然科学基金项目“中国涡度相关通量塔空间代表性评估与碳源/汇尺度扩展研究”(0106),项目负责人,2013.01 – 2016.12;&  2. 国家863重点项目“基于碳卫星的遥感定量监测应用技术研究”之“多源碳观测数据融合与同化技术研究”课题()之“全球碳观测数据同化系统”子课题负责人, 5.12;&  3. 国家973项目《全球不同区域陆地生态系统碳源汇演变驱动机制及其优化计算研究》中 “基于高塔CO2浓度数据和遥感-模型同化的区域碳源/汇研究”专题(), 专题负责人,2010.06 - 2014.12;&  4. 战略性先导科技专项“应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题”之子课题“基于GCM模式的全球同化系统”(XDA),课题组长,5.12;&已完成的项目:&
 中科院“百人计划”项目“景观和区域尺度CO2源汇分布以及陆地生态系统碳氮循环耦合过程对气候变化的响应研究 (O9W90020ZZ)。200万人民币,课题负责人,4.06。&
 国家自然科学基金项目“景观和区域尺度陆地生态系统碳水耦合循环机理过程与固碳能力研究”(),项目负责人,45万人民币, 2011.01 - 2013.12&
 国家科技支撑计划项目《重大自然灾害风险损失等级评估与风险制图技术》之风险损失等级评估研究专题, 人民币180万, 1.12。&
 “Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change” funded by Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet), (Investigator), US$2,211,000)& &&&&&May 2012 – Oct. 2013&
 “Flux footprint simulation for groundplot upscaling and verification of spatially-explicit ecosystem models for the Chibougamau (EOBS), Add-on Project for the Canadian Carbon Program (CCP), funded by Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmosphere Sciences (CFCAS).& $4,000 (PI and the only proposal writer)& &&&&&&&May 2008 – Sept. 2009&
 “Canadian Carbon Program”, funded by CFCAS&&&&&&& &Mar. 2007 – Sept. 2009&
 “Impact of nitrogen fertilization of coastal Douglas-fir stands in British Columbia on forest productivity, carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions”, funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) &&$267,170 (Investigator)&&&&&& Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2009&
 “Nested Global Inversion for North America Carbon Sinks/Sources with δ13CO2 Constraint”, funded by CFCAS &&$299,000 (Key Investigator and leading role in writing proposal)&&&& Jul. 2006 – Jul. 2009&
 “Tall tower measurements of trace gases and stable isotope in Saskatchewan”, funded by CFCAS. &$158,000 (Co-PI and leading role in writing proposal)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Sept. 2005 - Mar. 2007&
 &"Ecosystem-coupled, nested atmospheric inversion for carbon fluxes over Canada's landmass", funded by CFCAS. $389,065& (Key Investigator and leading role in writing proposal)&&& Oct. 2003 - Oct. 2006&
  "Carbon balance estimation at landscape level from atmospheric CO2 and isotope concentration measurements", funded by CFCAS. &$148,160 (Co-PI and leading role in writing proposal)&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&Sept. 2001 - Jan. 2004&
代表论著:&  (1) SCI论文 &  2014 &  43 Guang Xu, Hairong Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Jing Chen, Mingliang Che, Xiaofeng Lin, Xianming Dou (2014), A Bayesian Based Method to Generate a Synergetic Land-Cover Map from Existing Land-Cover Products. Remote Sens. 89-5613.&  42 Mingliang Che,& Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), &Huifang Zhang, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Xiaofeng Lin, Yuchen Wang (2014), A new equation for deriving vegetation phenophase from time series of leaf area index (LAI) data. Remote Sens. 50-5670.&  41 G. Xu, H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (* Corresponding author),& H. R. Zhang, John L. Innes, G. Y. Wang, J. W. Yan, Y. H. Zheng, Z. C. Zhu, and Ranga B. Myneni (2014): Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate over China Landmass from 1982 to 2011, Remote Sensing, 6, .&  40 J. Chen, H.F. Zhang, Z.R. Liu, M.L. Che, and Baozhang Chen (* Corresponding author) (2014) Evaluating parameter adjustment in MODIS gross primary production algorithm based on eddy covariance tower measurements, Remote Sensing , 6, .&  39 H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), I. T. van der Laan-Luijkx, T. Machida, H. Matsueda, Y. Sawa, Y. Fukuyama, C. Labuschagne, R. Langenfelds, M. van der Schoot, G. Xu, J. W. Yan, L. X. Zhou, P. P. Tans, and W. Peters (2014), Estimating Asian terrestrial carbon fluxes from CONTRAIL aircraft and surface CO2 observations for the period 2006 to 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, DOI 10.5194/acp-14-, .&  38 H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), I. T. van der Laan-Luijkx, G. Xu1, J. W. Yan1, L. X. Zhou, Y. Fukuyama, P. P. Tans, W. Peters (2014), Net terrestrial CO2 exchange over China during
estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2, Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, , doi:10.JD021297.&  37 Dou, X., Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Black, T. A., Jassal, R. S., Che, M., and Liu, Y. (2014), &Impact of nitrogen fertilization on carbon and water fluxes in a chronosequence of three Douglas-fir stands in the Pacific Northwest, Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, , doi:10.5194/bgd-11-, 2014.&  36 Baozhang Chen, Guang Xu, Nicholas C. Coops, Philippe Ciais, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Ranga B. Myneni, Tongli Wang, Judi Krzyzanowski, Qinglin Li, Lin Cao, Ying Liu (2014),& Changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity trends across the Asia–Pacific region over the last three decades, Remote Sensing of Environment, 144, 28–41.&  35 Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Xianming Dou,Tianmo Zhou, Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Guang Xu, Hongwei Zhao (2014), Spatial and temporal variations in the end date of the vegetationgrowing season throughout the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2011, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189– 190, 81– 90.&  34 Baozhang Chen, Huifang Zhang, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Douglas E. J. Worthy, Guang Xu, T. Andy Black (2014),Assessing scalar concentration footprint climatology and land surface impacts on tall-tower CO2 concentration measurements in the boreal forest of central Saskatchew an, Canada, Theor Appl Climatol., DOI 10.-013-1038-2. &  33 Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Huifang Zhang, Juan Wang, T. Andy Black, Brian Amiro, Gil Bohrer, Paul Bolstad, Richard Coulter, Faiz Rahmani, Allison Dunn, McCaughey Harry, Tilden Meyers, Shashi Verma (2014), Estimating landscape net ecosystem exchange at high spatial–temporal resolution based on Landsat data, an improved upscaling model framework, and eddy covariance flux measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 141, 90–104. &  2013&  32 H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), I. T. van der Laan-Luijkx, T. Machida, H. Matsueda, Y. Sawa, Y. Fukuyama, C. Labuschagne, R. Langenfelds, M. van der Schoot, G. Xu, J. W. Yan, L. X. Zhou, P. P. Tans, and W. Peters (2013), Estimating Asian terrestrial carbon fluxes from CONTRAIL aircraft and surface CO2 observations for the period 2006 to 2010, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, 2. www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13// doi:10.5194/acpd-13-.&  31 Jianwu Yan, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Min Feng, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Huifang Zhang, Dongjie Fu, Huimin Wang, G. Yu and Xiaomin Sun (2013) Research on land surface thermal-hydrologic exchange in Southern China under future climate and land cover scenarios, Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2013, Article ID
pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.9145&  30 Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), Juan Wang, Xiaolin Zhu and Thomas Hilker (2013), An Improved Image Fusion Approach Based on Enhanced Spatial and Temporal the Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, Remote Sens., 5, ; doi:10.3390/rs5126346. &  29 Chen J., Baozhang Chen (*Corresponding author), T. A. Black, J. L. Innes, G. Wang, G. Kiely, T. Hirano, and G. Wohlfahrt (2013), Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 118, , doi:10.JG002446.&  2012&  28. Baozhang Chen, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Hank A. Margolis, Brian D. Amiro, Alan G. Barr, T. Andrew Black, M. Altaf Arain, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Peter M. Lafleur, J. Harry McCaughey, and Steven C. Wofsy (2012), Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddy-covariance measurements across the Canadian Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 124, 742-755.&  2011&  27. Ferster, C.J., Trofymow, J.A., Coops, N.C., Baozhang Chen, Black, A.T., and Gougeon, A.F. (2011), Determination of carbon stock distributions in the flux footprint of an eddy-covariance tower in a coastal forest in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41,.&  26. Wang, Z., Grant, R.F., Arain, M.A., Chen, B.N., Coops, N.C.,& Hember, R, Kurz, W.A., Price, D.T., Stinson, G., Trofymow, J.A., Yeluripati, J., and& Baozhang Chen, (2011) Model intercomparison to evaluate climate effect on interannual variation in net ecosystem productivity of a coastal temperate forest landscape. Ecological Modelling, 222, 3236– 3249.&  25. Christian Brümmer, C., Black,T.A., Jassal, R.S., Grant, N.J., Spittlehouse, D.L., Baozhang Chen, Nesic, Z., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Bourque, C.P.-A., Coursolle,-- C., Dunn, A.L., Flanagan, L.B., Humphreys, E.R., Lafleur, P. M., Margolis, H.A., McCaughey, J.H., and Wofsy, S.C. (2011) How climate and vegetation type influence evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems, Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 151, 14-30, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet..&  24. Baozhang Chen, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Hank A. Margolis, Brian D. Amiro, Alan G. Barr, T. Andrew Black, M. Altaf Arain, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Peter M. Lafleur, J. Harry McCaughey, and Steven C. Wofsy (2011), Assessing eddy-covariance flux tower location bias across the Fluxnet-Canada Research Network based on remote sensing and footprint modeling. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 150, 87-100&  23. Baozhang Chen, Nicholas C. Coops, T. Andy Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Jing M. Chen, Mark Johnson (2011), Modeling to discern nitrogen fertilization impacts on carbon sequestration in a Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forest in the first-post fertilization year. Global Change Biology, 17, .&  2010&  22. Baozhang Chen, Quansheng Ge, Dongjie Fu, Guirui Yu,&& Xiaomin Sun, Shaoqiang Wang, Huimin Wang (2010), A data-model fusion approach for upscaling gross ecosystem productivity to the landscape scale based on remote sensing and flux footprint modeling. Biogeosciences, 7, .&  2009&  21. Baozhang Chen, Coops N.C. (2009), Understanding of Coupled Terrestrial Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Dynamics—An Overview. Sensors, 9, .&  20. Krishnan, P., T. A. Black, R. S. Jassal, Baozhang Chen, and Z. Nesic (2009), Interannual variability of the carbon balance of three different-aged Douglas-fir stands in the Pacific Northwest, J. Geophys. Res., 114, G04011, doi:10.JG000912&  19. E. van Gorsel, N. Delpierre, R. Leuning, A. Black, J. W. Munger, S. Wofsy, M. Aubinet, C. Feigenwinter , J. Beringer, D. Bonal, Baozhang Chen, et al. (2009),& Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,11,&  18. Baozhang Chen, A. Black, N.C. Coops, R. Jassal, Z. Nesic (2009), Seasonal controls on interannual variability in carbon dioxide exchange of a Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forest, 1997 – 2006. Global Change Biology, 15, , doi: 10.1111/j.08.01832.x &  17. Baozhang Chen, A. Black, N.C. Coops, T. Hilker, T. Trofymow, Z. Nesic, K. Morgenstern (2009), Assessing tower flux footprint climatology and scaling between remotely sensed and eddy covariance measurements. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 130, 137-167.& DOI: 10.-008-9339-1. &  2008&  16. Jassal, R. S., T. A. Black, Baozhang Chen, R. Roy, Z. Nesic, D.L. Spittlehouse, and A.J. Trofymow (2008), N2O emissions and carbon sequestration in a Nitrogen-fertilized Douglas-fir stand, J. Geophys. Res., 113, G04013, doi:10.JG000764. &  15. Hilker, T., , N.C. Coops, F.G. Hall, T.A. Black, Baozhang Chen, P. Krishnan, M.A. Wulder, P.J. Sellers, E.M. Middleton, K.F Huemmrich (2008), A modeling approach for upscaling gross ecosystem production to the landscape scale using remote sensing data. J Geophys Res, 113, G03006, doi:10.JG000666. &  14. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen, G. Mo, T. A. Black, D. E. J. Worthy (2008), Comparison of regional carbon flux estimates from CO2 concentration measurements and remote sensing based footprint integration, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22, GB2012, doi:10.GB003024. &  2007&  13. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen and W. Ju (2007), Remote sensing based ecosystem-atmosphere simulation Scheme (EASS) ---- model formulation and test with multiple-year data, Ecological Modeling, 209, 277-300, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.. &  12. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen (2007), Diurnal, seasonal and inter-annual variability of carbon isotope discrimination at the canopy level in response to environmental factors in a boreal forest ecosystem. Plant, Cell and Environment, 30, , doi: 10.1111/j.07.01703.x&  11. Chen, J. M., Baozhang Chen, P. Tans (2007), Deriving daily carbon fluxes from hourly CO2 mixing ratios measured on the WLEF tall tower: An upscaling methodology, Journal of Geophysics Research (Biogeosciences), 112,G01015,doi:10.JG000280. &  10. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen, G. Mo, C-W. Yuen, H. Margolis, K. Higuchi, D. Chan (2007), Modeling and scaling coupled energy, water, and carbon fluxes based on remote sensing: An application to Canada’s landmass, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, 123-143. &  2006&  9. Ju W, J. M. Chen, T. A. Black, A. G. Barr, J. Liu, Baozhang Chen (2006), Modelling multi-year coupled carbon and water fluxes in a boreal aspen forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 140, 136-151. &  8. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen, L. Huang, P. P. Tans (2006) Simulating dynamics of δ13C of CO2 in the planetary boundary layer over a boreal forest region: Covariation between surface fluxes and atmospheric mixing. Tellus 58B, 537-549. &  7. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen, L. Huang, P. P. Tans (2006). Modeling dynamics of stable carbon isotopic exchange between a boreal ecosystem and the atmosphere. Global Change Biology, 12, , doi:10.1111/j.06.01200.x. &  6. J.M. Chen, Baozhang Chen, K. Higuchi, J. Liu, D. Chan, D. Worthy, P. Tans, A. Black (2006), Boreal ecosystems sequestered more carbon in warmer years, Geophysics Research Letters., 33, L10803, doi:10.GL025919. &  2005&  5. Baozhang Chen, J. M. Chen, D. E. J. Worthy (2005), Interannual variability in the atmospheric CO2 rectification over a boreal forest region, J. Geophysics Research (Atmospheres), 110, D16301, doi:10.JD005546. &  4. K. Higuchi, A. Shashkov, D. Chan, N. Saigusa, S. Murayama, S. Yamamoto, H. Kondo, J. M. Chen, J. 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Chinese Science Bulletin, 40, .&  (2) 英文论著章节&  Baozhang Chen (2012), Coupled Terrestrial Carbon and Water Dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Contributions of Remote Sensing, In Remote Sensing - Applications, ISBN 978-953-51-0651-7, edited by Boris Escalante-Ramirez, pp223-260&  Chen J. M., Baozhang Chen, K. Higuchi, D. Chan, L. Huang, D. Worthy, A. Shashkov (2005), Usefulness of Air CO2 Measurements at a Continental Site: Carbon Cycle Information at the Landscape Level Near Fraserdale, Ontario, In: Report of the 12th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on CO2 Concentration and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques, Toronto, Sept. 2003, WMO/GAW No.161, pp.116-121.&  (3) 其他英文论文&  Yan J W, Chen B Z(*corresponding author, 通讯作者), Fang S F, Zhang H F, Fu D J and Xue Y. 2012. The response of Vegetation Index to Drought: Taking the extreme drought disaster between 2009 and 2010 in Southwest China as an example. Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(4): 720–737&  (4) 中文期刊代表作&  车明亮,陈报章(*通讯作者),王瑛,郭祥云. 2014. 全球植被动力学模型研究综述. 应用生态学报, 25(1): 263-271&  严建武,陈报章(*通讯作者),房世峰,张慧芳,付东杰,薛晔.2012.植被指数对旱灾的响应研究—以中国西南地区2009年—2010年特大干旱为例.遥感学报,16(4): 720-737&  薛晔, 陈报章(*通讯作者),黄崇福,严建武.多灾种综合风险评估软层次模型,地理科学进展,): 353-360.&  薛晔,陈报章(*通讯作者),黄崇福,等. 基于模糊排序的多个风险源模糊风险评估, 中国灾害防御协会风险分析专业委员会第五届年会论文集. 2012.&  陈报章,仲崇庆. 自然灾害风险损失评估等级的初步研究,灾害学,):1-5.&  陈报章. 河南贾湖遗址植硅石组合及其在环境考古学上的意义. 微体古生物学报,): 101-106.&  陈报章. 河南舞阳贾湖遗址八千年前稻作遗存的发现及古文化生态学研究(摘要). 农业考古,):& 400.&& &  陈报章. 水稻硅酸体的鉴定及在稻作起源与传播研究中的应用(摘要). 农业考古,): 401. &  陈报章.中国栽培稻究竟起源于何时何地——对河南贾湖遗址发现8000年前栽培稻遗存的思考.农业考古, ):59-62. &  陈报章. 植硅石分析与栽培稻起源研究.作物学报, ): 116-120.&  陈报章.苏北弶港地区埋藏潮沙体的发现与现代辐射状潮流沙脊群的成因.海洋通报, ): 47-52.&  陈报章, 王象坤.水稻颖壳植硅石与稻种起源研究.科学通报, ): 1438.&  陈报章. 河南贾湖遗址出土炭化稻米与初步研究.农业考古, ): 94-95.&& &  陈报章. 植物硅酸体分析在农业考古中的应用.农业考古, ): 24-26+59.& &  陈报章, 王象坤.水稻颖壳硅石的初步研究及其意义.中国水稻科学, ): 242-245.& &  陈报章, 王象坤, 张居中. 舞阳贾湖新石器时代遗址炭化稻米的发现、形态学研究及意义.中国水稻科学, ): 94-95.&& &  陈报章, 李从先, 业治铮. 冰后期长江三角洲北翼沉积及其环境演变.海洋学报(中文版), ): 64-75.&  陈报章, 张居中, 吕厚远. 河南贾湖新石器时代遗址水稻硅酸体的发现及意义. 科学通报,): 339-342.&  陈报章, 李从先, 业治铮. 黄海南部陆区全新世埋藏潮沙体.地理学报, ): 447-458.&  陈报章, 李从先, 业治铮. 南黄海南部陆区全新世沉积研究.沉积学报, ): 63-71.&  陈报章. 江苏省海洋国土资源与综合开发.资源科学, ): 47-54.&  陈报章, 李从先, 业治铮. 黄海南部陆区冰后期沉积环境的演变.海洋科学, ): 58-63.&  陈报章. 江苏省地方性氟中毒流行病与区域环境.地域研究与开发, ): 58-63.& &  陈报章, 李从先, 业治铮. 长江三角洲北翼全新统底界和“硬粘土层”的讨论.海洋地质与第四纪地质, ): 39-48.&  张明书, 刘健, 李浩, 陈报章. 海南岛周缘珊瑚礁的基本特征和成礁时代. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,): 27-45.&专利及软件著作权&  陈报章(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所),《基于遥感的生态系统-大气模拟系统[简称EASS模型] V1.0》(登记号:),中华人民共和国国家版权局,2012年2月。&  陈报章(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所),《温室气体通量和浓度足迹模拟系统[简称Footprint模型] V1.0》(登记号:),中华人民共和国国家版权局,2012年2月。&招生专业:地图学与地理信息系统&招生方向:地球表层系统模拟,定量遥感,全球变化生态学,生态水文学,生物气候学& 联系方式:010-, 更新日期:日
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