
your business have already done,Is there any thing else that i can help you?
Your business had handled well, anything I can help you?
Your business had handled well, anything I can help you?
your business have already done, Is there any thing else that i can help you?
Your transaction has been finished. What else can I do for you, please?
Your business has been handled well, what else can I do for you?
您可能关注的推广请问You are what you think you are.
请问You are what you think you are.
态度决定一切.-----------------------We’ve all heard the phrase,“You are what you eat.” The same principle applies to your thoughts.You are what you think you are.I recently came across a cute story that exemplifies this beautifully:TINY FROGSThere once was a bunch of tiny frogs ...who arranged a running competition.The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants...The race began...No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower.You heard statements such as:"Oh,WAY too difficult!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." The tiny frogs began collapsing.The crowd continued to yell,"It is too difficult!No one will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up......But ONE continued higher and higher and higher...This one wouldn't give up!He was the only one who reached the top!All of the other tiny frogs naturally wanted to know how this one frog managed to do it?A contestant asked the tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach the goal?It turned out that the winner was DEAF!The wisdom of this story:Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic.They take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you -- the ones you have in your heart!Always think of the power words have.Everything you hear and read will affect your actions!BE POSITIVE!And above all,be DEAF when people tell you that you cannot fulfill your dreams!Always think:I can do this!
”I think,therefore I am”这句话是”我思故我在”不要乱说.
相信自己高于一切,你认为自己可以,你就真的可以。例如一只猫猫在镜子中看自己,看到的却是一只狮子,也就是说what matters is how you see yourself。请问这句话应如何翻译:它是位于天河区的核心地段
it lies in the nucleus
/it is in the nucleus of TianHe
/it 's located in the nucleus of TianHe
—— Ayurveda
It is located at the core area of Hianhe region (district) .
—— leipxon
it is located in the center of Tianhe
—— 豆_豆
it's located in the core area of Tianhe district
—— sun7492cn
CopyRight & 沪江网 2015&英语翻译The associate degree may be substituted for the first two years of a bachelor's degree if it is a transfer degree.Not all associate degrees are designed for transfer.Some are technical degrees which are called terminal degrees,which means they do not count toward a ba_百度作业帮
英语翻译The associate degree may be substituted for the first two years of a bachelor's degree if it is a transfer degree.Not all associate degrees are designed for transfer.Some are technical degrees which are called terminal degrees,which means they do not count toward a bachelor's.
associate degree (是指 大学只读2年 就可以拿到的一个学位,我不知道中国怎么叫这个学位,不过 我下面翻译时,这些词就不翻译了)bachelor degree ( 是大学4年毕业后,拿到的学位)如果是可以转换的associate degree 学位,那么可以用来代替 bachelor degree的前2年.(就是说你可以先拿到associate 然后就再读2年久可以拿到bachelor)但是不是所有的associate degree 是可以转换的.有一些技术类的学位,叫做terminal degree( 不知道这个专称是什么,字面翻译是终结学位)这类的学位他不能用来转换称bachelor degree( 比如你如果选了这类你读了2年,拿了学位,如果你在想拿 bachelor,他不可以用来转换,就是你还要在读4年去拿bachelor)
您可能关注的推广刚刚我同学问我,这句话,用英语该怎么说,o(∩_∩)o...今天上网时,我看了一条a广告,此外,又看了另一条b广告.i read a advertisement and another b advertisement when i on website .呵呵,这句话,汉语读起来有点怪.呵呵,可是,他是这样_百度作业帮
刚刚我同学问我,这句话,用英语该怎么说,o(∩_∩)o...今天上网时,我看了一条a广告,此外,又看了另一条b广告.i read a advertisement and another b advertisement when i on website .呵呵,这句话,汉语读起来有点怪.呵呵,可是,他是这样问我的,这句话,他强调说:看了又一条广告,这个又一条,该怎样用英语表述,呵呵问题已经提出好多天了,也一直不知该选择哪个正确答案好,就这样搁置下来了,在此,蛋蛋壳~那时热情并耐心的讲解,感谢她英语上给予我的无私帮助~也感谢fuxingyan224~绿色围巾女孩~meteorzbx~double_amy~jerry12331~超可爱大fly~jessiesissi的回答,
有多种说法,可以用口语,也可以用书面语,主要是要考虑用于什么语境.随手翻译了以下几条供参考:1.When I was online,I found a term of ad and then I caught sight of another in addition.2.Another ad met my eyes shortly after I had given an glance at the first one.3.While Logging in a website,I came across one more ad only after reading one.4.Surfing in the internet,I picked up another ad when I had read the first one.
Today, the Internet, I saw one a ads, in addition, they saw the other one b ads.
I read the A ads and then B more today when on-line.
I scaned through two advertisements when I surfed online today.个人感觉,这句中午意译比较好。直译出来会比较怪。O(∩_∩)O~
I read an advertisement about A and then another advertisement about B when I surfed online today.
When I was online, I saw advertisement B besides Advertisement A.
Today, the Internet, I saw one a ads, in addition, they saw the other one b ads.
Today, the Internet, I saw one a ads, in addition, they saw the other one b ad.
首先advertisment前面应该加"an"不是"a"不用搞那么复杂:today,I read advertisement A on internet,then I read
advertisement B soon after.最好不这么说,中国人都不这么说话。浪费口水,你就说:“I read advertisement A and B on the internet today”
Today I read one advertisement when I was surfing the Internet.In addition,I read another one later.
Today,when I surfed online ,I read an a advertisement,just then,I saw an b advertisement.
When I was online today, I read an ad, and then another one.


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