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【赣榆军哥】Michael Buble - Haven039;t Met You Yet.flv
【赣榆军哥】Michael Buble - Haven039;...
【赣榆军哥】Michael Buble - Haven039;t Met You Yet.flv
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Michael Buble - Haven&#039;t Met You Yet.flv
播放数: 7,478
Haven't Met You Yet lyrics
Michael S Chang, A Foster, A
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all's fair
In love and war
But I won't need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazing
And being in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you, kid, I'll give more than I get
Than I get, than I get, than I get
Oh, you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid to give so much more than I get
Yeah, I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh, promise you, kid
To give so much more than I get
I said love, love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
(I just haven't met you yet)
Love, love, love, love
Love, love
I just haven't met you yet
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。加花瓣为微信好友< - Confessions Of A Carbophobe: Carbohydrates For Muscle Growth!
Article Summary:
Author David Barr was extremely skeptical of Vitargo S2.
David was surprised by a fuller feeling after his post-workout shake.
David found that effects similar to creatine use were being produced.
Confessions Of A Carbophobe:
Carbohydrates For Muscle Growth!
Although I've always labeled myself as a / guy, I didn't realize that this had actually turned me into a bit of an anti-carb guy. And as one who practices what he preaches I began dropping my carbs on a regular basis. Even the sacred post-workout window, which is a myth for everything but glycogen restoration, was not immune to my carbophobia.
This all seemed to be quite justified, after all,
generally doesn't deplete muscle glycogen more than ~40%14, 17, so we don't need the high doses of carbs, right?
Further, even taking advantage of that
for glycogen doesn't mean that we're going to get more glycogen storage - only faster . This is of course crucial for
or anyone doing 2-a days, but resistance training athletes don't benefit from it. Or so I thought.
Click To Enlarge.
Faster Recovery Is Crucial For MMA Athletes.
Given my above level of reasoning I was exceptionally skeptical when I first tried the carb supplement . While it's been shown to increase rapidity of glycogen restoration compared to glucose and maltodextrin,11 and enhance performance in a second bout of daily exercise - just 2 hours after glycogen depleting endurance training16 - , these studies didn't exactly impress me.
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What Is Vitargo?
What's the big deal about post-workout recovery and this product? I wanted to learn as much as I could about this...
They're great for endurance and high intensity athletes, but I was a strength athlete and the research just wasn't applicable to what I do. But as always, it's important for me to try things out before I objectively rip on them - and I was certainly going to do so on .
"Feels Like Creatine"
So here I am skeptical as h#ll using a carb supplement after . I wasn't expecting anything to happen, and why should I? After all, in spite of what our perception may be it's pretty rare for us to really feel when a
works (this is why 2-6 month
are usually required to find any differences).
The notable exceptions to this are:
, which gives an obvious muscle volumization effect
, which get the heart rate and body temperature up (among other possibilities)
Various [other] substances.
Other than that it's pretty much a crapshoot in which the directed placebo effect runs rampant. It's just human nature and it affects all of us.
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Placebo Effect In Bodybuilding?
Does anyone have an opinion about how significant the placebo effect is in bodybuilding, particularly in regards to the use of supplements?
Started By:
Getting back to my Vitargo S2 experiment, I quickly began to notice something happening after my
- my muscles felt fuller than normal. I initially passed this off as an un maybe because my
intake had been affecting my metabolite clearance or production. But when the effect actually increased in magnitude as time went on, I knew something positive was happening.
For whatever reason (I was still skeptical of Vitargo S2 at this point), I had a ridiculous increase in muscle volume after training. In fact I hadn't felt anything like it since I began supplementing with
a decade ago.
If you've ever carb loaded, you'll know what a great feeling it is, and if you haven't, you'll never forget your first creatine loading experience. I must admit that after more than a decade and a half of training and supplement use, I was actually a little giddy from this new experience. It's not every day that you encounter this level of change.
Click To Enlarge.
If You've Ever Carb Loaded, You'll Know What A Great Feeling It Is.
G.I.: Knowing Is Half The Battle
Another interesting property that's worth pointing out is that in spite of the quantity of carbs ingested and the rapidity of absorption, there was no perception of fullness or bloating during this experiment.
I usually have an iron gut when it comes to most things, but even this attribute can't protect me from the bloating that people experience after dumping 70 grams of glucose or maltodextrin into the gut. This benefit alone has caused several people to switch to this novel carb source after training.
Do You Feel Bloated After Eating Large Quantities Of Carbs?
Depends On The Type Of Carbs.
The True Test
Although I was walking around with what seemed like 10lbs of new muscle, the true test was to come 2 days later. This was my , and while that's not at all unusual by itself (at least we hope not!), I was sure that it was going to kill any perception of muscle fullness I had. For whatever reason, leg training completely flattens out my upper body, leaving me looking like I weigh 20lbs less than I actually do. I've never been able to "fix" this - it's just something I've gotten used to.
GENR8 Presents:
Vitargo S2
Vitargo&S2 is the super-soluble form of Vitargo&, a patented, molecular carbohydrate with ZERO SUGAR. Only Vitargo&'s low osmolality, molecular carbohydrate form moves through the stomach more than twice as fast as the carbohydrates (e.g. maltodextrin and sugars) found in other sport drinks and powders. That means faster carbohydrate digestion and absorption into the body.
to learn more. ]
But the challenge came, and I'm happy to report that my upper body stayed full for the first time I can remember during leg training. It was quite unexpected, but at that point even my stringent skepticism began to wane. Something good was going on here. Real good.
Enjoying The Ride
I usually analyze the h#ll out of a
to figure out why it works before I begin to take it, but I only did so in a negative sense with . I didn't expect it to do anything, let alone have an incredible cell volumization effect.
This has become a staple to my post workout stack. Been taking this for a short time, but it has really amped up my recover time.
Normally a leg routine left me feeling it for 4-5 days. With this new routine calling for legs twice a week, I honestly beleive this stuff has been able to help get them in at full intensity, not half assing a workout. I take this with a scoop each of whey and casein protein.
I mean I'd tried everything, including glucose, maltodextrin, , and even the highly touted
- which has been shown to be less effective than
for stimulating
and blood glucose (/end future article teaser) - but haven't had an effect like this before. Even though
enhances glycogen storage,9 my use of this supplement hadn't changed at all and couldn't be the cause of the outcome.
But following my initial (and persistent) experiences, I began investigating what was going on. After many days worth of research, I must confess that I still don't know exactly what's happening inside my muscle cells. Clearly there's an unusual glycogen supercompensation effect that occurs with , even with .
Moreover, this is related to the speed of absorption, and potentially the subsequent insulin spike, because it doesn't happen with other types of carbohydrates. This is particularly interesting considering that the liver is going to have priority for glycogen repletion, which makes the muscle supercompensation that much more intriguing. Beyond that, I'm at a loss.
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Your Anabolic Powerhouse!
Insulin is one of the body's most anabolic muscle-building hormones. More specifically, it's a hormone released by the pancreas in response to nutrient availability.
Although I'm not completely resigned on elucidating the mechanism of action, I have learned to sit back and enjoy the volumization ride.
More Than A Feeling
For most people involved in athletics or bodybuilding, the benefits of an appearance of additional 10-15 pounds of functional muscle seem obvious. But far from simply a cosmetic effect, enhanced glycogen storage may have even more benefits!
For example, it is known that resistance exercise increases glycogen breakdown, the extent to which is determined by the
of the training.14 From this, it has been suggested that glycogen supercompensation following post-exercise
may ultimately result in improved resistance training performance.7
Your 12-Week Daily Video TrainerWeek 9: Post-Workout Nutrition!
You've always wanted to get in the best possible shape, but you've just been waiting for someone to help you make that first step and keep you moving down the right path. Kris Gethin is your own Daily Personal Trainer! Today we're discussing the importance of post-workout nutrition.
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The fact that glycogen depletion, and subsequent resynthesis, occur to the greatest extent in fast muscle fibers lends further intrigue to the performance enhancing potential.14
Interestingly, it has been shown that performing resistance exercise (squats) in a carbohydrate-depleted state is ergolytic (i.e. performance impairing).8 Although it's too soon to suggest the extrapolation that training in a post- glycogen-supercompensated state would be directly performance-enhancing, the potential for such an effect remains exciting.
GENR8 Presents:
Vitargo S2
Vitargo&S2 is the super-soluble form of Vitargo&, a patented, molecular carbohydrate with ZERO SUGAR. Only Vitargo&'s low osmolality, molecular carbohydrate form moves through the stomach more than twice as fast as the carbohydrates (e.g. maltodextrin and sugars) found in other sport drinks and powders. That means faster carbohydrate digestion and absorption into the body.
to learn more. ]
Perhaps even more important than any ergogenic effect is the actual benefit of cell volumization itself. It's been suggested that actually enhancing muscle cell size is responsible for anticatabolic effects in this tissue.6 Although it's usually associated with
use, it's worth noting that some of creatine's effect may be due to its often-ignored ability to increase glycogen storage.9, 15, 18
Consistent with this idea, creatine supplementation has been shown to have an anticatabolic effect,10 leaving one to wonder to what extent glycogen contributes to this significant benefit.
to learn more. ]
Getting The Facts Straight On Creatine For Optimal Results!
Creatine is one of the most popular weight gain supplements that users find themselves on and has shown to be very helpful.
All Signals Go!
Continuing with the similarities between
and glycogen loading, we need look no further than the effect of each on muscle cell signaling in resistance exercise. These are the "stop" and "go" signals that tell the muscle to build up, and break down. By altering our control of these signals we should be able to optimize our training effect.
Click To Enlarge.
By Altering The Stop And Go Signals We Can Optimize Our Training Effect.
One study showed that trained athletes had greater anabolic signaling following resistance exercise when the muscle is in a
loaded state.2 In fact, the anabolic factors that were activated following exercise in the high carb condition are the same that are stimulated from leucine supplementation and resistance exercise,4 as well as protein and carb laden post-workout drinks.5
Other research indicates that the level of glycogen in muscle can affect muscle regulatory factors in a resting state. Considering that we're usually resting, the significance of this finding could be important. In fact, it has been shown that signals for overall protein metabolism are increased in normal, compared to glycogen-depleted, muscle.1
What's really interesting about all of this is that these anabolic factors are also elevated in muscle with
use3 and .13
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Unrelenting Muscle Is Here!
Being a bodybuilder places us in a very elite realm and although we pour every ounce of sweat and blood into our workouts, we inevitably hit a muscle-building wall.
Now we know that carbohydrate availability greatly affects the related signals for adaptation following endurance exercise,12 but this has yet to be directly investigated for glycogen supercompensated muscle.
Considering what we know about muscle glycogen availability and creatine-induced cell swelling affecting the growth signals, it's a good bet that there's going to be a net positive effect on . Only time will tell just how powerful this effect is, when combined with resistance training in fed, and hyper-fed, states.
Summary And Conclusions
In spite of my skepticism and poor experiences with other carbohydrates, I noticed an immediate and sustained volumization effect from post-workout
ingestion. Although I can't quite figure out why it works as well as it does, the added muscle size is enough to keep me coming back for more. Moreover, the potential for this glycogen supercompensation to promote a performance-enhancing, and/or anabolic/anticatabolic effect, remains quite exciting!
Raise Your Expectations. Raise The Barr!
David Barr is widely recognized as an industry innovator, most recently for his work on developing . As a strength coach and scientist, he brings a unique perspective to the areas of diet, supplementation, and training. His research experience includes work for NASA at the Johnson Space Center, as well as studying the effect of protein on muscle growth at the world's most top muscle metabolism lab under Dr. Robert Wolfe. He holds certifications with the NSCA as well as USA Track and Field, and is the Official supplement consultant for Super Human Radio. He can be contacted through his website: .
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