nth give freegive.me score

Following up my
, I ought at least to link to the
piece on MOOCS – Massive Open Online Courses. Obviously this is the ultimate inexpensive option for higher education, and it is likely to be the bleeding edge of some disruptive wedge, I don’t know which one – several probably. This will change things.
Clay Shirky asked in comments to my last post what I thought about this stuff and I said I was ignorant. Which I am. That said, I’m a big believer that this stuff will somehow work out for the best. The upside is just too way up for any downside to drag it down. As a teacher, I’ve always availed myself of webcast options whenever possible – especially when I was teaching a 500+ student intro module. Webcast kills live theater attendance but it’s just so damn convenient for students to be able to download an MP3 of the lecture to go with their copy of the PPT.
My older daughter – age 11 – and I were going to take a world history Coursera course together, because she was on a world history kick for a while there, . I thought I could up her precosity index (measured on the Granger scale, based on Hermione’s behavior in the first two Harry Potter books) by making her realize she is on the edge of being able to understand college level history material, which she is … and isn’t. (It’s the thought that you can think at a college level that counts at this level.) But she sort of lost interest and we got busy with other things. Anyhoo. I’m still planning on taking a Coursera course at some point, just to see how they are doing it.
In the past 3 years, I’ve learned a lot of guitar by subscribing , which is a great online lesson service. I also rely
to teach me stuff – InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, the usual Adobe suspects. My younger daughter is taking drums and I’m learning along with her (tell you the truth, she needs to practice more!) YouTube videos, baby. Short, instructional YouTube videos, to supplement weekly lessons with an actual human drummer. Everyone should mine all involve extensive online learning.
But here’s the thing. The book – the old-fashioned paper book – was the original MOOC app. Then again, no. A book is not a course. A library is not a university. And so a library of online learning resources is not an online university. MOOC’s are going to help people who are self-motivated and already know how to learn. They will help those who can already help themselves.
I realize these MOOC’s are trying to semi-interactive. They aren’t just old-fashioned courseware – not just a database of webcast lectures you can download as mp3s. Obviously this means that MOOC’s have to be the new frontier of social networking. Some kind of peer-to-peer bootstrapping, with lots of students helping each other help themselves, because there’s no way one instructor (or just a few) can individually help every student, once you scale up past a certain point. But this still requires the students to be mature and self-motivated, as learners, to start with.
This is such a huge number of people – especially globally – that it’s great news, all in all. But it leaves a lot of people behind – students better served by a more traditional college experience. But, then again, it’s paradoxical to say that MOOC’s are for advanced students, whereas meatspace college is more remedial, in a disciplinary sort of way. (Poor kid, he has to go to Harvard because he’s not ready for Coursera!) College is for students who can’t yet help themselves, don’t know how to study, don’t know enough to know what they want, or what they should want, to learn. They need to be more or less locked into an environment where they will be induced to learn how to learn. Which is, after all, what college is supposed to teach.
In a world of MOOC’s, traditional college is ambiguous between remedial learning for those who haven’t yet learned how to learn, and a premium personal coaching service – because, after all, one-on-one (or one-on-a-few) personal mentoring is always going to be better than the best Coursera can offer.
Oh, and credentialing. (It’s quite crucial that I am not interested in getting a guitar credential or a Photoshop credential. Otherwise my online learning life would necessarily be vastly more complicated.) We can talk about the complicated fact that colleges are a vast credentialing industry. It’s going to be hard for MOOC’s to take their place in that regard. But it’s also hard to regard this vast credential industry structure as very sensible, overall.
Also, as one commenter pointed out in my last thread: we shouldn’t be stampeded by the newness of all this. I was talking about the Western Governors model in that post and it was pointed out that there are lots of generally no-glamour state (2nd or 3rd tier) colleges and universities, plugging along, doing what they have always done, not charging more tuition than Western Governors, probably getting comparable outcomes. So if we are really cash-strapped, we shouldn’t just look for a shiny new inexpensive widget or app. Very true.
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Lumber RoomThe Tribune ( July 12, 2005 )114网址导航Score - definition of score by The Free Dictionary /score
score Also found in: , , , , , , , .
Sports & Games a.
A usually numerical record of a competitive event: keeping score.b.
The total number of points made by each competitor or side in a contest, either final or at a given stage: The score stood tied in the bottom of the ninth inning.c.
The number of points attributed to a competitor or team.2.
A result, usually expressed numerically, of a test or examination.3. a.
A a debt.b.
A grievance that is harbored and requires satisfaction: settle an old score.4.
A a reason: You have nothing to worry about on that score.5.
A group of 20 items.6.
scores Large numbers: Scores of people attended the rally.7.
The notation of a musical work.b.
The written form of a composition for orchestral or vocal parts.c.
The music written for a film or a play.8.
The act of securing an advantage, especially a surprising or significant gain: "He had dropped out of school and gone for that quick dollar, that big score" (Peter Goldman).b.
The act or an instance of buying illicit drugs.c.
A successful robbery.d.
An instance of having sexual intercourse with a desired partner.9.
A notch or incision, especially one that is made to keep a tally.v.
scored, scor·ing, scores v.tr.1.
To achieve or accomplish: scored a success in the play.2.
Sports & Games a.
To achieve or gain in a game or contest: score a touchdown.b.
To count or be worth as points: A basket scores two points.c.
To keep a written record of the score or events of (a game or contest).d.
To cause (a base runner) to cross home plate, especially by getting a hit: scored both runners with a double.3.
To evaluate and assign a grade to: score a test.4.
To orchestrate (a piece of music).b.
To arrange for a specific instrument.5.
To berate.6.
To succeed in acquiring: scored two tickets to the play.b.
To succeed in obtaining (an illicit drug): "Aging punks try to impress her with tales of ... the different drugs they've scored" (Art Jahnke).7. a.
To mark (a piece of paper or wood, for example) with lines or notches, especially for the purpose of keeping a record.b.
To cancel or eliminate by superimposing lines.c.
To mark the surface of (meat, for example) with usually parallel cuts.v.intr.1.
Sports & Games a.
To make a point or points in a game or contest.b.
To record the score or progress of a game or contest.2.
To achieve a purpose or advantage, especially to make a surprising gain or coup: "They ... score in places like the bond market" (Mike Barnicle).b.
To succeed in having sexual relations with a desired partner.c.
To succeed in buying or obtaining an illicit drug.[Middle English, crack, scratch, tally stick, tally of twenty, from Old English scoru (attested only in the sense "twenty"), from Old Norse skor, notch, tally stick, tally of twenty; see
in .]scor′er n.score (sk?:) n1.
(General Sporting Terms) an evaluative, usually numerical, record of a competitive game or match2.
(General Sporting Terms) the total number of points made by a side or individual in a game or match3.
(General Sporting Terms) the act of scoring, esp a point or points4. the score informal
the true facts: to know the score. 5. US and Canadian the result of a test or exam6. a group or set of twenty: three score years and ten. 7.
(foll by: of) lots: I have scores of things to do. 8.
(Music, other) music a. the written or printed form of a composition in which the instrumental or vocal parts appear on separate staves vertically arranged on large pages (full score) or in a condensed version, usually for piano (short score) or voices and piano (vocal score)b. the incidental music for a film or playc. the songs, music, etc, for a stage or film musical9. a mark or notch, esp one made in keeping a tally10. an account of amounts due11. an amount recorded as due12. a reason or account: the book was rejected on the score of length. 13. a grievance14. a. a line marking a division or boundaryb. (as modifier): score line. 15. informal the victim of a theft or swindle16.
(Dancing) dancing notation indicating a dancer's moves17. over the score informal unfair18. settle a score pay off a score a. to avenge a wrongb. to repay a debtvb19.
(General Sporting Terms) to gain (a point or points) in a game or contest20.
(tr) to make a total score of: to score twelve. 21. to keep a record of the score (of)22.
(Games, other than specified) (tr) to be worth (a certain amount) in a game23.
(tr) US and Canadian to evaluate (a test or exam) mark24.
(tr) to record by making notches in25. to make (cuts, lines, etc) in or on26.
(Recreational Drugs) (intr) slang to obtain something desired, esp to purchase an illegal drug27.
(intr) slang (of a man) to be successful in seducing a person28.
(Music, other) (tr) a. to set or arrange (a piece of music) for specific instruments or voicesb. to write the music for (a film, play, etc)29. to achieve (success or an advantage): your idea really scored with the boss. 30.
(tr) chiefly US and Canadian
berate31. to accumulate or keep a record of (a debt)[Old English
related to Old Norse skor notch, tally, twenty] 'scorer nscore
(skɔr, skoʊr)
score for 11; n.
the record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or contest.
the total points or strokes made by one side or competitor.
the performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number or other symbol.
a notch, scratch, or incision.
a notch or mark for keeping an account or record.
a reckonin tally.
any account showing indebtedness.
an amount recorded as due.
a line drawn as a boundary, the starting point of a race, etc.
a group or set of 20.
scores, a great many.
a reason, ground, or cause:
to complain on the score of low pay.
the basic facts of a situation:
What's the score on Saturday's picnic?
a successful move, remark, etc.
a written or printed piece of music with the vocal and instrumental parts arranged on staves, one under the other.
the music for a movie, play, or television show.
a sexual conquest.
a purchase or acquisition of illicit drugs.
a successful robbery.
the victim of a robbery or swindle.
to make, gain, or earn in a game, as points or hits.
to get a score of.
to have as a specified value in points:
Four aces score 100.
to evaluate the responses a person has made on (a test or examination).
to orchestrate.
to compose the music for (a movie, play, television show, etc.).
to cut shallow ridges into (meat, fish, etc.), usu. in diamond patterns.
to make notches, cuts, marks, or lines in or on.
to keep a record of (points, items, etc.).
to write down as a debt.
to record as a debtor.
to achieve or win:
The play scored a great success.
to obtain (a drug) illicitly.
to berate or censure.
to crease (paper or cardboard) in order to facilitate bending.
to make, gain, or earn points, hits, etc., in a game or contest.
to keep score, as of a game.
to achieve an advantage or success.
to make notches, cuts, lines, etc.
to run up a score or debt.
to succeed in finding a willing sexual partner.
to purchase or obtain drugs illicitly.
pay off or settle a score, retaliate.
[before 1100; (n.) Middle E late Old English scora, score (pl.; singular *scoru) group of twenty (appar. orig. notch) & Old Norse skor (v.) Middle English: to incise, mark with lines, tally debts & Old Norse skora to notch]
scor′er, n.
score - A game in which one must "hop" over the lines scr scotch means "scratched" or "to score." It was once called hop-score. - A measure of a baby's wellbeing that takes into account respiratory effort, skin color, heart rate, muscle tone, and sense of smell—named for American anesthetist Virginia Apgar. - In baseball, a run scored without the aid of errors by the opposing team's fielders. - Refers to basketball points scored from within the free-throw lane.Score&a gr a weight of 20 or 21 pounds used in weighing pigs, oxen, and other commodities.Examples: score of bachelors (from the phrase ‘to score’)—Lipton, 1970; flour (20 lb.), 1858; of people.scorePast participle: scoredGerund: scoringImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativescorescorePresentI scoreyou scorehe/she/it scoreswe scoreyou scorethey scorePreteriteI scoredyou scoredhe/she/it scoredwe scoredyou scoredthey scoredPresent ContinuousI am scoringyou are scoringhe/she/it is scoringwe are scoringyou are scoringthey are scoringPresent PerfectI have scoredyou have scoredhe/she/it has scoredwe have scoredyou have scoredthey have scoredPast ContinuousI was scoringyou were scoringhe/she/it was scoringwe were scoringyou were scoringthey were scoringPast PerfectI had scoredyou had scoredhe/she/it had scoredwe had scoredyou had scoredthey had scoredFutureI will scoreyou will scorehe/she/it will scorewe will scoreyou will scorethey will scoreFuture PerfectI will have scoredyou will have scoredhe/she/it will have scoredwe will have scoredyou will have scoredthey will have scoredFuture ContinuousI will be scoringyou will be scoringhe/she/it will be scoringwe will be scoringyou will be scoringthey will be scoringPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been scoringyou have been scoringhe/she/it has been scoringwe have been scoringyou have been scoringthey have been scoringFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been scoringyou will have been scoringhe/she/it will have been scoringwe will have been scoringyou will have been scoringthey will have been scoringPast Perfect ContinuousI had been scoringyou had been scoringhe/she/it had been scoringwe had been scoringyou had been scoringthey had been scoringConditionalI would scoreyou would scorehe/she/it would scorewe would scoreyou would scorethey would scorePast ConditionalI would have scoredyou would have scoredhe/she/it would have scoredwe would have scoredyou would have scoredthey would have scoredscore1. A counting unit equal to 20.2. To make a series of shallow cuts on the surface of food.
Switch to Noun1.score - a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance); "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?", , ,
- an appraisal of th "he set a high valuation on friendship" - a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course,
- (statistics) any of the 99 numbered points that divide an ordered set of scores into 100 parts each of which contains one-hundredth of the total - (statistics) any of nine points that divided a distribution of ranked scores into equal intervals where each interval contains one-tenth of the scores - (statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores2.score - a written form of a parts for different instruments appear on separate s "he studied the score of the sonata" - (music) notation used by musicians - a musical composition in pri "she turned the pages of the music as he played"3.score - a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual
"the score was 7 to 0" - the score in a bowling match - the score in a football game - the score of a baseball game - the score in a basketball game - a concept of quantity invo "every number has a unique position in the sequence" - (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting
"Nicklaus won by three strokes" - (golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole - (golf) a score of one stroke over par on a hole - (sports) the score by which a team or individual is losing - (golf) a score of two strokes over par for a hole,
- (cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman - (golf) a score of two strokes under par on a hole - (golf) a score of three strokes under par on a hole - (games) the score at a particular point or the "the game is 6 all"; "he is serving for the game" - (sports) the score by which a team or individual is winning - a score of zero "it was 40 love" - the score needed to win a match - (golf) the standard number of strokes set for each hole on a golf course, or f "a par-5 hole"; "par for this course is 72" - the unit of counting in scori "he scored 20 points in the first half"; "a touchdown counts 6 points"4.score - a s "a score were sent out but only one returned" - a group of things of the same kind that belong toge "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"5.score - "don't do it on my account"; "the paper was rejected on account of its length"; "he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful",
- a rational motive fo "the reason that war was declared"; "the grounds for their declaration"6.score - the facts about "he didn't know the score" - a piece of information about circumstances that exist or event "first you must collect all the facts of the case"7.score - an amount due (as at a restaurant or bar); "add it to my score and I'll settle later" - money or goods or services owed by one person to another8.score - a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally), , , ,
- a depression scratched or carved into a surface9.score - a resentment strong enough to "holding a grudge"; "settling a score", , , , ,
- a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will10.score - the act of scorin "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play" - an attainmen "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success" - in target shooting: a score made by hitting the
"in repeated sets of five shots his numbers of bull's-eyes varied" - a successfu "the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play",
- a score in tenpins: knocking down all ten "he finished with three strikes in the tenth frame" - knocking down all ten after rolling two balls,
- any frame in which a bowler fails to ma "the break in the eighth frame cost him the match" - a score in A a player is tackled behind his own goal line - a score in A being in possession of the ball across the opponents' goal line - a score in A a score made by kicking the ball between the opponents' goal posts - a successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown,
- a score in baseball made by a runner touching a "the Yankees scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th"; "their first tally came in the 3rd inning",
- a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop - (sports) three consecutive scores by one player or three scores in one game (as in cricket or ice hockey etc.),
- (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your
"he was up two breaks in the second set" - a score that makes the match even11.score - a seduction culminating i "calling his seduction of the girl a `score' was a typical example of male slang",
- an act of winning the love or sexual favor of someone - the practic sexual conquests of married womenVerb1.score - g "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season", ,
- make a score (on a hole) equal to par - "shoot a basket"; "shoot a goal" - score (a spare) - c "score a penalty shot or free throw" - score an extra point or points after touchdown by kicking the ball through the uprights or advancing the ba "Smith converted and his team won" - hit a home run, , , , , ,
- obtain advantages, such as points, etc.; "The home team was gaining ground"; "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference" - "He kicked the extra point after touchdown" - shoot in two strokes under par - score a hole in one -
"He aced his opponents" - obtain a base on balls, ,
- make the score equal, ,
- ach "Nicklaus had a 70"; "The Brazilian team got 4 goals"; "She made 29 points that day"2.score - make small marks "score the clay before firing it",
- sc "scarify seeds" - make a small cut or score into - score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking - "sorrow had lined his face" - cut
"notch the rope", , ,
- "The skin disease scarred his face permanently"3.score - make underscoring marks & &,
"cancel cheques or tickets", ,
- set down in permanent form4.score - write a musical score for - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner,
- "Beethoven composed nine symphonies" - write an orchestra score for5.score - "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally",
- cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, twist somebody' "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!" - lure or entice away from duty, principles, "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"6.score - get a certain number or letter indicating qu "She scored high on the SAT"; "He scored a 200" - achieve a certain score "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools", , ,
- "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"7.score - assign a grade or rank to, according to one' "grade tests"; "score the SAT essays"; "mark homework", , , , , ,
- evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"scoreverb1. , , , , , , , , , , ,
(informal) They scored 282 points in their first innings.2. go down well with (someone), , ,
(informal), , gain an advantage, , make an impact or impression He told them he had scored with the girl.3. (Music) , , , , ,
He scored a piece for a chamber music ensemble.4. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , make a groove in Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a sharp cook's knife.5. (Slang) , , , , , , ,
We scored some dope last night.noun1. , , ,
low maths scores2. , , , , , number of points or goals scored The final score was 4-1.3. , , ,
the composer of classic film scores4.
three score and ten5. , , , , , , , , ,
They had a score to settle with each other.6. , , , , , ,
(U.S. informal), ,
So what is the score anyway?plural noun1. , , , , , , , , , an army, , , , , very many, a flock, a throng, a great number Campaigners lit scores of bonfires.on this or that score on this or that subject, as far as (something) is concerned, in this or that respect, as regards this or that, on this or that matter At least I've had no problems on that score.score points off someone , ,
(informal), , , have the laugh on, make (someone) look silly They kept trying to score points off each other.score something out or through , , , , , , , put a line through Words and sentences had been scored out and underlined.settle a score (Informal) get your own back on someone, , repay someone, hit back (at someone), pay (someone) back (in their own coin), get even with someone (informal), give (someone) a taste of their own medicine, avenge something, give an eye for an eye, give like for like or tit for tat, requite someone's actions Attempting to settle the score can provide us with temporary satisfaction.the score (Informal) the situation, the facts, , , , the reality, the equation, , , , the setup (informal), how things stand, the true state of affairs He knows the score.scorenoun1. An incision, a notch, or a slight cut made with or as if with a knife:, , .2. The total number of points made by a contestant, side, or team in a game or contest:.3. A very large number of things grouped together.Used in plural:, , , , , , , , , , , , , .verb1. To gain (a point or points) in a game or contest:, .Informal:
.2. To evaluate and assign a grade to:, .3. To criticize harshly and devastatingly:, , , , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.Idioms: burn someone's ears, crawl all over, , put someone on the griddle, put someone on the hot seat, , read the riot act to.4. Slang.
To succeed in doing:, , , , , .5. Slang.
To do or fare well:, , , , .Idioms: , , go strong.
????? ???????????????skórepartiturap?e?krtnoutskórovatstavpartiturscorestillingsnesresultatpartituuripistetilannesaadatehd? maalitiupartituraposti?irezultateléreredménygólarányjátékállásjegyzi a pontokathalda skorraddskrá, partítúrskora/gera markstigafj? sta?a í leikstrika út得点楽譜点を取る????????d?l ?itod?l tos prie?astiesdvide?imt?mu?tipartitūradivdesmitgūt vārtus/punktusiegūt vārtus/punktusizsvītrotnosvītrotpoengsumpartitúraskórezapisova? bodydose?irezultatpartiturpo?ngsummar?kna po?ngst?llningtjog????????????????????tüm notayirmilik grupb?n nh?cghi ?i?mt? s?score [skɔːʳ]A. N1. (in game, match) (= result) →
m; (= goal) →
m, tanto m; (at cards, in test, competition) →
m (LAm)there's no score yet → están a ; (in commentary) → no se ha
todavíathere was no score at half-time →
no hubo what's the score? → ?cómo ?, ?cómo va el ?the final score was 4-1 → el
fue 4 a 1we give each entry a score out of ten →
or (LAm) un puntaje de uno a diez a cada participantehe missed a chance to make the score 1-1 →
a 1with the score at 40-0 she has three match points → con 40-0 a su ,
de to keep (the) score (Sport) →
(Cards) →
los 2.the score (= situation) what's the score? → ?qué ?, ?qué hubo? (Mex, Chile)you know the score → ya estás al
, ya estás al tanto3. (= subject)you've got no worries on that score → en ese
preocuparte4. (= dispute)to have a score to settle with sb →
con algnto settle or pay off old scores (with sb) →
(con algn)5. (Mus) →
f; [of show, play] →
f; [of film] →
(original)film score →
(original)piano score →
para vocal score →
para 6. (= line) (on card) →
f; (= scratch) (on wood) →
f7. (= twenty) → veintena fthree score years and ten (liter) → 70 scores of people →
de , muchísima bombs were falling by the score →
a B. VT1. (Sport) [+ points] → , anotarse (LAm),
(LAm); [+ runs] → ; [+ goal, try] → they went five games without scoring a point → en cinco
to score a hit (Shooting) → to score a run (Baseball) → 2. (in exam, test, competition) [+ marks, points] → to score 75% in an exam →
en un she scored well in the test →
if you answered yes, score five points → si
cinco 3. [+ success, victory] → he's certainly scored a hit with the voters/with his latest novel → no cabe la
to score points off sb → aventajarse
algn4. (Mus) [+ piece] → , 5. (= cut) [+ meat] →
en; (= mark) [+ line] → her face was weathered, scored with lines → su
de 6. [+ drugs] → , ,
(Sp) C. VI1. (Sport) → no one has scored yet →
nadie; (in commentary) →
el he has failed to score this season → no ha
esta that's where he scores (over the others) (fig) →
(sobre los demás)2. (= keep score) (Sport) →
(Cards) →
los 3. (= buy drugs) →
(Sp) to score with sb (= have sex) →
con algn; (= get off with) →
a algnD. CPD score draw N (Ftbl) →
mno-score draw →
m a score off, score out, score through VT + ADV [+ text] → score [ˈskɔːr] n (= number of points won) (SPORT) →
m; (in card game, board game) →
fThe score was three nil → Le
était de trois à .What's the score? → Quel
le ? (in test) →
mpl (MUSIC) (= written music) →
f [film, play] (= incidental music) →
f the score (= what's happening)What's the score? → Qu'est-ce qu'il se ?to know the score → savoir
(= grievance) →
mto have an old score to settle with sb → avoir un
avec qn, avoir un
avec qnto settle an old score with sb →
avec qn (= account) on that score → sur ce on this score → sur ce
(= twenty) → vingt vt [+ goal, point, try] → to score a goal → to score a point over sb (fig) →
qnto score points off sb (fig) →
qn (in test) → to score 6 out of 10 →
6 sur 10 [+ success] →
(= cut) [+ leather, wood, card] → , ; [+ line] →
[+ drugs] →
vi (in game, football, basketball) → to score over sb (fig) →
qn (= keep score) →
les Who's going to score? → Qui va
les ? (= buy drugs) →
(= have sex) →
scores nplscores of (= lots of) → score out vt sep → score n (= number of points) → (Punkte) m; (of game, Sport) → (Spiel) m; (= final score) → Spielergebnis nt; what was your score in the test? → wie viele
or gemacht? (inf); England didn’t get a very good score →
; (in game, test also) →
sehr viele
; (Ftbl etc also) →
sehr viele
or ; the score was Rangers 3, Celtic 0 → es
(gegen Celtic); (= final score) →
Celtic (mit) 3:0; there was no score at half-time →
es 0:0; to keep (the) score → (mit); (officially) →
; (on scoreboard) →
; what’s the score? → wie
es?; (fig also) → wie
es aus? (on mit) (inf); he doesn’t know the score (fig) → er
(inf); to make a score with somebody (fig) →
(= reckoning, grudge) →
f; what’s the score? → was bin ich ?, wie viel
das?; to pay off or settle old scores →
; to have a score to settle with somebody →
haben (Mus: = printed music) →
pl; (esp of classical music) →
f; (of film, musical) →
f (= line, cut) →
f, →
f; (on body) →
m; (= weal) →
m (= 20) → zwanzig; scores of … (= many) →
von …, jede
… (inf); a score of people → zwanzig ; 3 score years and 10 (old) → 70 ; scores and scores →
(inf); scores of times → ,
(inf); by the score →
(inf) (= reason, ground) →
m; on that score → aus diesem ,
vt (= win) → ; marks, points → , ; goals → , ; runs → ; (Rugby) try → ; (Golf) hole-in-one → ; he scored an advantage over his opponent → er war gegenüber seinem
im ; our last contestant scored one hundred points → unser
hat hundert ; each correct answer scores five points → jede
fünf ; to score a point off or over somebody (fig) → auf
(acc) → ,
; to score a hit with somebody →
; that remark scored a hit → diese
(= groove) → , /eine
in (+acc); (= mark) → /einen
in (+acc); (Cook) fat, meat etc → ; the wall is heavily scored with lines → die
auf (Mus) → ; the film was scored by Michael Nyman → die
Nyman (inf) drugs → sich (dat) →
vi (= win points etc) → einen
(inf); (Ftbl etc) → ein
; to score well/badly → / ; (in game, test etc also) → eine /keine
; (Ftbl etc also) → viele/wenig
; the batsman didn’t score off the fast balls → der
konnte die
; that’s where he scores (fig) → das ist sein
Plus (= keep score) → (mit) (inf: sexually) did you score (with her)? → hast du sie flachgelegt? (sl) (inf: = obtain drugs) → sich (dat) →
(inf)score: scoreboard n →
f; (on TV) →
f → der Spielergebnisse scorecard n → Spielprotokoll nt; (Golf) → Z?hlkarte f score draw n (Brit Ftbl) →
nt scorekeeper n (= official, Sport) → Anschreiber(in) m(f); (in quiz etc) → Punktez?hler(in) m(f); who’s the score? → wer
(mit)? scoreless adj (Sport: = without goals) → ; (= without runs/points) → ohne dass ein /
; Norway had held Holland to a score draw in Rotterdam → in Rotterdam hatte
; the next six innings were score → bei den
sechs Innings
score [skɔːʳ]1. na. (Sport, Cards) → ,
mplto keep (the) score → there's no score yet (Sport) →
nessuno ha
(un punto)there was no score in the match (Sport) → hanno
to know the score (fig) (fam) →
to have an old score to settle with sb (fig) → avere un
con qnb. (account) → , on that score → c. (cut, mark, on wood) → ; (on leather, card) →
fd. (Mus) (of opera) → , ; (of film) → e. (twenty) a score → ventia score of people → una
di scores of people (fig) →
2. vta. (goal, point, runs) → ; (success) → to score 75% in an exam →
a or in un to score a hit (Fencing) →
(Shooting) → to score a hit with sth (fig) →
con qcto score a hit with sb (fig) →
su qnb. (cut, leather, wood, card) → c. (music, for piano) → ; (for film) →
la 3. via. (Sport) (footballer) → ; (player) → ; (keep score) →
il to score 6 out of 10 (in exam, test) →
6 su 10to score over sb (fig) →
a qnb. (fam!) (have sex with) to score (with sb) →
qnscore off vt + adva. (name, item on list) → , b. (fig) (in argument) to score points off sb →
su qnscore out score through vt + adv → ,
(con un segno)score (sko:)
– plurals scores (after a number or a word signifying a quantity) score –
the number of points, goals etc gained in a game, competition etc. The cricket score is 59 for 3. telling
????? ????????
skóre, stav
die Punktzahl
stilling , ,
seis, tulemus
rezultat, broj bodova
pont(szám); gól(arány); (játék)állás
stigafj? sta?a í leik ,
rezultāts (sportā u.tml.)
jaringan gol , ,
???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ????? ??? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????????
skóre, stav
oyun sonucu
рахунок, к?льк?сть очок
????? ??????
?i?m s?, bàn th?ng
(比赛中)得分记录 2.
a written piece of music showing all the parts for instruments and voices. the score of an opera. bladmusiek
??????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????
die Partitur
???????? ?? ??????
?????????????, ????????
naskah musik
raddskrá, partítúr
??????? ??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ????????
tüm nota, partisyon
?????? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????
(音乐的)总谱 3.
a set or group of twenty. There was barely a score of people there. twintig
εικοσ?δα ,
dvadeset, skupina dvadeset
húsz (20)
sekelompok orang yang terdiri dari dua puluh
tveir tugir
grup de 20
два десятка
grupa od dvadeset
??????????? , yirmilik grup
два десятки
??? ????? ?? ?????
m?t b?, m?t mhóm hai m??i
to gain (goals etc) in a game etc. He scored two goals before half-time. punte behaal
???????? ??????
score , , ,
saama, saavutama
?????? ?????
tehd? maali
?????????, ????????
??? ???? ?? ?????
posti?i zgoditak
l? (gólt); elér (pontot)
mencetak gol
skora/gera mark
ámu?ti (ávartá), laim?ti
[]gūt vārtus/punktus
f? m?l/poeng,
zdobywa? punkty
?????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???????? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????
g?ra m?l, ta (f?, g?ra) po?ng
вигравати; мати усп?х
??? ?? ?????? ???? ????
ghi bàn; ghi ?i?m
(比赛)得分 2.
(sometimes with off or out) to remove (eg
a name) from eg
a list by putting a line through it. Please could you score my name off (the list)?; Is that word meant to be scored out? uitkrap
??????? ???????
p?e?krtnout, vy?krtnout
l?bi kriipsutama
viivata yli
???? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ?????
prekri?iti s popisa
elér, szerez (pontot)
strika út ,
?? ?? ????
izsvī nosvītrot
stryke ut/over ,
pre?krtnú?, vy?krtnú?
stryka [ut]
??? ????? ????? ?? ??? ?????
g?ch b?, xoá 3.
to keep score. Will you score for us, please? telling hou
???????? ????? ????????
отбелязвам точки
zapisovat body
f?re regnskab
σημει?νω τη βαθμολογ?α, κρατ?ω το σκορ
punkte lugema
???? ???????? ?? ??? ?????
laskea pisteet
marquer les points
??????? ????????
bilje?iti rezultat
membuat nilai
halda skor
(segnare i punti)
skaièiuoti ta?kus, sumuoti rezultatus
skaitīt punktus (spēlē)
kira markah
de stand bijhouden
notowa? wyniki
? ??????? ?????? ????
a ?ine scorul
вести счёт
zapisova? body
bele?iti to?ke
voditi zapisnik
sk?ta po?ngst?llning, f?ra protokoll
say? tutmak
вести рахунок; зараховувати
?????? ?? ???? ?????
(在比赛中)记分 'scorer noun1.
a person who scores points, goals etc. Our team scored two goals – Smith and Brown were the scorers. mense wat punte behaal
???????? ????????
zapisova? stavu
der Torschütze
m? pointscorer
σκ?ρερ ,
punktitegija, v?raval??ja
?????? ??????
pisteen tekij?
marqueur/-euse (de buts)
?????? ???????????
??? ????? ????
postizalac zgoditka, strijelac
pencetak gol
peln?s ta?kus
vārtu/punktu guvē rezultatīvs spēlētājs
penjaring gol
zdobywca punktów
??? ??? ?? ???? ?????
marcator (de goluri) , кто забил гол
zapisovate? v?sledkov
kdor dose?e to?ko
po?ngtagare, m?lg?rare
????????? , say?/gol vb. yapan kimse
той, хто п?драхову? очки
??? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??????
ng??i ghi bàn; ghi ?i?m 2.
a person who writes down the score during eg a cricket match.
???????? ???? ???????? ????? ????????
лице, което отбелязва резултата
der Anschreiber
πρ?σωπο που σημει?νει τη βαθμολογ?α σε αγ?νε?
??? ????? ??????
?????? ???????????
???, ????? ?? ???????? ???? ????
bodovni sudac
pencatat nilai
rezultat? u?ra?in?tojas
mar?ieris (spēlē); punktu skaitītājs
pencatat markah
prowadz?cy zapis
marcator, persoan? care ?ine scorul
счётчик очков
say? tutucu, puan kaydedici
????? ?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ???? ???
ng??i ghi ?i?m trong m?t tr?n ??u 'score-board noun a usually large board on which the score is shown at a cricket match, a quiz-programme etc.
??????? ??????? ????????
tabule ukazující skóre
die Anschreibetafel
π?νακα? βαθμολογ?α?
????? ??? ????????
???? ?????????
??? ???, ??? ????
plo?a za bilje?enje bodova, semafor
eredményjelz? tábla
papan skor
rezultātu tablo
papan markah
tablica wyników
tabel? de marcaj
tabu?a ukazujúca skóre
???????????? ? ???????????
say? tabel?s?
?????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???
b?ng ghi t? s?, b?ng ghi ?i?m on that score for that reason. He's perfectly healthy, so you don't need to worry on that score. daarom
???? ????????
за/заради това
por esse motivo
v tom ohledu
in dieser Hinsicht
hvad det ang?r
για αυτ?ν το λ?γο
por lo que se refiere a eso, a ese respecto
selle (asja) p?rast
?? ?? ????
siin? suhteessa
?????????? ???
?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???
iz tog razloga
ezen okból
af ?eirri ástae?u
al riguardo
d?l ?ito, d?l tos prie?asties
?ī iemesla dē?; ?ai zi?ā
z tego powodu
?? ??? ????
por esse motivo
по этому поводу
z tohto d?vodu
glede tega
p? den punkten
з цього приводу; в цьому в?дношенн?
l? do, c?n c? scores (of) very many. She received scores of letters about her radio programme. baie, heelwat
????? ????? ??
Mengen (von)
snesevis , ?να σωρ?
montones de
terlalu banyak ,
???? ?????
mul?ime (de)
h?ba, ve?a
tjogtals med, massor av
pek ?ok, ?ok say?da
r?t nhi?u settle old scores to get revenge for past wrongs. I have some old scores to settle with you. terugkry
???????? ???????? ???????? ?????????
разчиствам стари сметки
acertar contas antigas
vy?ídit si staré ú?ty
ordne et udest?ende
κανον?ζω παλιο?? λογαριασμο??, πα?ρνω εκδ?κηση
ajustar cuentas pendientes
vanu arveid klaarima
???? ????? ?? ??? ????
tehd? tilit selviksi
“??????? ????????”
????? ????? ?? ??? (??????? ??) ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??????
izravnati ra?une
régi sérelmekért leszámol
membuat perhitungan
gera upp vi? (e-n)
regolare vecchi conti
suvesti s?skaitas
nokārtot vecus rē?inus
membalas dendam
een oude rekening vereffenen
wyrówna? rachunki
acertar contas antigas
a regla conturile
сводить старые счёты
vybavi? si staré ú?ty
poravnati stare ra?une
poravnati ra?une
g?ra upp gamla mellanhavanden, ge betalt f?r gammal ost
intikam?n?/h?nc?n? almak
зводити рахунки
tr? món n?
跟某人算旧帐,翻旧帐 score →
partitura, skóre, skórovat partitur, score, stilling , ,
partituuri, pistetilanne, tehd? maali , ,
partitura, posti?i, rezultat , ,
得点, 楽譜, 点を取る ??, ????, ?? , ,
partitur, r?kna po?ng, st?llning ????????, ?????, ??????? , ,
b?n nh?c, ghi ?i?m, t? s? , , scoren. valoración, evaluación; v. [in a game] anotar. score n puntuación f, puntaje m, índice m; Apgar — puntaje de Apgar, índice de Apgar (esp. Esp); coronary artery calcium — puntaje de calcio arterial coronario, puntuación de calcio en Gleason — puntuación or puntaje de G T-score puntuación T; Z-score puntuación Z
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While we snuggled down there out of the wind, she learned a score of words. So of course I said no more on that score, and we went to sleep before long. On the score of delicacy, or any scrupulousness which a finer sensibility might have taught him, the Colonel, like most of his breed and generation, was impenetrable. In the way of furniture, there is a stove with an old pine desk with a three-le two or three wooden-bottom chairs, exceedingly and -- not to forget the library -- on some shelves, a score or two of volumes of the Acts of Congress, and a bulky Digest of the Revenue laws. As he approached the stream, his heart began to thump he summoned up, however, all his resolution, gave his horse half a score of kicks in the ribs, and attempted to dash brisk but instead of starting forward, the perverse old animal made a lateral movement, and ran broadside against the fence. Hence it is, that, while other ships may have gone to China from New York, and back again, touching at a score of ports, the whale-ship, in all that interval, may not have sight her crew having seen no man but floating seamen like themselves. As the frustrating of this one attempt involved a score of false alarms, it will be understood what a tribute old Mrs. repeated Tom, "take a bright lookout to find a soul in you,--save yourself any care on that score. Then Sir Launcelot went into the hall, and there came afore him three score ladies and damsels, and all kneeled unto him, and thanked God and him of their deliverance. They hug and kiss and cry and shou and where we use one loving, petting expressions they pour out a score. He would bend every energy to the task, and he would score that triumph once more, cost what it might to his convenience, limit as it might his frivolous and liberty-loving life. Woodhouse opposed it earnestly, on the score of health.
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