1)He,you should know,you should know'...

关于and 的并列问题,一直都是我很头疼的给几个例句,大家看看是怎么用(1)表示他应该做A、B两件事的时候,是He should do A and do B .还是He should do A and should do B.(2)表示做A、B两事很重要时,是It's_百度作业帮
关于and 的并列问题,一直都是我很头疼的给几个例句,大家看看是怎么用(1)表示他应该做A、B两件事的时候,是He should do A and do B .还是He should do A and should do B.(2)表示做A、B两事很重要时,是It's
关于and 的并列问题,一直都是我很头疼的给几个例句,大家看看是怎么用(1)表示他应该做A、B两件事的时候,是He should do A and do B .还是He should do A and should do B.(2)表示做A、B两事很重要时,是It's important for us to do A and do B还是It's important for us to do A and to do B.(3)A事件表示can do sth ,而B事件就是 be done 比如是He can sing and be praised quite often.还是He can sing and is praised quite often.这都是令我很头疼的东西,希望大家最好能在帮我归纳一点关于怎样判断and并列结构的问题,这对单选和作文都很重要.
前两个都选第一个,同性质的并列(如:两名词、两件事)可以看做一个整体,I like (apples and bananas ).He should (do homework and wash his clothes ).It's important to (study and do excise ).第三句选第二个,两件事的时态不同,可以看作两个独立的句子,而后句省略主语He can sing and is (he )praised quite often.
(1)He should do A and do B谓语共用,再说你不觉得那样写挺麻烦的吗(2)It's important for us to do A and to do B.He can sing and be praised quite often 或者He can sing and he is praised quite often.我觉得and挺容易的啊,...
连词and用法全解一、表示并列或对称的关系1. 用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,可译为“和”、“并”、 “又”、“兼”等。如:Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。(连接两个并列主语)You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照...高频词,一定要记住哦!
1. He said they should turn their fire on the Conservative Party instead.
2. The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of 1992.
3. At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.
4. I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.
5. They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
: 侧重反映客观情况,多在涉及法律、道义、责任、义务或原则时使用。
: 侧重自己的主观看法,语气比ought to稍弱一些。
Should is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. should 为情态动词,与动词原形连用。
应该;应当 You use should when you are saying what would be the right thing to do or the right state for something to be in.&
I should exercise more...
The diet should be maintained unchanged for about a year...
He's never going to be able to forget it. And I don't think he should...
(表示给出指示或公布官方命令)应该,必须 You use should to give someone an order to do something, or to report an official order.&
All visitors should register with the British Embassy...
The European Commission ruled that British Aerospace should pay back tens of millions of pounds.
(表示与说话者的意愿相反)本应 If you say that something should have happened, you mean that it did not happen, but that you wish it had. If you say that something should not have happened, you mean that it did happen, but that you wish it had not.&
I should have gone this morning but I was feeling a bit ill...
I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn't have got burned...
You should have done that yesterday you idiot!...
(表示预期或可能性)应该会,可能 You use should when you are saying that something is probably the case or will probably happen in the way you are describing. If you say that something should have happened by a particular time, you mean that it will probably have happened by that time.&
You should have no problem with reading this language...
The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for...
The doctor said it will take six weeks and I should be fine by then...
(用于疑问句中表示征求意见、同意或咨询情况)可以,应该 You use should in questions when you are asking someone for advice, permission, or information.&
Should I or shouldn't I go to university?...
What should I do?...
Please could you advise me what I should do?...
(通过假设自己处于对方立场会怎么做来提出建议)应该,可以,会 You say 'I should', usually with the expression 'if I were you', when you are giving someone advice by telling them what you would do if you were in their position.&
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
I should look out if I were you!
James, I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro, if I were you...
I should go if I were you.
(用在条件从句中表示事件发生的可能性)将要,假定要 You use should in conditional clauses when you are talking about things that might happen.&
【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式
If you should be fired, your health and pension benefits will not be automatically cut off...
Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years...
Should Havelock become the first Englishman to retain his world title, he will be the last to do so under the present system.
(用在由 that引导的从句中,放在某些动词、名词和形容词之后,表示将来的事件或情况)应该,能够,竟然会 You use should in 'that' clauses after certain verbs, nouns, and adjectives when you are talking about a future event or situation.&
He raised his glass and indicated that I should do the same...
I insisted that we should have a look at every car...
My father was very keen that I should fulfill my potential...
(与第一人称连用,表示没有把握)会,可能 You use should in expressions such as I should think and I should imagine to indicate that you think something is true but you are not sure.&
I should think it's going to rain soon...
'I suppose that was the right thing to do.' — 'I should imagine so.'...
'Can we be talking about the same thing?' — 'I should hope so.'
(与第一人称连用表示客气的请求等)想要,将会 You use should in expressions such as I should like and I should be happy to show politeness when you are saying what you want to do, or when you are requesting, offering, or accepting something.&
I should be happy if you would bring them this evening...
'I should like to know anything you can tell me,' said Kendal...
I should like a word with the carpenter...
(强调所经历的事有趣、令人震惊等)实在该,真该,真应当 You use should in expressions such as You should have seen us and You should have heard him to emphasize how funny, shocking, or impressive something that you experienced was.&
You should have heard him last night!
You should have seen him when he first came out — it was so sad...
He started crying and I cried too. You should have seen us...
(用在由who,what等引导的疑问结构中,后接but,强调某件事令人惊讶或震惊)居然 You use should in question structures which begin with words like 'who' and 'what' and are followed by 'but' to emphasize how surprising or shocking a particular event was.&
I'm making these plans and who should I meet but this blonde guy and John.
The day was drawing near when we should have completed the reservoir.
The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.
提出的建议是, 他们从头开始。
You should be careful.
If I didn't write them down I should probably forget all about them.
如果我不把它们写下来, 就可能忘得一干二净。
I never realized that some day I should be living in Hong Kong.
人教版八年级上册英语单词表(含音标) ... 77 dentist n. 牙科医生 78 should conj. 应该,将要 79 headache n. 头痛.
- 基于28150个网页
来应当(should)表达出来的话语或文字。到了最高一层, 我们以创造的诠释学者姿态,为了原作者或原典可能具有着的思维局限, …
- 基于5504个网页
该条款规定:“在磋商中,各成员应(should)特别注意发展中国家成员的特殊问题和利益。”古巴等国建议将该条款中的“should”一词 …
- 基于3622个网页
However, we should have enough information to make a decision on the ... 如果是LZ的翻译,那要should干什么呢?直接用have had不就了事? 回应删除.
- 基于2545个网页
1. 他们应该
yeah , but maybe they should have ., 是的 , 但也许他们应该这样做.
- 基于736个网页
I'd的全写形式_百度知道 ... I had( 我已经) I should( 我应该) I would( 我会).
- 基于1184个网页
本协议不应该(SHOULD NOT)在chat或者groupchat类型以外的消息中使用。 文本消息或者单独的状态通知的type属性应该(SHOULD) …
- 基于819个网页
your sweet 666 there are things you should know ., 有些事情你应该明白.
- 基于6401个网页
you should write hin a letter ., 你该给他写信.
- 基于755个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
您还可在这里补充说明下 O(∩_∩)O~
方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:1.Now that you've grown up,you should take on mor_百度作业帮
1.Now that you've grown up,you should take on mor
1.Now that you've grown up,you should take on more responsibilities and be_____(responsibility) for your own behavior.2.The other day I came across an _____(advertise) on the Internet selling washing machines and I bought one because of its good quality.3.His heart sank when he heard the news that he had failed the final exam.From then on he considered himself_______(hope)and even wanted to drop out of school.4.It is_______(fool) of her to give up the golden chance to go abroad for further study,which she has been in search of for years.用正确的形式填一个适当的单词
hopelessly 不是hopes
感谢你的细致回答,我的问题已经解决了,多谢大家的帮助哦!高一英语单句改错...1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.3.If he is an engineer is unkown.4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the c_百度作业帮
高一英语单句改错...1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.3.If he is an engineer is unkown.4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the c
高一英语单句改错...1.He succeed in the competition made each of us happy.2.The problem is more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.3.If he is an engineer is unkown.4.What she wants to know is if she should attend the conference.5.At the meeting he raised a question if the project would be concelled.6.It depends on if it's going to rain.7.We expressed the hope which the Browns would come to China again.8.The reason why he failed in the exam was became he was too careless.9.No matter who comes to visit the exhibition is welcome.10.What he needs are enough time and what i need is enough books.
1.改正:He succeeded in the competition,which made each of us happy.或:He succeeded in the competition,making each of us happy.不能用两个动词同时做一个简单句的谓语.要么把句子变成复合句,要么把某个动词变成非谓语形式.2.改正:The problem is that more and more young people are getting into the habit of smoking.表语从句的that不能省略.3.改正:Whether he is an engineer is unkown.主语从句的“是否”只能用whether,不能用if.4.改正:What she wants to know is whether she should attend the conference.表语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.5.改正:At the meeting he raised a question whether the project would be cancelled.同位语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.6.改正:It depends on whether it's going to rain.介词后的宾语从句的“是否”用whether,不能用if.7.改正:We expressed the hope that the Browns would come to China again.同位语从句的引导词t不用which用that.8.改正:The reason why he failed in the exam was that he was too careless.用表语从句来解释原因时,引导词用that,不用because.9.改正:Whoever comes to visit the exhibition is welcome.no matter不能引导主语从句,但是whoever可以.10.改正:What he needs is enough time and what I need are enough books.what引导的主语从句,动词的数应该根据事实来判断.按要求进行句意转换?1.He should take this medicine three times a day.( 对three times a day提问) ___ ___ should he take this medicine?2.Eating junk fod is bad for you .(同义句) ____ bad for you ____ ____ junk food .3.比如,听音乐_百度作业帮
按要求进行句意转换?1.He should take this medicine three times a day.( 对three times a day提问) ___ ___ should he take this medicine?2.Eating junk fod is bad for you .(同义句) ____ bad for you ____ ____ junk food .3.比如,听音乐
按要求进行句意转换?1.He should take this medicine three times a day.( 对three times a day提问) ___ ___ should he take this medicine?2.Eating junk fod is bad for you .(同义句) ____ bad for you ____ ____ junk food .3.比如,听音乐对你有益.(完成句子) ____ ____ ,____ good ____ you ____ listen ____ music.
1 How often2 It's to eat 3 For example it's for to to


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