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To Mr.Extraordinary~
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Fortunately in today&s digital world, every hobby has at least a few thousand websites dedicated to it. Although we now have a myriad of online publications to choose from, there are many trashy sites that get in the way of finding what you&re looking for.
So where do I look?
Wading through useless websites is a real issue when it comes to mountain biking and cycling & because every guy and their jovial Uncle Tim is a pro. Instead of wasting hours trying to find the perfect sites, take a look at this list of some of the most popular cycling blogs:
& This website is the blogging baby of a comedic writer who calls himself Fattie. He is by no means fat, but is one of the most hilarious people you&ll ever come across. His articles are informative, accurate and full of self-deprecating witticisms that&ll give you a kick-start on a blue day.&
& This site contains massive amount information on bikes, workouts and gear reviews. It also offers great forums where you can chat with fellow enthusiasts and get all your questions answered.
& South Africans love their extreme sports and Ride exemplifies the extent of this passion. This site offers ideal training programmes, dietary guides, top product reviews, events updates and even the latest news on all that&s happening in the cycling world. On top of that, it even features impressive videos and interviews with talented individuals.
& This website is very similar to MTBR, but with a lot more style, elegance and personal stories. You&ll get lost for hours on end while you follow a cycling journey all over the globe. Check out all the best cyclists, and see what they can do & live though their trials and tribulations and share their victories.
- Their slogan, &The world is for riding&, captures the essence of their ideology. This fun site hosts everything you need to know about cycling, whether you&re an expert or a beginner. It even has content on how you can get your family interested in this activity. There are tons of links to interesting industry news, the best routes in your area, and competitions.
Each of these websites imparts very useful information to both international and South African cyclists.& Whatever your biking needs &advice, new parts, inspiration, training schedules & you won&t be disappointed. At the end of a long day, you can simply spend an evening on a YouTube journey watching your favourite athletes showcase their skills. This is also a quick and easy way to grab some inspiration on the go.
In addition to finding cool videos and new ideas, you can connect with people all over the world: &from the Drakensburg all the way to Canada and Spain. Share your ideas, experiences and difficulties. You can even upload videos and gain a loyal following. Get started tonight and gain some useful knowledge by reading these inspirational websites!
Malini enjoys two things more than anything in life. They are, writing and cycling. When she’s not in the saddle enjoying rides through the country side or writing about it.&
Not so very many years ago, sidewalks and roads were filled with children on their bikes, riding their way to school. Those of us old enough to remember those days remember the pride we took in our bikes, making sure that they were clean and that our precious bells were in tip-top ringing condition. Gradually, those bikes, which were also used by commuters and people running errands, were replaced by buses and cars. The scene changed from one of kids careening about on their bikes to those same children simply standing by the street corner, waiting for a bus. Commuters, too, changed their mode of transportation. Today, however, we are wondering if we are seeing another shift, one that leads us back to the two-wheeled wonders powered by whatever we ate for breakfast.
Government Agendas
When little Jane pedaled fiercely down the road to make it to school on time just fifty years ago, she never dreamed that one day, one day in her lifetime, the United States government would be spending millions of dollars to try to encourage children to do exactly what she was doing—riding her bike to school. Even so, it is true. As part of the Federal Highway Department
program, the federal government is spending millions of dollars both to provide safe routes for kids to bike or walk to school and to encourage kids to get out and use those routes. The return to two-wheels isn’t limited to kids in school. Biking seems to be a growing trend across many walks of life.
Biking Cities
Roadside bike rack at University of Minneapolis
Whether they are doing it for the commuting crowd, students, tourists, or people headed to the mall, many cities across the U.S. and around the world are making it more convenient than ever to leave the four-wheeled vehicles at home and start pedaling the two-wheeled ones. While biking lanes are rather common, a number of cities have gone the extra mile when it comes to accommodating bikes.
Fort Mason, CA. A stretch of road in this community certainly encourages bikers. The parking areas have been , complete with cement barricades, ensuring no one mistakenly parks his vehicle in the new bike lane.
Japan. Not surprisingly, Japan is a mecca for cyclists, something that never really went away with the car trend. Many cities rent bikes to tourists, and some even have
dedicated solely to bicycles.
Munich. This city offers a fascinating public transportation system, one that contains varying levels of propelling options, with cheaper rates for those that are more environmentally friendly. , for example, would likely cost considerably less than riding the bus with the city’s Mo-Bility system.
point to Minneapolis as the top city for biking in the U.S. This city has gone the extra mile in increasing on-street cycling lanes and bicycle routes for tourists as well as locals.
With such an emphasis on biking, perhaps our grandchildren will laugh when they hear of all the traffic jams, school bus rides, and commuter buses of today. They’ll be busy pedaling away, protecting our earth while exercising their muscles.
Chris Turberville-Tully enjoys spending time with his wife and sons outdoors, whether biking, taking a run on the beach or an evening drive (yes, he drives a car!) through the countryside. When not enjoying the great outdoors and fresh air, Chris spends his time writing for
or traveling abroad for business. To date Chris has visited over 80 countries and has no plans to stop just yet. Follow Chris’ travels on .
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A bike offers so much to a child. It promo it’s a mo it enc and so much more. Hence, it’s no wonder that kids, boys and girls, just love bicycles. But teaching them how to drive their bikes properly can be a challenge. They will fall and they will get scratches and bruises. Yet they will try and try because, to them, nothing is more rewarding than the day when their training wheels are removed. Still, before these are taken out and before you allow your child to drive longer distances on his own, you must explain to him what his responsibilities are as a biker so that he’ll remain safer on public roads.
o He must have proper training. Some kids are not very good bike riders. They know how to drive straight, but they don’t know how to turn or stop when needed. Without the right biking skills, your child becomes a danger to himself and to others. Hence, assess your child’s driving abilities first.
o He must use the right equipment. Accidents on the road can happen. In order to improve your kid’s safety while on the road, see to it that he has the recommended equipment. A helmet is essential, and this must be worn each time your child rides. Knee and elbow pads can also protect him in case he falls.
o He must not ride his bike at night. Kids are independent, and your son might try to ride his bike to go to a friend’s house at night. But bicycling when it’s dark outside is very dangerous. A thus, it will be harder for other drivers to see him. Streets are also more deserted at night, and this makes your child vulnerable to attackers.
For older kids who are already allowed to , they must be required to wear the proper gear. Moreover, they must utilize items that will help in increasing their visibility while biking, such as LED lights that can be attached to bicycles and also reflective vests. Nevertheless, parents must not allow their children to go out at night especially since many accidents that involve bikers often happen between 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. These are also the times when drunk drivers are on the road.
o He must be aware of traffic rules.
believe that bicyclists have the same rights as other motorists. Because of this, cyclists, young and old, are also subject to the same traffic rules that govern all drivers. Therefore, before allowing your kid to drive his bike on public roads, he must understand traffic regulations and he must know how to put them into practice. To illustrate, a young driver must be able to identify and follow all traffic signals or lights, and he must obey all road regulations in order to stay safe.
o He must realize that riding a bike is a responsibility. A child who is old enough to drive a bike on his own must also comprehend that bicycling is not play, particularly if he is out on public roads. Hence, he must not participate in bike races or other recreational activities that might threaten people’s safety. He has a responsibility to himself and to other motorists. He must also understand that and, when they do, the effects could be devastating not only to himself, but to other victims too.
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Claire Taylor is a freelance writer and a mom. Her articles are often about road safety and automobile maintenance.


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