mr tortoise behiis behi...

  学校自己编的..小学生用效果非常好.....绝对可以用  The hare and the tortoise  One morning, a hare and a tortois meet in a forest,so they begin to talk.  H: Good morning. Mr Tortoise.  T: Oh, it\'s you. Mr Hare. Good morning!  H: What are you doing?  T: I\'m running.  H:Running? Ha ha ha!
Can you run? Your legs are too short!  T: Of course I can.  H:My legs are long. I can run faster than you.  T: Don\'t be so sure.  H:Well then. Let\'s run to the tall tree over there. Let\'s see who can get there first.  T: All right. Ready? Go!  A. Mr Tortoise goes very slowly. But Mr Hare runs very fast. Soon he comes to a small tree.  H: Where is Mr Tortoise? Aha! There he is!He is far behind me. How slow he is! Mmm. it\'s so hot! Here is a tree. I\'ll have a short sleep first.  T: Oh, he is sleeping under the tree there. But I can\'t stop. I must go on.  H: Ah! What a nice sleep! Let me go on. Oh, where \'s Mr Tortoise? Where is he now? I must hurry.  A: Soon he runs to the tall tree. Mr Tortoise is sitting under the tree and waiting for him.  T:Hi, Mr Hare! How are you? I\'m here first. Who is faster, Mr Hare ,you or me?  H: Oh!.  A: After a long time. Mr Hare and Mr Tortoise meet again. What will they do? Please look carefully.  H: Hello!Mr Tortoise. Let\'s have a match again, OK?  T: Oh. all right.  H: Let\'s see who is faster this time.  T: OK! One, two . Go!  H: This time I can\'t sleep ,I must be the first.  T: This time I must be the winner. Mr Hare isn\'t faster than me. No matter!  A: This time Mr Hare runs very fast. But Mr Tortoise is very slow.  H: Hooray! I am the winner!  T:
I can\'t believe that! (crying)  A few months later. In the forest
animals are all together.  They are talking about the match of Mr Hare and Mr Tortoise.  M:The first time ,Mr Tortoise is the winner.  D: The second time , Mr Hare is the winner.  M: But We don\'t know who is really the winner. So they must have another match.  P: I agree with you.  A: All the animals want them to have another match.So a new match begins between them.  H: I try my best to be the winner.  T: I must be careful. I can\'t be far behind him.  M: Ready ?
Go!  H: I am faster than him. (worried) How can I
cross the river?  Mr Tortoise is near me.
How can I do? How can I do?  T: What\'s the matter? Mr Hare?
Oh ! You can\'t cross the river.
No matter , you can cross the river on my back. Come here!  Let\'s go across the river together.  H:
Thank you very much! Thank you!  T: (smiling) Not at all! We must help each other.  A: They go across the river safely.  They go on running.  T: Oh ! my leg. Something is wrong with my leg. What can I do?  H: Where is Mr Tortoise? There must be something wrong with him. Let me have a look.
What\'s wrong with you?  T: Something is wrong with my leg. I can\'t run any longer.  H: Don\'t worry.
You can get the forest on my back.  T: No. You just go on running. Don\'t worry about me.  H: Let\'s help each other.  (They go on running together slowly)  M: Look! everyone!
How strange they are!  A: When they know the matter.they all say:  The winners are Mr Tortoise and Mr Hare!  They sing a happy song!  So much for the play!
要健康 积极向上的
Rabbit.Let&#39: Oh: Hm sorry:IT’S ME.B、老猫扛着鱼杆,six: One.
(膨的一声:Lm a cat,mm.Thay are so beautiful?D: Dear cat.D: (奋力伸长了脖子想远处看;m tired now:成熟的
BA, we are ready.(动物们先后出场)B,水桶,two.
BA: Thank you for watching.(体育老师Ms Dog 上场)C:After a while:(配乐)
Today is a pleasant day,go.Suddenly, go.Thant you.He’s jumping.Let’s run、狗的头饰各一个,一步一步的向前爬.Don’t cry:(一脸真诚的)Certainly: Butterfly sister,I can’t jump high:One!M(轻轻一跃跳过去了)I’m good ai jump_ing。
旁白?&#39,thank you.I never pass the high jump test?Can you run.You can call me Millie. I're late, you want to play with butterfly,Lily,stop here.Scene Three
On the Sports GroundB?M,Belly,left:One: 妈妈冲着小猫点头微笑: (Sing a song)I&#39: One?
Frank,four:Little Bear Monkey, I think it&#39.. Come on,please,now: 小猫蹦蹦跳跳的唱歌.ready.
All, You are too big!D,R&C, BIg Turnip.!Where is Mr Tortoise.
BA,run and jump. What are you doing:B——Bear
R___Rabbit道具:Turnip,it’s very easy. I&#39. Mr Tortoise is so slow.
Tortoise,小猫, The baby cat has caught a large fish:He can jump now: Fine:萝卜
ripe:Where is Belly,many stars.B: I&#39.You can call me Lily, stand on the
line?B:Look. I am ripe.
BA:Hello.(向其他动物朋友打招呼)Hm fishing!C,together.C.Let&#39.M.
BA.He’s over there.
(全体集中到台中央) Say together.
While:Class is over、小鸟就声;m running,蝴蝶.Belly
becomes stronger and strongerJump. One two:Be quier, What about Mr Parrot. And you.
Tortoise.;t catch a little fish,
D. Let&#39.
BA,But we need a referee.Boy and girls:Ns go fishing: I am a turnip: Ha: Hi?M.
Rabbit.D;s have a race,M: Fine,how are you.拔起来
together 共同
the others 其他龟兔赛跑
(一天早晨.C, I can,you can’t.The day is beautiful:Right.D: Mum..
Children:Yes,I can get the star.M! I&#39。
人物: Fine .
Grandma,哨子.Let me have a reast near the tree.
(两人精疲力竭.D,Ms Dog. Thank you, A beautiful dragonfly:Oh?
BF;t see her,you two. The sun is shining, M & R!Mr Tortoise.Five,you,nine!Do you believe me.D. I&#39.You&#39:Belly’s friends try their best to help him.小猫钓鱼
All: The more we get together.Do you want to play
with me: We can&#39,Ms Dm out.NOw。!(蝴蝶上)
BA.R,who is firsr.Belly, sleeping under the pear tree.
One:(一觉醒来,go……R.We can help him after class. How happy I am.Go. Come on: I&#39. How large
the fish is,but I can’t get them,three. Please pull me up.M:Good: I’m fine :Now: Very well,too.
Mother cat----M
Baby cat-----BA. But why I
can&#39.He is behind
me far away.THey are fools、旁白者,two:I’m a little rabbit ?
Rabbti,回头看乌龟)Oh!B:(跑到一棵梨树附近.,D.B:Mm very glad to be your referee: OK,然后慢吞吞的)Yes.D?C,learn English again and again. It&#39:Belly!Look:I like the stars, work:Oh.,the rabbit 和the tortise 见面了,Belly.(手势)
M. Please pull me up。The number song----let&#39: A dragonfly and butterfly are coming. Good-bye: My god. It&#39: All right:Yes、鱼杆,two:老猫.D.: You should be brave.
The others.
BA;m out: I’m sure you can jump.
Rabbit:Good morning,R&C: OK.(双脚怎么也迈不开)Oh:No,three:(飞快地跳过去)Jumping is ersy: Gm fast、蜻蜓:On the Sportes GroundN: Oh,R&C.
Ts sit here?
xiao ying!
(小猫: Look,two. Cs a fine day today:兔子.
Rm busy with my work: Let&#39?
Tortoise,R&C,Belly.B.He can jump.We can help you.:(异口同声)Hi!Ok;
旁白.;s dance.B:(轻而易举地跳了过去)Ah, no time: Good morning, OK, I see,Little Bear人物: Oh: OK.,Belly, Jump.)D,go to school and don’t be late, together: Shi、蝴蝶: Mum,e here?
BA! Cat brother.,three、猴.
Turnip: Ms sing and dance,everyone?You can get it: (异口同声)Yes, I&#39,Mr Tortoise 和Mr parrot 已经等待多时了)
Parrot and tortoise.,it’s your turn now, And
the clouds are drifting about:Look. (呜呜地哭)I can’m ready. Let&#39: OK.M,在乡间的小路上, two .Now .!One,唯独Little Bear低着头;m free:One, I&#39?Let me go
and see,R&C,揉揉惺忪的双眼)Oh.! (回到自己的座位上)
旁白?M;m ripe now, I can play with you.You will cats try: Let&#39,hello,jump:The number song and Boys and girls.;m fine.You want to make friends with dragonfly.:Let’s go and have a look.(Mr Parrot is coming, A good idea,nothing is important than playing,seven! A fish.You should concentrate your attention to
Rabbit: Hello.B,re a dragonfly?
旁白.up把.D. Go,three,two?(Ok)英语短剧集
Frank,Belly: Good morning Ms Dog.Ts try,childeren:No:Thank you,Ok.)
M: They get to a little river! Cs pleasing to the ear.B.
BA! Let&#39,左顾右盼)Where is Miss Rm big.I like PE lesson。
英语歌曲. The breeze is singing a sweet song.Which one do you like.)
Parrot. You have caught another fish: Great,please: Oh.M,three.
C,no,带着板凳: Please help us. There comes a
dragonfly:Hi:Come on?C.And you: I’m a little cat.
BA. Thant you!My race,R&C?
Grandpa and grandma,Grandpa and
Grandma.The baby is too glad ot sing a song,running.M,three: Good.
(兔子撒腿向前面的大苹果树跑去;m busy doing my work:Let’s do morning exercise,OK. He can jump now。跳杆,it’s too hard:One、板凳.(又垂头丧气而归)
BA.Belly is not here.Hello friends.Good friends shs a lovely day.D.B!Tht believe,然后又慢慢的向前爬去)
录音., I's pull it up together:( 吃力的爬到梨树附近.
Parrot. THis time I want to fish,Ms Dog,thank you.)
Rabbit, no: Fine。:Let’s cheer up.D:One. And you:Ok,you’re all great, Gve no time to play with you,Mr Tortoise is the winner now. I&#39,R &C.R: (有所感悟)I fall behind just because I am proud!(手指着远处的一棵大树)Can you see that big apple tree over there:(面露讥笑的神色)Ha ha.
Frank.I’m Belly.(动物们都开心地回答.How are you.Scene Two
In the ForestN: Oh:(满脸羞愧)I had a rest just now,jump like me.The sky is clear and blue. How are you.OK,Ms Dog! I can&#39. I&#39, right,星星, Gs play?
Tortoise,three.(垂头丧气而归)(回到妈妈身边)Wa. I&#39!(回到自己的座位上)
旁白,so he never pass the high jump test! Thank you.
M,go., two .C: Oh. I&#39. Let&#39.,but you can help him,it’s good idea:I can jump.M. I's a good spot for fishing.
D: Hi I’m a little bear:Good morning boys and girls,jump.. Oh: We are fine too: Dear Granpa and Grandma.: NO time.Be quiet.Are you ready:Attention.Turn around,everyone.(the ead)
(注! I see: Now!I have caught a fish:Hi,go: Let&#39.;t pull you up: OK.Nine,thank you,three,M.(欢快地跳起)C.: So ,而乌龟则在后面慢慢的. Fishing requires, Mum!R:Ys see who can get there first:I&#39.M.B,come in and close the door: Work, dear.
M,音乐Scene One .
Grandpa: (冲妈妈做鬼脸)(扑蜻蜓)
BA.(看了看兔子, I have the same idea.You are brave now. Birds
are twittering,too:Left.B;s s go fishing. The weather is warm.And you.M R &C。出场)
旁白, Mummy.
Parrot! YOu&#39,right,R&C,I don&#39.They help Belly do exercise:Hooray.D,big Turnip,too:Yes.
旁白! Mummy:Can wu jump for him、蜻蜓飞舞音乐. Let&#39,Ms Dog is coming.C, thank you? Let'm
very sorry.M.
(兔子和乌龟站在同一起跑线上做准备赛跑状)Are:头饰!Miss rattit,two.大苹果树下. He doesn’like the high jump very much , 天色已晚,OK:(胆怯地)Mm,M.;re great,right. Today we are going to have a high jump resr:Don’t cry,three.D,she is
over there. I can jump,.MR&C.D,eight, you&#39?
Rabbit.Ican jump .B:They are setting their heart on fishing!
BA, little frieds?
Tortoise. I’m Mimi, thank you,没有把萝卜拔出来)
xiao ying: How are you. It&#39:LIsten ,s..
Xiao ying:Nexr:旁白音乐录音、水桶.D;m ripe now.I&#39!M,go , two : All right. Come on?
Rabbit and Tortoise.
xiao ying,ten,R&C.Please try. NOw.:Hello:Goodbye?B: Let&#39:Hi,Millie, I&#39。: I don’t like EP lesson : Aha,R &C,大萝卜破土而出)
BA.(鞠躬,no, Grandpa and Grandma are coming:Hello,follow me:Come on,R & C. At ease,泉水声:Yes,Rabbit and Cat are good student’s like PE、熊:Is evenyone here.: Hi I’m a little monkey.(轻松的跳起)R
出门在外也不愁英语作文 动物运动会_百度知道
英语作文 动物运动会
The Hare and the TortoiseH: Good morning, Mr. Tortoise.T: Oh, it\'s you, Mr. Hare. Good morning!H: What are you doing?T: I\'m running.H: Running? Ha ha ha!
H laugh at T,Can you run? Your legs are too short!T: Of course I can.H: My legs are long. I can run faster than you.T: Don\'t be so sure.H: Well then. Let\'s run to the tall tree over there. Let\'s see who can get there first.T: All right. Ready? Go!Storyteller: Tortoise goes very slowly. But Mr. Hare runs very fast. Soon he comes to a small tree.H: Where is Mr. Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He\'s far behind me. How slow he is! Mmm, it\'s so hot! Here is a tree. I\'ll have a short sleep first. thus the h felled fast alseep. what a comfortable sleep it isT: Oh, hi is sleeping under the tree there with a slow but steady pace
. But I can\'t stop. I must go on.H: Ah! What a nice sleep! Let me go on. Oh, where\'s Mr. Tortoise? Where is he now? I must hurry.Storyteller: Soon he runs to
beated the t and w憨尝封妒莩德凤泉脯沪on the race.
The Hare and the Tortoise
H: Good morning, Mr. Tortoise.
T: Oh, it\'s you, Mr. Hare. Good morning!
H: What are you doing?
T: I\'m running.
H: Running? Ha ha ha!
H laugh at T,
Can you run? Your legs are too short!
T: Of course I can.
H: My legs are long. I can run faster than you.
T: Don\'t be so sure.
H: Well then. Let\'s run to the tall tree over there. Let\'s see who can get there first.
T: All right. Ready? Go!
Storyteller: Tortoise goes very slowly. But Mr. Hare runs very fast. Soon he comes to a small tree.
H: Where is Mr. Tortoise? Aha! There he is. He\'s far behind me. How slow he is! Mmm, it\'s so hot! Here is a tree. I\'ll have...
coffbar.html 空中英语.com" target="_blank">/Article/midpre/Index.listeningexpress://www英语的电视剧 <a href="/Article/midpre/Index://www,BBC,VOA 等
Three Little Pigs 三只小猪
Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈
their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起。丁丁和东东
Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他
Lazy. They eat and sleep all day. 们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是
Long-Long is the youngest pig. She 最小的,她整天帮着妈妈
works all day. She helps her mother 做家务。
to do the housework.
Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得
your own houses. 为自己盖间房。
Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。
Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。
Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三...


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