No easy way out- Digit...

Table of Contents
Regular Expressions and Extended Pattern Matching
Bruce Barnett
Note that this was written in 1991, before Linux. In the
1980's, it was common to have different sets of regular expression
features with different features. ed(1) was different from sed(1)
which was different from vi(1), etc. Note that
Sun went through every utility and forced each one to use one of two
distict regular expression libraries - regular or extended. I wrote this tutorial for Sun
users, and some of the commands discussed are now obsolete.
On Linux and other UNIX systems, you might find out that some of these
features are not implemented. Your milage may vary.
Copyright © , Bruce Barnett & General Electric Company
All Rights reserved
Thanks for corrections from Karl Eric Wenzel
Last Change Thu Nov 22 09:08:32 EST 2007
A regular expression is a set of characters that specify a pattern.
"regular" has nothing to do with a high-fiber diet. It comes from a term used to
describe grammars and formal languages.
Regular expressions are used when you want to search for specify lines
of text containing a particular pattern.
Most of the UNIX utilities operate on ASCII files a line at a time.
Regular expressions search for patterns on a single line, and not for
patterns that start on one line and end on another.
It is simple to search for a specific word or string of characters.
Almost every editor on every
computer system can do this.
Regular expressions are more powerful and flexible.
You can search for words of a certain size. You can search for a word
with four or more vowels that end with an
"s." Numbers, punctuation characters, you name it, a regular expression can
What happens once the program you are using find it is another matter.
Some just search for the pattern. Others print out the line containing
the pattern. Editors can replace the string with a new pattern.
It all depends on the utility.
Regular expressions confuse people because they look a lot like the
file matching patterns the shell uses.
They even act the same way--almost.
The square brackers are similar, and the asterisk acts similar to, but
not identical to the asterisk in a regular expression.
In particular, the Bourne shell, C shell,
cpio use file name matching patterns and not regular expressions.
Remember that shell
meta-characters are expanded before the shell passes the arguments to
the program.
To prevent this expansion, the special characters in a regular
expression must be quoted when passed as an option from the shell.
You already know how to do this because I covered this topic in last
month's tutorial.
There are three important parts to a regular expression.
Anchors are used to specify the position of the pattern in relation to a line of
Character Sets match one or more characters in a single position.
Modifiers specify how many times the previous character set is repeated.
A simple example that demonstrates all three parts is the regular
"^#*." The up arrow is an anchor that indicates the beginning of the line.
The character
"#" is a simple character set that matches the
single character
"#." The asterisk is a modifier.
In a regular expression it specifies that the previous character set
can appear any number of times, including zero.
This is a useless regular expression, as you will see shortly.
There are also two types of regular expressions: the
"Basic" regular expression, and the
"extended" regular expression.
A few utilities like
egrep use the extended expression.
Most use the
"regular" regular expression.
From now on, if I talk about a
"regular expression," it describes a feature in both types.
Here is a table of the Solaris (around 1991) commands that allow you to specify regular
Regular Expression Type
EMACS Regular Expressions
PERL Regular Expressions
Most UNIX text facilities are line oriented. Searching for patterns
that span several lines is not easy to do.
You see, the end of line character is not included in the block of
text wthat is searched.
It is a separator.
Regular expressions examine the text between the separators.
If you want to search for a pattern that is at one end or the other,
anchors. The character
"^" is the starting anchor, and the character
"$" is the end anchor.
The regular expression
"^A" will match all lines that start with a capital A.
The expression
"A$" will match all lines that end with the capital A.
If the anchor characters are not used at the proper end of the
pattern, then they no longer act as anchors.
That is, the
"^" is only an anchor if it is the first character in a regular
"$" is only an anchor if it is the last character.
The expression
"$1" does not have an anchor.
Neither is
"1^." If you need to match a
"^" at the beginning of the line, or a
"$" at the end of a line, you must
escape the special characters with a backslash.
Here is a summary:
"A" at the beginning of a line
"A" at the end of a line
"A^" anywhere on a line
"$A" anywhere on a line
"^" at the beginning of a line
"$" at the end of a line
The use of
"$" as indicators of the beginning or end of a line is a convention
other utilities use.
vi editor uses these two characters as commands to go to the beginning or
end of a line.
The C shell uses
"!^" to specify the first argument of the previous line, and
"!$" is the last argument on the previous line.
It is one of those choices that other utilities go along with to
maintain consistancy.
For instance,
"$" can refer to the last line of a file when using
Cat -e marks end of lines with a
"$." You might see it in other programs as well.
The simplest character set is a character.
The regular expression
"the" contains three character sets:
"e." It will match any line with the string
"the" inside it. This would also match the word
"other." To prevent this, put spaces before and after the pattern:
"&the&." You can combine the string with an anchor.
The pattern
"^From:&" will match the lines of a mail message that identify the sender.
Use this pattern with grep to print every address in your incoming mail box:
grep '^From:&' /usr/spool/mail/$USER
Some characters have a special meaning in regular expressions.
If you want to search for such a character, escape it with a backslash.
The character
"." is one of those special meta-characters.
By itself it will match any character, except the end-of-line
The pattern that will match a line with a single characters is
If you want to match specific characters, you can use the square
brackets to identify the exact characters you are searching for.
The pattern that will match any line of text that contains exactly one
This is verbose.
You can use the hyphen between two characters to specify a range:
You can intermix explicit characters with character ranges.
This pattern will match a single character that is a letter, number,
or underscore:
Character sets can be combined by placing them next to each other.
If you wanted to search for a word that
Started with a capital letter
Was the first word on a line
The second letter was a lower case letter
Was exactly three letters long, and
The third letter was a vowel
the regular expression would be
"^T[a-z][aeiou] ."
You can easily search for all characters except those in square
brackets by putting a
"^" as the first character after the
"[." To match all characters except vowels use
Like the anchors in places that can't be considered an anchor, the
"-" do not have a special meaning if they directly follow
"[." Here are some examples:
Regular Expression
The characters "[]"
The character "0"
Any number
Any character other than a number
Any number or a "-"
Any number or a "-"
Any character except a number or a "-"
Any number or a "]"
Any number followed by a "]"
Any number,
or any character between "9" and "z".
Any number, or
a "-", a "a", or a "]"
The third part of a regular expression is the modifier.
It is used to specify how may times you expect to see the previous
character set. The special character
"*" matches
zero or more copies.
That is, the regular expression
"0*" matches
zero or more zeros, while the expression
"[0-9]*" matches zero or more numbers.
This explains why the pattern
"^#*" is useless, as it matches any number of
"#'s" at the beginning of the line, including
zero. Therefore this will match every line, because every line starts with
zero or more
At first glance, it might seem that starting the count at zero is
Looking for an unknown number of characters is very important.
Suppose you wanted to look for a number at the beginning of a line,
and there may or may not be spaces before the number.
"^&*" to match zero or more spaces at the beginning of the line.
If you need to match one or more, just repeat the character set.
"[0-9]*" matches zero or more numbers, and
"[0-9][0-9]*" matches one or more numbers.
You can continue the above technique if you want to specify a minimum
number of character sets. You cannot specify a maximum number of sets
"*" modifier. There is a special pattern you can use to specify the
minimum and maximum number of repeats.
This is done by putting those two numbers between
"\}." The backslashes deserve a special discussion.
Normally a backslash
turns off the special meaning for a character.
A period is matched by a
"\." and an asterisk is matched by a
If a backslash is placed before a
")," or before a digit, the backslash
turns on a special meaning.
This was done because these special functions were added late in the
life of regular expressions.
Changing the meaning of
"{" would have broken old expressions. This is a horrible crime punishable
by a year of hard labor writing COBOL programs.
Instead, adding a backslash added functionality without breaking old
programs. Rather than complain about the unsymmetry, view it as evolution.
Having convinced you that
"\{" isn't a plot to confuse you, an example is in order. The regular
expression to match 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 lower case letters is
Any numbers between 0 and 255 can be used.
The second number may be omitted, which removes the upper limit.
If the comma and the second number are omitted, the pattern must be
duplicated the exact number of times specified by the first number.
You must remember that modifiers like
"\{1,5\}" only act as modifiers if they follow a character set.
If they were at the beginning of a pattern, they would not be a modifier.
Here is a list of examples, and the exceptions:
Regular Expression
Any line with an asterisk
Any line with an asterisk
Any line with a backslash
Any line starting with an asterisk
Any line starting with an "A*"
Any line if it starts with one "A"
Any line with one or more "A"'s followed by a "B"
Any line starting with 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 "A"'s
followed by a "B"
Any line starting with 4 or more "A"'s
followed by a "B"
Any line starting with "AAAAB"
Any line with "{4,8}"
Any line with "A{4,8}"
Searching for a word isn't quite as simple as it at first appears.
The string
"the" will match the word
"other." You can put spaces before and after the letters and use this regular
"&the&." However, this does not match words at the beginning or end of the line.
And it does not match the case where there is a punctuation mark
after the word.
There is an easy solution.
The characters
"\&" are similar to the
"$" anchors,
as they don't occupy a position of a character.
"anchor" the expression between to only match if it is on a word boundary.
The pattern to search for the word
"the" would be
"\&[tT]he\&." The character before the
"t" must be either a new line character, or anything except a letter,
number, or underscore.
The character after the
"e" must also be a character other than a number, letter, or underscore
or it could be the end of line character.
Another pattern that requires a special mechanism is searching for
repeated words.
The expression
"[a-z][a-z]" will match any two
lower case letters.
If you wanted to search for lines that had two adjoining identical
letters, the above pattern wouldn't help.
You need a way of remembering what you found, and seeing if
the same pattern occurred again.
You can mark part of a pattern using
"\)." You can recall the remembered pattern with
"\" followed by a single digit.
Therefore, to search for two identical letters, use
"\([a-z]\)\1." You can have 9 different remembered patterns.
Each occurrence of
"\(" starts a new pattern.
The regular expression that would match a 5 letter palindrome,
(e.g. "radar"), would be
That completes a discussion of the Basic regular expression.
Before I discuss the extensions the extended expressions offer, I
wanted to mention two potential problem areas.
"\&" characters were introduced in the
vi editor. The other programs didn't have this ability at that time.
"\{min,max\}" modifier is new and earlier utilities didn't have this ability.
This made it difficult for the novice user of regular expressions,
because it seemed each utility has a different convention.
Sun has retrofited the newest regular expression library to all of
their programs, so they all have the same ability.
If you try to use these newer features on other vendor's machines, you
might find they don't work the same way.
The other potential point of confusion is the extent of the pattern
matches. Regular expressions match the longest possible pattern.
That is, the regular expression
"AAB" as well as
"AAAABBBBABCCCCBBBAAAB." This doesn't cause many problems using
grep, because an oversight in a regular expression will just match more
lines than desired.
If you use
sed, and your patterns get carried away, you may end up deleting more than
you wanted too.
Two programs use the extended regular expression:
awk. With these extensions, those special characters preceded by a backslash
no longer have the special meaning:
"\)" as well as the
"\digit." There is a very good reason for this, which I will
delay explaining to build up suspense.
The character
"?" matches 0 or 1 instances of the character set before, and the
"+" matches one or more copies of the character set.
You can't use the \{ and \} in the extended regular expressions,
but if you could, you might consider the
"?" to be the same as
"\{0,1\}" and the
"+" to be the same as
By now, you are wondering why the extended regular expressions
is even worth using. Except for two abbreviations, there are no
advantages, and a lot of disadvantages.
Therefore, examples would be useful.
The three important characters in the expanded regular expressions are
")." Together, they let you match a
choice of patterns.
As an example, you can
egrep to print all
Subject: lines from your incoming mail:
egrep '^(From|Subject): ' /usr/spool/mail/$USER
All lines starting with
"From:" or
"Subject:" will be printed. There is no easy way to do this with the Basic
regular expressions. You could try
"^[FS][ru][ob][mj]e*c*t*: " and hope you don't have any lines that start with
"Sromeet:." Extended expressions don't have
"\&" characters.
You can compensate by using the alternation mechanism.
Matching the word
"the" in the beginning, middle, end of a sentence, or end of a line can be
done with the extended regular expression:
(^| )the([^a-z]|$)
There are two choices before the word, a space or the beginining of a
After the word, there must be something besides a lower case letter or
else the end of the line.
One extra bonus with extended regular expressions is the ability to
"?" modifiers after a
"(...)" grouping. The following will match
"a simple problem,"
"an easy problem," as well as
"a problem."
egrep "a[n]? (simple|easy)? problem" data
I promised to explain why the backslash characters don't work in
extended regular expressions.
Well, perhaps the
"\{...\}" and
"\&...\&" could be added to the extended expressions. These are the newest
addition to the regular expression family. They could be added, but
this might confuse people if those characters are added and the
"\(...\)" are not. And there is no way to add that functionality to the extended
expressions without changing the current usage. Do you see why?
It's quite simple. If
"(" has a special meaning, then
"\(" must be the ordinary character.
This is the opposite of the Basic regular expressions,
"(" is ordinary, and
"\(" is special.
The usage of the parentheses is incompatable, and any change could
break old programs.
If the extended expression used
"( ..|...)" as regular characters, and
"\(...\|...\)" for specifying alternate patterns, then it is possible to have one set
of regular expressions that has full functionality.
This is exactly
what GNU emacs does, by the way.
The rest of this is random notes.
Regular Expression
Character Set
A single character (except newline)
Beginning of line
End of line
Character Set
Range of characters
zero or more duplicates
Beginning of word
End of word
Remembers pattern
Recalls pattern
One or more duplicates
Zero or one duplicate
M to N Duplicates
Shows alteration
Shows alteration
Character set
Matches a letter in a word
Character set
Opposite of \w
Character Group
Control Character
Lower case character
Printable character
Upper Case Character
whitespace, tabe, etc.
Extended Digit
Regular Expression
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Character Set
Match a "word" character
Character Set
Match a non-word character
Character Set
Match a whitespace character
Character Set
Match a non-whitespace character
Character Set
Match a digit character
Character Set
Match a non-digit character
Match a word boundary
Match a non-(word boundary)
Match only at beginning of string
Match only at EOS, or before newline
Match only at end of string
Match only where previous m//g left off
Example of PERL Extended, multi-line regular expression
# Start group
[^()]+ # anything but '(' or ')'
\( [^()]* \)
# end group
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年份&2013 |播放&|评论&
Copyright &
乐视网()All rights reserved.< - Reviews AOR AR-7030 plus
AR-7030 Plus
Their Home Pages
Other Reviews
by David Ross
receiver review deals with the new and enhanced AOR AR7030, the AOR
AR7030 PLUS and my hands-on impressions with this new receiver.
years ago AOR announced the release of a new receiver, the AOR AR7030.
Upon its release I read the reviews that appeared in DX Ontario and
other sources of reviews on the Internet as well as the reviews in
Passport and WRTH. This receiver caught my attention mainly due to
its advertised high-end performance figures and secondly due to the
fact that all of the receivers controls are software driven, which
means computer accessibility to almost all receiver functions. While
I do not have a PC to connect to the receiver, I plan on adding one
soon and testing some of the software packages for this receiver.
gathering all the data and reviewing the mass of information, I ventured
to one of the local Toronto area swl shops and put this receiver through
its paces in the showroom. On powering up the receiver and connecting
a suitable antenna, I was amazed at just how quiet this receiver really
is. It compares favorably with the legendary Sony ICF6800W of the
past. Great audio and quiet internal circuits. The bottom line is,
if you can't hear a station with this receiver, it is either not on
the air, or the propagation is so terrible that nothing will help
you receive the station.
spending roughly one hour with the AR7030 I was left with a favorable
impression. Combined with the quick spin and examining the owner's
manual for the AR7030, I noted the following minor shortcomings
was needed between the standard 2.2 and 5.5 kHz bandwidths. The
2.2 kHz filter is DX orientated (satisfactory for chasing the weak
tropical band DX stations), but was too narrow for general listening.
The 5.5 kHz filter is suitable for program listening but just a
tad too wide for 5 kHz stepping through the congestion of the 500
kw power houses in the crowded International Shortwave bands. It
was left to the owner to change that shortcoming at his/her own
time and expense. Easily done, but not good marketing strategy.
The 6.6 kHz filter has been replaced with a Murata 4 kHz (3.6 kHz
displayed) bandwidth filter that really makes this receiver shine.
the receiver was less than enjoyable as the tuning VFO control was
very stiff, along the lines of the Lowe HF225 and HF150 receivers.
It was a boon to slow tuning across any band, but I like to move
around in frequency quite a bit so it was a minor point to me. The
VFO control has been replaced with a Bourns Optical encoder which
provides the smoothest tuning control this side of a Hammarlund
minor point concerned the ergonomics of the AOR AR7030 receiver.
The ergonomics initially appear to be a bit different than most
current receivers due to a lack of front panel single function push
buttons that you would have been accustomed to in the past. Notice
I said 'initially'. Once you have spent a few minutes with this
receiver and refer to the supplied menu tree material in the owner's
manual for help, you will feel right at home with this receiver.
No changes to report in the ergonomics but maybe in the future AOR
might release a model with all receiver functions on front panel
push buttons for ease of operation. One remedy to the ergonomics
concern is to connect your PC to the receiver and purchase one of
the software programs mentioned at the end of this review and operate
the receiver that way.
The initial
AR7030 was a decent receiver but it needed several improvements or
tweaks to make it a worthy contender before I would consider adding
it to the receiver lineup here in the shack. Due to these less than
perfect shortcomings, I decided to wait it out and see what AOR did
with this receiver, either an updated/upgraded model or a replacement
1997 I learned of the upcoming release of the upgraded AOR AR7030
PLUS version due out by midyear. Throwing caution to the wind I placed
an order for an AR7030 PLUS in early November. Two weeks later it
arrived. Well I can now happily recommend the updated model, the AOR
AR7030 PLUS.
spending a bit of time reading through the supplied info sheets that
came with the receiver, I gleaned the following information. Improvements
over the basic AR7030 include: Increased balance of the mixer for
greatest IP2 & IP3, High tolerance 0.1% components in DDS ladder
for low noise, Enhanced RF attenuator operation for minimal intermod,
Higher spec wire aerial input transformer for minimal mixing products,
Ceramic metal cased 4 kHz (3.6 kHz displayed) AM filter fitted as
standard (typical bandwidths: 2.2 kHz, 4.0 kHz, 5.3 kHz and 9.5 kHz),
Bourns optical encoder for the smoothest DX tuning and Features CPU
fitted (400 memories, multi timers & alpha tag).
the 400 memories can be selected using the spin-wheel (VFO knob) in
one of the memory menus but because it takes a long time to step through
400 memories, using the infrared controller is recommended. Memory
numbers can be one, two or three digits long, leading zeros are optional.
The first digit of a three-digit memory number can be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
If a number higher than 3 is entered, 3 will be assumed.
point I noticed is that there is no easy way to clear the contents
of a memory, but if this is required then store a frequency of zero
in the memory (tune the receiver to 000.00 and then use the [STORE]
button on the infrared controller or [Sto] from the MEMORY menu).
This will remove the memory from any ident search and scan sequence,
and also clear the text identifier. If you clear several memories
in this way it is beneficial to run the Memory re-index operation
from the CONFIG menu to improve the efficiency of the ident search.
The owners
manual is well written and is easy to follow. The receivers software
controls are all detailed on a flow chart which is a great way to
figure out how to get from point A to point B without spinning your
wheels in the process.
putting the AR 7030 PLUS through its paces at home, I can offer the
following observations. The filters in the AOR AR7030 PLUS are as
good as or better than the filters in the recent Drake and Japan Radio
offerings. The '7030 sits right next to my Drake R8A/SE3 combo which
admittedly, I hardly turn on anymore. In other words, the Drake R8A/SE3
combo has been relegated to 'second banana' status.
advantage that the Drake R8A/SE3 combo has over the AOR AR7030 PLUS
is the Sherwood SE3's sync detector. While not meaning to plug the
Drake/SE3 equipment in this article, the Sherwood SE3 sync detector
is 'the top of the heap' when it comes to sync detectors. Nothing
else comes even close! The AOR sync detector is still a respectable
sync detector. Of note is the rear panel 455 kHz IF output. The next
thing I do will be to pick up the optional rear panel DIN connectors
and wire one of them up for the 455 kHz IF output and connect the
SE3 to it. That will provide a truly unbeatable Dxing combination
to say the least.
The synchronous
detector in the receiver is configurable for automatic or manual operation.
Also, the pass band tuning control can also be used at the same time
for selectable sideband synchronous reception.
The passband
tuning control allows you to shift the passband of the selected filter
up to 4.2 kHz either up or down in 100 Hz steps. Combined with the
synchronous detector, the passband tuning control is very effective
in fighting crowded band conditions and can make the difference in
either hearing intelligible audio from a weak station or not. This
combo is definitely top drawer.
advantage that the '7030 has over most current receivers is that you
can install filters of your choice. Not easily done with most modern
receivers. This is another plus it has over most modern receivers.
After installing your new filters you will want to make sure the receiver
is aware of the installation. A self-diagnostics setup routine is
available so that the receiver will know that you have installed new
filters. Not only will it align the radio to accept the new filter(s)
but also it will put the new filter(s) in the proper numeric order
of the new bandwidth(s). This is a feature seldom seen in the consumer
grade of equipment, usually only available on the high-end commercial/military
receiver equipment. The self-diagnostics setup routine is definitely
another plus.
thing you notice when unpacking the receiver is its small footprint
and the sturdy all black metal case and front panel.
lettering is used for labelling the controls and silver lettering
for the 'PLUS PERFORMANCE' identification.
with the standard owners manual, a certificate is included which verifies
you have a PLUS version along with the receivers serial number affixed.
is a wireless remote control supplied with the receiver. The rubber
buttons on the remote have a positive feel for operator feedback.
The lettering for the individual keys is printed on the area above
or below each key, which means you will not wear the lettering off
too easily. I prefer to leave the remote inside the supplied plastic
bag that came with the remote. The keys are still easily pressed with
a positive action. The 'Clear' button takes care of any input errors.
Another point is that the receiver and remote do not beep at you when
pressing buttons. A minor point but appreciated. The remote will allow
you to control almost all of the receivers functions. Notice I said
'almost all'. Receiver controls that are missing on the remote are
the BFO offset, IF Gain, Power on/off and AGC speed settings. A mute
function would be a welcomed addition to the remote control.
kHz and MHz frequency input is supported.
steps for band scanning can be setup for your individual needs or
preferences. 10 kHz tuning for North American medium wave, 5 kHz for
International Shortwave, 3 kHz for marine band etc. There are three
such groups available for your use if you so choose to use them.
The smallest
tuning step available is 2.655 Hz, though display is only to 10 Hz.
coverage is from 0 to 32 MHz. The modes in the receiver are AM, AM
synchronous, USB, LSB, CW, DATA and FM Narrow. Two VFO's are included
for quick frequency comparisons. One small point is that the data
in the second VFO is wiped clean when you switch the power off. To
remedy this, when I power up the receiver I just copy the data (transfer
the contents) in the active VFO over to the second VFO and make any
changes as needed as I go along. It would be nice if AOR could configure
the receiver to retain the data in the second VFO when switching the
power off. I imagine you could add a small battery to retain the contents
of the second VFO, but I will wait and see what AOR comes up with
to remedy the situation.
in the medium wave region has not been deliberately reduced, as has
been the case in receiver offerings from other manufacturers.
elevate the front of the receiver for better viewing by swiveling
out the standard fare metal bail.
is a receiver that performs the way a receiver should. By that I mean
you get a receiver that delivers excellent audio, 4 filters standard
plus 2 optional, different setup preferences (i.e. groups for swbc,
medium wave, utility etc.).
No compromises
or lack of features has been spared. Its hard to think of any features
that could be added to this excellent receiver.
worth mentioning is the fact that there is available a 19 inch rack
mount version which features the remote keypad and speaker mounted
on the front panel.
FEATURES Added to the AOR AR7030 PLUS:
receiver's memory capability is increased from 100 to 400 memories
each storing frequency, mode, filter, PBS, AGC and squelch settings.
Additionally each memory can store a textual identifier (up to 14
characters long) to aid station identification. A new memory editor
function using the usual copy and paste operations is incorporated
to make management of the frequencies and identifiers easy. Two extra
features can be added to the receiver's normal operation making use
of the text identifiers.
clock in the receiver has been extended to include date and month,
and ten, one-year timer memories have been added. These multi-timers
will recall a specified receiver memory at the start time and then
run the receiver for a given period allowing unattended recording
of several programs from several stations.
impulse noise blanker operates in the IF system of the receiver to
reduce the effects of short-duration noise pulses. With adjustable
threshold and two selectable blanking periods the NB7030 will cope
with a wide range of noise and signal conditions. Most importantly,
the noise blanker reduces the effect of noise spikes on the receiver's
AGC system, preventing it from quietening the audio after a spike.
Additional audio control circuits in the noise blanker allow successful
operation in AM and Sync modes as well as SSB and CW.
Notch filter
notch filter in the NB7030 is manually tunable from 150 Hz to 6 kHz
and will typically offer more than 50 dB of rejection to unwanted
heterodynes. A variety of automatic facilities are incorporated to
make the notch quick and easy to use - the tuning rate slows down
when a signal is detected close to the notch frequency reducing the
chances of tuning through and missing the signal, and a signal tracking
facility is available that will finish the fine tuning after coarse
manual tuning. This will also track wandering heterodynes or move
the notch with the receiver tuning in SSB and CW modes (provided the
receiver is tuned slowly). A fully automatic notch search from 300
Hz to 6 kHz can be started, with the notch settling on the first steady
heterodyne it finds.
the enhanced processor there are several new settings in the menu
to cope with the new options and functions. The list of the new configuration
settings is shown below.
auto tune: On/Off
Ident preview: On/Off
Ident auto search: On/Off
year counter: 0 to 3
Notch option: No/Yes
NB option: No/Yes
RF Atten step: 10 dB 20 dB
Memory re-index: Start
clock has been modified to include date and month, and ten, one-year
timer memories. The timer-memories store data such as program start-up
and duration times allowing you to program the receiver in advance
for a number of stations over a one year period.
new functions in the menu settings allow you to adjust and enjoy the
new additions.
AR7030's memory capability is increased from 100 to 400 memories with
each storing frequency, mode, filter, PBS, AGC and squelch settings.
All memory channels can be configured with an alpha text tag identifier
(up to 14 characters long) allowing you to identify each station in
memory. A new feature is the memory editor that allows you to copy
one memory channel into another to save time inputting all the memory
information. Lets say for example that you had a large number of rtty
or cw stations that you would like to store in memory. You could input
each memory channel individually by hand with the data, but would
it not be quicker if you could copy and paste all that data with less
effort and time? I'll say it would be nice! Well you can easy accomplish
that with little effort now. The only pieces of data that would need
changing would be the stations frequency and any alpha tag you may
have assigned (call sign).
- Enhanced multifunction audio notch and RF Noise banker PCB supplied
with &enhanced features CPU& providing 400 memories alpha-tag
text comments etc. The optional NB7030 or UPNB7030 is well worth the
money mainly due to the fact that it operates in the IF chain of the
receiver. Adjustable threshold and duration periods are available
and operates in CW, SSB, AM and AM sync modes. The notch filter in
the NB7030 is easy and simple to use. What is so nice about this notch
filter is it is both manually and automatically configurable. You
can manually tune over a 150 Hz to 6 kHz range with 50 dB of suppression.
Also a signal tracking feature will track any heterodynes that suddenly
show up on frequency.
- Upgrade multi option for customers who already have the features
&B& CPU fitted, such as AR7030 PLUS where the complete NB7030
is not required.
500 Hz (nominal) 526- (or 526-) Collins 500 Hz mechanical
CW filter.
1.0 kHz (nominal) 1.0 kHz Murata ceramic data filter.
2.4 kHz (nominal) SSB CRYSTAL filter (455H2.4A).
2.5 kHz (nominal) 526- (or 526-) Collins 2.5 kHz mechanical
SSB filter.
3.0 kHz (nom) Murata 3.0 kHz ceramic very narrow AM / SSB filter.
kHz (nominal) 526- Collins 4.0 kHz mechanical narrow AM filter.
4.0 kHz (nominal) Murata ceramic narrow AM filter.
(nominal) AM Collins 526- (or 526-).
of note is the fact that the KIWA brand of filters are easily added
to this receiver. Bandwidths from 2.5 to 8 kHz are available. KIWA
can be contacted at:
Kiwa Electronics, 503 7th. Ave. N.E., Kasson, MN 55944
and you can access their Internet web page at:
- (Known also as BA7030) Internally mounted sealed lead-acid battery,
mounting kit & charging inverter PCB. Will accept charge from
the standard power supply or from any external DC supply of 9 - 15V
@ 2.0A. Achieves 70% fast charge in 2 hours and will provide 4+ hours
of operation. Note: &Slight& performance fall off by a few
dB when running from the internal 12V battery and coverage above 30
MHz is not guaranteed.
- Optional telescopic whip for the AR7030 when operating portable
from a table top. Terminated in a PL259 plug (whip amplifier already
fitted inside the standard AR7030 receiver).
- IBM-PC control software for Windows 95. For AR with database
and lots of features. Have a look at the link from our WEB site
Latest version now supports Windows 3.1/3.11 as well.
- Service information with PC alignment disk and serial lead, Note:
Extensive test equipment is required for full realignment! Revised
to include BP123, NB7030.
- Enhanced microprocessor as shipped with NB7030.
- PC lead terminated in a 5 pin DIN plug for the AR7030 and either
9 or 25 way D-type connector at the other to match your PC, state
which is required when ordering
- RS232 command set printed and on disk in WORD format. Also available
as a free download from AOR's web site.
- Tape lead for AR7030 (also fits AR3000, AR3000A & AR3030). Provides
audio output to a 3.5 mm mono plug and remote switching to a 2.5 mm
- Soft carry case for the AR7030 when transportable.
quality is far better than average through the use of separate Bass
and Treble controls. An external speaker will improve the audio
even further.
is usable in all modes.
is off settable (useful for the digital crowd)
filters are independent of all modes.
dB preamp is included.
from 110v power source is excellent.
independent setup groups allow sets for swbc, utility, mw etc.
headphone output is a 1/8 inch stereo jack instead of the normal
quarter inch plug.
are pretty good but could be improved somewhat (but that would add
to the cost of this receiver). See point #2 in the SUGGESTIONS FOR
IMPROVEMENTS section below for an explanation.
LCD display is quiet when used near an amplified loop. The only
time I noticed any noise from the display was when I placed the
amplified loop right up against the case of the radio. This was
to be expected. Moving the antenna about a foot away reduced the
noise to zero. This is not a real concern, but I though I would
mention this fact in case anyone had concerns about using this receiver
with an amplified loop antenna and how reception would fare.
pin and 8 pin rear panel DIN type connectors are optional.
output (taping), 455 kHz IF output, line output etc. are available
from a rear apron mounted 8 pin DIN plug. I would like to see those
functions available on separate RCA phono plug connectors for ease
of connection. It would also save the owner from having to solder
user-supplied cables to the current DIN connector. This should not
add much to the basic cost of the receiver.
The 70 segment LCD display is backlit and easy to read. It contains
an adequate amount of information, but due to its small size only
a selected amount of all of the receivers software settings can be
shown at any given time. A larger cabinet, more front panel buttons
to control the software and the resulting larger cabinet and footprint
would only add to the cost of this receiver.
like to see a variable tuning rate as in the JRC NRD535 series of
receivers. In other words, a smaller number of kHz tuned per each
revolution of the VFO tuning knob.
incorporates VRIT (variable rate incremental tuning. In other words,
the faster you spin the VFO, the faster you can spin from the end
of one band to the other end.
is a 'Fast' button that increases the tuning x 256 times which is
very useful for rapid frequency changes, say for moving from one band
to another. This saves you from having to reach for the remote to
input the frequency change.
The supplied
handheld remote control unit does a good job controlling the receiver
sub functions and is a time saver when inputing data into the receiver.
The remote control unit is nice but it would be better applied by
replacing it with a mouse keypad such as the type used on the Lowe
receivers. This one change would enhance this receiver even further.
have been several software packages released just for the AOR AR7030
and AR7030 PLUS receivers. While I have not tested or reviewed any
of the following software due to the lack of a suitable PC, I am presenting
the information for your reference and further evaluation.
ERGO 4.0 is a brand new software package to arrive on the scene.
ERGO can be reached via e-mail at
ERGO can be accessed through the Internet at: /
Data Master for Windows is AOR's own software package for the
AR7030 and AR7030 PLUS receivers. More info on this computer software
package can be found on the Internet web page at: /software.htm
can be reached via e-mail at:
can be accessed through the Internet at:/
of plain 7030's can upgrade their receiver to PLUS status by contacting
their nearest AOR outlet for more details. A certificate confirming
modification is then provided with upgrades. First production batch
sets with serial numbers between 100001 - 100525 also have their band
pass input components changed to provide a flat IP3 around 1.7 - 2.0
receiver design engineers put a tremendous amount of time and effort
into incorporating the latest bells and whistles into their new receivers,
they also will have to heed the needs of the end users of their products.
It is a fine line to walk to make any receiver perform to everyone's
individual desires and try to keep within the budget constraints,
but the receiver manufacturers will have to listen to the input and
feedback from the end users of their products if they wish to stay
in business. That is the bottom line. This is one area that AOR has
heeded with the introduction of the AOR AR7030 PLUS and I might add
they have come up with a real winner!
Also Available is a
19 inch rack mount version which features
the remote keypad and speaker mounted on the front panel.
Thanks to Dave for permission
to repost his review which originally appeared in DX Ontario February
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