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$8.99 USD
"Despite having some troubles with a touch support, it plays generally fine."
“QuestRun appears surprisingly solid and feature-complete”
“A fast paced frantic tactics game which puts you on the edge of your seat for hours”
About This Game
Challenging and fast-paced with a modern twist on old school RPG battle systems, QuestRun is unlike anything you have played before. A J-RPG inspired tactical game with rogue-like elements and deep engaging gameplay. You love RPGs but can go without in depth dialogues and scenario based text? QuestRun is for you - taking you to battle in various themed dungeons. Progress as far as you can with your chosen heroes, die in agony and try again! Apply new strategies, try new heroes, choose new perils and die anyway! Untimely, premature deaths await!
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 2048 MB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 120 MB available space
OS: OS X 10.5
Processor: 1 GHz
Memory: 2048 MB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB
Hard Drive: 120 MB available space
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3.6 hrs on record
There is no quest.I didn't get to run.Now, I know a game's title shouldn't necessarily be the best descriptor of a game, but if your name is this generic you expect it to be justified. It is not.QuestRun is a good looking level-based turn based combat action game where you control up to 3 heroes as they fight through a series of waves of enemies. Combat is automatic except for unit positioning (there are 3 lanes, each lane can hold 1 hero and switching can be done at any time) and special abilities that charge up based on hits landed (1 per hero).So far so good (or... So far so &I guess this is alright&).It starts falling apart when you realize that this is all there is.There are 4 dungeons, which just boil down to a series of combat waves. No exploration of any kind in between.Beyond that there are a number of optional quests that you use to unlock alternate forms of your heroes... which boil down to combat waves where your hero roster is predefined.Successfully finishing a level awards you with gold, crowns and crystals (the last one only if it was a dungeon) which are used to buy things in the store, passively unlock dungeons and quests and buy special things in the store respectively.If this sounds like a cash-store model that could support in-app purchases then you would be correct. Even though these features are (fortunately) not present in the Steam version the original Mobile app definitely had it.Finishing a level also resets ALL character progress, which within a level takes the form of equipment and a simplistic experience system.This means that, assuming you win, your hard work (levels can take well up to half an hour and allows no mid-level saving) will reward you with a measly bag of gold which will net you very little in the game shop.To give an example, dungeon gold gain is 200-300 per victory and a new hero class can easily cost 5000 gold.The currency rate appears to still be on &cash shop& mode, meaning what progress there is is very slow.Other than the combat there is NOTHING there.No semblance of a plot. No exploration. No backstory for the heroes, the world, the dungeon, the enemies, the quest.I was sorely disappointed by this game and do not recommend it.
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1.6 hrs on record
BasicsQuestRun: a lite-RPG game with turn-based elements.Featuring bright, colorful visuals with appropriate music, QuestRun boasts to be a &Challenging and fast-paced& game that &is unlike anything you have played before.& Does it really deliver on that promise? Let's find out.Gameplay is simple, offering only a small handful of attack types (Melee, Ranged, Magic). Both the Melee and Magic weapons attack the enemy directly in front of the user, with Ranged weapons allowing the character to assist an ally when no enemy is in front of them. A simple, but interesting mechanic.Characters also get a Special ability which can directly affect combat via team Heals, charming enemies, cast fire spells, or other abilities. Most also get access to a combat Stance, which can toggled on and off to grant a variety of bonus stats (usually at the cost of others).Little strategy is really needed due to the game's simple mechanics, with character placement generally being the most important choice you can make. Fortunately, slow combat allows plenty of time to make adjustments during a fight (with an option of 3x game speed for the bored). There are a variety of stats that can be utilized to improve yo primaries such as Health, Defense, Magic Defense, Attack - and others such as Luck, Speed, Special, and Charisma. After bashing faces in, you can use that hard earned gold in the Meta Shop for stuff such as new characters, pets, and other features.Done Well
Great Visuals - Clean, colorful graphics make this game visually appealing.
Gameplay - Simple, but fun and enjoyable.
Achievements - Uninspired kill X or do Y, but something realistic to work towards and easy to understand. Good for completionists.
Music - Nothing amazing, but it fits the game's atmosphere and repetative listening from playing the game won't get irritating. Always a plus for a game.
Cards - Despite the store page not being updated, QuestRun does support Steam Trading Cards. A nice addition for those that enjoy them.Where it Went WrongHere is where the otherwise pleasent experience breaks down and ultimately sways the recommendation into a negative rating.
No Cloud Saves - QuestRun makes use of Steam Achievements and Trading Cards, but failed to include an important feature such as Cloud Saves, which becomes important when trying to play on multiple devices or preventing data loss.
Optionless - Complete lack of game options such as sound volume, game resolution, or even fullscreen/window modes (no fullscreen support). Missing such basic functionality makes QuestRun feel like it was ported from a mobile platform, which is surprisingly inaccurate since the game is NOT available on android or iOS.
Poor Performance - The game suffers from performance issues, often causing severe studdering, slowdowns, frequent freezes, and even memory leaks (that result in crashes)
MORE Bugs - A handful of other prevelent bugs exist: waves not progressing, characters not attacking, stats not saving, progress being lost, game not installing, game not launching, among others.BottomlineQuestRun is a simple, yet interesting game that suffers from a lot of game disruptive bugs which detract from an otherwise enjoyable experience.Unless the plethora of problems get addressed, I recommend users avoid QuestRun.
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5.1 hrs on record
Skating the edge of unfairly hard and well balanced.
Making it through the main missions and side quests is a balance of getting lucky with level up effects, and making the most of hero powers.
With some help from the guides, and a combo of assassin and blacksmith, I was able to make a little progress.
After that it felt like there was a 'right' way to progress, which kind of made me lose interest.
Bad, lazy reviewer.Positives: interesting and simple mechanics - swap characters to balance damage, activate powers, and level up.
Complete missions for bonus powers, and to buy characters and other advantages.
The side quests are tightly balanced, so you won't succeed on the first try or ten, but by the skin of your teeth when you do.Negatives: feels padded and a bit grindy, for those simple mechanisms.
Not all characters and abilities are useful.
Significant random element in leveling, and party make-up.
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4.4 hrs on record
Good casual Flash game, nothing more.
I don't recommend this game as a purchase, but if you can get it for free, it's definitely a challenge to play and has a decent presentation. The game offers very little permanent progression, but that adds to the challenge of seeing how far you can get into a quest with the default items or slightly upgraded items from the unlockable shop.
You can also unlock a few extra character choices and a few bonus 'pets' which further enhance the gameplay with many strategy elements.
I personally like the rogue character because he can get tons of items from the enemies.
Keep the rogue at a low damage rating and get a shield character to protect him and you can rack up near endless items for leveling up your characters.Now, there are some bad points to this game.
The first you'll notice is the lack of an exit button.
Of course, that's no big deal, because you can click the window's close button.
That made me think about full-screen, but it turns out that the game does not allow full-screen mode.
Beyond the technical flaws already mentioned, the gameplay elements aren't as explained as they should be.
Some of the unlockables required a currency that I was not gaining from anything I did in the game, and I had to look up guides to figure out what was required to get that currency.
I quit the game after several hours of repetitively killing the same monsters trying to get characters through the first dungeon and admittedly failing close to the end.
I found it a little frustrating that there was no continue option to start with the same characters at the moment before the level they died on.
It took a lot of experimentation to figure out a strategy to get through the bulk of the first level and I still could not keep my characters alive, so I decided to quit and play something that has more entertainment value rather than keep playing only to grind through the same level over and over again.
That said, I found the game fun for maybe 2 hours, and I would play it again if I didn't have so many other games I want to play which could be a lot more fun.If you can get this game for less than $2, it may be worth that price, but otherwise, I suggest you find something more worthwhile.
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10.2 hrs on record
Ok so I have a really high threshold for bad games. My friends will say a game is terrible and i'll defend it,
because I have bad taste.With that said, this is a terrible game. I hate to be one of those &omg a mobile app game!!!& because I don't care. That's a dumb complaint and those are dumb threads, so stop posting them, but this is a game where if you made that thread, i'd agree with you.It doesn't translate well on a computer at all because gameplay consists of switching spots occassionally with your three characters and waiting for them to ever so slowly kill the thing in their way (It's so bad that even the 3x Speed battles take minutes), only to do the same thing again.And again.And again.If you got this game in a bundle, just idle for the cards and delete this game from your harddrive and never look back. I play these types of games when I am trying to fall asleep since I have sleep issues, but this game is boring it's bad boring.. or maybe badoring. I may call Merriam-Webster to see if I can get that word into the next dictionary.Anyway. Please don't buy this game. Donate the money to charity instead. Donate it to a Multiple Sclerosis charity... any charity. Just don't buy this game. Even if the Steam sale is 90% off. That money is better going to charity.
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0.6 hrs on record
A game with all the negatives of a f2p mobile app, except priced as a $9 purchase.Gameplay is very basic.
You can buy upgrades, but the prices are insanely high compared to the money that you make per stage.
Random chance ma I honestly didn't play long enough to find outThe game just isn't interesting or engaging.
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16.3 hrs on record
- Terrible graphics- Uninteresting gameplay- Massive data leakage, making the game run at 33%- Auto-play, yes actually doing something is optional- No options menu- Full screen unavailable, and the in-game hints make fun of you for even requesting such a feature!- Developer says game is fine, ignores bugs, no support.Would buy again.10/10
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22.4 hrs on record
A Pretty Fun Game! ~ Worth Buying On Sale or in a Bundle!
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6.6 hrs on record
I have plenty of other fitting names for this game and one of them would be &Unfair run&. This game is not balanced well and in some runs you will die faster than you can yell &Where are the good upgrades?!&. If you will have a good run is mostly dependant on luck, as some runs you just don't get upgrades that will help you survive until the very end. It gets
tedious to be near the end and then have one monster literally oneshotting all your characters because none of them got any magical defense. Still, as frustrating as it is, I have had fun with it. So if you don't like infuriating games due to bad mechanics, then I'd advice you to stay away from this game.Good StuffColorful graphics Even though the characters move as if they are stuck in a constant lag, I still liked the character design and artwork. It's cute with enough detail. Randomized funGames will hardly feel the same as there are different upgrades per run, making you either superpowerful or struggling to stay alive. It's rewarding when you're strong, and intense when you are on the weak side. There is also a random event where you migt get a bonus or you get something bad happening. This also adds to the game feeling fresh and different on each run.Bad stuffFrustration overloadThis game has wanted me to smash my keyboard more than a thousand times. It's infuriating when you're having a semi good run and BAM! All monsters oneshots you in three seconds and it's game over. There's no possible ways to win certain runs unless you get the exact upgrades you need. Wonky combat systemWhile hitting the monsters is automatically handled by the characters, you have to rearrange them on the field to make weak characters stay out of powerful enemies way and make casters be able to attack the correct monster. Even though you can slow down the combat to a certain point, it doesn't eliminate the fact that sometimes you have just a few seconds to swap out your characters before they're literally oneshotted by the enemy. Some characters can't survive well against certain monsters, so you literally have to move them within 2 seconds that the monster appears on the screen. Sometimes this happens at the very start of the game. There are so many times where my characters are taking massive hits because I am struggling to manage spellcasting and moving them to the right spot. I wish there had been a setting to turn off the automated system and let you select a choice without a time limit. Most fights, I find myself constantly hitting the heal button and tossing potions around, because the characters are taking so massive amount of damage. Sometimes my characters are near death and I just barely manage to get them back up in health. Other times, I miss by half a second and they die. This is my least favorite part of the game.
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15.8 hrs on record
Very good concept and great graphics with some hotkeys for fast action. A lot of fun to enjoys and the tactics are a lot deeper.Game: 8.0/10Graphic: 8.0/10100% Achievement : Easy | Medium | Hard | Very Hard
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3.7 hrs on record
A storyless,compilated,and worst game ever.
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1.9 hrs on record
You know those bad browser games you used to play instead of doing your homework? That's what this is, except for $9. Go back to Armorgames, guys
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2.6 hrs on record
It's a glorified mobile app game on PC for $9. That equals to a waste of money.
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2.6 hrs on record
Auto-pilot combat feels boring and non-interactive. Along with the lack of meaningful progression and ability to choose your party (party is randomized for some reason) leads to a mediocre RPG. Overall, it's just not fun to play.
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15.7 hrs on record
I'd lie if I said this commend is for everyone.The game is great to waste 10-20 mins in a break at work and you really have to be INTO this kind of games to enjoy it. I'm kind of the farmer type in these games so I enjoy my time farming the first dungeon to buy stuff in the shop.Mechanichs are kind of meh. The game basically plays in it's own and you just have to press 1-2 buttons and switch the heroes positions.More info in the other comments in which people complain :D
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3.4 hrs on record
Decent concept, but it's tuned too hard at the start for me to enjoy it. Try it if you enjoy hard-to-win scenarios.
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2.8 hrs on record
Game you spend five minutes or five hours playing, cute graphics. You have to get your characters organised in order to play correctly.
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3.2 hrs on record
Luckily I bought this game on sale for very little money.
The upgrades to your characters are temporary, giving you very little option to customise your characters to make them stronger.
Basically your ability to win relies on RNG, which is just time consuming and makes for very boring, repetitive gameplay until you actually find yourself winning.
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0.6 hrs on record
I tried to get into this game but it just didn't have much to offer.
I just didn't have much fun and I didn't think it was polished enough to tough it out to see if it got better down the line.
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8.9 hrs on record
Let's make a list of Pros and Cons, shall we?Pros:-Semi-challenging gameplay that feels rewarding-A varied roster of characters with some unique abilities-Fast paced combat that is definitely different from games I've played (Could be a con if you don't like fast games)-Some replay value in the Lost Treasure randomized mode-Random events that can help or hurt your dungeon runsCons:-As of right now there is NO options menu.-Game was clearly made for 720p and when the window is increased to 1080p there is a drop in quality.-Feels and plays kind of like a mini-game/flash game. Not that there's too much wrong with that, I just thought I'd throw it out thereOverall, this game is worth your time if the idea of it interests you. It's face paced, semi-randomized, and quite a bit of fun. I would recommend that you look up some gameplay on it to see if you are really interested in this sort of game. Right now it's on sale until April 25th, so I highly recommend buying it sooner rather than later.First Impressions Video:
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Title: QuestRun
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Adventrx Pharmaceuticals (ANX) is a specialty pharma company developing two novel formulations of anti-cancer drugs that are designed to result in less side effects in addition to a compound in late-stage clinical development for the treatment of a blood disorder known as sickle cell anemia.On 3/10/11, ANX reported its 4Q10 and full-year 2010 financial results, including:As of 3/1/11, had 23.7 million shares of common stock outstanding.Loss from operations = ($8.5M) in 2010 vs. ($11.3M) in 2009; R&D expenses in 2010 = ($3.7M) vs. ($6.5M) in 2009.Expects to reach agreements with the FDA on Phase 3 clinical trials for both ANX-514 and purified poloxamer 188 over the next year.At year-end 2010, cash balance = $28M plus $21M net proceeds from equity financing in JAN 2011 =& $49M cash and no debt.In January 2011, sold 8.2M units to RA Capital Management and other institutional investors at $2.75 per unit, which includes one share of common stock plus a Series A & B warrant. Series A warrants are exercisable for up to 2.05M shares of common stock at $2.75 for up to one year of the initial exercise date. Series B warrants are exercisable for up to 2.05M shares of common stock at $2.75 for up to five years of the initial exercise date.On 4/11/11, ANX announced the completion of its acquisition of SynthRx, Inc. which has a lead product candidate in the development (poloxamer 188) of a treatment of the blood disorder sickle cell crisis in children, which represents on Orphan Drug indication. ANX issued 2.8M shares of common stock to SynthRx shareholders in addition to future milestone-based share issuance or equivalent cash payments based on successful clinical development and regulatory events.Below is a summary of the pending FDA decision and planned Phase 3 clinical trials for ANX.1.) EXELBINE (ANX-530) (vinorelbine injectable emulsion) (novel anti-cancer formulation): Formulated to reduce the high incidence of injection site reactions associated with NAVELBINE while achieving similar effects in the body (pharmacokinetic profile & absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion characteristics) plus anti-cancer effect. Potential for premium pricing compared to generic, standard formulations of this anti-cancer drug.FDA Decision - NDA 505(b)(2)On 1/6/11, the company announced that the FDA accepted NDA for full review with PDUFA decision date of 9/1/11 for expected decision under a standard 10-month review, seeking approval for same indication as NAVELBINE (vinorelbine) including non-small cell lung cancer.2.) ANX-514 - Docetaxel emulsion for injection (polysorbate 80/detergent-free formulation designed to decrease incidence of potential hypersensitivity and other adverse reactions associated with the use of detergents in standard formulations).Pending pivotal clinical trial to support NDA 505(b)(2) new filing.On 2/15/11, the company announced a single additional clinical trial required to support its NDA 505(b)(2) filing as novel formulation of chemo drug TAXOTERE, and provided guidance on 3/10/11 to reach agreement on the Phase 3 trial with the FDA over the next 12 months (1Q12 estimate).3.) Poloxamer 188On 3/10/11, the company provided guidance to reach agreement on the Phase 3 trial with the FDA over the next 12 months (1Q12 estimate), and acquired along with SynthRx plans to conduct a trial for sickle cell crisis in pediatric population (an Orphan Drug indication).Shares of ANX previously reached the $3 level around the time of the company&s NDA resubmission, and I think the stock could trade within the $4-5 range on a run-up basis going into the 9/1/11 FDA decision date, which would value the company at approximately $100M after subtracting for the cash balance.While questions remain over the market potential, commercialization strategy and ability to obtain premium pricing for EXELBINE; the pending FDA decision and the low share count / price results in a high probability of a stock price run-up going into a strong, reliable catalyst in the form of a FDA decision.Disclosure: I am long ANX.
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