这道题中A选项中的ameasy goingg t...

这道题怎么做:I am going to give s
I am going to give something ____ Jenny.&&&
A. of&&&&&&&&&&
B. to&&&&&&&&&&&& C. on
扫描下载二维码根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。---Mike, you’ve had a talk with your dad, haven’t you?---_____【小题1】_____He insists I go to college first after I graduate from high school. He said I am too young to make a living.---______【小题2】_____---I told him I would like to work for some time before I could decide what I was going to do. I want to have some practical work experience.---______【小题3】______---Well, he said it was not easy for a high school graduate to find a job.---It’s true. More people are out of work these days.____【小题4】______If she doesn’t agree with you, you can do a part-time job while studying.---That’s right. I will talk with her. How about you?---_____【小题5】______A.Talk with your mother and see what she thinks.B.I am still thinking about it.C.What did you say?D.I think your mother will agree with you.E.Yes, but my dad seemed not interested in it.F.Did he agree with you?G.My parents think of it as your father does. - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。---Mike, you’ve had a talk with your dad, haven’t you?---_____【小题1】_____He insists I go to college first after I graduate from high school. He said I am too young to make a living.---______【小题2】_____---I told him I would like to work for some time before I could decide what I was going to do. I want to have some practical work experience.---______【小题3】______---Well, he said it was not easy for a high school graduate to find a job.---It’s true. More people are out of work these days.____【小题4】______If she doesn’t agree with you, you can do a part-time job while studying.---That’s right. I will talk with her. How about you?---_____【小题5】______A.Talk with your mother and see what she thinks.B.I am still thinking about it.C.What did you say?D.I think your mother will agree with you.E.Yes, but my dad seemed not interested in it.F.Did he agree with you?G.My parents think of it as your father does.根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。---Mike, you’ve had a talk with your dad, haven’t you?---_____【小题1】_____He insists I go to college first after I graduate from high school. He said I am too young to make a living.---______【小题2】_____---I told him I would like to work for some time before I could decide what I was going to do. I want to have some practical work experience.---______【小题3】______---Well, he said it was not easy for a high school graduate to find a job.---It’s true. More people are out of work these days.____【小题4】______If she doesn’t agree with you, you can do a part-time job while studying.---That’s right. I will talk with her. How about you?---_____【小题5】______A.Talk with your mother and see what she thinks.B.I am still thinking about it.C.What did you say?D.I think your mother will agree with you.E.Yes, but my dad seemed not interested in it.F.Did he agree with you?G.My parents think of it as your father does.科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】E【小题1】C【小题1】F【小题1】A【小题1】G解析略知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心请帮我讲讲这道题选项的原因Did you tell julia about the result?Oh,no,I forget.I ----- her now.A will be calling B call C will call D am going to call最好尤其分析一下C,D的选项.
这道题应该选择Cwill+do表示要做的事并不在计划之内.本题中作者已经说到他忘了通知,现在马上通知,证明现在通知这件事,是不在计划之中的,所以选择Cbe going to do表示计划内的将来,比如i am going to shanghai for 3 days我计划去上海呆三天
选D. D: am going to 表示,即将,就要发生, 与Now的时间概念比较接近. will,概念较广. 用了now, 不能再用now,时态上会有冲突. be going to则不同, 这是用现在时行时表示将来,因此可与now一起用. A,B不用说了吧,肯定不对. 因些选D.
其实我觉得用习惯用法来讲更好.我觉得用B,call 就可以了.I call her now! 我马上就打给她.如果C,D,一般都不用加 now 才顺口:I will call herI am going to call her.
扫描下载二维码I am going to make / am making a birthday card for you.请问这道题选哪一个?好像都可以,选的话请说明理由,
扫描下载二维码几道英语题(请写出理由.--Are you still busy?--Yes,I ___my work,and it won't take long.A.just finish B.am just finishing C.have just finished D.am just going to finishSince I won the big prize,my telephone hasn't stopped ringing.People ___to ask how I am going to spend the money.A.phone B.will phone C.were phoning D.are phoning
1.选D从第二句的it won't take long这句话用的是将来时,这说明前面的那件事是还没有做的,而做这件事不会花费很长时间.知道了这一点,答案就很好选了.A项用的是一般现在时,是刚刚做完,不对B项用的是现在进行时,是我正在完成这项工作,不对.C项用的是完成时,是我已经做完了,不对.D项用的是将来时的一种特殊表达方法,be going to do sth这个句型,用于表达在短时间内马上要进行的动作,所以选D 这样这道题的意思就很清楚了.-- 你还在忙吗?-- 是啊,不过马上就完成工作了,不会耽误很久的.2.先理解题干的大意“自从我中了大奖以后,我的手机就一直响个不停” 按照常理推断,下面肯定会说“人们一直在问我将如何花这笔钱”因为这件事是发生在过去的,首先确定用过去时态,并且这件事是一直在发生的(从他的电话响个不停可以推断),所以最好是用过去进行时态表示在过去某一个时期内重复发生的动作或事情.选C
D finish不是一个持续性动词,所以不能写成ing形式,从句意来看,我还没有finish这个work,所以也不能选A或者C,只能选D,表示正要完成这个工作。D 首先应该比较容易确定这是一个进行时态,因为这是一个持续性的动词。再看前面用的动词是hasn't,这样也表示了是正在进行的动作,所以用一般进行时,选择D...
going to 更有主观感情色彩。2.B
讲述一个事实,人们打电话问我,既然,题目已经用了 完成时,那说明,这个事情对现在造成了影响。 所以,应该解释
“人们 会问我我要怎么花这笔钱”,会!!


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