
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0 =?
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Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
First 5 or so responses are some of the biggest fails I've ever seen here.
Joined: Sep 07
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by voorh33s
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
First 5 or so responses are some of the biggest fails I've ever seen here.
it was only because i didnt see the -. didnt think it was 0 fwiw
Jay Bilas of Golf
Joined: Jan 06
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by The Alchemist
14? how tho? I could kinda see how a moron would get 10, but 14? wut
Joined: Mar 09
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by coolhandkev
This is exactly why you should cross your 7's and leave your 4's open
Supreme Moderator
Joined: Sep 05
Jun 14th, /pm)
[1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1] - [1] + [1+1+1+1+1] + [1x0] = 14
Break it down...
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 10
9+1+1+1+1+1= 14
14 + (1x0) = 14
My method is totally wrong but I get the right answer.
*edit* my brackets were only meant to break down the equation...pay no attention to them
Edited By: Mr. Blonde Jun 14th, 2011 at 11:04 PM
Joined: Oct 07
Jun 14th, /pm)
only multiply first if it is in brackets, otherwise left to right
Joined: Jan 11
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by Niceguy
These poorly written math problems just proves one thing.
People on facebook have way too much time on their hands.
That makes no sense. If they had a ton of time they would probably write it correctly. It looks like who ever created this problem did it quickly without much time or thought. Plus if it was written in an easy clear concise manner it would be easy to solve.
The point of the problem is to confuse people so they get it wrong and apparently it is working. Looks like you don't think things through much there smartypants.
Edited By: snizzow Jun 14th, 2011 at 11:42 PM
Joined: Oct 06
Jun 14th, /pm)
I mean, this isn't even a poorly written expression like the last one. Before you could see how someone might mess it up. Here, kill self immed if you get it wrong.
Jay Bilas of Golf
Joined: Jan 06
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by dangood1
only multiply first if it is in brackets, otherwise left to right
Brackets are not needed, it is understood when you have addition/subtraction and multiplication/division in the same equation.
I will find you.
Joined: Jul 06
Jun 14th, /pm)
Originally Posted by snizzow
That makes no sense. If they had a ton of time they would probably write it correctly. It looks like who ever created this problem did it quickly without much time or thought. Plus if it was written in an easy clear concise manner it would be easy to solve.
The point of the problem is to confuse people so they get it wrong and apparently it is working. Looks like you don't think things through much there smartypants.
It's much harder to poorly write an expression then you may think.
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Jun 15th, /am)
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answer is 0
Joined: Aug 08
Jun 15th, /am)
MS excel says there's an error in the equation as written. I'll go with Bill Gates as my answer.
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Do people seriously not remember pemdas? I hate this country sometimes....
Joined: Jun 07
Jun 15th, /am)
Originally Posted by dangood1
only multiply first if it is in brackets, otherwise left to right
Well u got the P right, but u forgot about the EMDAS
Joined: Oct 07
Jun 15th, /am)
Anyone who doesn't sit there and carefully read the equation is going to miss the - sign, then obviously get it wrong.
This is irrelevant to anyone answering 0 obviously, because that's just simply not understanding that the x0 at the end doesn't mean the entire equation is multiplied by zero-in other words must have missed third grade.
Butttttt the equation is written terribly-on purpose, but still written horribly.
I will find you.
Joined: Jul 06
Jun 15th, /am)
^^^^ this chick is always high and if she can figure it out.......
Edited By: Niceguy Jun 15th, 2011 at 02:11 AM
Joined: Oct 07
Jun 15th, /am)
LOL I stopped getting high on the daily years ago and stopped completely awhile ago, ass.
Joined: Apr 07
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Correct answer is, as mentioned, 14
Joined: Jun 07
Jun 15th, /am)
Originally Posted by Roundelay
Correct answer is, as mentioned, 14
correct answer to how many times the OP should post per day is 0
Joined: Jul 06
Jun 15th, /am)
Put &1+1+1x0& into a calculator. If you can't figure it out after that, give up on math.
Edited By: LoveHatePoker Jun 15th, 2011 at 06:16 AM
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O.O so this is why people have been adding me on facebook the past few hours oneonf them finally send me the link to this post lol holy crap
Joined: Mar 11
Jun 15th, /am)
Originally Posted by Eizen Telvantis
O.O so this is why people have been adding me on facebook the past few hours oneonf them finally send me the link to this post lol holy crap
You're famous :)
Joined: Jun 11
Jun 15th, /am)
actually if you read the yahoo answers i posed the (1x0) in the question
Joined: Mar 11
Jun 15th, /am)
Originally Posted by Eizen Telvantis
actually if you read the yahoo answers i posed the (1x0) in the question
Now that you're here, I have a question for you. There's been a long standing debate here about who is hotter: Angie Varona or Kate Upton
Angie Varona
Kate Upton
Joined: Jan 06
Jun 15th, /am)
I'm always proud of my facebook friends when none of these things reach me. So proud that I have now removed the quotation marks around &friends.&
Originally Posted by edwardt1988
Now that you're here, I have a question for you. There's been a long standing debate here about who is hotter: Angie Varona or Kate Upton
Angie Varona
Kate Upton
question is poorly formed without rosie jones
edit: chick gets naked unlike those two uptight bitches.
Edited By: keylight Jun 15th, 2011 at 06:23 AM
Joined: Jun 11
Jun 15th, /am)
O.O cant answer cant i has both?
@Keylight ermm all three? lol jk
it would seem that way lol
Edited By: Eizen Telvantis Jun 15th, 2011 at 06:22 AM
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@thatpfunk btw when i say scary i mean "most likely market where i take a 200 buyin loser to the face in 5 seconds"
@thatpfunk well manipulation is illegal so they'd be in trouble, more likely players are robots that can arb it off somewhere else
@thatpfunk ez analogy: why not target swc (answer: no games 99% of the time). not saying e currency has no liquidity but u get my point
@thatpfunk maybe viable if banks and major fx players moved into the space, but games revolve around where big players play (futures, cash)
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DATA X/4,5,7,8,10,12,11/
DO 10K=1,7
WRITE(*.20)S,T 20 FORMAT(2X,3F6.1)
程序运行后的输出结果是:A.(A) 23.0 7.7B.(B) 47.0 6.7C.(C) 34.0
8.5D.(D) 57.0 11.4
1A.(A) K4=28B.(B) K4=27C.(C) K4=30D.(D) K4=292A.(A) SIN(30°)B.(B) SIN(π/6)C.(C) SIN(0.523)D.(D) SIN(π+30°)3A.(A) Internet网B.(B) 广域网、互连网和城域网C.(C) 局域网、互连网和Internet网D.(D) 广域网,局域网和城域网4A.(A) (125)10B.(B) (1101011)2C.(C) (347)8D.(D) (FF)165A.(A) 硬盘中的一块区域B.(B) 光盘中的一块区域C.(C) 内存中的一块区域D.(D) 优盘中的一块区域
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数学 配方思想...
若(x-1)2=(x+7)(x-7),则的平方根是(  )


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