I have deepin love so deepfo...

Secret Love Letters Contest
The entry form is now closed and all love letters entries are posted. Winners will be announced October 12. Thanks to all letter writers!
Dust off those old love letters…or write a new one! In celebration of the world premiere of David DiChiera&s opera Cyrano — based on Edmond Rostand&s classic tale of unrequited love, Cyrano de Bergerac — Michigan Opera Theatre is presenting the Secret Love Letters Contest.
In the opera, Cyrano woos Roxane through impassioned love letters that he ghost-writes for a friend. His beautiful words capture her heart and Roxane falls in love with the letter-writer, not knowing his true identity. Here is your opportunity to win hearts – and a great date night – by posting your anonymous love letter on our website!
choose the most creative, original and compelling love letters, winners will receive:
First prize
A pair of box seats to Cyrano (Friday, Oct 26, 2007)Limousine service to the opera courtesy of MLE Transportation - Blue City Drive Club (from within a 50-mile radius of downtown)Dinner before the show in the Cadillac Cafe at the Detroit Opera House
Second prize
Two tickets to Cyrano (Friday, Oct 26, 2007)
Deadline for entry is midnight, October 5Judges will announce winners at 12:00 noon on Friday, October 12, 2007.
Anyone may submit a Love Letter, using the online entry on this page.
There are no length requirements for your lo our judges are looking for panache. So, grab your quill pen keyboard and get ready to fall in love with Cyrano!
Tickets for two
for the Friday, October 26 performance of Cyrano.
Dinner for two
Enjoy a meal in the Cadillac Cafe at the Detroit Opera House.
Arrive in styleMLE Transportation - Blue City Drive Club is your evening chauffeur.
Anne Duggan Ph.D. is Associate Professor of French at Wayne State University and an expert on seventeenth century pr&cieuses, the &precious women& who were the inspiration for Rostand's character, Roxane.
Neal Rubin began writing his Detroit News column – called, cleverly enough, Neal Rubin – in June of 2000. His theoretically humorous look at life in Metro Detroit appears in the features section four days a week.
This contest is hosted by Michigan Opera Theatre,
1526 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan 48226.
Questions? Email
I've never kissed you in Times Square on New Years.
We've never ridden a Gondola down the Venetian canals.
We've yet to stand in the brilliant glow of the lights from the Eiffel tower.
We've never tangoed in a Spanish Square.
I've never run to you across the airport terminal to jump into your arms,
And you've never named a star after me.
But you are the one who brings hope to my New Year.
You are the one who carries me through troubled waters.
You are my light in the darkness.
You are the dance that beats in my heart.
You are my home each time we embrace,
And I want to be with you past the stars, beyond the galaxies,
And into eternity.
My dear Andy,
I truly believe we were meant to be, you and me.
I was yours from the moment our eyes first locked. Like a bolt of lightening you struck my heart. Time cannot fade that precious memory. With every beat of my heart I want you more. My love for you is amazing and true. We have been so blessed to multiply our love and share it with the world.
I want to thank you for that and know that I love you with all of my heart for here and ever after.....
My dearest William,
My heart and spirit long for the next time I feel your decadent embrace. For you are such a beautiful man in mind, body and spirit. Your outstanding intellect and wit make me long to sit at your feet and learn everything you know...even if it takes an eternity.
Your soul has enchanted me unlike any other. The sensation of your strong, yet gentle and caring spirit cloud my reasoning by day and comfort my dreams by night. You have wooe for I do not wish to change partners. You taught me to dance, and I learned to love you. I wish our April-August romance would freeze in time. I long for the day that I can spend mortal eternity with you. You are my raison de etere. I declare my love and my heart for you and I rebuke forever the advances of any other. Your love is a psalm upon my lips in times of joy when I am waiting to see you and in times of sorrow that I endure in your absence.
I cannot keep my love for you secret anymore, my heart would expound itself from my bosom to keep my feelings from you secret anymore.
With all of my love,
To My Other Half,
My soul is empty since you have left this earth. The blood that runs through my veins cry with each beat of my heart. My thirst for you increases as I drink from your empty glass. Your death has ripped the soul from my being because part of me left this earth with you. I long for your touch, your smile, your gaze.
When I am alone and close my eyes, I can feel your spirit embrace its arms around me. I can feel your breath against my cheek. I can smell your scent. My body is frozen, as I know you are there and we are together once again. I don't want it to end, for when I feel your presence, it gives me the strength to get through until we connect again.
For 38 years we have been married, for 38 years we have been best friends, for 38 years we have been soulmates. I cannot redefine myself without you a part of my being. You remain my husband, you remain my best friend, and as our souls touch one another in this way, we remain soulmates.
October 5, 2007
Remember me my dear Lady,
It is with unrequited love that I write this letter. Love to you, my dear, must be expressed in an abundance of words and alliterations. For you, my dear, are the per and a women without words can be likened to a man's sheath without a sword.
I beg you to indulge me in your lust as I put forth my humble weakness of words to embolden my sword and to sway your heart.
My Little Dove,
I am away from you now with war and unrest in the country. I miss the qu your cooing in my ear. I long to nestle my head in your bosom drawing up the redness in your lips and the blush in your cheeks.
I miss the quickening of your heart and the fluttering of your eyelids. As my arms firmly embrace your flesh, I remember how they rest so perfectly on your little waist and luscious hips.
I close my eyes and draw you close savoring the quickening of our spirits... Then afterwards, I delight in your perfumed scent like a royal rose beckoning me back to your bosom.
I now bury myself in my pillow, missing you, missing the fragrance of your love.
Return to me, lady, and I promise you words always. No longer will I just bring you flowers, but I will say, &How can I compare thee to a summer's day?& No longer will we just dine out, but we will feast and gorge ourselves on each other. You will always be my favorite repast. No longer will we just walk together, but we will stroll engaging in conversational tidbits of ourselves like morsels of chocolate and petitfores.
I promise to protect you, my dove. I have the wings of a mighty angel to shield you and hide you from the strife of life. I will provide for you. The bounty of the you will want for nothing for I can plow and plant. I will be a loyal lover all of my life or you may pluck out my eyes for I only have eyes for you.
With war today, I wonder about tomorrow. Please return my joy to me. Be the champagne of my life, again. I await your bubbly reply that we are for each other.
Your smile, lady, is my sword.
Adieu, my little pumpkin! I await your reply.
As always,
I love you
From the depths of my heart
Every fiber of my being
I love you
I would gift wrap my soul
And place it at your feet
I would surrender to you
My every possession
If faced with losing a limb,
Or losing you
I would be a cripple
The rest of my life
Just to keep you
Instead I am merely
An emotional cripple,
For I ache to possess you
As you have captured me
Helplessly pining for you,
I wait for the day
When your name
Is but a distant memory
But, meanwhile...
I love you.
May I share an excerpt from a book I am reading with regard to entrepreneurship. &It requires eyes in the back of one's head, constant learning, curiosity, unflagging energy, good health, or at least a strong constitution that will ward off illnesses and even the strength and desire to put up with sleep deprivation and long hours of intense concentration. To many, these characteristics might sound rather daunting, but among successful entrepreneurs, these are common traits.& Remind you of anyone? It reminded me of you, my lion. And too, it brought to mind what we share, intimately.
Dearest, it's raining here today and there is a chill in the air, cuddle weather. How I wish I would be collecting you up from the airport in a little while, for hours of learning, curiosity, unflagging energy, sleep deprivation and intense concentration, whilst alone, together, in our private sanctuary, in the one perfect place on this earth, in the haven of your arms.
I am yours,
Shall I compare you to a summer's day?
I shall compare you to the leaves that teem
the trees that shimmer with red, yellow, purple magenta, hazelnut, chocolate and more
The many shades of you..
The colors that you wear
How you create your world
How you color mine..........
would I have imagined such depth
in a woman
and such warmth and radiance
and devotion
To compare you to a summer's day
Does not do you justice
To the hint of fall, through sunlight lit
May begin to show your colors, your scentYour divine and glorious hues
That make my day, brighten my world,
Calm my fears, encourage my hopes....
You are a kaleidoscope of color
when the world is gray....
Behold my princess, my wife, my star!
Let me be your Yoko Ono
Where ever you go let me go
As life tosses you to and fro
I'd stand by you if you were my beau
When money's tight and we have no dough
I'll share the change in my bank that I stowed
As time goes by and older we grow
Safe in your arms I'll fear no foe
If you say no, my heart will feel woe
As dark and low as the works of Poe, so
Let me be your Yoko Ono
Where ever you go let me go too
My dear love,
I have so much to say to you, so much I need to say. Today, I couldn't to hear your soothing voice. While I was talking to you I kept thinking how blessed and fortunate I am to have a man of your caliber by my side. I kept thanking God over and over again for answering my prayers, for in Him, you sought me and made me yours. There is more to you than your sense of humor, charm, infect your warm loving spirit, zest for life, and poise captured me. As I sit here, I am overjoyed to be in your life. I have learned so much about myself through you and through our experiences together. You make me want to be a better woman for all the right reasons in God's eyes. Keep loving me as I will always keep loving you.
Thank you for seeing past my flaws and l thank you for accepting me as I am and trusting in God that I am the woman for you. I love you more and more each and every day. I appreciate all that you have given me now and in the future.
My Dearest Amelia,
I hope this letter reaches safely and unmolested into your hands. Time is of late, my love. The utopian world we once knew, has all but become a fragmented dream. Our hopes and desires are slipping into the dusk of oblivion. I miss you with every intake of breath. I find myse tortured at the thought that each breath takes you further from me. The strongest bonds of love are not just of bloodline or family, when two hearts are in sync and beat as one. Our love is just as strong and untainted.
The ravages of this war are starting to break down my wall of sanity. I fear they will breach my most precious possession: you. You keep me going in a world that is lost unto its self. When everything is spiraling into madness, steadying my mind and plotting my coarse of righteousness. I still carry as my totem and charm, in hopes that it will bring me steadfast and safe into your arms again. I guess without pain, we would
but without love, there is nothing left to feel, but pain.
I miss the fragrance of your hair, that I alone was permitted to experience. I never told you this, but sometimes in the early morning, I would purposely wake, just to watch you sleep. You were so beautiful, sleeping deeply in the bosom of contentedness. You were safe within my realm and gave yourself fully to it. You trusted me, as I trusted you. How lucky am I that I get to share everything of which I am. To open the door of who we are, and invite those we love into our crazy little worlds. To accept each other's little quirks, without judgement, but instead, with gratuitous thanks.
I miss the warmth of your body next to mine. I want to hold something pure in my arms again, instead of this weapon of destruction: which soul purpose is to extinguish a life. Have we truly forgotten what it means to be human?
My unit is being moved to the front lines in the morning. I leave my fate in God's hands, hoping our love is witnessed from above, thus sparing me from dying alone among these strangers who are as lost as I am. Are we victims of circumstance, my love, or just the unlucky inhabitants of a body dealt the wrong hand? I am a slave to my mind, caused by the horrors and atrocities of this war. You are my luminous beacon, A my light in a world that has gone cold and dark.
My heart and soul are yours for the taking. I guess it's not really taken, if it's freely given, which I give without hesitation. Like a mother that never questions her child' know that my love is just as true and pure, and unwitnessed since the Genesis of time. Without you I am stagnant and grounded like a bird without its wings. I want to make a home with you, Amelia, for better of worse. My most cherished wish is a homestead with you by my side. I don't have anything to offer, except my unwavering love. I need you and your undaunted devotion to me. I know this is a lot to lay upon your shoulders, especially with the gravity of what awaits me when the morning comes. It's not fair for me to weigh you down with my selfishness. Allow me to rephrase my wants, to ease your burden as well as my own.
If my light should be extinguished during this unconscionable and unwarranted war, you must move on and never look back. I can't digest the thought of you in someone else' but the image of you alone is the worse thought of all. Am I justified in my selfishness, keeping you all to myself? You are a blessing to all that have a chance to make your acquaintance. Shouldn't I allow the world to also experience the exquisite rarity that is you?
Our hearts will consummate again. I know this because as sure as the world is round and there is love to be acquired, we will reunite again. In what entity or form I do not know, but we will know each other at a glance.
I need to sleep now so I can face tomorrow with all my wits about me and with the fortitude and hope of returning to my beloved. I love you, with everything in me. Goodnight my sweet.
With love and Belighted Bliss unto you.
Yours Truly and Forever,
Would it be too presumptuous of me to refer to you in this way? I wonder if you even know that I exist.
I often watch you from afar and imagine that your smiles are for me. I imagine myself in your arms with your lips gently caressing my check.
It is my fondest desire that our hearts will one day meet in a way that only exists between true lovers.
If you listen closely, you will hear my sweet voice in the wind, prompting you to come to me, so that our souls can become one.
Until then, know that I am waiting...
To My Love
I have waited so long to feel your hand upon mine. To be able to feel your lips on mine, your sweet caresses and embrace. I have missed you and needed you, but there was no you to be found. You have loved me, and then abandoned me, surrounding me with your stilled love. In time, I said, you would come back, in time you would return. You did and kept your word as lovely as you are.
I reme my heart thudded in my breast, my mouth went dry with no words to speak, and my knees went weak with knowing you were there. Then I saw you and you came to me with open arms. I finally felt your embrace your flesh upon mine, your lips that devoured me. A thousand questions could have gone through my head, but they remained silent and aloof. For once it was just you and I, no questions, no second thoughts, no more dreaming, it was only you. Then, when I thought a reunion like ours could not be surpassed, you surprised me again with words I never thought to be uttered, I love you.
And so, my darling, my love, I write this to you with unmistakable doubt that, although I cannot be near you, you are with me all the time and although I cannot hold you, touch you, or kiss you, you have meant everything to me and no physicality can ever replace the memory of your passionate touch.
Forever My Love
Words can not express the love I'll always have for you, but on these pages my heart I give to you, my soul eternally yours.
Each corner of my mind echoes your loving voice and gentle laugh constantly when you are afar and my eyes long to see you and only you.
For it is your arms I long to be held by, warmed by your gentle caress. Lovingly Yours
Dearest Lynn,
Your absence from me these past days has rendered me a befuddled mess. I have tried my best to concentrate on the tasks and circumstances that have taken me so far from you, but to no avail. My every thought is of you, and I find it to be an unending and exquisite agony, knowing that we have untold months before I can once again gaze upon your lovely face. And your smile--oh, how I miss your smile...your voice, your tender touch, and EVERYTHING about you.
Your love means the world to me. It sustains me through the empty nights that have passed and the bleak nights that lay ahead of me. My love for you will endure and grow ever stronger, nourished in the knowledge that we will someday be reunited.
I am gazing up at a full moon as I write this, praying that its gentle light is also shining down on you and that you are safe, thinking of me as I am of you.
I love you.
My darling. The thing I value most in life, is our time together. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Every night, my eyes swell up just before I go to sleep knowing that you're in my life. You are special and unique. When I make a mistake, you forgive me. When I think the world has turned its back on me, you show me the millions of stars in the sky. When I'm down, you pick me up. You are my best friend. When I'm blue, you brighten my day and change my perspective on life for the better. Happiness keeps you sweet, trials keep you strong, sorrows keep you human, failure keeps you humble, success keeps you glowing, and your smile keeps me going. Can you hear that ticking sound, its not a clock. It's my heart beating for you each and every second of the day, because like I said, I value our time together the most.
I love you with my whole heart...
I'm sorry...
I can't explain the things I am,
Or simple gifts I fail to make.
Believe me, though, my love is full
And hurting you makes my heart ache.
Forgive me, sweetheart, when you can.
I'll try to justify your faith.
It is with great trepidation that I write you this letter, for how can words possibly express the joyful soaring of my heart when I see you? The pining when you are away? The hunger as I watch your body move, and the eternity I experience when our eyes lock?
I know that my words will fall short, but I must make the effort, as I will soon be gone, no longer able to show you my love with my touch, with my lips, with my warmth.
Surely, my spirit will remain with you always, as our union transcends our physical being. When you listen with your heart, you will know I am with you still.
Yet if you have moments of doubt, of confusion...if your memory of our love fades as the material world presses you on, touch this page. Read these words. Close your eyes and feel me in your heart. I will be with you always, in this letter, written with my hand, my soul, and my tears.
Know this is true.
Your eternal moon maiden
Dearest Ron,
Today I attempt to put into words my thoughts about you. This is a difficult task at best. For how do I properly describe and convey to you the feelings of my heart? I know in my mind that my life is enormously b that you are good, and true, and honest, and loving and so much fun. Deep in my being and soul there is so much more--a sense, an emotion, a feeling that is beyond description. It is love, truly, but how does one describe that? Perhaps if I were a songwriter, I could put my feelings into music. If I were a painter, I could paint a lovely picture. My only hope is this--that you feel in your heart what I feel in mine--beyond description, beyond words, beyond true comprehension and know that this mutual feeling is a gift given to us to last for our lives and to eternity. Darlin'
When I think of love long lasting, I think of you. I think of warm rain, sunny skies, pleasant wind and the sound of your name on my lips and in my heart. I love you. I love holding you. I love lying next to you each night, hearing your breath and feeling your warmth. I am a lucky woman to know such love and security, even in difficult times. Like the sound of the waves coming to the shore, like the sound of a great voice filling the stage, I listen for you and when you return, I feel whole.
To the love of my life:
The tender, moist and warm night breeze that caresses my body and wraps me in the wonder of dreaming of you. The song - words more touching than the melody -that keeps you in my heart every minute of the day. The deep, eternal love I have for you that soothes my troubles - that is the most wondrous and rewarding feeling that I could ever long for in this all too short life. Your face - your hand - your smile - all are wonders of the universe that shadow all else.
You are all to me - I touch the bed on which we slept. I breathe in your fragrance from the clothes you wore. I fear that I long, too openly, for those moments together - even the quietest when the only sound is the beating of our hearts.
If I should die at this moment, I will go quietly and gently into that great night because you have been in my life, and I believe that love will bring you to me on the other side - that the true enduring love I feel will never die. I love you - there are no other words to say. I love you.
Would that you loved me.
My best friend, my love, my soulmate. What can I say about the best thing God has given me. Despite the cliche, you complete me. You see in me the gifts God gave me. You gaze above my faults and shortcomings. Your eyes shine with love and praise at the goodness you choose to see. You loved me enough to fill the holes that life gave me before you. Every scar you tenderly caressed until it was gone. You were patient with me as I learned how to trust you. Instead of letting me run when I got scared, you held me close and wouldn't let go. You held me in place and fought for me, for us. You made me face my darkness in order to see the light. You loved me enough to teach me how to love you. I love you.
While life's dreams are shattered, and
And my heart dies a thousan
While experie
As nature works its cruel hand and et
You are my one true love who enraptures my spirit, nourishes my soul, and provides my life with sustaining youth and creative expression to light my way through the turbulence of the ages.
To My Dearest Love,
My feelings for you have increased beyond measure since you've been away from me this amount of time, you fed my desires you touched my soul, and then you left. Now I'm unable to stop the distant sounds of your voice that haunts me, with the illusion of you. I often ask myself what spell you put upon me this day, stirring my emotions in a sea of repressed desires, Tempting me daily that makes my heart pound slow, so slow in fact I feel I'm missing a vital part of my body. Every thought is of you, you intrigued me with your timeless laws of seduction, my mind wonders with wants and needs of the past, often bringing tears to my eyes. You striped me of your love when you left, and without you this long has me feeling insecure, and afraid....
Please underst there's no life for me.
My Truest Affections
A confidant tells me that the decision you made to share your heart with another has now expired and that your soul has been released. Ceasing in the quest to conquer your heart is a fate I have not wish to bare for my sun was eclipsed with your departure. But faith had become my confident and I respectfully make the request for permission of my love to unify with your spirit. For my love is just, absolute and elemental. Enable us to envision tomorrow today, creating a past while celebrating the future. Shall I reflect on our love lost? A fated story to be told in episodic events. Anew with the cloak of passion, amid a sea of vessels that speak of many travels but to no destinations to call, my heart has always sailed to you with my spirit being the compass and your soul being the mast. Who shall place asunder what was always meant to be! Being the antidote to my passion I must confess my love for you. And this journey will not commence until we are one. My fervor is great and this flame will only be extinguished with the elixir of your infinite rapture. Come with me and be the purpose of all serenity absent of sorrow.
Dear Nanouk,
Today I thought maybe I didn't love you anymore. A box of flowers arrived at the door while you were away, I thought perhaps you had sent them because yesterday was my birthday and though it was nice that you finally remembered and wished me a Happy Birthday I thought maybe you had a change of heart and Fed Ex'ed me the yellow roses as well. When I read the card, they weren't from you and the tears came from nowhere because I thought, you really don't care enough to send me roses.
The rules of engagement say that one must be grateful for the small, little everyday things done by one's beloved. The casual tender gesture, the shared laugh, the mutual love of and delight in our pets. And you my dear lift the heavy objects and keep the car running and would do most anything I asked. So why did I cry?
You once said that acknowledging birthdays in your growing up years was thought silly and wasteful. You've also said your household was a sad and isolating place. It's a curious thing that giving me some small token of your respect on my birthday remains such a difficult thing for you. It made me wonder why I cared and then I thought about your birthday which is coming soon and would I acknowledge the day of your birth? And this is what I thought.
I will honor the day of your birth, the day your mother Vera brought you into this world. Along the way the powers that be brought us together on that September day in '82. You said you knew that one day we would marry, I did too though I never told you. Jim, you have taught me to rise up smiling in the morning, grateful for the silly kitties which have stolen our pillows like thieves in the night. At 64 you still stand tall, broad shouldered and strong enough to move the barn. Your handsome visage looks out upon the world with a powerful sense of humour. We don't always see things the same, you and me but your work toughened hand holds mine and I am calmed. Your oft spoken, &Let not your heart be troubled,& tells me all will be well, and then you say, &The best laid plans of mice and men often gain aglay,& and I know I'm in trouble.
Would I trade you in, give you up...no not ever. Not for anything. Will I ever stop loving you, no not ever. I will honor the day that you were born.
Silly Woman
To the brightest star in the heavens
To love with you,
to live with you,
to lie with you,
My heart does yearn withal
To breathe, to see, to taste you
and forevermore to fall
In lust, in like in love with you,
And you with me and with us.
And we...we will stand against them all. The doubters, shouters and do-without-ers, who settle when nothing less than all that is, is all.
Our love UNITES.
That word, a tale in itself, an account read beginning to unending, U to S, it is US.
Our story, enfolded in the cover of that weighty tome, fan the pages, know the N-I-T-E. We igNITE, iNcITE and iNvITE to know and be known. Feeling deeply that which you feel and knowing iNtImaTEly what you will...
I receive you with the warmest welcome, ours is a passion that fades not, neither is it dispelled in the burning conflagration that both consumes and renews it. Our desire is reborn and rises again to enflame and enrapture.
Your lips divine
Your hips sublime, they cradle and sway and rock me. With you, my deepest self, I am now whole. Love me as I love you, greater than the sum of all others. Return to me that which I gladly, eagerly and joyously give.
I will stand between you and woe, taking each misery upon myself that sorrow may never touch you.
If you but ask: fetch for me...bring to me...lay this or that at my feet...Yes and Yes and Yes.
Your whispered wants and impassioned pleas, all are as commands to me. I am compelled to serve, to give, to yield
To the power and persuasion your heart does wield.
If ever you desire the sunrise I would draw it forth again. If you yearn for the sunset I will drag that blazing orb across the heavens and plunge it over the horizon. Death has no power, nor does time hold sway over such as we, lovers and a love that eclipses all.
Love, embodied in the supple flesh that I was blessed to touch, to savor and to cherish, far more than mere words could ever convey. I wrap myself in you and enfold you in me and we, we are the truest one: one body one mind one soul one spirit.
Through you I know myself and being well-versed in the &who& of we, I know this: My life and all that I am shall cease if this love be not requited.
my secret love,
All the times, you gave me comfort, and you never knew. All the times, you brought a smile to my face, you never guessed. When life was not what I expected, not what I would choose, you made me feel I could go on. You touched a part of me that no one knew was there. You alone could make me remember that I counted. I will always love you just the same, even though, you will never know.
The days pass all too slowly between the times we meet and our sorrowful separations. I stand in the corner, my outer being appearing the very statue of tranquility, but inside a fire consumes. I would, unbeknownst to you, wish to beg the eloquence of your tongue to lavish its art upon my ears every minute of the hour. In present circumstances, however, I am content just to stand- to stare at the form which you, most beloved of immortals, have taken. Your eyes, dirt-brown though the are, coruscate the smile hidden in the depths of your mind. As a very clever character once said &I am only a voice, and you are a point of light. I may have spoken beautifully to you in the past....because I have been forced to speak through the whirlwind which your eyes stir up inside me.&
Your hands as well- strong, quick, statuesque- make me quiver beneath the very hide that covers my heart. Ah, most beautiful of men! But must I sing only of your physical beauty? Your great spirit has touched my soul - we are one in thought and deed. The love of Christ shines in you, and it has made you most desirous in my eyes. You live with a passion to serve that spreads with the fervor of the flame, and I am most honored to be considered precious enough to stand on your pedestal.
I sigh now as I write this letter, because I yearn for you. Our separations seem to drudge on for many more hours than a day contains! My heart has only ever wanted itself to be possessed by the amaranthine aura that is yours for more than a short while, and I cherish every precious second with you more than my life.
Shakespeare, though too often quoted, could never have been more right in pairing Juliet with Romeo - in the same way you and I are paired like two minds that across time can call to and hear each other. You are as the custard filling in my pastry heart- all of its sweetness comes from your love inside it.
Sad, sad is my heart now as I bid you a final adieu. A thousand kisses on your cheek I send with this letter- I hope that you may cherish them until the time when I send a few thousand more. My darling soul, my wondrous spirit-I am weak and lost without you. You are everything to me.
Hurry soon, so that I may hold a fresh face in my heart. Until our next meeting my love, I wish you constant joy.
J'ai donn& mon coeur.
My dearest,
True is it to say that I miss you for unsuccessfully have I tried to suppress the feeling. My temperament has grown sullen and the previously caged emotions I have, now govern my actions. Speak well of it for the reason isn't bounded by that of logic neither is it made any easier by mere rationale. Speaking earnestly, my world stops when I look upon you. It's as if my eyes knew no greater beauty. As I stare at you I wonder if it's real. Your eyes speak to me a story of compassion, one that has the power to weaken me. And then it comes, a blink that stops my heart. With my breath held, your eyes reopen and my future is made clear. You are my life and we are one and I will love you even when I am taken from this place. Never will I let harm come to you for the evils of this world are many. With my life and my honour, I will protect you. With my sincerity and compassion, I will care for you. With my loyalty and judgment I will be true to you. And with my simple honesty, I will never stop loving you.
Sweet Man,
Last weekend was all you promised and more. Three amazing days with you, my loving and generous companion, exceeded my dreams. And I must admit that I experience far fewer dreams than I did fifty years ago.
But you, my dearest, have rekindled so many embers. Your very glance causes me to blush. You hand enfolding mine electrifies me. Your embrace enables me to experience once again the thrill of early love. Did I ever receive so much pleasure with a partner of my youth? If so, my memory clouds.
If I were an adventuress I would follow your whim and marry you. But my carefree days are behind me. My future cannot include the one man who has created a passion in the core of my being.
The siren call of love has been replaced by a doctor's call of death and I will not subject you to that excruciating pain of constant nurturing and loss. Rather, I would have you remember me as I was and cherish those precious moments we shared, youthful and free with a gentle ambiance amidst dazzling fireworks.
Thank you, my love, for being my love.
Ode to my Lover
What's the use of wondering?
I've done alot of blundering
Don't take my mistakes to heart
I hate us being apart
Remember, although I make silly gaffes
I'm the one who gives you those laughs
Certainly I'm not the finest catch in the sea
But forget not, I'm the one you invite for tea
My darling, don't despair at my antics
Otherwise, I'll become quite frantic
Forgive me my ineptitude
Grant me another sweet interlude
Deny the past, forget the slights
We can again take our love to dizzying heights
If you do forsake me
Rest assured it will break me
Let's play again in our garden of EdenIt's definitely easier than moving to Sweden!
Babe,Every year more of our friends part ways but with you each year brings us closer together. You find me every morning to kiss me goodbye before work and walk in every evening with a spirited &honey I'm home&. You personify devotion. Your lively enthusiasm for romance has left me breathless with your amorous passion. I yearn for your affection on most days and languish with love as we bide through our children's needs. Our time will come when we renew the courtship of nearly thirty years ago. Then that insatiable love that makes us twofold will be our celebration.
With everlasting love,
My Lover Founded and Fair
My body still burns with the sweetness of you
And my mind, like a tempest, cracks lightning in me
Can the passion for having do damage to you?
If it's so, then I'm ruined, and ravaged by thee
Yet a short space apart from my liquid resolve
'Neath the shady oak copse of my reasonIs the coolness and freedom where passions dissolve
Where a mans will can suffer no treason
So I flee from the visions to which I am prone
And I run to the place peace resides
Full expecting there to find myself cold and alone
I take heart at whose presence abides
So I reach out my soul, for it's sturdy and sureAnd I take up the soul that's extended
And I realize a moment both precious and pure
And the woman who greets me is splendid
And then, in that moment of friendship and grace
I saw written on futures fresh page
The mixed script that two hands had loving traced
In a theme that reads better with age
So I carefully allow just a glimmer or two
Of the glistening sun in your hair
With the knowledge, my lover, that I have of you
And companionship founded and fair
My love Norma,
My days are passing by and I am not aware if it is day or night, because my head is beyond the clouds, I'm so in love with you. I feel I've known you all my life, yet when I'm with you, I'm so captivated by your voice and face that it's if I'm hearing and seeing for the first time. I know now what I want out of life. I want to see your smile as I approach you. To taste the spice of your kiss, that nourishes my love, but leaves a hunger that is constantly with me. I want to feel the softness of your soul and the warmth of your presence. When I am with you there is no past or future, there is only Now! When we are apart the hour glass of time seems filled with all the desert sand of the world. How can man withstand the flames of this passion without being consumed by the fire? My only explanation would be that your love makes me feel immortal. Loving you, every minute, every hour, every day!
My friend,
For the moments in my lifetime I have shared them with you my darling. And for every star we have wished upon. As the morning sun arises we have seen together too. The romantic dinners, The longfelt walks, The kisses underneath the umbrella as the rain begins to fall. The joyous times and the tearful ones too. I rather spend the rest of my life loving you. It's no mystery, But our destiny to spend these moments together and when time stands still for I know that it will. For that's the moments in my lifetime I'll be sharing them with you.
My Beloved:
Even after all these years, I can still remember the whiteness of your smile in the dark--it still brings me comfort and warms my heart.
I'd give anything to be touching you, teasing you, tasting you right now. Every part of me longs for you and will until we meet again.
Until that time know that you are missed and loved.
Yours, forever and a day,
My Soulmate,
I have lived through countless lifetimes, searching for you to complete my being. Now that you are in my life, I am complete and able to find happiness and contentment.
You touch my heart, my mind, and my inner being. Without you I am empty, unable to function or find meaning in my day-to-day existence. Together we are one, a perfect union that can face insurmountable odds and face the uncertainty that the future holds. Fear of the future diminishes in the light of your presence and I truly believe I can face any obstacle if you are by my side.
Come, live with me and be my Love. My soul awaits your acquiescence. The beauty of our union will shine brightly for everyone to discover!
Love and heartfelt anticipation,
My dear Maggie,
When I first met you when you were fifteen, and I seventeen, I was sure you were the prettiest, wittiest and most intelligent girl I had ever met. Now, thirty-seven years later, I am more in love with you then ever and I was correct so many years ago. We laugh as much as ever and I relish every minute I am with you. Your strength and kindness affect everyone you touch and it is shown by the many and diverse friends you have and the wonderful way your children and grandchildren have grown.
I am forever yours,
My Dearest,
I have not written but I find thoughts of you swirling in my head, writing words without pen in hand. I miss your eyes, dark pools of glittering opals and how I wish I could look into their journeys. When will I see you again? When can I taste your lips, a sweet drink upon mine like the morning dew quenching the thirst of green meadows? If I could kiss them now, surely colorful blooms would blossom in my heart. I long for your arms to warm me from the chill of loneliness. Upon our parting, an eternity ago, I can still hear your soft voice whispering to me &may you sleep with the angels&.
If only I could sleep with you again, if only I could...
You are my kindred soul, my angel.
I leave you now with all the terms of endearment.
Forever yours,
My Dearest,
I am energize I know I am worthy. My being is whole then and I know myself.
I am warmed by your need to care for me, more so when I don't recognize my need. . .
I am touched by your pain when I suffer . . .
I am challenged by your intensity and I relish it. . .
I love you and am always. . .
My Forever Love,
When I don't see you, I dream about you. And when I do see you I feel as though I am drifting in a dream. It is a surreal feeling, one that scares me and yet a feeling that I like to play with. It is a dangerous game, one that would hurt if it turns out wrong. So therefore I waive the white flag and surrender to the feelings that you have awakened in me and see where this path takes us. I dreamed of you a thousand times and you made it reality. When I met you I told you that I was running from you, and you told me that you wanted me to run to you. Everything that I ever wanted to hear escaped from your lips. How could you have known what I needed to hear and feel? You are the other half of me and I will always love you.
My Dearest of Heart:
If only you see me when you look at me, and hear me when I speak, the aura of my love would encapsulate the essence of your heart and echo throughout the universe for all eternity.
You see, my love, mere words are exhausted from my lips and have escaped my feeble mind. There remains nothing ever spoken or written to amply describe the song you sing to my soul.
Night after night, I and I awake each dawn and pray that today will be the day you smile back.
Your secret love,
I am obsessed
I rush around getting everything I need to do done so that I can finally have enough time to spend with you
there is never enough time
to call my clients and meet my deadline and call my Mom and feed the cat and walk the dog and pay the bills.
none of it seems important anymore
even that vitally important deadline that my job depends on
I just can't seem to concentrate
My mind keeps drifting back to you
the sound of your voice
the look in your eye
the feel of your touch
the taste of your kiss.
But I need to focus
I have to get my work done and bills paid. I need to eat lunch and take a shower
but it now all seems so mundane
so unimportant
There is never enough time to get everything done
There is never enough time to spend with you
I mean not all the time that I really want to spend
There are never enough words to express how I feel
I mean how I really feel about you
There is never enough patience to wait until I spend more time with you
I mean wait until you finally come
When my eyes meet yours
When my hand meets yours
When my lips meet yours
When my body meets yours
I am obsessed
You have captured my imagination
You have captured my thoughts
You have captured my heart
You have captured my soul
Eternally yours,
I will always remember this special day for us. It means so much. For this is the day you made one of my fondest dreams come true.
When I think of you, my thoughts immediately go to the qualities I love best about you. You brought warmth to my cold heart and you taught me to love again. And now you are introducing me to the fine culture of the Opera!
I can not believe you got the last tickets! You make magic happen when I'm with you.
I can not wait for the night to come when I put on my sky blue evening gown, accessorized with the diamonds and pearls you gave me for my birthday last year. I will graciously entertain your adoring arm as we walk proudly through the lovely hallway way and into our Opera seats!
No gift I can give to you to compare, so I wrote this for you. I want you to read it on a rainy day, when you are sad and lonely or just thinking of me.
I know a place
that's warm and caring
of tender moments
a place full of sharing
I know a place
you can go there day or night
it's waiting just for you
for it's yours alright
I know a place
it's nice and sweet, not tart
the place that I give you . . .
forever my heart
Happy Sweetest Day!
Lady Emily
When I was a little girl, I would dream of my prince. I planned the fairy tale wedding and the old house we would renovate together. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of these things and more - but I am not a little girl- anymore.
We were friends first, and when he broke my heart, you entered - my knight in shining armor- to reveal all the things I have come to love, and dispel all that I misunderstood. You were there, on that night I lost my soul and my candle was extinguished.
I sit in front of the bookcases you just freshly painted, paging through our wedding album, the fairy tale wedding from beginning to end. It's been 26 years, and now, I am writing a revised edition to The Fairie Tale.
It's the tale of a man who wears the same suits for years, going to Talbot's at lunch t the man who secretly spent countless hours on E-Bay purchasing my discontinued china pattern, never completed once the children came into the tale.
I am paging through the album, but I don't see the white gown, or the tall cake and the sparkling champagne glasses. Instead, I see the man who buys me flowers every Saturday morning. Valentine's Day is for the novice. I see the man who secretly planned a 25th wedding anniversary trip to New York, complete with having my sister and brother-in-law join us too!
Weddings are a day. China and crystal shatter. Money comes and goes, and children grow up and leave. But you - you are my Knight in Shining Armor. You are my laughter and silliness, my honesty and support. You take nothing and give everything. You are my song, my endless love, and I know now, that on the night my candle was extinguished, you came bearing your lantern of passion, selflessness, and unrequited love.
Your presence...even the mere thought of you, takes my breath away.
Your touch I can feel in my soul.
Your smile and laughter are branded in my mind.
So if time decides to stand still...
or the sunrise has been subdued by eternity...
Know that you have been a resident of my heart.
My dearest,
I've been meaning to write this letter for awhile, I've never had a hard time saying what I feel but that seems to have changed ever since I met you. Even now, I'm finding it difficult to write down everything you have given me. How can I begin to write down the love I have known? So let me describe the gift you have given me, because mere words aren't enough.
I know that in every age, in every place, love is certain to be there, so there's no reason to tremble because life on earth is but one brief moment, a moment truly worth living for. I have found that out by being with you. Having you in my life has brought me more happiness than a lifetime could bring. You've touched my life so deeply in your own way that you've helped me laugh and become my own self. I feel like I've searched my whole life and I have finally found the one meant for me and even though our time together was short, it will not be forgotten but remembered forever and ever.
Thanks to you I have conquered the world's greatest challenge-Love and I will always be grateful for this extraordinary gift only we shared. In heart, and through the bind of love, you will always be my family, for my love was bound to you. Meeting you has made me realize how precious and fragile love can be. I would give up everything for for one moment is better than a life time of never knowing you. I now understand why people search their whole lives for the one and only person that can make them complete. It's because the love they share is the closest thing we have to magic.
I can't begin to imagine life without your touch and warm embrace but I know that some day the miles between us won't matter because one day I'll meet you again. Until then I want you to know that what lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
I know that life seems to be a struggle after another. Our scenery is constantly changing, but there is one thing that remains constant—my love for you. Please don't be angry at what life has done to us, because for the first time in my life I can be free. I want you to emerge into your greatness. I've always had faith in you so be the best that you can and believe in your dreams as I believe in you. And although I won't be there to see you shine even more and be a part of your future and dreams, know that in the distance... I will be there with you.
I love you with all that I am, all that I was, and all that I ever will be.
With everlasting love,
My dearest love,
Your words cut me to the heart. I cannot bear to leave you. I think of your beautiful face, and the thought of your tears drives me out of my senses. Must I leave you? Must I?
Cruel, cruel destiny answers me. My path lies far across the barren and gloomy ocean, far away from you. Destiny harries me on, pushing me relentlessly away from the only love I have ever known. I am being driven farther than far by my fate, and yet, as I go, I strive against it, knowing full well it is impossible to resist.
And so I must go. Even though it tears my heart, I must leave you. Yet the thought of your prayers being always faithfully near me comforts me more than I can say. I will think of you every day, and pray for you every night. You will never be out of my mind, or my heart. And as I go on my journey, the thought of you, waiting for me, will keep me safe, like a guardian angel, always at my side.
Farewell to thee, dearest one! I pray we meet again. Forever yours, until eternity,
Hello Sweetheart,
As the sun sets, I turn to see your picture smiling at me, and I quickly smile back. I paused for a moment to reminisce of the day our eyes first met, I knew then it was love.... undeniable.
A love that is breath taking, I still feel butterflies when you're near me. The essence of your sweet smelling cologne is intoxicating. It would be so easy to wish you here my delightful honey bun by I hesitate because that would destroy my soothing thoughts of you. I could allow my thoughts to linger and express each one with examples later, but that would be to difficult because I am missing you now.
Just get here,
Undeniably Yours
Dearest of all,
Each night, as I lay awake, I think of you, and pray for you. My prayer goes with you as you leave, my prayer is with you on the lonely road you travel. As you cross the wild ocean, and the sorrowing waves beat against your ship, and the wind sobs a tearful farewell to you, my prayer is with you. It will go with you, always at your side, and the farther you travel away from me, the closer it will stay by you. Until you return, a prayer will constantly rise up from my heart to the one who hears all. I will pray that you will remain safe, I will pray that God will grant you speed, and most of all, I will pray for you return.
My heart will be as stone within me until I hear your voice again. The warm affections that have been yours while you were here, will always remain yours while you are far away. I will always remain true. And if you never return, my agony will be beyond the comprehension of man. My heart will remain as stone, and beat no more. The warm affections that you lit into existence will die away, and become ashes in the fireplace of our love.
Farewell, heart of my heart, dearer to me than life itself. Return to me, or I die. Forever yours, though death may part us,
My beloved,
How cruel the waters are to divide us so, turning greyer and bleak in the shadow of the season's change. I take heart, however, in the fact that somewhere in your land, the maple leaves are not just red, but bronzing and brilliant with God's pen. Here, our trees cling to the vestiges of verdance, warding off autumn's embrace.
I had intended to possess your heart for myself, to catch it and then release it when I grew tired of your sycophantic love, as I have with so many others. But your eloquence seduced my heart before my eyes seized upon you, and I found that I, the predator, was now caught in a different trap. I am the one in love. Now I wait for you to write me again. Some little word that will let me know you are thinking of me. Even a widget to cheer me up and give me some vantage as to the unseen smile that decorates those handsome features.
Drowning in love,
My beloved Brett:
Just to be close to you is my heart's desire. The aroma of your nature, the glow from the windows to your soul, the intensity of your touch is what I crave...the only source to satisfy my longing soul.
I seek for thee and you seek for me and one day, straightway, we shall be united as one and our mutual longings will be fulfilled. No matter how much time or how many centuries pass between us, our love endures forever.
From the heavens above to the earth below, I pray and believe that we come together in reality so that our love can inspire the world to capture our intoxicating, effectual existence....
My eternal heart,
Dear Heart,
What kind of something wonderful could I have done to earn your love? It is a mystery to me. I wonder, &Who am I to deserve such happiness?&
Oh, Dear Heart, you are too good to me!
To the one I have lost:
A single tulip struggling against the evening wind
Reminds me of you and your pouting lips.
Against the dull approach of my words.
All I ask of you is your hand and a smile.
With wistful fatigue,
I'm sorry our last phone call was cut short. Those satellite phones are pieces of crap. Things are the same here, the odd patrol or OP shift where nothing happens and then hours of time to kill with nothing to do. The guys and I just sit and talk about the same things every day. Whoever said war was exciting was lying through his teeth.
God I miss you babe. I look at the picture of Danny and you every day. I'll need a new one soon - the sun is fading it, and the sand is scratching it - plus Danny will have changed so much. Do you think he'll remember me?
I know it's only another three months till I come home, but I can't possibly wait that long to see you, hold you, touch you. I can't believe you have opera tickets. I hope you and my mom have a good time. It means a lot to her.
I've got to go for now, but just remember to keep faith. I'm keeping safe, and I love you more than anything.
Your girl forever,
I know we have had difficult times lately. It has overwhelmed my heart to know that your pain is worsened by the pain that I have caused. I truly love you, and in your absence, my heart has warned me of the void in my soul. I know that you realize that our souls are linked by our immense love and wonderful family.
I do not mean to take you for granted, although you must admit that our oneness has cause my complacency. Please return to me. I will not allow my love to go undemonstrated. Although some things have changed over the years, please allow our union to have a new beginning. You are my wife and I truly love and cherish your spirit. I have loved you since the first time our eyes met in that ever so narrow hallway ever so many years ago. Please forgive me and realize that in each of us lives the passion and love to renew our wonderful courtship. Please come home.
Your Husband
Dear Jules,
It's now the second week of deer camp. As the buck pole still stands empty, my mind drifts to the warmth of you - and our down comforter. How nice it would be to get all dudded up and go to the opera with you.
For you, I would wear my best flannel shirt - you know, the one with the sleeves. Press it for me. Take no one else. I'm rushing home from the isle of Pelee. Pray the waters of Lake Erie will be still.
All my love,
Deadeye Eddy
My darling Edward:
It seems that the smell of fall is once again lingering in the air around our little treehouse. The leaves, clad in scarlet, dance past my window, but I do not dance. Music does not stir me. My ears are closed, even as my eyes are drawn to the spot where you should be.
Cursed autumn! Cursed deer! Cursed pheasant! Cursed season that takes you far from me. Return to me soon, darling, and I promise that I will forever demonstrate my undying devotion. My love will be seen, felt, heard, known, you will breathe and it will be the sweet smell that invigorates your lungs.
My hand and heart reaches out to you. I give you myself, and this pledge: return to me now, or I'll take someone else to the opera.
Yours forever,
My sweet Jules:
Even as the sun rises I'm far from home. As the beer cans clatter beneath the wheels of my quad, I am reminded of your melodic voice calling out, &Dang it, Eddy, get offa that thing!&
I'm longing for the day that I can come home to you and you can cook that luscious dinner of fresh ven. Mmm.
I'll be home soon. I'm thinking of you.
Missing you bunches,


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