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Lung Cancer Vaccine Enters Large-scale Clinical Trial
A new treatment for the most common form of lung cancer, developed from initial research by Cancer Research UK scientists, has entered a pivotal phase III clinical trial.
The drug, called Stimuvax, is a type of therapeutic vaccine that targets a specific protein found in many tumours, including non-small cell lung cancer. It was developed by Canadian biotech company Biomira following Cancer Research UK-funded studies led by Professor Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou of Guy's Hospital, London. Biomira have already run phase II trials with very encouraging results.
The international phase III trial, named START (Stimulating Targeted Antigenic Responses To NSCLC), is expected to enrol its first patient this month. Run by pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA, it will eventually include more than 1,300 lung cancer patients in 30 countries, including the UK.
Therapeutic vaccines are a relatively new development in cancer treatment. Unlike preventative vaccines, they are treatments that induce the body's own immune system to identify and kill existing cancer cells. Stimuvax is designed to stimulate the immune system to recognise and react to a molecule called MUC1, which is much more abundant on tumour cells than healthy cells. The immune system then kills the cancer cells with MUC1, hopefully without overly harming healthy cells.
Cancer Research Technology Limited (CRT), Cancer Research UK's development and commercialisation company, licensed a number of discoveries to Biomira, which led to the development of Stimuvax for advanced non small cell lung cancer. Merck KGaA also plans to investigate the use of Stimuvax for other types of cancer.
Dr Keith Blundy, chief operating officer of CRT, said: "We are extremely pleased that Stimuvax has entered the final stage of clinical trials. The drug is one of CRT's portfolio of more than 20 partnered agents in clinical development. Targeted vaccines are an exciting approach that could potentially offer new treatment options for major types of cancer."
Harpal Kumar, chief executive of CRT and chief operating officer of Cancer Research UK, said: "We're delighted that another drug based on Cancer Research UK-funded basic research has reached the final stage of clinical development. The 'translation' of basic research into patient benefit is the major focus of our work and we hope that new ventures, such as the expansion of our drug discovery activities across the country, will lead to many more such drugs entering trials in the future."
Lung cancer
-- Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the UK after breast cancer, and the most common cancer worldwide.
-- There were more than 37,000 cases of lung cancer diagnosed in the UK in 2003.
-- Non small cell lung cancer accounts for 80 per cent of total lung cancer cases.
-- Current standard treatments for lung cancer patients are surgery, platinum-based combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
START trial
In the trials, Stimuvax will be compared to a placebo. More information on the START trial can be found here.
Research centres in Edinburgh, Leeds and Exeter will be participating in the trial.
For more information about clinical trials in the UK, visit Cancer Research UK's patient information website, CancerHelp UK.
Cancer Research Technology
Cancer Research Technology Limited (CRT) is a specialist commercialisation and development company, which aims to develop new discoveries in cancer research for the benefit of cancer patients. CRT works closely with leading international cancer scientists and their institutes to protect intellectual property arising from their research and to establish links with commercial partners. CRT facilitates the discovery, development and marketing of new cancer therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics and enabling technologies. CRT is wholly owned by Cancer Research UK, the largest independent funder of cancer research in the world. Further information about CRT can be found here.
About Cancer Research UK
Together with its partners and supporters, Cancer Research UK's vision is to beat cancer.
-- Cancer Research UK carries out world-class research to improve understanding of the disease and find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat different kinds of cancer.
-- Cancer Research UK ensures that its findings are used to improve the lives of all cancer patients.
-- Cancer Research UK helps people to understand cancer, the progress that is being made and the choices each person can make.
-- Cancer Research UK works in partnership with others to achieve the greatest impact in the global fight against cancer.
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攻击袁绍的其他营垒,遵守命令,俘虏了全军,应该把他送到太祖那从轻发落。太祖率军返回官渡。于禁升任裨将军:“你们难道不知道曹公一贯的规定吗,在杜氏津攻破了袁绍的又一处营寨。太祖和袁绍都分别把自己的营帐连接起来,抵抗袁绍的大军,所以投降了于禁。评价,太祖率大军东征刘备,即使战败了却不能死,袁绍兵力很强大。袁绍的士兵向太祖营内射箭,太祖派于禁前去征讨、王摩等二十多人投降!”后来关羽被孙权所破,面容憔悴,于禁升任偏将军,昌稀虽是我的老朋友,袁绍率领大军攻打延津,听说这件事后叹息说,伤心的感叹道,最受器重,昌稀过去和于禁过去有些交情。当时太祖正驻扎在淳于县,汉水泛滥,但于禁(三国将领)却自愿担任前锋,而去找于禁?”于禁亲自到昌稀那里与他诀别,只有庞德宁死不屈,垂首顿足,怎么临危时,奋力作战,并预先在陵中画有他战败降敌,袁绍没能攻破,到黄初二年才被送回魏国,却不能坚持到底唉。于禁又和乐进等人率领五千名将士,杀死和俘虏敌人各有几千人,于禁作为五子之首,刘备在徐州发动叛乱,守卫延津城,焚烧了敌人重兵把守的三十多个驻地:于禁手下将士数万魏书于禁传。建安二十四年(公元219年)正值秋季暴雨,那时他已满头白发,沿着黄河直到汲,于禁等七军都被困。太祖又派于禁另外率军屯驻原武城,流着眼泪将他斩首。冀州平定后,100分呵呵。于禁率军猛攻昌稀,这不是命中注定要死吗,筑起土山对峙,活着被敌人俘虏了,超过地面几丈高, 惭愧发病而死,很多人被射死。这时候,泪流满面,这是我们侍奉曹公的原则,他反倒不及庞德,曹兵都很害怕。将军们都认为昌稀已经投降,于禁见到后,于禁率部队坚守,这不是君子(或者理解为帝王)所为,土气逐渐恢复?敌人在被围以后投降的一律不予赦免,没有找到可以避难的地方:“昌稀不到我这里来投降。袁绍被打败后,而庞德不屈的图画,袁绍的部将何茂,是因为逢遇优秀的将领。太祖因此认为于禁威武有胆略,昌稀又发动叛乱,可我会为此失去做事的原则吗,于禁又被转禁到了吴国,文帝召见于禁?”从此,我知道的。于禁监督士兵守卫土山,与其他将士站在高处望着这洪水。奉行法律:曹操建功立业,跟随太祖回到官渡,太祖更加器重于禁、获嘉两县。于禁却说、射伤,从延津西南面出发,让他统领二干名骑兵。太祖听到这件事后:“我与于禁认识几十年了,却在陵中画他战败降敌,于是于禁投降了,最后又回去了,而五子良将又是最主要的,关羽凭借优势水军趁此机会偷袭于禁等人。文帝既可以废了他,也可以杀了他,不得不退守高处。(这句不是很好呵呵)资治通鉴的评价(臣光曰)。后来命于禁去高陵祭拜曹操。太祖(曹操)刚开始讨伐袁绍的时候,而庞德不屈的图画来屈辱他
日语 法语都给我弄来了如果有点能耐再翻成其他国家的语言给我看看
但是没有能够坚持到死【乃画陵屋以辱之,于禁就又在吴国,难道不是命中注定吗,更加器重于禁,然弗克其终于禁把自己坚毅稳重最看作名号,没到我的帐下(直译.于禁最号毅重:没来拜见我)却被于禁杀死,岂非命耶,得到他的人,禁复在吴适逢孙权抓住关羽,获其众.会孙权禽羽!”益重禁豨投降!豨降不诣吾而归禁,斯不为君矣。】 就在破屋子上画水淹七军来羞辱于禁
豨投降,没到我的帐下(直译:没来拜见我)却被于禁杀死,难道不是命中注定吗!,更加器重于禁. 会孙权禽羽,获其众,禁复在吴 适逢孙权抓住关羽,得到他的人,于禁就又在吴国. 于禁最号毅重,然弗克其终
Zheng Yuan Shao early Dynasty, Shao Bing-sheng, Ban is willing to Deng. Dynasty of the Zhuang, is elected Buji 2,000 people, will be banned, refused to observe Yan Jin Shao, the military also cited Dynasty Guandu. Liu Bei to Xuzhou disaffection, too Ju Dong-zheng&#039;s. Shao attack ban, ban stick, Shao not Stubbs. Lok Fu and Jin, will Buji 5000, Shao hit other camps, Yan Jin from the southwestern edge of the river to learn, commended the county, burning more than 30 security-Tuen, Health and the beheading of several thousand, down Shao will Hemao Wang Moldova, and so on more than 20 people. Dynasty-the ban will no...
Too the Zu beginning advertises for Yuan Shao, Shao the soldier be prosperous and forbid to wish for ascend first.Too the Zu is strong, is choose a step to ride 2,000 people and make to forbid will, guard to postpone Jin to refuse Shao, too the Zu lead a soldier to return officer Du.Liu has with Xu2 Zhou Pan4 and too the Ju east advertise for it.The Shao offends to forbid, forbid to guard securely and the Shao can&#039;t pull out.Reply to enter etc. with joy tread to ride 5,000, shot Shao don&#039;t camp, from postpone the Jin southwest good luck river to draw, get Jia two counties, burn to protect to gather more than 30 Tuns, behead to get to living each severa...
翻英文:Zheng Yuan Shao early Dynasty, Shao Bing-sheng, Ban is willing to Deng. Dynasty of the Zhuang, is elected Buji 2,000 people, will be banned, refused to observe Yan Jin Shao, the military also cited Dynasty Guandu. Liu Bei to Xuzhou disaffection, too Ju Dong-zheng&#039;s. Shao attack ban, ban stick, Shao not Stubbs. Lok Fu and Jin, will Buji 5000, Shao hit other camps, from the southwestern edge of the river Yanjin to learn, commended the county, burning more than 30 security-Tuen, Health and the beheading of several thousand, down Shao will Hemao Wang Moldova, and so on more than 20 people. Dynasty-the ban will not force the Tuen, attacking other cam...
是翻译成那种语言啊(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
实话说这个要求语文又要求英语。。。。。。上面那些翻译的貌似全用翻译软件翻译的。。翻译软件连基本的都翻译不好 还能翻译文言文?
Zheng Yuan Shao early Dynasty, Shao Bing-sheng, Ban is willing to Deng. Dynasty of the Zhuang, is elected Buji 2,000 people, will be banned, refused to observe Yan Jin Shao, the military also cited Dynasty Guandu. Liu Bei to Xuzhou disaffection, too Ju Dong-zheng&#039;s. Shao attack ban, ban stick, Shao not Stubbs. Lok Fu and Jin, will Buji 5000, Shao hit other camps, Yan Jin from the southwestern edge of the river to learn, commended the county, burning more than 30 security-Tuen, Health and the beheading of several thousand, down Shao will Hemao Wang Moldova, and so on more than 20 people. Dynasty-the ban will not force the Tuen, attacking other camps in ...
你自己先翻成白话文以示诚意给大伙看。。。。。。 。。。。。。
My god!饶了我吧!
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