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Buy Teslagrad
$9.99 USD
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"A wonderful art style, smooth animations, and a challenging mix of precision platforming and puzzles makes Teslagrad well worth your time."
Recent updates
19 December, 2014
So, Winter is upon us, frozen water is falling from the sky, making everything nice and slippery,
and there’s a shiny new Steam Winter Sale currently bombarding you with tempting offers.
In light of this we’d like to take a moment to sit down with you and talk about the important things in life.
Here we go:
Is Teslagrad on sale? How cheap is it?
The answers are, in the aformentioned order: Yes! and 50% off-$4.49!
(also, we're releasing a boxed physical edition
of Teslagrad! It's already out in parts of Europe, more info in early 2015 about release in the rest of the world!)
2 October, 2014
Hi everyone!
A new update of Teslagrad is now available here on Steam, and will be progressively available in all the other stores and distributors. Please find the whole list of changes below:
Improved empty saved game slots now show the text 'Empty' in light grey.
Improved graphics of conveyor belts, should now be synchronized better.
Improved magnetflies, won't fly around when they're not visible any longer.
Improved use of light in some scenes (for better performance).
Reduced memory consumption drastically in general.
Reduced total size of the game through better use of compression.
Fixed bug when a slow machine might not have loaded a level in time.
Fixed bug where bosses would desynchronize with the sound when menu was opened.
Fixed bug where the player could avoid entering the final area.
Fixed bug where the player either jumps or falls from a wall when leaning out.
Fixed bug where the player would fall from a wall for no reason.
As usual, thanks for your reports and invaluable feedback!
“Teslagrad is highly rewarding and an ultimately fantastic game.”
“[Teslagrad] understands the golden rule of spinning a good story: Show, Don't Tell.”
“The colourful backgrounds, expressive movements, and focus on puzzles over combat recalls a mix of Braid and Limbo.”
About This Game
A journey begins... A treacherous tower... Unravel its mysteries!
Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle platformer with action elements, where magnetism and other electromagnetic powers are the key to go throughout the game, and thereby discover the secrets kept in the long abandoned Tesla Tower. Gain new abilities to explore a non-linear world with more than 100 beautiful hand-drawn environments, in a steampunk-inspired vision of old Europe. You play as a young boy who suddenly finds himself embroiled in a long-forgotten conspiracy, involving the despotic king who has ruled the nation with an iron fist for several years. Jump into an outstanding adventure told through voiceless storytelling, writing your own part. Armed with ancient Teslamancer technology and your own ingenuity and creativity, your path lies through the decrepit Tesla Tower and beyond.
Complex puzzles! Put your sense of logic to the test and cleverly manipulate the world around you using electricity and magnetism, the lifeblood of the game. Puzzles will range from “pff, that wasn't so bad” to keyboard-smashing, controller-chewing frustration.
Explore! Make your way through rich 2D hand-drawn surroundings as you journey into — and beyond— Tesla Tower, picking up use amazing new items as you go.
Visual storytelling! Tired of all those words in your video games? Have no fear, Teslagrad features not a single snippet of text or squeak of dialogue. Everything is purely visual, and the entire story is told through what you see (and sometimes what you don't see).
Steampunk powered! Discover a dystopic and mind-blowing rainy-and-brainy setting, presenting a steampunk vision of an old Europe-inspired new world.
Old-school boss fights! Use your skills and wits to overcome the 5 incredible final bosses eager to demagnetize you.
No disruptions! That means no loading screens, no GUI, no cutscenes. Just the game and you.
Mesmerizing soundtrack! Awesome mix of classical orchestra, with a touch of Russian inspiration and a myriad of metal bits and electrical stuff.
Teslagrad is available for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
&It's beautiful minimalist storytelling, and it fits really well with the gameplay proper, which is delightful in more ways than one.& Jared Rosen,
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP (SP3)
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
OS: Windows 7 or higher
Processor: Dual Core 4GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with 1GB memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with 1GB memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Processor: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with 1GB memory
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
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7.8 hrs on record
And... it's a good game, all right. Infuriating at times, but overall very pleasant puzzle platformer. Well worth the time spent, I'd say, especially if any of the gripes below doesn't sound bad to you.. What I liked: - Lovely art design, backgrounds, animation and music. Production values are overall very high, only a step below UbiArt games, I'd say. Very reminiscent of Braid, I'd say. - Good puzzles, solvable without resorting to outside help in most of the cases. Definitely nothing as obtuse as Gateways final puzzles. - Interesting player abilities. Can't really say that having magnets and Dishonored Blink was innovative, but the way they were used and interacted with each other very much worked in the game. - Controls were very good, even if the jumping was a tad too floaty for me. Would be a much bigger problem if the game had a bigger focus on platforming, but given that it was 80% puzzles, I can't really complain. - Metroidvania-lite concept with no forced backtracking - only some of the secret scrolls required revisiting areas, everything else could be done by the first visit. What I didn't care for: - Boss fights, or rather lack of checkpoints during boss fights. Main character doesn't have any sort of health meter/shield, so the second you touch any of the hazards, you're brought back to the beginning of the fight. Which gets a tad annoying if said fight has several stages with new, random hazards added in the later ones. - Few instances of physics not working consistently - I had worked out a few puzzle solutions, given up on them as non-working after a few tries, only to check online and find that I had the good idea, but one that requires blind luck to work out. This is only true for a few scrolls, nevertheless should not happen. - Lack of proper map - the game marks your location, sure, but doesn't allow for map scrolling and doesn't mark the collectibles you discovered but haven't solved yet. Which makes the whole map pretty useless. - The achievement system used by the game (1 for each of 36 hidden collectibles) could do with a revamp - you can 100% the game well before finishing actual playthrough. Would be lovely if the devs added at least a 'Finished the Game& achievement. - Weird performance issues - I don't have the fastest computer, true, but still, would not expect the game dropping down to 30 fps in few areas. Really noticeable when most of the game is silky smooth. I've also had the game crap out on me three or so times - game logic was still running, but the game stopped updating screen. Had to enter menu and quit the game using only sound effects as a guide.
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13.5 hrs on record
Such a great game. It's kind of Braid meets Magrunner: beautiful 2.5D graphics, cool phantasy setting, good mechanics, simple but nice story/plot (lovely told via marionette theaters), puzzles and a tesla staff! Not recommended to Thomas Edison's fans.8.5/10
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3.4 hrs on record
I'm not sure exactly what I expected Teslagrad to be.Having known next to nothing save its name going in, I still had some vague, unshakable idea about what exactly I was in for, and I wasn't too enthusiastic about it. But then I was introduced to the first magnetic mechanic and all I could think was &wow, this is really cool.&That's something I kept thinking again and again as I got higher in the tower that houses the game's levels, with each new area bringing with it a new twist on mechanics I, for whatever reason, had mapped out in my head before even pressing start, It continually and cleverly subverted the concepts I've come to associate with games of its ilk, smartly introducing new mechanics that build upon those that come before, while simultaneously developing a rich medieval steampunk world for me to get lost in.There's not a single line of dialogue in Teslagrad, be it written or spoken or even just a tutorial, and yet it manages to create this abundantly interesting narrative of a kingdom obsessed yet terrified of technology, and the power it brings with it. Paintings, reenactment cutscenes, and pieces of the environment are used to tell this story subtly, in a way that hides most of its simplicity and had me wanting to find out more about it up until the very end.Similar methods are used for each gameplay hook, most of which involve manipulating magnetic polarities. Tools are trickled out to you and then liberally experimented with before giving you another to try and work with, which creates an invisible learning curve as you apply what you already know to the new obstacles placed before you. Teslagrad is always conscious of making sure you understand it, and giving you time to figure things out without punishing you for mistakes or taking too long.That is, except for the boss fights. Though they're likely the coolest moments in the game, these few encounters are rife with tedious and agonizing trial and error death loops, with one hit kills and the complete lack of checkpoints causing them to go on far longer and be much more annoying than they otherwise would be. It's not even that many of the bosses are that hard to defeat once you understand their patterns, but they're so pattern based and often consisting of numerous different parts that you're left with no choice but to die over and over until you've memorized their every move and can play them back exactly. There are a handful of moments like this in various puzzles throughout, which stand out all the more starkly because of how well the rest of the game avoids falling into the same traps.The inconsistent difficulty was rather a lot more frustrating than I'm making it out to be, but that should also say something about the quality of the game outside of those moments, which I was enjoying so much as to push through the times I was ready to snap my controller in half and curse my reflexes to hell. It's a gorgeous, clearly guided journey in a genre that's become more and more uninspired and cluttered, positioned awkwardly among its less impressive peers that will likely cause it to be passed over in the deluge. And that would be a horrible thing indeed.
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14.8 hrs on record
Teslagrad is a game sort of like Super Meat Boy except not so extreme. It's a load of fun if you're expecting a good challenge. Im talking specificly about the bosses. There's a lot of practice involved with the bosses- some might see them as unfair, and some will find them as a good challenge.The puzzles are very complicated and the mechanics are very creative! There's alot of exploration involved also. Which I really enjoyed.The art is amazing, sometimes reminding me of Braid and Limbo (but with color, of course.)The animation/sprites are hand-drawn, and they're beautiful.The story is ABSOLUTLEY GREAT too! It's told through a series of small mechanical theatres and a lot of it is also told through drawings in random locations. I wont spoil anything about the story- its too awesome.Teslagrad is a great- but challenging, beautiful platformer with a very intriguing, well-told story.
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12.9 hrs on record
This game is a really good example of the artform of games. A good story, which ties directly into the mechanics of the game, which are well-balanced and intuitive, and provides a solid 10 hours of well-thought out cinematics. It even mixes mediums well, with puppet plays in some places, cutscenes integrated directly into the gameplay, and a non-linear narrative revealed through the cards. The big reveal was interesting, if only because it broke certain hero tropes, and while the story wasn't necessarily ambitious it was visually very stimulating. Loved this game =]
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7.4 hrs on record
An intriguing setting, epic boss fights, amazing art and a lovable soundtrack. If you love the new generation 2D platforms, don't miss it. Better if played with a gamepad.
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6.9 hrs on record
Teslagrad is a wonderful Game. Just when you think the recent challenges are too easy, you receive a new ability that opens up new ways. The puzzles are very interesting and require much attention. Despite the simple mechanics the game is very varied. To 100% the game you have to find 36 scrolls, and some are not so easy to get. The graphic style is wonderful and enjoyable and the sound fits really well.If you're not quite convinced, you can play the good, but short demo and test the game first. In addition, it is possible to 100% this too.I highly recommend buying Teslagrad as one of the best platformer I've played so far! It would be a shame to skip this at sale price, it is really worth every cent.
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6.9 hrs on record
Teslagrad is a puzzle platformer with the main mechanic being magnetism. So this mostly consists of objects getting magnetically attracted to or repelled from each other.
The game has many varied puzzles and endbosses with the magnetism mechanic. Many times in Teslagrad I encountered an endboss or obstacle and I 'This has to be impossible! I probably have to travel back to get better unlockables.'But, in those moments, I would finally see how you have to do it. This makes you feel smart and satisfied. A 'Wow, this is really well thought out!' I should also say that there are parts where the gameplay blends in well with the music and the story. To be fair, I didn't really care about the story. So the little animations in the background were just nice looking images, for me. The only parts of gameplay I didn't really like were at the beginning, where you were unable change the magnetism. Those parts felt forced. The game has a nice handdrawn style which reminds me of the game . In my opinion, the game is good until the end. The only thing that annoyed me is that you have to find 15 collectables for the final endboss. So I used a community guide map to find the last ones to reach 15. Shame on me. Overall, the game really well polished. The only bug I encountered was at the final boss of the game. Even if you would encounter bugs it is not a problem because like in metroid/megaman the game reloads the room. In short:A well thought out platformer, with the main mechanics centred around magnetism.
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11.2 hrs on record
Fantastic game. But it suffers from Portal syndrome.It's way too short.
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4.3 hrs on record
Pretty short game of about 6 hours.
In Teslagrad you start off playing as the village idiot, at first it seems interesting but the controls like all platformers are garbage.
Ignore the awards games like this get and awards in general they are usually meaningless.
The menu is a mess as well its difficult to even tell what is selected its so poorly designed.
The boss fights are laughable at best, if they can be called that.
Example is the bird fight, a robot not a human could play this part, it takes zero skill.
Run up to the bird wait for animation attack, rinse repeat done, a robot could do that.
Like all platformers this game was garbage controls, great idea making a game, then forgetting how to make controls work, just make the whole game based around platforming then implement terrible sluggish response and use of odd button assignments.
There 4 BIG buttons on the front of most controllers yet their ignored except the A button.
This game gets the award for just being another platformer fail.
It may look pretty but this is a game, noone is hanging this on their wall, if we could it would be spit on and burned.
People seem to like it because the fights are easy maybe, who knows, maybe because its pretty, either way the controls suck.The dev is very active and helpful on the forums so +5 for that.Rating:
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17.1 hrs on record
Teslagrad is a 2D puzzle platformer with some metroidvania elements. I can only reccomend that people get and play this game. I whole-heartedly enjoyed everything about the game. The artwork is excellent and creates a very nice aesthetic style. The attention to detail in the art makes it a joy to take in. The music complements the game very well, often having a somber melancholic tone. The game also does an excellent job of telling it's story through the environment and is surprisingly emotional for having no voice acting. The game controls tightly, and magnetic puzzles are a nice change from the moving around boxes puzzles you see in too many games. The progression of puzzles is excellent and the game does a great job of teaching you. The combat works surprisingly well and the bosses, while hard, feel like a natural extension of the game using all the puzzle mechanics you've gotten used to. Teslagrad is oozing with polish and it's a real shame it hasn't gotten more publicity. I'd rank it up there with Fez and Super Meatboy as one of best modern indie platformers.
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7.6 hrs on record
Teslagrad is a fun action platformer with absolutely amazing artwork that makes it a joy to play and power through the minor frustrations that are present.To elaborate, these minor frustrations were that the controls felt more complex than what I'm used to and took me a while to master. You end up getting three distinct abilities in the game, but two of those take up two buttons each (positive and negative magnetism), which ended up proving a challenge in some areas.Part of that challenge comes from the fact that you have one life, no health bar. There are boss fights in the game, and though the first three passed by fast and easily, the last two felt rather punishing because it wasn't always clear to me how to deal with certain attack patterns and upon failing to understand them, I'd immediately have to start from the beginning.But again, these are minor frustrations. For how frustrating having to restart a boss fight because of one single mistake could feel, they still were very fun. Especially the fourth fight was one of the most satisfying and well designed bosses I've come across in a while and kept throwing surprises at you.There is some backtracking involved if you want to go for a 100% completion (and I would recommend you do, it's definitely worth it!), as is the norm for metroidvanias. But by the time you reach that point, you'll be able to do so very fast. Furthermore, the collectible items are hidden in a fair way - there are no walls you can unexp instead clear but subtle visual cues tell you where to look or attempt to go.Finally, I feel I should adress that I've called the game an action platformer rather than a puzzle platformer. The reason for that is that though occasionally you'll need to turn on your brain when trying to figure out how to get to places or defeat a boss, the puzzles never felt like the focus to me (unlike in games such as Braid, Fez or The Swapper) - even having figured out the solution, you still need to have the dexterity to pull it off too.But yeah, if metroidvanias are your kinda thing, get Teslagrad. It's atmo and though it's a bit hard at times, it's also very satisfying and fun. To some, it might feel too short, to me its length (~7 hours) felt perfect. I'll take a short game that constantly feels fresh and exciting over a game that outstays its welcome any day.
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5.1 hrs on record
Teslagrad is an intriguing indie puzzle platformer. The use of magnets and electricity as a gameplay device is fun and reminds me of a 2D version of Magrunner, also from last year.
Unlike similar games such as Vessel and The Swapper, Teslagrad is more action and reflex oriented. There are enemies and traps to avoid on practically every screen. The checkpoint system is generous in most places if you die, but the one thing where the reflex oriented gameplay falls short is the bosses. There are five throughout the entire game, with the 2nd and 4th being particularly difficult thanks to the fact that you only have one hit.Teslagrad is not afraid to offer a challenge. It is the Dark Souls of puzzle platformers. You will die. A LOT. You'll also feel a real sense of accomplishment upon completion, eve if you don't get all of the scrolls for the best ending.The environments are rich and beautiful. Cathedral-like aesthetics rub shoulders with steampunk and Eastern European influences to create a game world that is striking in its look. The game is 2D, but makes occasional use of 3D and advanced lighting effects to add depth. There were times when I felt the sprites could have used a bit more frames of animation, but overall its a very impressive looking game.Where the game falls a bit flat is in the storytelling. The developers made the decision to tell the story without dialogue, so despite all of the characters having names, you won't really know what's going on unless you look up material outside the game. At its core, the story is about a young boy overthrowing a power-mad dictator.Teslagrad is worth playing if you enjoy this genre, but if it were a bit more polished, it would be truly top tier.
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5.8 hrs on record
Teslagrad is an action puzzle side scroller.
I won't say much to the details of the story because it is best experienced in the format presented in the game.
It is well developed without being spoonfed to the player.
The main game mechanic is that there are blocks charged with red or blue energy and you're able to change this charge on some to move them or pick up a charge to move yourself.
Like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract.
The art style is highly developed with almost a steampunkish vibe.
There are large mechanical boss monsters at a few points in the game, and they require clever use of the game's mechanics to defeat.
There is a lot of exploration but I would like to have seen more metroid-style backtracking when new gamplay features get unlocked.
There is some, but there are also whole large sections that never need to be revisited unless to grab missed collectibles.
A few of the puzzles are extremely devious, but the challenge in solving the harder sections comes from having to perform extremely precise actions rather than just being completely stumped.
Some of these sections get rather frustrating, but overall, it's apparent that this is meant to be a difficult game.
Overall, however, I would say this was my favorite summer sale 2014 acquisition.
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10.3 hrs on record
Filled with originality and love for the metroidvania genre, this game is great and gorgeous. Simple yet engaging, the exploration is deeply satisfying if you love platforming and puzzles. You can even increase the replay value by collecting all the tarot cards hidden in hard-to-reach places.Still, there is one major issue. The game is hard. Not &I wanna be the guy& hard, not even &Super Meat Boy& hard. It is simply &old school& hard. Every room will come with a few deaths, every boss will have to be carefully studied, every pattern analyzed. That would be the good kind of hard.The bad kind of hard is the philosophy of the one-hit kill. I am not a huge fan of &variable health& in platform games but a two or three strikes approach gives a little room for error while maintaining tension (Spelunky for instance). Here, one slight mistake or one tiny timing imprecision and it's back to the start. For a room, it's okay. For boss fights, it becomes borderline rince-and-repeat tedious if you're not patient/dedicated/born with lightning reflexes. You can also regret the small use of checkpoints (especially during the first final boss which is known to make grown men cry). But there is a reason why the lack of margin of error is detrimental to this game.Which brings us to the worse kind of hard, namely letting a physics engine handle key elements instead of using scripted behaviour. Do not misunderstand me, the engine is solid but it introduces randomness (even in some boss fights) leading to your doom not by lack of skill but by lack of control, precision or just luck. Of course, this is a core part of the game, but this plus the one-hit kill principle sometimes seems ridiculous.To give you an example (spoiling the method for the first boss), one boss fight consists of charging blocks that the enemy will swallow. After a certain amount, it will try to burn you, killing you if you are not on the edge of the platorm, but not too far as not to be thrown in a furnace on one side, electrocuted on the other. At this point, you could have a perfectly good boss fight. Unfortunately the blocks fall randomly and are handled in a &realistic& fashion sometimes piling up and blocking your way getting you killed.However, this should not prevent you from buying this game, far from it. The experience is amazing and the art (design and animation) memorable. If you like platforming, add this to your library this instant. Just be prepared for a lot of frustration now and then, but it is worth it.
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16.0 hrs on record
I started playing Teslagrad knowing almost nothing about the game, story or mechanics, and it turned out to be a very pleasant surprise.The story is interesting enough, but sometimes told in a somewhat confused way, through &cinematics& and the collections of cards. The cards are not collected in the order of the story however, and so we learn bits and pieces from different parts before we can connect the dots. Although slightly confusing, it didn't really affect much in the game (I just love stories).The mechanics are utterly simple, so after a bit they fade into the background. Your fingers just know what to do after a point. I was extremely pleased with the challenge the game provided in terms of gameplay. It constantly forced me to improve my skills, learn by trial (and death), jump just a split second later, drop a few pixels lower, time it -just- right. Not once did I mind having to start over after I died, because I really enjoyed it, and my death had usually taught me something helpful. It felt like old-school games, where you had to actually try hard to get past some spots, and there was just no way around it, or any consolation prizes. If you wanted to do it, you had to get better at it. There were not many enemies to fight, but the puzzles to be solved were interesting enough to keep me occupied, and the boss fights were entertaining and rewarding as well.The game played quite lightly. One day I had to keep pausing, or alt-tabbing to attend to other things, and it remained responsive, smooth and didn't burden my laptop at all. It felt both casual and also deeply immersive at the same time.I would love to play a sequel.
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5.0 hrs on record
There are a lot of aspects about Teslagrad that are great. I really want to like this game more, but there are a few issues keeping me from enjoying it to the fullest extent. I really feel for the creators because I didn't hear anything about this game until I saw it in the store one day. The game is beautiful, proudly displaying handdrawn visuals and fluid animations. The story is told completely through visuals with no dialogue whatsoever. The music is suitably ambient and fits the mood well. The puzzles involve the concept of polarity and opposite attractions. They're fun and satisfying to complete, but...most of them are pretty complex and if you fail anywhere along the way, its back to the beginning. There's no penalty for dying, but the pain of having to go through the same thing over again just to get to the one part that you screwed up on is enough. Boss battles have a similar curse and caused me a lot of frustration. Teslagrad is under appreciated for its beauty, but that beauty comes at a price: your own time.
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8.1 hrs on record
Telsagrad is a game that looks really really nice, and sounds really really nice.It has a bit of a more metroid-y feel to it even though it's linear, though that doesn't change it from being a pleasent to play game.I really liked it, this review doesn't really help, but I really recommend it.
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8.1 hrs on record
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8.1 hrs on record
Fun Puzzle-ish platformer. The story is wonderfull. And the bosses are quite frustrating when you have to restart from the begining on the boss. Altho the artwork it beautiful and so is the soundtrack.9/10ENjoy^-^
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Mild Fantasy Violence
Includes 36 Steam Achievements
Title: Teslagrad
Release Date: 13 Dec, 2013
Unity Awards 2014: Finalist in the categories Best 2d Visual Experience and Community Choice.
Nordic Game Awards 2014: Finalist in the categories Best Nordic Innovation Award and Best Nordic Game of the Year.
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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