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privacy report on the privacy policies and practices of:隐私政策和做法的隐私报告
privacy report on the privacy policies and practices of:隐私政策和做法的隐私报告
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3秒自动关闭窗口Privacy Policy| Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Corporate Website
Privacy Report
It is the policy of Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Ltd (PTC) that personal information, such as your name, personal postal and email address, or personal telephone number is private and confidential. Because your privacy is important to us, the association maintains privacy policies to protect your personal information. View our association Privacy Policy.
Website Privacy Policy
By using this site, you consent to the terms of our privacy policy for the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for the purposes set out below. We do not collect, use or disclose your personal information for any purpose other than those identified below, except with your consent or as required by law.
The Information We Collect
(1) Site Activity Data
Each time a visitor comes to this website, our web server collects and logs certain information. These access logs are kept for a reasonable period of time. These logs include, but are not restricted to your machine’s TCP/IP address, your username (if applicable), date, time and files accessed. These logs also contain information about ‘referrer’ information if you clicked on an external link to an PTC webpage. These logs are used solely for performance, site administration and security reviews. They are not sold or shared in any way to third party organizations.
(2) Cookies
Portions of the PTC website may use cookies only for security and authentication purposes. This information is used solely to maintain your computer’s session to the PTC server. This information is not shared or sold to third party organizations for any purpose.
(3) Personal Information
Personal information, such as your name, personal postal and email address, or personal telephone number is collected only when you voluntarily provide it. Such information is received when you send an email through the site or make some other specific contact, such as completing an online form or registering for a course.The personal information you provide to the association is forwarded only to the person or department equipped to handle your request and is used only to respond to your inquiry.Personal information will not be sold to any third parties, nor will such information be added to bulk email lists.
Policy Revisions
Any changes to the association’s privacy policy will be promptly communicated on this website. Policy changes will not alter how we handle previously submitted personal information.
If you have any questions about our privacy policies or wish to update any of the personal information you have provided to us, contact the association’s privacy compliance officer atIE11弹出隐私报告的解决办法_百度文库
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report by什么意思
09-08-29 &匿名提问
report: vt.&vi. ①报告;汇报;报道:~~the discovery of a new plant报告发现新行星/It is ~ed that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.据报道另一颗地球卫星已被射入轨道。②传说;转述:It is ~ed that…据说……/~ed speech【语】间接引语。③告发,揭发(某人或其行为):He ~ed the boy (to the head teacher)(for making a noise.)他(向校长)告发这男孩(吵闹)。 ④记录;采访:~ a speech 记录一篇讲话。⑤(使)报到:~ (oneself) at a new post到新岗位报到。 n.①【C】报告;汇报:make a ~作报告/a school ~ 学校的成绩报告单 ②【U;C】传说;传闻:the ~ goes that…据传说……③【U】声誉;名声:be of good(ill)~声誉好(不好) \\\~able a.1值得报告的:2应该报告的 【注意】: report与report to的区别: report 报告;后接动名词、从句、带不定式的复合宾语,但不直接跟动词不定式 report to 向……汇报(to为介词) I shall roport to you.我将向你汇报。 I shall report you. 我要告发你。report out To return after deliberation to a legislative body for action: 呈交,提出报告:在审议后交回立法机关以作出决定: The committee reported the new tax bill out. 委员会呈了交新的纳税议案 on report Subject to disclipinary action. 遭受处分


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