Qindynasty gal什么意思?

How the Qin Dynasty Unified Ancient China
Terracotta Army in the mausoleum of the .&
Public Domain, Courtesy of Wikipedia.
April 04, 2016.
The Qin dynasty surfaced during China’s Warring States period. This era spanned 250 years—475 B.C. to 221 B.C. During the Warring States period, the city-state kingdoms of ancient China’s Spring and Autumn period consolidated into larger territories. The feudal states fought each other for power during this era characterized by advances in military technology as well as education, thanks to the influences of Confucian philosophers.
The Qin dynasty came to prominence as the new imperial dynasty (221-206/207 B.C.) after conquering rival kingdoms and when its first emperor, the absolute monarch Qin Shi Huang ( or Shih Huang-ti) unified China. The Qin Empire, also known as Ch'in, is likely where the name China originates.
The Qin dynasty’s government was Legalist, a doctrine developed by Han Fei (d. 233 B.C.) [source: Chinese History (Mark Bender at Ohio State University)]. That held the power of the state and its monarch's interests paramount. This policy led to a strain on the treasury and, ultimately, the end of the Qin dynasty.The Qin Empire has been described as creating a police state with the government holding absolute power. Private weapons were confiscated. Nobles were transported to the capital. But the Qin Dynasty also ushered in new ideas and inventions. It standardized weights, measures, coinage—the bronze round coin with a square hole in the center—writing and chariot axle widths. Writing was standardized to permit bureaucrats throughout the land to read documents.
It may have been during the Qin Dynasty or late Han Dynasty that the zoetrope was invented. Using conscripted farm labor, the Great Wall (868 km) was built to keep out northern invaders.Emperor Qin Shi Huang sought immortality through a variety of elixirs. Ironically, some of these elixirs may have contributed to his death in 210 B.C.
Upon his death, the emperor had ruled for 37 years. His tomb, close to the city of Xi’an, included an army of more than 6,000 life size terra cotta soldiers (or servants) to protect (or serve) him. The first Chinese emperor’s tomb remained undiscovered for 2,000 after years his death. Farmers unearthed the soldiers as they dug a well near Xi’an in 1974.“So far, archaeologists have uncovered a 20-square-mile compound, including some 8,000 terra cotta soldiers, along with numerous horses and chariots, a pyramid mound marking the emperor’s tomb, remains of a palace, offices, store houses and stables,” according to the History Channel. “In addition to the large pit containing the 6,000 soldiers, a second pit was found with cavalry and infantry units and a third containing high-ranking officers and chariots. A fourth pit remained empty, suggesting that the burial pit was left unfinished at the time the emperor died.”Qin Shi Huang’s son would replace him, but the
overthrew and replaced the new emperor in 206 B.C.Pronunciation of Qin: ChinAlso Known As: Ch'inExamples: The Qin dynasty is known for the terra cotta army put in the emperor’s tomb to serve him in the afterlife.Sources:Sarah Milledge Nelson, Brian M. Fagan, Adam Kessler, Julie M. Segraves "China" The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Brian M. Fagan, ed., Oxford University Press 1996.
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How the Qin Dynasty Unified Ancient China西安秦都酒店Qin Dynasty Hotel - Xian
Qin Dynasty Hotel - Xian
55 North Section, West Huancheng Road , Xi'an, Shaanxi Province 710082
距离市中心(公里):6 火车站(公里):8 机场(公里):58 6 km(5-min drive) to downtown, 8 km(5-min drive) to railway station, 58 km(40-min drive) to airport
酒店座落于城墙之畔,城河之滨,玉祥门广场东南侧,于1990年开业,2003年8月重新装修,楼高5层,共有客房间套。The 4-star Qin Dynasty Hotel, built in a style dating back to China's first emperor, Qin Shihuang, who ruled 221-207 BC, is located near Xian's landmark Bell Tower, and features a bronze replica of Emperor Qin in its lounge.The hotel also has a multi-fu...
标准间Standard Room
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曾经在-12日期间预定过台湾君山酒店,服务还可以,但是如果划卡做预授权.前台说不可以,如果划卡就不能再退钱了.我无语,一个台湾酒店怎么会如此呢!!!而且不接受外币卡,我无语! 进到房间我的法国朋友怒了,味道太重.换房凑合吧,结果还是不怎么样!最后换到秦都.还交了200块钱,作为赔偿宾馆的损失! 房价与秦都差不了多少.但是感觉就差多了.清楚的记得晚上11点多换宾馆(飞机是晚班)的噩梦.那时面对着自己的朋友和同事只有尴尬. 秦都挺好的,最后这个噩梦因为来到了秦都,终于有了结束
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  秦都酒店座落于西安城西北门——玉祥门外,紧挨着城墙。我和老婆于06年8月22至26日来西安游玩,在这里住,总体服务感觉不错,比较热情,也比较方便。   我们预订的是标准间,上午10点就入住了,开始的房间是在4层北侧,窗外是未完工的建筑,比较郁闷,加之房间内有烟味儿,我们就提出换房。饭店在1个小时内就给我们换到南侧有阳台的大床间1427号。这间房除了有个小阳台,能看见饭店内的小花园外,还能看到城墙。大床确实很大,比较舒服。我们很满意。由于1427在拐角处,阳台略小,如果再往东边一点,可能阳台更大,离城墙会更近一些。   服务人员工作态度较好,有求必应。由于买了很多东西,行李箱不够,向饭店要箱子和扎箱子的胶带,饭店不但找来纸箱,还派人帮助捆扎。退房时查房也很迅速。一天晚上逛街很晚才回来,在房间里打开阳台门透空气,一会儿电话打来,提醒我们阳台门没关好。可见饭店保卫工作较到位。   这个饭店门口就是近十辆公交车的车站,到钟鼓楼广场(回坊)、南门等地都有公交车可到。当然如果赶路,千万别在早晚高峰坐车,西安交通并不乐观,堵车较严重。但象我们这样在市内逛到半夜才回来的,也就不怕堵车了。不过西安有很多公交车都是晚上七、八点种末班车,好在从鼓楼大街回秦都酒店的45路是11点的末班车。   由于秦都酒店是机场大巴的一个车站,所以去机场非常方便。
anni... 点评
这次的度假4/30到5/4安排实在令我非常失望,从网上的酒店资料到结束回程都给我带来诸多的不便,酒店的资料不及时而且有误导。在到达的第一天酒店就说没有我的订房记录,还好我带同我的订房资料,在经过半个小时的查询,几个负责前台的人员才给我们6人下住了2 个房间,订单上的说明是4个晚上还问我是否住一天,到了进房间一看晕了,订的是指明2间商务房,结果比标准房还差,一塌糊涂,卫生间的环境昏黄的不得了,说是2003年重新装修结果是刚刚完成装修,卫生间是没有动过,房间内油漆味令人难受头痛,结果要求换房,由于到的时间快要吃晚饭了,所以就先收下来,到晚饭后回来已经是九点多,才发现房间没有窗只有扇通往所谓露台的门,没有空调,打到前台,他们说派人来看,结果是派个服务生来告诉我工程部还没有开动中央空调,而且酒店也没有开动的意思,真有礼貌,但这种礼貌令到我真的火了,难道我要开着房门和露台门睡觉,结果打到携程投诉,最初还想送个果盘了事,经过周转快11点才把我安排到一个套房,还是没有窗的,不过空间大了一点空气也好一点,这样住下4天。到退房时问题又来了等上半个小时,没有退好,询问之下原因是酒店没有收到携程的付款凭证,结果还要我亲自打电话到携程查询,再给前台对话,如果不是退房较早真的不知咋办。这次度假真的是难忘。携程的管理人员好好检讨一下网上的资料。这不是果盘送分可以解决的。
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Starting from the Qin Dynasty built the Great Wall, the purpose is to build long offensive against the enemies
From the Qin great wall toward the beginning of construction, the construction of the long-term aim is offensive against foreign enemies
The Great Wall starts from the qin dynasty to construct, constructs the long goal resists the foreign enemy attack
From the beginning of Qin dynasty great wall construction, aims to build long protected from foreign enemies attack
The Great Wall has been built since Qin Dynasty, it is to resist the alien enemy to attack to build long purpose
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Why are Chinese Dynasties treated differently from European ones?为什么中国的王朝和欧洲不一样 ?  源地址: /showthread.php?t=4944     1. Kiwi &Auckland&  I was just reading up on Chinese history, and everything I’’ve read treats each successive dynasty as if it was an independent nation from the one previously.  Such as China (Han Dynasty) is considered completely different from it’’s predecessor, the Qin Dynasty, and it’’s successor, the Three Kingdoms?  However, in England/United Kingdom, the Dynasties that succeeded each other (i.e Norman to Plantagenet, Hanover to Saxe-Coburg-Goth) are considered the same thing, it’’s hard for me to explain, but when there is a dynastic change, England was still called England, but in China, the country is renamed to the Dynasty’’s name.  Ahhhh....sorry if I sound confusing, I just don’’t get it :X     ( 从这家伙的 ID 看上去应该是个新西兰人,至少我认识的新西兰鬼佬都喜欢叫自己 Kiwi)  我正在研读中国的历史,并且发现每一个后继的朝代与前朝相比,简直就像是一个没任何关系的国家一样 .  比方说中国的汉王朝,就被认为和它的前朝,秦朝,不是一回事,还有和他的后继,三国时代,也不是一回事 .  然而 , 在英格兰 / 大不列颠王国,王朝之间是相互继承的,比如说从诺曼王朝到金雀花王朝,从汉诺威王朝到萨克森 - 科恩 - 哥达王朝,它们都被认为是一个东东,可能我解释起来有些困难,反正就是王朝在不断的变,但是英格兰还是叫做英格兰,但是在中国,国家的名字将会修改成王朝的名字。  啊啊啊啊啊 ….. 很抱歉我说了一大堆胡话,我自己都搞不清我在说什么了 :X     2. Black Dog &Damned England&  I guess it’’s because European history is largely written by Europeans, whereas much of Far Eastern history that gets published is also by Europeans, or those of a European ancestry. Pretty much the same happens to ancient civilisations, such as Ancient Egypt (first dynasty, second dynasty etc), and because we’’re very much outsiders, it’’s easier to do this.     I find it very significant that British historians neglect the Anglo-Saxons terribly. Hence, when we switch from Anglo-Saxon England to Norman England, we DO get a definite change of dynasty. There were a few Edwards before Edward I (the Angevin longshanks). Once we switch to the Norman dynasty, it is as if the Anglo-Saxon monarchs had never been.     But since then, our institutions- especially royalty- have only survived by emphasising the continuity of British monarchy. Yes, we’’ve had what we’’d call a change of dynasty several times, but our culture has been taught that they’’re all English kings . There’’s a popular TV comedy over here from a few years ago, called "Only fools and horses" and one character, a roadsweeper, claims to have had his yardbrush for 20+ years or so. It has had 10 new heads, and 5 new handles, but it’’s the same brush . English monarchy is the same. Yes, we’’ve had Normans, Angevins, Tudors, Stuarts, Hanovers and reinvented Saxe-Coburgs etc, but it is presented as continuity. Politics has more to do with it than fact!     我猜这个事情是因为欧洲的历史很大程度上都是由欧洲人自己写的,而很多我们这出版的远东国家的历史也是由欧洲人写的,要不就是由欧洲后裔写的。文明古国都有类似的情况,比如说古埃及(第一王朝,第二王朝等等),根本原因就是我们都是外人,我们更容易来做这些事情。     我发现英国历史学家们都粗暴的忽略掉了盎格鲁 - 萨克森时代,因此,当我们从盎格鲁 - 萨克森时代的英格兰过渡到诺曼王朝时,我们的的确确,毫无疑问的经历了一次王朝更替。     (这里我补充下,英格兰最初的王朝是盎格鲁 - 萨克森王朝,这个民族经过无数的争战最终统一了英格兰,在 1066 年 “ 忏悔者爱德华 ” ,也就是倒数第二任盎格鲁 - 萨克森系的英王驾崩后,由于没儿子引发了诺曼底公爵威廉和哈罗德争位,最后诺曼底公爵依赖法国军队横渡英吉利海峡,在战场上把哈罗德二世给干掉了,进而登基为王,因为诺曼底公爵其实算是 “ 驸马 ” ,所以英格兰王室血统变更,而且这厮上台之后全盘法国化,古英语几乎被废,官方语言变成法语,英格兰几乎变成法国附属国,不过出来混迟早要还的 …… 这也为后来的英法百年战争埋下伏笔,同样也是为了王位继承,结果这一次法国被英格兰和勃艮第公国打的几乎灭国,也就是 “ 圣女贞德 ” 的时代背景了。不好意思废话多了 …… 这里这位仁兄只是举了例子来说明英国历史上有和中国类似的王朝更替,硬要说的话,应该是杨坚代北魏吧,呵呵)     在爱德华一世(金雀花的长腿)之前已经有好几个爱德华了,但是进入诺曼王朝之后,他们好像就把之前的盎格鲁 - 萨克森君王当做不存在一样     (我再补充下,爱德华一世为金雀花王朝的君主,由于自诺曼王朝之前的英国历史被黑化,所以都不认为是正统,所以干脆就不承那之前的君王了,所以自称爱德华 “ 一世 ” 。这厮上台之后不断的打苏格兰和威尔士,彻底征服威尔士,几乎征服苏格兰的时候翘了,绰号 “ 长腿 ”“ 苏格兰之锤 ”“ 威尔士的征服者 ”“ 全世界最伟大的矛 ” ,著名电影 “ 勇敢的心 ” 即描述威廉 · 华莱士领导苏格兰人抗击他的事迹,还是那句话,出来混迟早要还的,英明神武的长腿爱德华一世的儿子,爱德华二世,则是一个不折不扣的同性恋,打仗输的一塌糊涂 …… 最后因老婆痛恨同性恋行为派人用烧红的铁条爆菊而死(慈禧也只敢欺负欺负儿媳妇而已,这位就 …… ),再之后的爱德华三世就发动百年战争了,不好意思我废话又多了 …… ) .     然而自从那时开始,我们的习俗,特别是王室,极其看重英国君主制的延续性。是的,我们已经经历过了好几次的王朝更替,但是我们的文化教导我们这些君王都是英格兰的国王。曾经有一部不错的喜剧叫做 “ 笨蛋和马 ” ,里面有个角色,是个扫大马路的,说他用的那把扫帚已经有二十多年了,它已经换了 10 个新扫帚头, 5 个新把手 (谢谢路人 Jia 兄台指出,已修改) , 但是那仍旧是一把扫帚,英格兰的君主制也差不多。是的,我们经历了诺曼,金雀花,都铎,斯图尔特,汉诺威和萨克森 - 科达王朝等等,然而他们都被认为是连续的。政治总是把一些简单的事实复杂化!     3. Belisarius &UK&  I’’d guess that from Norman times (Henry I?) England became a unitary state, whereas in China the various dynasties never controlled the whole of China?     我猜吧,从诺曼时代开始(亨利一世?),英格兰已经变成了一个统一的国家,而在中国的这么多王朝从来就没有控制过整个中国?     4. Zjl56 &Iowa&  The dynasties, beyond being ruled by different families, also differed in bureaucratic style, ethnic makeup, and religion/cultural stances.    Just a few examples: The Qin and Han were predominantly in central china whereas the Sui and Tang were in the North, and the Song and Ming in the South. Despite the traditional mode of ignoring Mongolian roots, the central Chinese of the Qin were very largely made of Mongolian descendants, likewise the Song dynasty would’’ve have been much more influenced by southern Yunnan and Guandong Chinese. Lastly, some dynasties chose to be more open, like the Tang in being multi-religious, some relied on abandoned traditions as a way to power, and the Qin dynasty tried to destroy many traditional religions.    In answer to your question: The Chinese character of each dynasty, while emanating a sense of a greater China, was largely its own country in culture and ruling style. Contrary to this, whether it be Bourbon or Hapsburg, the same system of the ruling clergy and aristocracy was going to be used. If it helps at all, I would try to compare China much more like the Persian dynasties.     这些王朝,跨越了不同的家族的统治,也跨越了不同的官僚制度,族群构成,以及宗教和文化形态。     用几个例子来说吧:秦朝和汉朝是基于中国中原地区,而隋朝和唐朝则基于中国北部,宋朝和明朝重于南部,尽管按照传统的观点,蒙古人的血统是被忽视的,但是秦朝在中原的中国人很大程度上都是蒙古人的后裔。同样的,南方的云南和广东的中国人也对宋朝造成了深刻的影响。最后,有些距离比较近王朝比较开放,比如说唐朝是一个多元宗教的国家,通过废弃传统作为他们开放的力量,秦朝则试图摧毁许多传统的宗教。     回答你的问题:中国的各个朝代都有自己的特点。虽然它们都给人一个大中国的感觉,但文化和统治体系都有很大的差异。与此相反,不管是波旁王朝还是哈布斯堡王朝,他们都具有是相同的统治体系和贵族阶层 (感谢路人 Jia 兄台更正)。 如果用更加好的例子来类比的话,我想说中国更加类似于波斯的王朝。     5. wz0923  in China,the dynasty is always from one generation to the next,but ,the nation is always the same--China.    in my view,China is not always called China in China,in reality,the name is alwanys changing,such as Qin,Han,Tang.But,in other countries,China is always called China and never change.    On the other hand,in history,England is not alwways called England in China     在中国,王朝总是从一代传到下一代,然而,国家一直都保持不变的,即是中国。  在我看来,中国事实上在中国并不是总是被称作中国,他的名字总是变化,比如说秦,汉,唐。但是在其他的国家里,中国始终被称之为中国,从来没有变过。  与此同时,在历史上,中国将英格兰并不是总是称之为英格兰。     6. nscampos  Because the different dinasties in China come from different ethnic groups? The same happens with the Arab Empire, most familiar to the european historians.     因为中国不同的王朝是由不同的族群所建立的,这类似于阿拉伯帝国,后者对欧洲的历史学家而言更加熟悉。     7. VM1138 &United States&  I think it has something to do with the fact that the different dynasties in China were drastically different from each other. Whereas there was usually some thread running through all (or most) Western dynasties, Chinese dynasties usually started from scratch all over again.    Also, they are ethnically different, and the territory of China changed drastically through various times. Also, the Capital cities changed frequently, if I remember correctly.     我认为事实是中国不同的王朝之间是完全不一样的。然而所有(或者大部分)西方的王朝则一直都贯穿着相同的东东,中国的朝代则经常是完全推倒重建 (感谢路人 Jia 兄台修改) 。     还有,这些王朝的族群是不同的,他们的领土也在不同的时代都很不一样。还有还有,如果我没记错的话,他们的首都经常换来换去。     8. Mlipo &Melbourne&  I don’’t know if I will express myself very well, but wouldn’’t the extremely lengthy history of what we call China make it kind of necessary to divide it in some way?     我不知道是否我能解释清楚,但是你们难道不觉得中国这么长的历史没必要分成一段一段的么?     9. KevinRuen &Ningbo, China&  Because the kings in England are all in one family, from William I to the current time, right?     是因为英格兰的国王都是一个家族的,从威廉一世到现在都是,对么?  (威廉一世就是前面提到过的诺曼底公爵威廉,又称 “ 征服者威廉 ”“ 杂种威廉 ” (源于他是他老爹和一个农妇的私生子,这厮登基之后基本上就没在英国呆过,基本上一辈子都住在诺曼底,也死在诺曼底。英格兰的事情都交给他任命的坎特伯雷大主教(教廷在英格兰的最高枢机主教)来管)     10. Frediii &Annapolis&  House of Lancaster - House of York - House of Windsor   "China’’ evolved from the joining (by force) of several states with different languages and cultures - What we see in the different ’’dynasties’’ of China is the dominence of a new region and family. Better picture using England is maybe the transitions from Roman to Celtic to Saxon to Viking to Norman rule.     兰卡斯特家族 - 约克家族 - 温莎家族 (温莎家族即目前的英国王室,温莎家族自维多利亚二世以来已经历尽九代) “ 中国 ” 是自好几个通过武力兼并的国家演化而来,他们本来有着不同的语言和文化。我们所见的不同的中国王朝其实一系列新的地区和家族。如果用英格兰作为例子 (谢谢路人 Jia 兄台指出) ,这种演化是从罗马人到凯尔特人,再到萨克森人,再到维京人,再到诺曼人。     11. Gerard &France&  Ancient Egypt dynasties have a number. This is an heritage of Manetho, an egyptian priest from 285-246 BCE.  French rulers are grouped by "dynasties" : Mérovingiens, Carolingiens, Capétiens, Valois, Bourbons, Bonaparte, Orléans http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_d...ques_de_France     古埃及王朝都有个数字记号。这是 285-246 BCE 时,一个叫 Manetho 的埃及祭司留下的遗产。 (这里谢谢路人 Jia 兄台指出,已修正) 法国的历史则是按照王朝来划分的 ….. M é rovingiens (墨洛温) , Carolingiens (加洛林) , Cap é tiens (卡佩) , Valois (瓦卢瓦) , Bourbons (波旁) , Bonaparte (波拿巴,即第一和第二帝国) , Orl é ans (奥尔良,即七月王朝) (法国的王朝本人不甚了解,而且法语也看不懂,这里灰常感谢安迁同学的帮助) 。     12. YamatoTakeru  The Chinese themselves have tended to look back on and interpret their history in terms of dynasties. 3000 years ago (if I’’m not mistaken), the Book of Documents first interpreted history in terms of dynasties rising and falling. Written in part to legitimize King Wu and the Chou Dynasty, the Book of Documents claims that two preceded dynasties, the legendary Hsia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, rose and fell according to the will of Heaven (Tien). The book claims that Heaven bestows a mandate on an especially virtuous person to establish a dynasty. For the Hsia, this was King Yu. For the Shang, this was King Tang.    The mandate passes on to the ruler’’s progeny. However, if the ruler turns away from virtue, he looses the Mandate of Heaven, and Heaven seeks a new ruler. Hence King Jie, last of the Shang, lost the mandate, and Heaven choose the virtuous King Tang to overthrew the Hsia and established a new dynasty. Likewise, the last king of the Shang, reputably wicked, lost the Mandate and was overthrown by the new holder, King Wu.     (从 ID 上来看,这位仁兄是日本人,但是有些疑惑)  中国人他们自己喜欢从后往前看,并且把他们的历史按照王朝来划分。大概 3000 年以前,如果我没记错的话,就有古籍第一次去描述王朝的兴衰,从而将他们的历史断代。这本资料从某种程度上是为了让周武王的周朝具备正当性,这本书提到了两个之前的王朝,传说中的夏朝和商朝,他们的兴起和覆亡都缘自天意。这本书还主张上天将合法的统治权授予一位极其有道德人来建立一个新的朝代。对于夏朝,这个人是禹,对于商朝,这个人是汤。     统治权将传递给这位统治者他的子孙后代。然而,如果统治者偏离了其道德仁义 (谢谢路人 Jia 童鞋指出此处错误) ,他将丧失上天赋予的统治权,并且老天会重新选择一位统治者。因此商朝最后一位君主夏桀 (这里他写错了,应该是夏朝) 丧失了他的统治权,类似的,商朝的最后一位君主,声名狼藉的一个家伙,也丧失了他的统治权,被周武王推翻。     13. Liheye  There is no concept of "nation" or "country" in pre-modern China. Chinese had beleaved that China had been only "civilization" on the earth.  So they did not call their coutry "China", and use the word " 天下 Tianxia " instead of "China", which means "all under heaven".  Chinese national identity was so vague in pre-modern era. We regard any Chinese dynasty as a segment in Chinese history, but people in Dynastic China did not think so. Chinese under the rule of the Emperors did not have national identity as in modern world.     在近现代以前的中国并不存在国家这个概念。中国人认为中国是世界上唯一的 “ 文明 ” 。  所以他们称呼他们自己为 “ 中央王国 ” ,用 “ 天下 ” 这个词来代替 “ 中央王国 ” ,这个词表示 “ 天以下所有的地方 ” 。  中国人的国家认同在近现代以前是非常模糊的。我认为任何中国的王朝都是中国历史的一个阶段,但是古代的中国人并不这样想,他们在皇帝的统治下并没有现代意义上的国家认同。     14. Mickey  Actually, the Chinese have seen themselves as a unitary state even throughout their dynasties. They call themselves the Han ren (people) when it comes to ethnicity, from the Han Dynasty, and the Tang ren , in respect to the highest artistic and cultural ideas their people attained from the glories of the Tang Dynasty.    But they’’ve always had a sense of China being one country. Thus, for example, you will come across the Northern and Southern Song, the dynasty is the same, the difference is that some parts of China were lost to the Mongols, but note that during the Mongol dynasty (the Yuan) the Southern Song still existed...the Ming eventually reunited China, but the key is the term used is always reunite, not create anew.    But there’’s no real difference between the way the dynasties are treated...from the First Emperor, through the successive dynasties, they are all considered emperors of Qin. The area of Qin could wax and wane through the centuries, or the centralized dynasty might give way to independent fiefdoms, the capital could be moved from Loyang to Chang An to Nanjing to Beijing, the ruling clan could be Han, Mongol, or Manchu, but Qin is always Qin.    Part of the difficulty may be in terms of translations, the concepts of dukes, lords and kings don’’t match up exactly in translation.     事实上,在所有的王朝中中国人都认为他们是一个统一的国家。他们称呼他们自己为汉人,这个称呼来自于汉朝,也叫唐人,这是因为他们为中国最文化和艺术最辉煌的王朝而自豪。     但是他们总是认为中国是一个国家。因此,比如北宋和南宋,这个朝代是一样的,不同的只是一部分领土被蒙古占据了,但是在蒙古时期,南宋依旧存在 …. 明王朝事实上是恢复了中国,注意这里只是恢复了中国,而不是重建了一个新的中国 。  但是,在东西关于王朝的意义方面,并没有什么不同 …… 从第一个皇帝开始,后来的朝代都认为秦始皇是第一个皇帝。秦王朝的疆域在那个世纪中在不断缩小,或者中央集权的王朝容忍了地方的独立。首都也从洛阳搬到长安到南京到北京,统治者可能是汉族,蒙古人,或者满洲人,但是秦依旧是秦。     有些东东实在难以来翻译,这些公爵,领主和国王并不能与英文里面的意思完全对的上号。     15. Jebusrocks  &&2  Huh??? You mean to say that most Asian history written in english are written by Europeans? Cuz um..... most Asian countries have great detail of their own history as well as its neighboring countries. China is probably the best example, with books written about every dynasty (reaching thousands of pages, such as the Book of Wei, Book of Sui, Book of Tang, etc. etc.)     China is friggin huge.. most people mistake that, due to the fact that it that China was always "China". It’’s actually much
China’’s dynasties were ruled by a whole variety of people from Han, to Turks (Tang), to Mongols (Yuan), to Jerchens (Jin), etc. etc.  It could be compared to G whom only saw unity in the late eighteenth century (prior to Bismarck, "Germany" not a country). Germany is a large (though nowhere near as large as China) region that inhabited craploads of German states, and once a generation "united" under either the "King of the Germans" or "King of the Romans (Holy Roman Emperor)". The same applies for Italy as well     啊?你的意思是说大部分亚洲历史是由欧洲人写的么?因为 …. 额 …. 大部分亚洲国家都有极其丰富的关于他们自己和他们邻居的历史典籍。中国就是一个很好的例子,他拥有关于他的每一个朝代的史书(每本都有上千页,比如说魏书,隋史,唐史等等)  中国比较大,很多人都错误的认为,中国是一个统一国家;中国一直都是 “ 中国 ” ,但是事实上中国的确被很多民族统治过,汉,突厥(唐),蒙古(元),女真(金)等等。  这个和德国差不多,德国在 18 世纪晚期才形成一个国家(在俾斯麦之前,德国只是一个地区,而不是国家)。德国是一个很大(当然没有中国大)的地区,内部分布着很多邦国,只是在一个松散的,号称 “ 德意志王国 ” 或者 “ 德意志神圣罗马帝国 ” 的名号下而已。相同状况的还有意大利。     16. Finrod &Somewhere in Africa&  &&15  Totally agree with you Jebusrocks. Chinese history is one of the most documented histories in the world with records going back thousands of years, better even than what can be found in Europe. Some emperors even had the habit of ordering secret histories written on them. However, I would like to disagree with you on one small matter. The Tang dynasty was not a Turkic dynasty but a Han chinese dynasty. It along with the Han dynasty were the most beloved by the Chinese people. However, the Tang was considered the best dynasty because it was during its time that China saw some of the greatest advances in the arts, literature, poetry, adminstration and taxation. This was considered the golden period of Chinese civilization. The non-native dynasties included the Yuan, Jin and the Qing among others.  Jebusrocks ,我完全同意你的观点。中国是世界上史料最多的国家之一,他们的历史记录能向古代追溯几千年,比欧洲的任何一个都好。一些帝王的私密的习性都被详细的记录了下来 (指的是中国历朝内廷太监撰写的 “ 起居注 ” ) 。但是,你的观点中有一个小问题我不能苟同。唐王朝并不是一个突厥王朝而是一个汉族王朝。他继承了汉王朝并且深深的为中国人所推崇。但是,由于中国在这个时期它的艺术,文化,诗歌,赋税以及管理都有了极大的发展,所以唐王朝被认为是最繁荣的一个王朝。这个阶段也被称之为中国文化的黄金时期。那些非本土的王朝包括元,金,以及清朝。     17. Jebusrocks  &&16  The Tang is indeed the best dynasty along with the H I only said it was Turkic because the Li Family was of Turkic origin.     唐朝的确是汉族人建立的最好的一个王朝;我说它是突厥王朝仅仅因为李氏家族有突厥血统。     18. Finrod &Somewhere in Africa&  &&17  The Li family is not turkic but chinese. The Li family have their origins back hundreds of years to the kingdom of Wei during the warring states period. Their turkic connections only come in because they intermarried with members of the turkic aristocracy in northwest china where they were based as many aristocractic families throughout the world are apt to do in order to cement alliances. Their turkic connections later went a long way in giving them the upper hand in their bid for power because they were able to command sizable contigents of fierce turkic horsemen.     李氏家族不是突厥人而是汉族人。李氏家族的血统来自几百年以前,战国时期的魏国。他们与突厥的关系是缘自他们家族中的成员与位于中国西北方的突厥贵族的联姻,他们与这些遍布全世界的突厥贵族联姻是为了建立稳固的同盟关系。他们与突厥的关系在多年之后为他们带来了很大优势,因为他们招募了大量凶猛彪悍的突厥骑兵。     19. Bruce Bai &PRC&  In my opinion the difference orign from different cultures,as you know the eastern culture is quite different from the western.In china’’s thousand years’’ history ,when one dynasty deceased the dominators/emperors of new dynasties would choose one new name for the county, establishing new rules,adopting new calendar to record dates. They chose new names for luck & prosperity just like parents choosing name for his children. Every founder wanted to do better than his predecessor in ruling the country.   If you look the history of Tang Dynasty, the only one empress Wuzhetian renamed Tang to Zhou but changed it back to Tang in her late years.But most of them also called the country Zhongguo (central kingdom) until now.  I think it had nothing with the ethic groups. Most of the dynasties were dominated by Han ,except that Mogolian and Manchu once went to power in China’’s history.     在我看来,你所说的差异缘自不同的文化,你知道的,东西方的文化差异非常之大。在中国几千年的历史中,当一个王朝衰亡后,新的王朝的统治者 / 皇帝将会为这个国度选择一个新的名字,建立新的法律,应用新的历法来记载日期。就像父母给孩子取名一样,他们选择新的名字是为了国家的繁荣和昌盛。每一个开创者都希望能比前朝在治理国家方面做得很出色。  如果你阅览唐朝的历史,唯一的女皇武则天修改了唐朝的国号,但是在她的晚年又改回去了。但是人们仍旧将这个国家称之为中国,直到现在。  我认为这与族群并没有关系。大部分王朝都是在汉族的统治之下,除了蒙古和满洲在历史上征服了中国。     20. Megidolaon  China just took much longer to be truly united.  Just look at how there were England and Cornwall as separate country or how before Bismarck there were several German states, like Hanover, Prussia and Bavaria.     && This is partly the reason I think. China has several lengthened periods of disunion when two, three, or more dynasties ruled different parts of the country at the same time     Yeah, that’’s the other point. China is so friggin huge that unlike small European countries, one dynasty might not have anything in common with another.     && WW2 is tied down too starting when Hitler invaded Poland,that is not the case. It was started years before with China and japan i think,but some how that was forgotten.     Nah, Japan invading China was local, unlike what Hitler started it wasn’’t anything you could call world war.     && I think another member hit the nail on the head with an earlier post, which he stated that Historians are manly europeans.Therefore europeans history gets more documentry.     Hardly. The Chinese dynasties themselves called and considered themselves differently then the previous ones. These are facts and it doesn’’t matter who wrote about it.  Otherwise you’’d suppose that European historians writing about China didn’’t really get their informations from there, but made them up while sitting at home.     && The mandate passes on to the ruler’’s progeny. However, if the ruler turns away from virtue, he looses the Mandate of Heaven, and Heaven seeks a new ruler. Hence King Jie, last of the Shang, lost the mandate, and Heaven choose the virtuous King Tang to overthrew the Hsia and established a new dynasty. Likewise, the last king of the Shang, reputably wicked, lost the Mandate and was overthrown by the new holder, King Wu.     I find it interesting that reportedly Qin Shi Huang had sacrificed an intricate jade ornament to a river god (by throwing it into the rivers rapids) was returned to him via a ghost some time later because the river god was dismayed at him.  Also, during an important ritual to honor the gods and have them accept his rulership, a storm came up and made the ritual impossible.  I guess he lost the favor of heaven.  && But they’’ve always had a sense of China being one country. Thus, for example, you will come across the Northern and Southern Song, the dynasty is the same, the difference is that some parts of China were lost to the Mongols, but note that during the Mongol dynasty (the Yuan) the Southern Song still existed...the Ming eventually reunited China, but the key is the term used is always reunite, not create anew.     It’’s like Germany before Bismarck. While they were separated sates, they did consider themselves all part of the greater German Empire, as it was under Charlesmagne (Karl der Große).  Likewise, the Chinese probably see themselves as independent states, but all part of the China Qin Shi Huang had unified.     事实上,中国统一的时间还是比我们要长。  就看看英格兰和康沃尔时期的分裂状况,还有俾斯麦之前德意志的状态,汉诺威,普鲁士,巴伐利亚各据一方。     && 引用部分  是的,就是这么回事,中国由于太大所以他可以不像欧洲国家那样,后一个王朝和前一个王朝可以没什么关系。     && 引用内容  不对,日本只能说是局部入侵中国,和希特勒入侵波兰不同,不是什么都能说成世界大战的。     && 引用内容  这个也不对,中国的每个王朝都认为他们自己与前朝不一样,无论历史怎么写,这是事实。  另外,你也提到了欧洲的史学家在编写中国的历史的时候并不是真正的从中国获得信息,他们可能是坐在家里写出来的。     && 引用内容  我发现了一件很有趣的事情,秦始皇向河神敬献了很多珍贵的玉器作为贡品(就是快速的把它们都扔到河里),后来由于河神对秦始皇的所为发怒了,派了几个鬼怪将这些财宝又都还给了他。  还有,再一次祭天的仪式中,他希望上天能接受他统治下的国家,结果来了一场暴风雪把整个仪式都搞砸了。  我敢说这家伙肯定是失去上天的关爱了。     && 引用内容  那就像俾斯麦之前的德国,尽管他们都是分开的邦,但是他们都认为他们自己是德意志帝国的一部分,和查理曼大帝时期一样 (取代罗马帝国的法兰克王国的皇帝)  类似的,那些中国人也许认为他们是独立的国家,但是这些国家都被秦始皇给统一了。     21. China history &PRC&  I know that lishimin(the tang dynasty’’s conquerer)’’mother is turk. lishimin think him their acestor are laozi(whose name is li dan who of course are chinese).    one the other hand, I want know something about china from western espect,because we are educated too much about the greatness about china which make me want to here some new. for example, when I was a child, i lived in a city with many muslims.I think we han are a little afraid of them. you know, if we fight with them, generally, we are punished. I even have many classmates who have little differences with us. I do not know why ugur people always think that they are apressed.     我知道李世民(唐朝的统治者)他老妈是突厥人。李世民认为他的祖先是老子(名字叫李聃,他当然是中国人啦)。     另一方面,我从西方媒体去了解中国,因为我们被灌输了太多关于中国怎么怎么伟大的事情,所以我想听点新的东西。比如,当我是还是小时候,我生活在一个有很多穆斯林的城市。我想我们汉人是有一点害怕他们的。你知道的,如果我们和他们打架,一般来说,我们都要被处罚。我甚至有很多同学,他们几乎和我们没什么差异。我真的不知道为啥维吾尔人整天想着他们被压迫。     22 . China history &PRC&  a little tip: when I was child, we like to eat muslim’’s food. we think they are honesty than the han and clean. we see that they always wash.  I do not know why the muslims’’impression now is so bad.     补充一下:当我还小的时候,我喜欢吃穆斯林的食物,因为我认为他们都比汉人要诚实,而且要干净,我看他们几乎总是在洗澡。  我不知道为什么我现在对穆斯林的影响这么差了。     22. Tksensei  && Originally Posted by Megidolaon  Nah, Japan invading China was local, unlike what Hitler started it wasn’’t anything you could call world war.  No, Japan’’s invasion of China was part of a much wider movement of expansion throughout Asia involvind many countries.     不,日本对中国的入侵是日本更广泛的侵略扩张的一部分,它侵略很多国家。     23. Tksensei  && Originally Posted by china histary  when I was a child, i lived in a city with many muslims.     Where did you live?  你住哪儿?     24. China history &PRC&  I lived in xi’’an, the capital of tang and han dynasties. why?  have you ever been to china or you are chinese?     我住西安啊,唐朝的首都?咋了?你以前来过中国或者你是中国人么?


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