are being doneattended ...

Jaina has a new pink haired appentice from Dalaran at Rhonin's insistance. She meets up secretly with Thrall. Blue dragonflight decide to move the focusing Iris to a secret hiding place but the 5 dragon escort gets killed. Kalecgos goes after the Iris as being a former aspect he has a stronger link to it. Kalec goes to Jaina for help through Rhonins suggestion. Garrosh gathers all the leaders of the horde together and says he wants to take over the whole of kalimdor starting with Northwatch Hold and Theramore.Garrosh has a mean Blackrock Orc as a bodyguard.Baine and Vol'jin constantly question Garrosh. After taking Northwatch Hold, including using elemental beasts summoned by shamans. Baine sends a runner to Thermore along with Fearbreaker (to prove the runner is legit). Jaina calls in 7th stormwind Fleet, some of Storwind's best generals and goes to the Kirin Tor who agree to let a few magi help along with Rhonin and Veressa. Kalec does some rounds looking for the focusing Iris but it keeps moving about so he waits it out with Jaina. Horde attack Theramore and initally they are forced back out but as the wounded and injured are being attended to the goblin airship with the arcane bomb attached which is being powered by the focusing Iris comes over theramore.Kalec trys to stop the airship but fails.Rhonin manages to open a portal in Jaina's tower and tries to get the bomb to come to it as it has more shielding and can minimise the damage.Rhonin pushes Jaina through the portal at the last moment.*Boom*.Jaina awakens white hair and eyes and goes back to theramore and sees everyone dead, (inc. Rhonin) she then steals the focusing iris. Only Vereessa and Shandaris Feathermoon survive as they are out of theramore at that momnet and Kalec because I think he was flying at the time.She goes to Varian and Anudin after they refuse to attack orgimaar in retaliation. she calls Varian a coward and Anudin a peace loving hippie (not in those words but essentially that) she apologies for helping making him that way.She goes to Dalaran/Kirin Tor and they refuse to help too. She steals a tome about using the Focusing Iris from the Dalaran Library. She goes to Echo Islands and uses the Iris to combine hundreds of Water Elementals into a tidal wave she intends to unleash on Orgimaar. At this time Stormwind get a fleet together to fight a Horde ship blockade near orgimaar with Varian on the ship and Anudin left in Storwind as "king".Thrall tries stopping Jaina but fails but Kalec comes at the last moment and manages to get Jaina to stop. Jaina uses some of the Water elementals still summoned to help the alliance in the naval battle. Varian and Garrosh fight again. Northwatch hold is taken back and Garrosh retreats. Garrosh declares every able man and woman must fight and even children must help in the war effort.Last of Blue dragonflight go their seperate ways. Jaina and Kalec go back to Dala and returns the tome to them and gives them the focusing iris too and then asks to join the Kirin Tor as a novice member but they decide to make her Leader and they let Kalec in too.. Jaina speaks at Rhonin's funeral. Jaina and Kalec kiss.
1)在的请求下,收了一位来自,有着一头粉红色头发的新学徒。2)与秘密会谈。3)蓝龙军团决定将聚焦之虹秘密转移到一个更安全的隐秘所在,不料负责护卫的5名被杀。4)作为一名和聚焦之虹拥有更紧密联系的前任守护,卡雷苟斯开始追查它的下落。5)建议卡雷克向寻求帮助。6)加尔鲁什召集了所有部落领导人一起会谈,表达了他要统治整个的决议,而这个计划就从攻陷北卫军堡垒和开始。7)加尔鲁什将黑石兽人纳入麾下。8)和沃金不断质疑加尔鲁什的所作所为。9)为了攻下北卫军堡垒,甚至动用召唤了元素。10)派遣一名信使携带着破惧者(为了证明信使是货真价实贝恩派来的)赶往提出预警。11)调来了大名鼎鼎的第七舰队,包括来自暴风城的一些最好的将领。卡雷克制造了一些魔法力场寻找聚焦之虹,但其位置不断移动未果,于是他和吉安娜一起等待。12)部落袭击了,起初他们被击退了。但伤员在不断增加,此时一艘地精飞艇,携带着以聚焦之虹为原材料制作的神秘炸齤弹,抵达了塞拉摩,加入战场。13)卡雷克这个战五渣试图阻止飞艇但失败了。14)在所在的法师塔,设法打开了一间传送门,并尽最大努力在炸齤弹坠落时引导过来,因为有更多的防护罩能将损害将至最低。15)在生命的最后一刻,将奋力推入传送门。Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16)苏醒的回到了,看到的只有所有人死亡的惨状,包括。她的头发白了,拿走了聚焦之虹。17)在当时只有温蕾萨、珊蒂斯·羽月和卡雷克从幸免于难。18)找到了瓦里安和安度因,想要为了复仇攻击奥格瑞玛,但遭到拒绝。她骂瓦里安是个懦夫,骂安度因是个热衷和平的傻齤逼。并像安度因致歉,他变成这样都是她的错。19)她为同样的要求来到向求助,也同样被拒绝了。20)于是溜进图书馆,盗走了一本关于使用聚焦之虹的典籍。21)她来到,使用聚焦之虹的力量召唤了成千上百的水元素引发了一场战争之潮,打算直接摧毁奥格瑞玛。22)此时此刻暴风城舰队在奥格瑞玛附近的海域与部落船只展开激战,瓦里安正在这艘船上。而安度因作为“国王”留在暴风城。23)试图阻止但失败了。但最后一刻卡雷克让吉安娜停下了施法。24)让其中一部分水元素前往海战区域帮助联盟。25)瓦里安与加尔鲁什再次决战。26)北卫军堡垒收复,加尔鲁什撤退。27)加尔鲁什宣称每一位部落的勇士,不论男人和女人,甚至是儿童都必须参加到这场战争中来。28)最后的蓝龙军团离开寻找各自的道路。29)和卡雷克回到,向归还了典籍,同时也把聚焦之虹交给了他们,并请求以初学弟子的身份加入肯瑞托。但肯瑞托决定让吉安娜领导他们,也让卡雷克加入了肯瑞托。30)在的葬礼上,发表了演讲。31)和卡雷克亲亲了。THE END
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& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 一天慢V & & & & & &一天标V & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &边练听力 &边了解世界新闻 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & &
Despite the large role women play in agriculture in the developing world, experts say they continue to face ____①_____, gender inequality and a lack of access to credit. A global partnership is ____②_____ to secure rights for women farmers. & & & &The Gender and Agriculture Partnership is made up of U.N. organizations, NGOs, World Food Prize laureates, and others. ____③_____ based on the recent Global Conference on Women in Agriculture in New Delhi. & & & &Mark Holderness is executive secretary of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research, which convened the partnership. & & & &He said, “At the moment we have a sort of the perfect storm of various reports that are highlighting the significance of women in agriculture and ____④_____.” & & & &It’s estimated women provide 43 percent of the agricultural work force in developing countries. But Holderness said in specific regions like Africa and parts of Southeast Asia, the figures are actually much higher.作业:(请隐藏答案)填写①②处所缺的单词(奖励100HY)[replyview]①discrimination②campaigning[/replyview]填写③④处空缺的句子(奖励100HY)[replyview]③Its members are currently writing recommendations ④how little their needs are being attended to[/replyview]选择题(奖励100HY)知识点讲解:[replyview]play role in:play role inE.G. How they play role in determining the geometry of universe. & & & & 它们又怎样决定宇宙的几何结构?.secure : 保护E.G. The right to be secure in one'home. & & & & &在居所不受侵犯的权利.laureates:获得者E.G. It’s exciting to see so many Nobel laureates taking this consilient approach. & & & & &令人激动的是,我们看到有这么多的诺贝尔奖得主正在采用这种融会贯通的方法.convened : 召集会议E.G. I convened an emergency meeting in the kitchen with the only other person in the office, the summer intern. & & & & &我在厨房与当时办公室唯一的另外一个人——一位暑期实习生——开了一个紧急会议.[/replyview]文段翻译:[replyview] & & & & 专家说,在发展中国家,女性在农业扮演了很重要的角色。但是她们仍然面临着歧视、性别不平等和缺乏贷款获得途径。一个全球伙伴团体正准备发起保护女性农民的全力的活动。 & & & &性别和农业合作组织由联合国部分组织、非营利机构和世界粮食奖获得者等组成。在新德里世界农业妇女大会上,该成员正提出一些建议。 & & & &NGO,是英文“non-government organization”一词的缩写,是指在特定法律系统下,不被视为政府部门的协会、社团、基金会、慈善信托、非营利公司或其他法人,不以营利为目的的非政府组织。 不是政府,不靠权力驱动;也不是经济体,尤其不靠经济利益驱动。她的原动力是志愿精神。是公民社会兴起的一个重要标志。 & & & &Mark Holderness是农业研究全球论坛的执行秘书,负责召开组织会议。 & & & &他说:此刻我们有数不尽各式各样的报告,它们都提到女性在农业的重要性,而她们的需求却被忽视。 & & & &据估计,在发展中国家,女性提供了43%的农业劳动。而Holderness说在特定的地区,像非洲和亚洲东南部,比例实际上还要高。 & & & &[/replyview]上一期请戳这里:如果你还没有订阅我们的节目,赶快点击这里吧~~&&&Active Listening
Listening Skills - There are those who listen and there are those who wait to talkUpdated on November 26, 2015
IntentionEven though listening skills can be learned, not everyone can improve their listening skills by learning them. People learn best and most easily when the skills they are learning are consistent with their beliefs, values and motives. You can’t be a good listener if you’re not interested in what someone is saying. You will develop your skills much faster by learning how to become deeply interested in another person. For those of you who are interested in other people and want to improve your ability to listen, then read on.
Dr Steven Covey (‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’), describes five levels of listening:
Level 1. Not ListeningThis level doesn't need any explaining.
Level 2. Pretending to ListenHow many times have you been guilty of pretending to listen? At some level we all sense if someone is not really engaged with what we are saying no matter how much nodding of the head or affirmative sounds they are making.
Level 3. Selective ListeningPaul Simon wrote the famous song, ‘The Boxer’ in 1968 and in it expresses this level of listening very clearly, “Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”.
Level 4. Attentive ListeningAttentive listening has been described as paying attention and focusing energy on the words that are being said. Most people have attended some kind of business training where the following list of techniques have been taught to improve listening skills:
Facing the person.
Leaning slightly forward.
Open body-language, no folded arms.
Open palm gestures.
Appropriate facial gestures.
Making acknowledging noises such as ‘yes’, ‘I see’, ‘okay’, ‘uh-huh’, ‘right’, etc.
Good posture.
Nodding the head.
This might surprise you but this is often the cause of bad listening skills. The list is usually derived from observing good listeners who most certainly display these behaviours. The problem is that whilst you are focusing on what your hands are doing or remembering to nod and make appropriate noises when you are speaking, your attention is on yourself, not on what the other person is saying.
It’s really all about the INTENTION, the mental process that drives those good listeners to behave the way they do. And that takes us to the most effective level of listening, level five, where your intention is to try to understand what the other person is saying.
Level 5. LISTENING TO UNDERSTANDMost people listen from their own perspective, in other words, ‘How does this affect me?’. Steven Covey is one of the modern advocates who urge us to strive deeply to understand the other person's point of view, to listen from their perspective, not ours. How is what they are saying affecting them? How are they feeling about what they are saying?
If your intention is focused on their perspective and you are trying to understand what they are saying, you will really be listening. If you are listening to understand, your body language will be naturally appropriate. In other words, you will be facing the person, maintaining eye-contact, making appropriate noises, and all of this will be perceived as genuine by the talker - because it is.
Reflecting BackAnother benefit of Listening to Understand is that it gives you the substance to feedback on what you sense and observe, such as their feelings, emotions, energy levels, etc. “I noticed that you seemed a bit despondent when you spoke about that customer”. This creates much more engagement and rapport and shows the person that you are truly listening to them.
IT’S NOT ALWAYS EASY TO BE IN THE ROOMOur minds are continually active and to focus attention solely on what someone else is saying is not always that easy. It takes a deliberate mental decision. Nigel Risner, in his book, ‘The Impact Code’, says, “If you’re in the room, be in the room”. He doesn’t mean physically, he means mentally in the room focusing on that moment to make it count and blocking out everything else. There are many things that make listening in today’s fast, active life-style a challenging task.
What makes it difficult for you to listen?Be honest with yourself, ask yourself what makes it difficult for you to listen and you’ll probably come up with the following reasons and many more:
A lack of interest in the message.
A negative reaction to the speaker.
Being preoccupied with other matters.
Mentally judging or arguing with points made by the speaker before he or she has finished talking.
Becoming bored with listening and preferring active involvement by talking.
The delivery of the message - the tone, passion, articulation, enthusiasm, eye-contact, etc.
What could you do that would make it easier for you to listen?Compare the way you listen to the suggestions in the following list:
Face the person who is talking.
Maintain eye-contact.
Maintain a comfortable distance that is appropriate for both of you (unless of course it is a video or telephone conversation).
Give your undivided attention and refrain from doing anything else at that time. “You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.” M. Scott Peck
Get rid of any possible interruptions.
Concentrate on what they are saying. See it from their point of view and try to understand what they are saying. Suspend your judgement and try to grasp the meaning of what they are saying.
Stop any mental rehearsing you might be doing. Don’t think of your next question or how you might reply. Try to understand what is being said at that moment.
Wait three seconds after the person has finished talking before you say anything.
ApplicationLearning is not complete without application, without putting into practice what you have learned.
Set yourself a goal to listen to understand and rate yourself out of ten after each conversation. Just the act of trying to understand will improve your listening skills and therefore have a significant impact on the quality of all your relationships.
Quotations“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” Robert McCloskey
“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” Ralph Nichols
“Courage is what it takes t courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” Winston Churchill
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