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I Hate My In-laws Stories Feed:
What a jerk
Posted on Mon, Aug. 29, 2016 at 10:32 am
I really hate it . When you would give your son really bad advice just for money . And now because I said that your mother is mean (which she is ) . Your trying to start trouble to make it seem like I'm the mean one . I have had with you acting crazy . It's time to stop it the way that you act you should be in a rubber room . I'm am sick and tired if being treated so poorly from your mother and you don't understand . You think I deserve it . Sorry but , I almost feel as though it's almost abusive forcing someone to like them when they are so mean .
10 things I hate about you MIL
Posted on Mon, Aug. 29, 2016 at 09:28 am
I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you do your hair
I hate your vicious predjudice
I also hate it when you stare
I hate your favouritism
And all the garbage in your mind
I hate you so much that it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're never nice
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you hurt your son
Even worse when you made me cry
I hate the way you're ALWAYS AROUND!
And the fact that you can't judge when NOT to call
But mostly I'm proud of how I just cut you out of our lives
Like every second, every day, as you're NOTHING to ME YA DUMB BITCH, NOTHING AT ALL.
Cutting off dysfunctional inlaws is ok to do
Posted on Mon, Aug. 29, 2016 at 08:28 am
Heres to the most dysfunctional, narcissistic gas lighting weirdos I've ever had the misfortune to meet. At my wedding SIL rocked up in a white dress, insulted my family, dressed her 14 year old as a child prostitute, and ran out of the wedding picture with her family seconds before it was taken leaving a massive gap! The drama went on and on, I was exhausted by the end of the day. SIL didn't even bother to send a card. MIL berated me for getting upset with SIL and later told me I must have imagined it all, told me 'if I wanted to be in this family, fall in line'. Meanwhile stomps on our boundaries, walks into our home using spare key, etc. My self-esteem hit rock bottom, but my husband realised what was happening and
gave his family hell over it. Next, we look to have a baby but for reasons unexplained we can't. Inlaws unsupportive as they're worried how SIL will take to the idea, so I end up telling MIL (in a haze of hormone injections) to f*** off, that I don't want her in our lives anymore, and yes I actually don't want to be a part of your revolting family. She's appalled, my husband is shocked, amazed and ecstatic I did it! He said to me, 'you're no doormat, I'm really proud of you' Dawned on me that I stood up to his family where he couldn't. They've used so much fear, obligation and guilt, and I hate them for it. MIL calling all the time now (6 months on) I've blocked her on my phone. We're going to try naturally again, my health and husbands is so much better, and no stress. Husband has gone low contact, and she's now desperate. She can go to hell, as a previous poster said, 'she's going to be Satan's problem soon'.
Posted on Mon, Aug. 29, 2016 at 06:28 am
I see where DH and I fit in with the IL's and it's on the outside. The only time you want to see us is when you need something done. Well I hate to burst your bubbles, but we are through will all of you. Hell people who aren't even in the family yet get invites to all of your gatherings. Pretty shitty IL's, considering I've been in this family longer than all of SIL's marriages combined! Oh well, better we know now, than further down the road. Hope you all have crappy rest of your lives, because that's the way you've made us feel as long as we've been together!
Posted on Sun, Aug. 28, 2016 at 05:55 pm
SHIT A BRICK AND YOU WON'T IMPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They kept poking the bear
Posted on Sun, Aug. 28, 2016 at 04:54 pm
I am a quiet person. I don't like confrontation and prefer to live and let live.
My ils mistook this for a doormat. I kept quiet for a while because I wanted to keep the peace in dh's family.
I talked to dh about his parents bad behavior toward me. He defended them and told me I was the problem. He lives with me and should know I am not rude or hateful to anyone.
The ils pushed and pushed and dh defended them and blamed me for 'misunderstanding' their comments or just being the bad guy, Don't know why, I hadn't done anything.
One day I finally snapped. I gave it back to mil. I am not proud of it.
Now mil is really nice to me. What they didn't realize was that if they push me that far I'm done with the abuse and them. Now they are dh's problem. I'm off spending time with people who treat me nicely. Funny how they are nice to me they really did know what they were doing and they CAN change their behavior. Too bad they poked the bear one too many times. I'm done. Their behavior change is too little too late. I have no use for toxic, mean people.
Posted on Sun, Aug. 28, 2016 at 06:44 am
You know what is the funniest thing on earth? One sister in law, which is my husband's sister, is already causing me so much drama and crap. Meanwhile SIL is going to marry a dude from 8 children family, meaning she is getting seven new sister in laws.
SIL is good at manipulation, but there is no way she can withheld her true selfish mooching bitch self for long. She never got along with me nor her ex husband's sister, not even her female cousins, pretty much any females in her family. My husband is dreaming of choking the psycho bitch out of her. Her ex husband wrote a character based on SIL, which he proceeded to kill in the most gory way in his novel, and that was when they were married. In other words, my husband's sister is just a natural pain in the ass C-word to any human being, and it will definitely come out sooner or later.
When her true color show up, i hope her new seven sister in laws are treating her the same way she treated me and give her the biggest f'cking hell!!! That, my friends, will be karma.
Mooching Redneck A$$holes
Posted on Sun, Aug. 28, 2016 at 06:12 am
My in-laws are mooching redneck A$$holes.
Notice the dollar signs in the word aholes.
That's because they are after everyone elses money, including ours.
Now that the parents in law have passed they are scrambling looking for relatives they can mooch off of.
They tried with DH and I and we cut them out for good.
ESIL and EBIL and NIL are crooked people who are just out for themselves and like to pick the pockets of other people for their own benefit.
They are the rudest most disrespectful people I have ever known.
They have no class and will demand money or whatever like everyone owes them a living.
We are so done with these mooching losers.
Sad for NIL's kids who will inherit their bad ways by example.
My son was raised properly to respect other people and he is not a leech to anyone.
I feel like we have removed a bad cancer from our lives by cutting out the in-laws, they are garbage people who are users and moochers who just wanted to live out of our pockets.
Goodbye losers!
Wish they'd back off
Posted on Sat, Aug. 27, 2016 at 09:57 pm
Where do I start, at the beginning things were okay but gradually things have got ridiculous. It's like my BFs siblings literally have control over him! They constantly turn up unannounced, take items that belong to me without even asking, move the furniture around in our house and try to tell my BF how to live! They've even been completely rude about me! My FIL is no better, he constantly has opinions that are really rude and invalid and since getting pregnant has tried to put his input into everything even the name! It's driving me mad, why can't they just back off and leave us alone?!
Nephews birthday party
Posted on Sat, Aug. 27, 2016 at 06:30 pm
I made the mistake of going to my nephews 6th birthday party today. I truly love my nephew, but his mother(my niece)can get really stupid when she gets around her in laws. I talked to people and tried to be cheerful and polite.
My nephews wife shows up with my other 2 nieces and my other nephew. We were 3 feet away from each other and the stupid biatch would not even acknowledge me. But this is typical of the skank my nephew married.
Then my DH decides to pontificate with me about how he will never go to any of these parties since everyone ignores him. So I let him have it. I told him that you damn family ignored me for 13 years, and I no longer have anything to do with them because of their bad behavior. Do not hold your family up as a paragons of virtue stupid, they are not.
I am not ready to cut off my other nieces and nephew yet. Just because they have a nasty, ignorant mother, does not mean I am ready to stop seeing them. I know how much it irritates her when I see them on their birthdays and holidays.
To the skank my nephew married, sweetie, karma is a harsh mistress. And what goes around does actually come around. I have seen it happen and yes it does suck big time. You will be finding out and I will be there to see it.Apply H1B Visa Documents CheckList ? Cost ? What NOT to give ?


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